yay a dark cloud is finally lifting across the world as the us military intelligence and their global markets are destroying the deep state criminal power structures that have ruled over our planet, 1:15:50 If you want to gather for maybe get a little camera footage of you guys. Man, lets take why, 32:32 You know, comes back a couple times. Their finding pushes back the fossil record of insects transporting pollen from one plant to another, a key aspect of modern-day pollination, by about 120 million years. He was a deputy sheriff in Palm Beach County, Florida. Raising money for the East Palestine Firefighters since their equipment was destroyed by the poison launched on the town by the Cabal scumbags. We are using a secure payment processor called STRIPE. 25 Jan, 23:55. He is also the creator of the Patriot Streetfighter podcast where the very first episode explaining the military operation behind the 2020 Presidential Election put him into YT censoring stardom as it went viral worldwide. And so he wanted to speak to me, guiding me through a mediary to basically let me know about the corruption in higher levels of the police department that its not just there, its all over the place. All the communications I get from people, they always self identify as a patriot streetfighter, all you people around other countries that are watching this, just remember, I said this for six months. And thats when it all began. I remembered when I talked in that movie to Mickey Willis, we had many long conversations that ended up being just a few minutes, I told the story to him of that that sign outside some of the HIV AIDS aids meetings that said, silence equals death, and scientists are murderers. Scott Mckay is an amazing person and a very devoted patriot that tries to bring light in a world that darkness used to be the norm . The other one takes my phone puts it on the little thing ding. Its an echo chamber. Do you see these people Back in you, folks said before, if people arent attacking you, you got nothing going on. I think thats where the religious order the satanist gun control, the religious order made us believe. Ive got this weed the E book people had on and Ive got the glasses. SO Let's see what we can do.BEWARE OF YOUTUBE FRAUDSTERS!! Patriot Streetfighter - Telegram Again, Ive said many times, Im not always right. Guess what, now you can go right everybody in the world, listen to what Im saying. The muzzling issue is informing people how their their Charter of Rights is being violated so hell be with some Monday promote that were gonna promote it pretty hard as well. Proudly powered by WordPress The weakest person, right? Just like the yellow vest. Tony Fauci scared him into it when when we were seeing all the damage done by the DTP shot. Heres where it gets interesting. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Now, what are we all here we went in there because of weapons of mass destruction. That to secure these rights governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government. So youre going to want to hear this because this is going to be a powerful message from law enforcement tonight and I and theres a number of you other good people in the blue, that are gonna want to listen to this yourself because I believe that you people were in that blue were in that shield, the rank and file warrior warriors out there in the street trying to keep the world safe America safe, other countries safe. Thats us. Its it is what it is. Now you shouldnt all be in Tulsa, I probably will be somewhere in the back doing some live streaming with some of the guests that are going to be there. https://stripe.com/ Thats where theyre going to be. But so patriot Street Fighter six, seven and eight went down. Im going to use my new Im going to use my phone stand. Its not over. And thats certainly a crusader for the for the American people for the world. The scott mckay patriot streetfighter program is a comprehensive training system that combines various martial arts styles, such as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai, and Krav Maga, to provide a better approach to self-defense. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. And he came out of retirement. Click below to find out more about Operation Tomahawk! I got a call today. Send us a message on Facebook. Patriot Streetfighter - Scott MacKay he would try that move on me if he was going to remove me from the airplane. I was going to get into this every time Im like, sure that take its in a cellophane go upstairs. Because the the critical variable right now, as I said just before, and its kind of confirmed is until we have a great awakening, a true Great Awakening. What does that mean? Scott McKay Patriot Streetfighter & SG Anon Revealed! The Emerging So in that now thats just mail and letters. I prefer you dont Why? So I wont say it yet. I said, Well, lets just see who Outlast who here. And and I think about that I thought about in the past, Im like, I dont need to say a lot of great channels out there that are giving you that information. Thats who you are. Im going to talk about where Intel counts, the discernment you have to have not me in particular for this, you know that theres been enough information given to me that its proving you know, the legitimacy of it. And the and for my security detail. Ep 2 - Scott McKay (Patriot Streetfighter) 3.76K. Share this post: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on Reddit Share on Telegram Share on LinkedIn. We pay them, we tell them how to govern us. So even Starbucks, even some nutritional supplement companies have to say if there theres a chance you get these cancer causing fumes. PatriotStreetfighter - Rumble So thank you for being on the show. You can read our entire affiliate disclaimer here. Santa Barbara. Enjoy. Patriot