CAP-L500421 for Pavement. xQ8J]cG'Dv}vE/]eemVz"% P= $%%Q$O?8vg4G?w;@0/]H_w{w_wfK|zcs?aw2V/\/Q_0&>V%v|?:k]}H?>}:nVVbd"uq|bCOncn'y_|1.w`ICMv/wI=k/bO@1%.7>qCN/S~~Ok2+ff\2}}r. declared the New Mexico night sky one of our state's most endangered cultural resources. See Santa Fe, N.M., Santa Fe County Land Dev. . If your community Name Santa Fe County Recorder of Deeds Suggest Edit Address PO Box 1985 Santa Fe , New Mexico , 87504 Phone 505-986-6280 Fax 505-995-2767 Warning: 23 MB download 1989-10; and Repealing Ordinance No. A Resolution Requesting a Budget Increase to the Clerk Filing Fees Fund (218) in the Amount of $214,200. endobj A Resolution Identifying Santa Fe County 2022 Legislative Priorities. 4 0 obj Must be able to pass a pre-employment drug screen and random drug testing. Development Code, Outdoor Lighting, Las Vegas Municipal Ordinances, Outdoor Lighting, Los Ranchos de Albuquerque Village Codified Ordinances, Socorro Code of Ordinances, Outdoor Lighting. x[D903 0bFN8qQn`03-(%?L#j_ @?L)8??rxoRj(L30u``X%J9|bj00Z/cB=L5f3S1G3?0CccZx92_S;*WW5U==>_ jAc,P;04cUM)={{`Mc0/9*L)109XYKk-9a;9u(9A=0WL3}P Director of CID, Clay Bailey, at 505-476-4689 or the Electrical Bureau Chief, Joe Martinez, at 505-670-5826. A Resolution in Support of the Investigation and Prosecution of Persons Responsible for the Effort to Criminally Interfere with or Overturn the Results of the 2020 Presidential Election that Culminated in the January 6, 2021, Violent Attack Upon the United States Capitol; and Calling for the Passage of Federal and State Laws to Eliminate the Risks of Future Insurrections and Efforts to Delay, Disrupt, or Overturn Elections, and to Better Protect and Safeguard the Election Process. After bill was vetoed last year, lawmakers try again to boost pay of NM judges, Gun safe storage bill inches closer to governor's desk after winning Senate approval, Bilingual educator Yanira Gurrola forging unique path as first-term lawmaker, Support for families: Nonprofit that helps people who are homeless gets mattress donation. co-developed and made available a Model Lighting Ordinance Santa Fe City Council OKs Noise Ordinance - Albuquerque Journal A Joint Resolution Recognizing the Existence of Open Items Related to Annexation and Establishing Negotiating Teams to Develop Non-Binding Proposals to Resolve Those Items. Short-Term Rental Application and Information, Resolution 2021-118 A Resolution Declaring the Intent of Santa Fe County, New Mexico to Issue Its Santa Fe County Industrial. LP50024. Licensing | Santa Fe Animal Shelter & Humane Society The ordinances, Skip to main content . Change To Bernalillo County Noise Limits Fought Resolution No 2021-103 A Resolution Requesting a Budget Increase to the State Special Appropriations Fund (318) in the Amount of. Resolution 2021-039, A Resolution Requesting an Increase to the Road Projects Fund (311) to Budget Grant Number S100640 in the, Resolution 2021-038, A Resolution Requesting an Increase to the Law Enforcement Operations Fund (246), Ordinance No 2021-07 An Ordinance Adopting the 2021 Redistricting Plan for Santa Fe County Commission Districts Based Upon 2020. Resolution No:2021-076 A resolution adopting projects for inclusion in Santa Fe Countys infrastructure capital improvement plan, A resolution adopting projects for inclusion in Santa Fe County's infrastructure capital improvement plan for Fiscal years 2023-2027; Authorizing submittal of plan to the New Mexico Department of Finance and administration; and replacing resolution 2020-63, Resolution No:2021-075 A resolution authorizing the disposition and removal of a fixed asset worth more than $5,000 from the. 901,534 in Plat Book 300, page 038, records of Santa Fe County, New Mexico.4 Subject to reservations, 5 restrictions, easements of record, and taxes for the year 2023 and thereafter. CAP-L500457 for pavement. Thanks in advance! Main Office in Santa Fe: 1190 Harrison Rd Suite 3a Santa Fe NM 87507 (505) 983-5557, Email Addresses (505) 982-5724 Fax. Things to Do in Santa Fe New Mexico Home SHARE Things to Do The City Different offers so much to do and see! Resolution No 2021-085 A resolution declaring the eligibility and intent of Santa Fe County to submit grant applications to the, A resolution declaring the eligibility and intent of Santa Fe County to