Thank you entirely much for downloading sample letter of commendation for police ocer pdf.Maybe you have knowledge that, people have see numerous time for their favorite books in the same way as this sample letter of . Detective Jennifer Paster Detective Kenneth McHugh Beginning in late January, 2011, Brookline experienced a series of three bank robberies. If you do not know the officers name please provide as much information, such as the officers badge number, the incident date, location, time, car number, etc. Awards for foreign officers must be submitted six months prior to the completion of the service period being recognized to allow for sufficient processing time. Patrolman Marino entered the Walmart and spoke with a Loss Prevention Officer (LPO) in hopes that the vehicle was on video surveillance. Grace Ferguson has been writing professionally since 2009. Description: Granted to any Sworn Department Member who has demonstrated outstanding performance and merits recognition by a Supervisor for a job well done. If you send off a general letter without mentioning what job the . h#i@094Vn]W|V`!8_"%!/x6=+0gGW !uPcb6{J;n{6i:vj, +Y< If you have no information as to who the person you are sending the recommendation letter to, add their titles. This certificate makes easy police birthday party favors. The challenge is in how to say it and how to include enough justification to make sure it gets approved. Download and fill out the form. Specialist legal advice should be taken in relation to specific circumstances. Submission Requirements a. Manage Settings Dear police officers: I feel like this needs to be said. Juliet, Tenn. - Mt. Report your complaint over the telephone. NYC Public Police. Thank you for coming to my school everyday to make sure we all stayed safe. Navy Letter of Commendation. The process will be made easier if your colleague provides you with a . Personalize one for each guest after they have arrested the criminals and saved your party! Thank you for coming every time you're called no matter how big or small the crime . In one or two paragraphs, say why the person is worthy of your commendation. Jennies research led to our company acquiring five return customers whose recent sales have sparked a marked increase in company revenue. When I gave her the assignment, I asked her to provide me with a spreadsheet of inactive customers in our sales database. Your hard work and dedication has really helped us out during a difficult time in our company. Here below is our sample letter of the complaint again the police officer. Discover the magic of the Internet at Imgur. No matter who it's for, including these eight basic sections in your letter will ensure it hits every point needed to make a compelling recommendation. Rocco Wack Active Service Dates: April 28, 1962 - 2005. Thank you and please pass on my appreciation to others who were involved that night. Juliet, Tenn. Mt. Just as a job seeker should customize their cover letter to each job they apply to, so too should you customize your letter of recommendation to the job at hand. Contact Information. The Department appreciates your admirable enthusiasm and is honored to have you among us. The Characteristics of Sales Professionalism, How to Deny a Request for a Letter of Recommendation, How to Write a Letter of Recommendation for a Raise, How to Write a Reference Letter for a Babysitter, Recommendation Letters for Administrative Assistants, Society for Human Resource Management: Recognition: Letter of Appreciation, Fire Engineering: Stepping Up: Letters of Recognition, Suggested Words for Recommending Someone Looking for Employment. View MtJulietPolices profile on Facebook, View MtJulietPolices profile on Instagram, $3,000 Reward Offered in Case of Missing 37-year-old Deavin Nicole Walker, Notice to Participate in Federal Law Enforcement Support Programs and Grants, A Message to Mt. Mail or bring it to: 1515 Arch Street As Officer Bartucca neared the Speedy Oil Company, he heard an alarm bell ringing and saw that a North Attleboro Police cruiser was outside that business with its cruiser door open. You may write the letter to the individual or company that provided the service, a collection of people such as a supervisor and her staff, or the honoree's boss. It's always a smart idea to offer to write a letter of recommendation for a colleague who you know is well qualified for the job in question. NOW, THEREFORE be it RESOLVED that: I. Officer Bartucca then gave chase to the suspect on foot across Kelley Blvd and eventually caught up to him, taking the suspect to the ground and holding him until the North Attleboro police officer arrived on the scene. )?Kx#yvI!r`W2Y 8A@B1R!y()Vu.V}o4V~6;j i>Yayd';]19]Np!|BjW [-''($6_!|L&5ee)wg ~W cAO|iwz@]m)~O.A(FL"%6g`K\v(WPW{|Jc;$Ff2,~5%d;r KR= D&N[Pn*:Qb-PZXCa8>Az/0c8^h-:Lc2*|(Sqa\?vGiYyCdaG\$gt4#i0j=b0H\X= 1. OFFICER OF THE YEAR Sample Commendation Letter For a Police Officer. sample-letter-of-commendation-for-police-officer 2/7 Downloaded from on March 2, 2023 by guest technology to better support instructors and help prepare future re ocers for any situation that may arise. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. An Extraordinary Police Officer. Reactions continue to trail today's call by the Inspector General of Police on voters, to vacate polling booths after voting. Chief Hambrick recognized Officer Elliott for his life-saving actions with a Letter of Commendation today. 2 0 obj This can prove that individual is physically and morally ready to be a Police Officer. Patrolman Timothy J. Bartucca is hereby commended for his actions while off-duty in the City of North Attleboro, Massachusetts which resulted in the apprehension of a male suspect responsible for a Break, Enter and Larceny at a local business establishment. File your commendation using one of the options below. While on patrol later in the night, Patrolman Gausachs conducted a motor vehicle stop and arrested the driver for an outstanding warrant. <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Personnel from Wilson County Emergency Management Agency (WEMA) and Mt. Fairfield Police Department We honor your service. Juliet from Chief Hambrick regarding the death of Mr. Tyre Nichols, Mt. SHELL LAKE -- Shell Lake Police Chief, Dave Wilson, wrote a Letter of Commendation for Officer Brandon Meyer regarding his work investigating the recent burglary of the Shell Lake Cenex. Dear < Employee Name > On behalf of the entire team of < company name >, I would like to express our sincere admiration for your's outstanding efforts in the workplace. Manage Settings Once the employee saw Elliott, the employee stopped CPR. After speaking with the LPO and confirming through video footage, it was discovered that the vehicle was driven by his supervisor. I would like to thank you on the behalf of my community for the selfless service you offer this community. Whether you're an employer or a teacher, you've most likely gotten multiple requests to write letters of recommendation in addition to your regular workload. Mail a letter detailing your complaint to the IAD or any police facility. sample-letter-of-commendation-for-police-officer-pdf 1/1 Downloaded from on March 3, 2023 by guest . For her perseverance, sound investigative techniques, and coordination skills which led to the recovery of a stolen vehicle and apprehension of a suspect, the East Brunswick Department of Public Safety is proud to present Patrolman Agnieszka Marino with this Letter of Commendation. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. accompanied by guides you could enjoy now is sample letter of commendation for police officer pdf below. If a Campton Hills Police Department employee has done a good job and you want to say "Thank You", commendations can be submitted in the following manner: Complete the Officer Commendation or Complaint Form online. To, [Officer's name] Dear [Name], With great pride, I [your name] from the [Department Name] would like to congratulate you on your exceptional performance. Juliet Police Officer Kris Elliott received a Letter of Commendation and was recognized by Chief James Hambrick for a life-saving action. I look forward to working with you again in the near future. These two officers . % Steven Waite, Detachment Commander, Russell County, OPP. Excerpts from Letter: On behalf of the Russell County OPP, I would like to take this opportunity to thank your officers for their assistance and . Commend/Compliment an Officer. We honor your service as Policeman of the Year for inspiring greatness within the community. Chief Rebecca Mertzig awards letters of commendation to Officer M. Roorda and What-Comm 911 Dispatcher K. Mitchell today. I appreciate all the congratulatory texts, calls and emails, and it is my intention to visit with each Bureau over the coming months. Specialist legal advice should be taken in relation to specific circumstances. Juliet Fire (FDMJ) arrived on the scene and relieved Elliott of his efforts to save the mans life. When closing, thank the recipient for her diligence and say you hope to work with her again. Commendation letters praise someone for doing a task well above average. Randy Brown, Cst. greatness within the community. Through further investigations, the suspect had been confirmed to be the same in all of the cases and after enough information was developed, a warrant was issued for the arrest of the suspect. Elliott arrived on the scene within two minutes of dispatch, and he noticed a store employee attempting CPR on the patient. Stay safe, Robert J. Contee III Acting Chief of Police Metropolitan Police Department (202) 727-4218 Dear Sir, I'm writing this complaint letter against one of your police officers working at the NYC public police station with the name __________. Mt. among guides you could enjoy now is Police Academy Letter Of Recommendation Sample below. If the commendation is approved, CPOC will award it at a public meeting. On November 20, 2017, published a press release from the Washburn County Sheriff's Office seeking the public's help in identifying the subject. recognized. A letter of recommendation is a letter of reference that vouches for a specific person based on their characteristics and qualifications. %PDF-1.5 N;8~Dk2I~Go Detective Chieffo, Detective Bauer, Patrolman Clayton, Patrolman Korten and Patrolman Herrera were assigned to investigate many of these cases. 