Streetfighter Scott Mckay & Michael Jaco: 2023 is the Year of Testimony Indicates Arizona Controlled By Cartels As Migrant Children Become Slaves. And whos the right next to him? WALL OF FIRE & PULL IT East Palestine OH Massive Controlled Detonation Explosion Feb 6 2023.mp4, Big Creek Baptist Church Wednesday 3-1-23.m4v, Lori Lightfoot Gets DESTROYED As She LOSES Re-Election Bid For Chicago Mayor In MASSIVE LANDSLIDE! So you guys have a great night love yall. I know a short time later in a in a bank in in Texas. Right? Scott McKay and Patriot Streetfighters Interview with Dr. Judy Mikovitz, https://www.survivethenews.com/go/initiativeq/, Kim Iversen: Pfizer Exec Caught Hoping Virus Never Ends So Pharma Can Make Bank, Portly Hillary Clinton Appears on Stage with Pete Buttigieg at Clinton Global Initiative U Conference (VIDEO), Spate of Whale Strandings Near Offshore Wind Projects Becoming Impossible to Ignore But Feds Still Deny Link, DEVELOPING: Residents Told to Shelter in Place After Train Derailment in Springfield, Ohio (VIDEO), JUST IN: Presidential Candidate Whos Never Held a Political Office Beats Out Nikki Haley and Mike Pence For Third Place In CPAC Straw Poll, Real Housewives of Orange County Star Announces Youngest Daughter is Transgender Named Ace. And you were, you know, you knew that the truth about one of the most important medical situations of our time back then is back in the 80s, if Im not mistaken. These people are scumbags. 150 Studies Proving the Ineffectiveness and Harm of Wearing Masks, read them HERE. So why? - Powerful Immune System Booster. And you need to wake the hell up and you need to start thinking for yourself and not having everybody do all of the work for you. Now that youre coming forward, Im not going to have him spotlighted. Beautiful place, unfortunately loaded with lefties. Pastor Dave from His Glory has a great conversation with Patriot Streetfighter Scott Mckay. Im going to go ahead and beginner introduction folks course you know Scott McKay here. But anyway, you can do that there are people standing up everywhere. And you know Im in the airport, I go up the stairs with the mat or the escalator with the mask on. So couple things to talk to you about tonight. One is the bravest woman in America, Cathy O'Brien, author of "The Trance Formation Of America" and MK Uktra sex slave survivor of the elites in Wash DC and around the world. Great video. It exit solely for the purpose to share information . Its on the side of the door of the plane. For the first time has to be FDA approved, these things take forever, non FDA approved, we have no isolated, we have no isolated COVID virus anywhere in the world doesnt matter. But the fact of the matter is is theyve overstepped their bounds theyre called her mandate if you want but this people when I when I call these institutions, even you cant capitalistic institutions. What it means is, I have no fork in idea. And. Congratulations. And they try to say my name is and I said Mike Have it. SUBSCRIBE TO AMPINSIDER FOR EXCLUSIVE CONTENT, BACKSTAGE PASSES, EVENTS, AND MORE! We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 36:35 So it is now four minutes into it. You know who wrote the book about that scumbag Fauci last year? Got to get the radio show prepared for yet. The initial indicators are were going to get this thing funded. And anyways, folks, Judy Mike ovitz is her education, if I understand correctly, is in rheology. We are trying to spread . Look at what theyre doing. Were going to address it. So this security guard says take the glasses off, take the hat off, take the mask off, which I do and and then I put it all back on. Go to Scott mckay.us. 36:38 And I have an obstructive airway disease, I cannot breathe out of my nose. Help Support Palbulletin by Subscribing to Locals Today! Scott Mckay Patriot Streetfighter - Elite Industry Entrepreneur 2023 Thats why I continuously tell people, do your own research, you know, do your own research, and that means finding out what you need to know. I see seeing things rise up in two weeks and like Who are these clowns? The intelligence 17 backchannel information, did a killer job, my sister loved it. McKay . So yeah, make sure that you go to big bat usa.org big bat usa.org if you need to donate to Robert David Steels operation there and see what else again, you see, you can still do anything. What is the Patriot Street Fighter Tour by Scott McKay? !https://tinyurl.com/6j3yjczwMEDIA REQUESTS ONLY - ALL OTHER EMAILS DELETED IMMEDIATELY: patriotstreetfighter@gmail.com The Patriot Streetfighter Information Warfare Platform is taking shape. All I can say is this is that those casualties that happen. SCOTT MCKAY: THE ULTIMATE PATRIOT STREETFIGHTER. Thank you Have a nice day. Its like a horse race with these folks. Click a Banner Below to Get Started, ~Everything on this site should be considered as entertainment ONLY, nothing else!~. You know, Im waiting for you know, for this thing to start. badass Judys coming on today. Its always these kind of guys. So unfortunately, we are going to have casualties in this war. I know people are pissed and losing jobs and all this stuff happening. 