submit grant applications to the New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) for the Federal Fiscal years 2023 to 2025 congestion management and air quality improvement (CMAQ) program; Acknowledging the availability of County funds for the 14.56% local match and reimbursable costs required by the CMAQ grant for segment 1 of the Arroyo Hondo Trail and a potential county match of $451,883.51; and authorizing the county manager to execute all documents to submit the grant applications to NMDOT, Resolution 2021-084 A resolution requesting authorization to make the budget adjustment detailed on this form, A resolution requesting authorization to make the budget adjustment detailed on this form, Resolution No 2021-083 A resolution affirming Santa Fe Countys support for the New Mexico Safe Haven for Infants Act, in order. A Resolution to Recognize the Creation of the Youth Services Division within the Santa Fe County Community Services Department. Santa Fe County Sustainable Land Development Code Warning: 23 MB download See Section 7.8 (Lighting) Taos County Ordinance See Planning, Planning Ordinances, Ordinance 2006-9 Valencia County Ordinances See Title IX, Chapter 92, Public Nuisances Prohibited, Lighting Nuisance Ordinances by Municipality Resolution No 2021-096 A Resolution Requesting a Decrease to the Alcohol Programs Fund (Fund 241) in the Amount of $12,143.00. Santa Fe, NM 87508. Email addresses are used solely for verification and to speed the verification process for repeat questioners. ('64 Code, 52.34) (Am. Nuisance is a common term used to refer to situations that may cause a neighbor to feel inconvenienced or annoyed. In accordance with the CDC, Santa Fe County is experiencing a high ^mD+qoGqkP(#VJDEqzp^eIHH+q-='EwRj!qCZ5% YRA EV]e=y2~MT )qC$9cE-RK &. Box 25101 Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505 (505) 476-4691 FAX (505)476-4619 WHEN BUILDING PERMITS ARE REQUIRED . NMCOURTS.Gov The Judicial Branch of New Mexico, Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC), Court Decisions on Pretrial Release and Detention Reform, Court Rules for Pretrial Release and Detention, Public Safety Assessment For Pretrial Release and Detention, NMSC Commission on Mental Health and Competency, Safe Exchange & Supervised Visitation (SESV), Bernalillo County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (BCCJCC), New Mexico Legislation (Bills) Legislative Branch, New Mexico State Agency Rules Executive Branch, New Mexico Court Opinions Judicial Branch, US Code, Bills, and More (Legislative Branch), Federal Regulations, Presidential Orders, and More (Executive Branch), Federal Court Opinions, Rules, and More (Judicial Branch), Electronic Resources in the Library and the Courts. Ordinances by County Bernalillo County Ordinances Santa Fe County Ordinances Santa Fe City Code. Supporting The Proposal By New Mexico Energy Minerals And Natural Resources Department To Purchase The Ortiz Mountain Ranch To Create A 12,142-Acre State Park, Delegating To The Chair Or Vice-Chair The Authority To Execute Land Transfer Agreements/La Luz Holdings LLC, Delegating To The Chair Or Vice-Chair The Authority To Execute The Restated And Amended Project Participation And Land Transfer Agreements, The Supplemental Mortgage By And Between La Luz Holdings LLC, Santa Fe Film and Media Studios Inc, RPA Amending 2009-3 RPA Energy Advisory Task Force, RPA Energy Advisory Task Force In Order To Extend The Term Of The Task Force And Revise Its Duties, Budget Increase/Decrease Fire Dept/Various Fire Districts, Budget Increase Fire Dept/Fire Administration, Budget Increase CCSD/Health and Human Services, Accepting The South Meadows Extension For County Maintenance, South Meadows Extension is located within Santa Fe County, County accepts maintenance for South Meadows Extension, Proclaiming October As Fire Prevention Month, The Santa Fe County Fire Department is responsible for public safety in the areas of fire, rescue, emergency medical services and special operations within Santa Fe County, Supporting An Infrastructure Capital Improvements Plan For Santa Fe County, Systematic capital improvements planning is an effective tool for communities to define their development needs, establish priorities and pursue concrete actions and strategies to achieve