They can improve your Sims mood with aromatherapy products. I'd like to see a single parent bathe two toddlers at once in a bathtub, which would be beneficial for families with twins, triplets, and overlapping toddlers. It is a popular creation by Polarbearsims. Whenever your sims are getting divorced their children (both kids and teens) will stop doing whatever they are doing and react to the situation and get a sad moodlet for a while, which feels more appropriate. 3. One thing that players of The Sims 4 are always asking for is a resort and hotel system in the game, and somehow modders have been able to make that happen. Female Sims who spend long enough sharing the shower have a small chance (default 5%) of getting pregnant. It allows you to learn all sorts of spells and sorcery and do a bunch of cool stuff and it all starts with a small lump of clay. This photo mod is going to allow you to have images that you can place on your sims walls without having frames, choosing from push pins or tape to have them hung up which is great for younger bedrooms and cute walls! This mod adds a few new emotional socials for your sim to partake in that make a lot of sense. There is even a functional bank venue for you to explore! These after school activities allow you to gain skills while you are at your activity and give your kids something to do after school. That's super weird! The default in The Sims 4 for create a sim is to be able to see two rows of CAS items at a time. Help your new neighbors decide on a Community Space Project, reduce your eco footprint, and watch your neighborhood transform. But getting his own pants off? This will include things like an essay, an admissions interview, letters of recommendations and more which makes the process much more realistic. Bye-bye negative buff! This may be something so simple but it allows you to see so many more items at a time making creating beautiful characters exponentially easier in The Sims 4. For example, a sim who eats a strawberry powder donut will get a flirty moodlet, but a sim who eats a banana nut muffin will get an energized moodlet. Same sex parents is a different story to most any parent I've talked to, but that enters a whole grey area when you think of non binary sims and people which would make it near impossible for the game to differentiate between ok and not. This mod requires The Sims 4: Get Famous and will have your sims gaining fame while they are working this reality TV gig, its a silly mod but extremely fun. These range from things like robbers, real estate agents, psychologists and so much more. When it comes to romantic interactions in The Sims 4, the game tends to be too simplistic from time to time. 0x00 "Min Loops Before WooHoo" - the number of shower animations that have to play before a Sim has been in the shower with their partner long enough for there to be any chance of getting pregnant. Ive always wanted the ability to keep my books and fill my sims bookcases with works theyve written so their families can enjoy them. This Mod is recommended for players who want to make their Sims more sexually active and want to spice up their relationships. This is not enough and Kawaii Stacie (Patreon) added over 30 new after school activities ranging from things like cooking to wrestling. Sims 4 Mood Cheats: How the work and how to use them. Hot tubs in The Sims 4 are great for romantic encounters or just for relaxing together. The default of 100 corresponds to two arrow heads in the UI, 0x0F "STR - Inc" - increase to STR while shared showering. is that just me, any mods from KawaiiStacieMods I find that the links send me, say This URL or page couldnt be found :'(, Your email address will not be published. Hopefully the December 2020 patch will fix this problem, but until then we have modders like Xmiramira (Patreon) created custom content skin mod packs that add beautiful skin tones for your sims that look much more real. For the download and further resources, follow this link. There are a whole bunch of traits in The Sims 4 that you can only get if you complete aspirations that they are tied to. With the mother plant resurrection aspiration mod youll be able to go on a whole new quest to learn more about this mysterious plant and explore more of the world and its fascinating secrets. Options to complain about, call off, or refuse romantic arrangements are possible! And it is a functional shower. As a mother Yeah I wouldn't want my husband to be able to pee right next to the bathtub my school aged daughter is bathing in. Try these steps first to clear up any problems you may have when connecting to an EA game. Slice of Life mod from KawaiiStacie got a major mod update for The Sims 4 BECOME A CHANNEL MEMBER!!! Here is the download link for the Wedding Gifts Mod. For whatever reason in The Sims 4 there is really no definition between teens and adults and this bugs so many players. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The 40+ Best Sims 4 Custom Traits Mods In 2022! They will then be off in a rabbit hole for a while and when they return they will have new interactions on the computer that relate to their new hobby. The career mega pack mod, created by Midnitetech (Patreon), allows your sims to have A TON of new career options in the game. Depending on the length of the shower session, Sims may receive multiple relationship boosts. They also get to perform the Goose, Romantic Hug, and Snuggle interactions among many others. You must remember that bed ownership will be determined by the first sim to sleep in the bed. Update: we got these added with The Sims 4: Wedding Stories but you can still use this if you dont have the pack. Luckily, there is a super active community creating awesome Sims 4 Mods out there, having created a number of helpful and effective additions to the game, improving the romance life of your sims. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so. This mod will give you more money every single time you overmax your career so you can earn closer to 50 simoleons instead of just 10 each time allowing your sims to get even richer. Rather, it adds a sweet little detail to the married lives of your Sims! We have the WooHoo Wellness mod for that. Sims watching may get a boost in skill gain at 50% chance, or 100% if watching sim has the dance machine trait. The deaths in the sims are very PG and youll never see true violence, but you can create killer sims who will go around and hit sims with cars, electrocute them and so much more. For example, you will get social filled if you go to visit friends, or can get the painting or photography skill if you send your sim on an art exhibition. Have you ever wanted your sims to be able to become a twitch streamer? MC Command Center or MCCC is a great mod, that is a must have in my game. The younger batch (from hubby number 2) are one right after the other, including a set of twins. These romantic interactions will make you feel nostalgic as you use these in The Sims 4! A hot tub can also be made unbreakable when your Sims reach the level of handiness. Kawaii Stacie (Patreon) creates some of my favourite mods for The Sims 4, and the education system definitely makes that list. There are several things to consider when placing beds in your house. It is created by Turbo Driver (patreon) and adds a ton of new romantic things for your sims to do. Through this Open Love Life mod by Lumpinou, you can control the preferences of your Sims when it comes to their relationships. Its a great mod that makes it fun to play again! The parents can use the bathroom at the same time. Then, you should definitely allow these romance mods to add thrill and novelty to the love lives of your Sims! In addition, the mod is available in various languages. Have you ever wanted to play The Sims 4 as a multiplayer game with your friends? University Degree Required for Promotions. It should be able for one parent to handle two toddlers in a kiddie pool. Thanks for watching The Sims 4 Base Game Nursery FUNCTIONAL Toddler Bath and Baby Changing Table Tutorial! The UI cheats extension by Weerbesu (Patreon) is incredible, you can change the time of day, one click to get rid of moodlets, increase needs and so much more. This includes things like a honeymoon, daycare, pet sitters, hiking trips, and so much more. But, modders can! You can check them out. This is a really hard experience for children in the real world, so it should be a harder experience in The Sims 4. SNOOTYSIMS covers mod and custom content guides, howto's and everything else you need for your sims. The walls are pre-built when you buy the sauna, and they follow it everywhere you go. Click here for the best Custom Content for The Sims 4! Something that has always bothered me in The Sims is that there has never been a nursing career branch where being a nurse was the top of the career, it was always a middle situation in a medical career. I really enjoy the animations for the bath soaks. It's not perfect, but it gets the job done. There has been modding for The Sims for the entirety of the franchise and EA does a great job of making sure that this is possible. Download Install Description Files Relations All Files. And shared baths. Game content and materials copyright Electronic Arts Inc. and its licencors. The Sims 4: Get Together is the second expansion pack, released in North America on December 8, 2015, and Europe on December 9, 2015. As another example, lets say your Sim has to increase their logic skill. Sims have cucumber slices on their eyes and wear a face mask as theyre soaking in the tub. I am a big fan of The Sims 4: Spa Day Game Pack because I wanted my sims to be yoga instructors for quite a while. There are a few interactions youll see pop up when a sim is in a certain emotional state but honestly there just arent enough. A nice touch is the fact that hot tubs have several entrances. This mod will override that aspect of your sims life and have them wearing a towel immediately after they come out of the shower for a little bit of added realism. This mod even has a version for toddlers which is one of those ridable cars that got super popular a few years ago. This will only happen if they could get pregnant from their shower buddy AND they have previously WooHoo'ed with their shower buddy. Then, maybe consider signing them up for anger management. If it has helped with the issues, put your mods/ CC back into the newly generated mods folder that is in the sims 4 folder one by one or in batches and testing after each one to see which is the causes of the problem. Unfortunately, we still dont have these party types in The Sims 4. All you have to do is click the taps of each bath. You cannot remove a wall section without removing the sauna completely, but you can remove part of it. This is reasonable, of course, because theyre going to be sore from that workout. SvenskaHow often does the bug occur? This mod really changes up the young adult and adult life spans to make them make much more sense. Unfortunately, since EA never added real cars there is no way to really make it so your sims cars are drivable properly. This would be create for gameplay with multiples and for couples. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. A rich sim just isnt fun and struggling makes the game much more interesting. A sim can be caught cheating by their partner and just go and grab a glass of water and be completely okay two minutes later. Required fields are marked *. A huge part of any persons pregnancy is going to get their first ultrasound and bringing that picture home. For this reason, a sauna is an excellent place to romance, as well as relax. Your sim will be able to gain the resort skill, run some employees, and make thousands in the process. It is compatible with other well-known mods such as Wicked Whims and Wellness Whims. The reality show mod by Kawaii Stacie (Patreon) allows you to enroll your sim in a reality show that will last 3 sim days. Get Together. Bath Time = 15-25 minutes (default is way longer depending on how dirty you are) Hygiene Motive will fill up much faster. Well, sacrificial mods (Patreon) has created the zombie apocalypse mod. DOWNLOAD HERE. Most of them are plunked into the tub together, lest it take all night to get the job done! Press J to jump to the feed. Are they not all wet? This phone replacement mod will replace all of the sims phones in your game with a more realistic iPhone 11 that a lot of people in your real life probably carry around in their pockets each day. Hopefully you enjoyed this list of mods and it can inspire you to play something more exciting! I also thought it might be helpful if a child could bathe simultaneously with a toddler and clean them themselves (I feel like this would be realistic). I want to have one bathroom per 2 or 3 members but when it's like this I gotta have a whole lot more bathrooms. Sometimes mods are just something cute and silly that we just want to exist in the game, like a mochi fridge. However, you can prevent your sims from sleeping in your bed by manually selecting the bed. Make it a skill just like cooking, painting, etc. Reset, update, or link your account information. A mud bath is a great way to relax after a stressful day, and its even better when both Sims go together for a spa treatment. Moving sims out when they are getting older is a weird process in The Sims 4. just to recreate the perfect balance spa day experience. @Kanelbullet I'm European, so wouldnt call it a USA-thing lol. Optional Addon: Sims will NOT change into a Towel after a quick Shower or Bath *** Mod Support available via my Discord: Getting married is a huge thing in most peoples lives and throwing a bachelor party is something that most people do before they get married. My grown daughter has ten kids, in total. This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with Electronic Arts, or its licencors. It is really fun to have a business that you can run from your sims home instead of having to go to another lot to work and leaving the rest of the family alone. The entire banking system in The Sims 4 is so simple with your entire household having a single bank account and sharing their household funds, which isnt really realistic if youre playing with multiple sims. The meaningful stories mod by roBurkey (patreon) is awesome because it tries to redesign and rework the emotions/mood system of the sims 4. This graduation event mod is really important for realism and will allow you to start a graduation event for your sim teens and it will auto-invite other teens in the world and let your family members come by. Once at the new home you can just drag the crate out from your inventory and then get the items out! There really are a lot of great safe for work parts of Wicked Whims that some players would want without having the nudity and other things that you dont necessarily want to see all the time. The further progress of the relationship could lead to them being each others crush or boyfriend/girlfriend. All you need to do is click on a mailbox or computer and pay 75 simoleons, no biggie. My favourites are the ones that you'll see when a sim is feeling dazed, where you can ask a sim where you are, admit that you're confused and so much more. These items are even edible with your sims having the option to eat it alone or spread it on bread. If you have two Sims who are interested in getting a baby, you should consider buying a bed in the Fertillinator house. It includes a new old-European-themed world inspired by Germany and Norway called Windenburg where Sims can go to night clubs, new spots and many new locations as well as new hangouts, clubs, more activities, cafs, and new interactions. Now you can, by using the Arranged Marriages mod by Mizore Yukii. Your sims are able to start drug dealing and selling them to all sorts of different sims in the world and even have run ins with the police as well as tons of other stuff, definitely a fun one to check out. LittleMsSam's Sims 4 Mods 170 Nov 07 2020 Mermaids can take Mud and Soak Bath This is a quick Mod to enable Mermaids for Mud & Soak Bath. Okay you're probably gonna tell me this is "intended" but seriously, a parent and a child - maybe not a teenager because teenagers can revolt - should be comfortable using the bathroom together, it's the only logical thing. This bicycle mod is really great because it adds a bike for both your sim kids and your sim toddlers, with the kids bike having these adorable baskets on the front. This is a small mod suggested by a follower . Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The Social Activities mod by LittleMsSam (Patreon) allows you to have a ton of new social activities for your sims. With the meaningful stories mod you can have a completely redesign this emotions system that make your sim's feel more human.. Fishing is one of the most boring skills in The Sims 4, and thankfully Kawaii Stacie (Patreon)created an advanced fishing mod that just makes it a bit more interesting. The best thing is that different kinds of donuts will give your sim different emotional buffs. | The Sims 4 (by Scarlet) Iron Seagull 33.5K subscribers Subscribe 321 39K. Subscribe the SnootySims Newsletter to receive a list of the 100 Best Sims 4 Mods! The default of 2 corresponds to a double + in the UI, 0x00 "Teen %chance" - percentage chance of a teen becomming erect while showering with a partner, default is 90, set to 0 to disable, 0x01 "Adult %chance" - percentage chance of an adult (or young adult) becomming erect while showering with a partner, default is 75, set to 0 to disable, 0x02 "Elder %chance" - percentage chance of an elder becomming erect while showering with a partner, default is 50, set to 0 to disable. The Sims's 4 new life-stage-focused Growing Together expansion is just a couple of weeks away from launch, and ahead of its 16th March arrival, EA has shared a new gameplay trailer offering a .