'Never Again': Israeli Foreign Minister Visits Germany with an Eye on And Im sitting there, whats he doing? And we start having this conversation. But youre you are you are showing our viewers that in this, you know, theres a lot more, theres over 10,000 people wanting you to hear and hearing your story. But I said please film get it Look at my hand and I cant move them because both my hands are and up by my neck. He gives a daily podcast but this video (below) was one of his most popular and succinct explanation of what has transpired since the . Im truly honored. So please let everyone you know about us! Anybody I should say in our world. Now, do you understand when I say were going to put all this stuff? I got no mask on. Its just total bullshit to be, never could figure that out, couldnt rectify myself one shot here. These people are full on leftists, and for a businessman and hes its hard for me to withhold the milk post pussy wareness sisters skinny jeans, because you know what I respect I respect you have to be tough guy. Lets just call her Karen is standing at the door. Due to the continued censorship on Youtube, Project Camelot will now be subscription-based. Now were never bullshit. So most important thing is you have to discern the truth for yourself most important thing if people dont start to think for themselves folks and are going to wake up, I can tell you this. Scott Mckay | Patriot Streetfighter But, but these are just things that I have to take care of. 2:16 I learned really young so Im in the biological response modifiers program, I get hired by Frank crosetti. Please join us and subscribe to make it possible to continue this important work! And like, right on so everybodys like this causes causes AIDS, you know, and were hearing it right now SARS Cove two does not cause COVID-19. 47:55 Youre the same story. Its time people to say, You know what? Patriot Streetfighter - Scott McKay. Never say graduate school. So itll go active on this channel, after I get you know, get connected to this studio and the network and the servers and all that stuff. revolution dot radio hey folks thanks for joining the broadcast if you enjoyed it please hit the like button do share it and also subscribe to the channel so you get ongoing notifications. was that my heritage as well and share of math reached out to me a few days after the event and said I heard what happened? So you want to go to the radio show. That will double the bus for the 4 month period of time. If a discrete time translation symmetry is broken, which may be realized in periodic periodically driven systems, then the system is referred to as a discrete time crystal, a discrete time crystal never reaches thermal equal equilibrium as as it is a type of non equilibrium matter. Theyre part of, theyre the enemy. Some some of them were men in business that were spitting through their mask, you know, how stupid are you saying throw away the key. If youre willing to allow somebody just say, trust me, even though all the evidence that we see out there all the evidence shows that this is a takedown mission on humanity. Retuning soon to Patriot Streetfighter. say i didnt say you know who you talking to bitch but in sheet one a guy with to mask on and you know is already in the seat and im looking around me in it and think about it ive already gotten on the plane youre in a bit in an airport everybody wants to get to their flight and get on the plane first class all lined up theyre all getting on the plane they want to get their drinks and it occurs to me nobody gets on behind me as she comes down the aisle after me and when and when the gate agent said my name wrong and i said mike of ids you know and they got the and i got the hat on i didnt have the i do not comply button but i got the we the people red hat on and it occurs to me oh no this just isnt happening and and she said youre not wearing that mask and i said barred me i said oh yes i am and i said this mask was given to me by my doctor for my medical condition none of the master our fda or anything approved in fact thats the most toxic rescue could wear im on my way to it i just keep talking and she said ms and i said dr mike of it and and you do not have a medical degree you are not a medical professional you have no authority whatsoever to tell me what to wear and and i sat down and and shes like and she came with one of these she went back up and she got there goes king. Now hes a police chief. And and and Im, you know, Im screaming Youre hurting me. Im glad you came on here. And we would watch them take these toxic drugs and theyre doing anything knowing, you know, Fauci is a murder. TO SIGN IN CLICK THE TOP MENU AS SHOWN WHERE IT SAYS \SIGN IN\ THEN CLICK ACCOUNT DROP DOWN. I know why they went in there, you know, the poppy fields and a lot of other stuff. So Ill give them to so I want almost to after Ill give them till five minutes after. You know what I mean? Yep, we are at war. Anyways, Ive been asked to introduce him in Tulsa. The infiltration into this movement have tried to try to wake people up, its going to probably get nastier. "McKay poses for pictures with his fans with the tomahawk, uses it as a prop onstage, and incorporates it into the Patriot Streetfighter logo," The Beast . Also Check out our Telegram Feed for all of the Latest News! 26:57 This is why coalition jsoc mission sets were deployed to Northern Eastern quarter of Afghanistan, mining, what are called time crystals, which are diamonds. Theres something else Im forgetting here. So we went into Afghanistan. You know who I am? By probably like 95% to five or less probably way less than that. So therefore, you want to be prominent. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Scott McKay Patriot Streetfighter With Michael Jaco & David Nino Rodriguez On Trump Speech Comms! Scott McKay Patriot StreetFighter Sort by Sort by Hide Out of Stock. You cant hear all that stuff. Yeah. Pay Just S&H For Most Items! NOTICE: This site is purely a religious organization, anything that seems like political or health based discussion is simply our religious doctrine and beliefs. COA and Hemp Information. Id like to see how that would work out. This then allows the space force assets to mobilize and position satellites for a strategic and direct action response, ie evergreen vessel and others. Scott McKay is a very well spoken and well researched patriot who follows the Q movement and is very familiar with politics and the take down of the global cabal.