necessary project development the Infrastructure Capital Improvements Plan (ICIP) has been developed from citizen input through a series of community meetings, County Staff and Elected Officials from various levels of government, Respect In The Workplace In Santa Fe County, The economic and social well-being of the County are reliant upon delivery of public services by healthy and productive public employees, Authorizing And Supporting Infrastructure Capital Improvements Plan, Infrastructure Capital Improvements Plan (ICIP) has been developed from citizen input through a series of community meetings, county staff and Elected Officials from various levels of government, Authorize Low Income And/Or Senior Citizen Solid Waste Permits, Authorize A Low Income and/or Senior Citizen Credit For Residential Solid Waste Permits Pursuant To Santa Fe County Ordinance 2010-5 Section 13A (6), Adopting A Schedule For New Water Deliveries, New Water Delivery Schedule For The Peiod July To December 2010, Directing Publication Of Title And General Summary Of An Ordinance GRT Buckman Direct Diversion, Directing Publication Of Title And General Summary Of An Ordinance Authorizing The Subordinated Pledge Of County Capital Outlay GRT For The Payment Of One-Half Of The Principal Due/Buckman Direct Diversion Project, Ordinance Autorizing The Subordinated Pledge of The Portion of The Distributions 1/4% Capital Outlay GRT, Capital Outlay GRT 1/4% In Connection with The Water Trust Board LoanBuckman Direct Diversion Project, Amending Ordinance 1999-12 Prohibits of Use Engine Retarders, Amend Ordinance 1999-12 Which Prohibits The Use of Engine Retarders to Include Additional Portions of Highway 84/285 and Repealing Certain Provisions of Ordinance 1999-12, Dedication To Ordinance 2002-5 Adopting Capital Outlay, Amending The Dedication To Ordinance 2002-5 An Ordinance Adopting a County Capital Outlay Gross Receipts Tax; Repealing Certain Sections of Ordinance 2002-5, Ordinance Amending 1998-16 To Make Clarifying Changes, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 1998-16 To Make Clarifying Changes Repealing Prior Inconsistant Language Section 5I() Reimbursement of Construction Costs, Amending Article III, Section 7 Community Service Facilities, Santa Fe Land Development Code, Amending Ordinance 1996-10 Article III, Section 7, Community Service Facilities Of The Santa Fe County Land Development Code For The Purpose Of Clarifying Standards And Submittal Requiremens, Enacting A Santa Fe County Code Of Conduct And Repealing Ordinance 2004-3, Santa Fe County 100 Catron St. Santa Fe, NM 87501-2061 phone (505) 986-6200 A Resolution Requesting a Budget Increase to the State Special Appropriations Fund (318) to Budget a Grant Awarded Through the State of New Mexico for the Vista Grande Library in the Amount of $24,564.90. SB-L500413 for Pavement Rehabilitation/Improvements of Agua Fria Road (CR 66), Resolution No 2021-092 A Resolution Adopting Local Governments Road Improvement Fund Project No. / Promotional Civil Service Exam 4/2/22 at 9:00a.m. Ordinances, Outdoor Lighting 2021-164, A resolution adopting the 2012 Santa Fe County Human Resources handbook to replace the 2008 Santa Fe County Human Resources Handbook. Skein in the game: New yarn shop darns a Knitter and crocheter Julia Lindquist Knitter and crocheter Julia Lindquist saw a gap in Albuquerque West Side's craft offerings a dedicated yarn shop selling. Noise Ordinances We really want to have the whole thing stopped, said Baughman, who is on the board of the Chamisa Park Homeowners Association. % Resolution No 2021-101 A Resolution Requesting a Net Budget Decrease to the EMS Fund (206) in the Amount of $2,152. Keep in mind that outdoor lighting fixtures installed before 2000 are Forms & Additional Information Forms and resources for construction within the Fire District, including plan submittal requirements, plan check forms, and fire prevention forms. The Santa Fe City Council took aim at boisterous parties on Wednesday by approving an ordinance that allows city police to charge revelers for multiple law enforcement visits. Take a cooking class, raft a river, experience a Native American Feast Day or an art festival, visit our historic sites, museums, and galleries, shop for handcrafted jewelry, attend an opera, and more!