04 Mar 2023 03:13:37 CPOC will research your recommendation. Anyone can recommend an officer for commendation to the Citizens Police Oversight Commission (CPOC). Once the vehicle was confirmed to be stolen out of Cranford, Patrolman Marino coordinated with other patrol units to conduct surveillance of the vehicle. On February 15, 2021 there was an indictable shoplifting that occurred at 7-11, 111 Main Street. our organization. Updated 3/17/20. Please read our complete disclaimer here. Patrolman Gausachs noticed several similarities between the driver he arrested and the shoplifting suspect. He did not have access to surveillance footage from the shoplifting arrest, however after reading the shoplifting Investigation Report he suspected his arrestee to be the same suspect who shoplifted from the 7-11. <> The Police Officer Recommendation Letter might be written by both a Company Name Captain and a local community leader, like the individual's pastor. Philadelphia, PA 19102. Return the completed form to: Chief of Police Fairfield Police Department 100 Reef Road Fairfield, CT 06824 For additional contact information, click here. For several deputies: I just wanted to send a big "Thank You" to a several of your deputies. Officer Bartucca alertly looked around and saw a uniformed North Attleboro police officer chasing a suspect on foot from the business. Nothing on this site constitutes legal advice or gives rise to a solicitor/client relationship. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. 4 0 obj Juliet Police and School Leadership Urge Parents to Pick up Children Safely and Follow School Dismissal Plan, Enforcement Activity to Increase Near MJMS/WWMS School Zone, Located Safe: Officers Searching for Missing 16-year-old Male Runaway around Nichols Vale Community, Statement from Chief Hambrick on Old Lebanon Dirt Road Response, Detectives Seeking Car Burglary & Fraudulent Use of Credit Card Suspect, Man Caught on Camera Burglarizing Home During the Day. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Each one of these letters have their own formatting. If you would like to thank a police officer for doing a good job, here is a sample commendation letter for a police officer. You can give this to employees with higher positions such as officers or managers. <>>> To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. The items stolen, which included credit cards, electronics and currency, were then utilized to commit further crimes within the Township. If you have any questions, contact CPOC at (215) 685-0891. *** Officers Michael O'Sullivan and Thomas Swindon "This letter of commendation is in recognition of your actions at the scene of a motor vehicle accident. Here is a letter from United Nations Peace Ambassador, Abiodun Oyinlade; ADEOLA AUSTIN OYINLADE, LLB, BL, LLM, United Nations Peace Ambassador Email: _____ 20th March, 2015 Mr. Suleiman Abba, The Inspector-General of Police, The [] Every day, our custody and non-custody team members are going above and beyond to ensure the health and safety of our staff, inmates . Let us begin by expressing our sincere appreciation to every person working for CDCR and CCHCS in these unprecedented times. A Thank You Letter To Police Officers Entertainment A Thank You Letter To Police Officers Your job is hard, and you deserve to know that your work is appreciated. A research writer as well, she has been published in The Sage Encyclopedia and Mission Bell Media. Officer Bartuccas swift and professional actions on the evening of April 4, 2011 resulted in the arrest of this suspect who was later charged with Breaking and Entering in the Daytime for Felony, Possession of Burglarious Instrument, Defacing/ Vandalizing Property, Resisting Arrest, Disorderly Conduct and Disturbing the Peace. Anna Simpson Jul 18, 2016 Delaware Valley University Sgt. <>>> %PDF-1.5 4 0 obj Between March 31st and May 3rd of 2021, East Brunswick experienced an increase of burglaries to motor vehicles. Police Chief Leon Krolikowski shared the following letters of appreciation and commendation at the Feb. 19 Police Commission meeting. Patrolman Marino then coordinated with other officers to set up a perimeter of the store to secure the exits, while also having someone stay with the vehicle. endobj The Hannahville Police Department is responsible for the Hannahville Indian Community as well as the Island Resort and Casino Police officers have a tough job, and I want to thank her for her respectful and fair treatment. had been arrested in the past by Brookline Police officers and charged with robbing some of the banks that were . . Here are a few ways to make your letter of recommendation powerful.