The content on this site will not work properly as a result.Upgrade your browser for a faster, better, and safer web experience. Join to view profile Box to Box Media. It Lyn's Look In remained on-air until 1979 when Spencer took maternity leave to have her first child. In a programme shortened to half-an-hour to make way for a documentary about Liverpool, their final North-East match did not feature any of the regions giants : instead lowly Hartlepool were shown beating Rochdale 3-0. local side had been filmed by another ITV region, this would be shown as a On May 7th 1982, "Shoot" covered same programme, Oldham v Leicester, featured a gawky young visiting striker There were no slow-motion replays, indeed no replays of any kind, unless a goal was scored, in which case a normal speed replay was shown. Mar 30, 2021. There were occasional blunders Newcastle midfielders Tommy Craig and Geoff Nulty were once spliced into a hybrid called Tommy Nulty but generally his work was professional and good-humoured. Worth a read in the context of this thread. A gent. And one easy way to start is to change the title ; bring back Was always accused og being biased towards either Newvastle or Sunderland by the other side IIRC. out at the end of the 1973-74 season, his last commentary was a 1-1 draw The broadcast journalist is in the thick of the World Cup coverage with the world watching as Qatar gears up for 2022. It may not display this or other websites correctly. commentator. Close to Wells Point public park library with.Read More "Rooms For Rent For $500 A Month" Regional Sports programme. He was the only football pundit that I can ever remember having a chant about him. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The Outstanding Contribution award went to sports broadcaster Roger Tames, following a long career as head of sport at ITV Tyne Tees. hyperbole, and so fitted in well with "Shoot! What does lockdown lifting look like across the UK? Tyne Tees sports presenter, who later became Sports Correspondent for ITN) "Shoot" was the local product. Perform proper checks including visiting the room in person before providing any. x 50 23 580 Ian Payne Ian Payne (@IanPayneITV) / Twitter As always you can unsubscribe at any time. beating Rochdale 3-0. Sports time was a great start to a football weekend. Weekly League football coverage came in the Tyne Tees (and occasionally Yorkshire) Regional Telly programming She returned to Tyne Tees later in the year to present Check It Out, a local teenage magazine show, alongside future Top of the Pops producer Chris Cowey. The first place to try would be ITN Source, who hold a lot of ITV non-entertainment footage. football, with Saturday night highlights in the early Sixties, Kathy Secker, who for a generation was the face of Tyne Tees Television, has died aged 70. Cast & Credits Cast host Roger Tames Credits Direction: Director The local game was supplemented by two other matches and the wonders of slow-motion replays were introduced. I had been covering the Champions League for them and they asked if I would consider moving out to Qatar.. We have some of the biggest names in football over here. We also may change the frequency you receive our emails from us in order to keep you up to date and give you the best relevant information possible. To be fair, he was good with Nookie the Bear though. On This Day (18 Dec 1988): Sunderland win as Bob Murray's battle with This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Kerr, a journalism graduate from University of Central Lancashire, will be a familiar face to Tyne Tees viewers after working the North East beat covering Newcastle, Sunderland, Middlesbrough, Hartlepool and Darlington after finishing his education. Former North East TV personality and model Kathy Secker has died at her home in Jesmond aged 70. Shoot (Tyne Tees) - Nottinghamshire Football The text may have been superseded by subsequent events or later research. There were no on-screen graphics such as team line-ups and no studio was used. The commentator topped and tailed the Nominee: Roger Tames: Tyne Tees Television. to the region's two minnows, with one match from Darlington and one from Come Sunday and "Shoot" normally The World Cup in Qatar continues to be a source of big debate. studio discussion and celebrity guests (such as a pre-Watford Elton John), Well-known member. Former colleagues joined friends and family at her funeral in Newcastle. I have a very, very vague memory of something called 'Cafe Sport' - or something like that. If Hartlepool v Workington at a wintry Victoria Ground seemed a long way #1. the commentating sub's bench, expected to travel up from London every Friday The funeral has taken place of the former Tyne Tees presenter Kathy Secker. On the back of the Roger Tames thread, I think it's a real shame that regionally flavored programming has moreorless gone now. in football today, as head of Player Liaison at Newcastle United FC. internationals. Rare is an emotional gathering outside a condemned office block with ex-members of staff parading around the car park to muted applause. Normal and apt, perhaps, but my abiding memories are of David Hodgson wearing a white suit with white waistcoat like some recently divorced uncle at a wedding, and of a bloke behind us listing the faults of the various retired footballers on show and occasionally exclaiming: What the fucks he doing ere?. As well as her media work Kathy helped to raise money for a charity in Sunderland providing respite care for children. Roger Tames. It was the most fitting tribute to wonderful, sour Ayresome of the entire day. of which LWT's "The Big Match" was the best known and Before the game, a procession of ex-players walked around the pitch. In fact, tower blocks are the only other structures which merit a goodbye pageant, and that seems to consist of ex-residents gathering to watch their homes and memories being obliterated. One programme roger tames tyne tees - Shoot! Remembered - It was the most fitting tribute to wonderful, sour Ayresome of the entire day. Maybe it should be the same with stadiums. Hartlepool. Roger Tames OBS -- United Kingdom. The funeral will take place later today (December 30) of former Tyne Tees presenter Kathy Secker. production values. There were no slow-motion replays, indeed SMOJ. Having worked on the nwo-defunct Setanta Sports, he has now moved on to beIN Sports. Beyond football grounds, there are few other building complexes which merit a final hurrah. I dont care if its a sad goodbye or a bad goodbye, says Holden in The Catcher in the Rye, but when I leave a place I like to know Im leaving it. Tyne Tees (regional), 24 March to 28 October 1983 Synopsis A sports quiz programme. And one easy way to start is to change the title: bring back Shoot! Sorry, your browser is out of date. between Newcastle and Birmingham. You are using an out of date browser. to the highs and (more often) lows of our local teams. Rooms For Rent For $500 A Month - see our cookie policy. been glamorous but had done its bit for the region, giving weekly exposure swine vesicular disease, waiting impatiently for the football to start. It may have been clunky, amateurish and held together with string and chewing gum but some local programming was, well.local. If anyone at Tyne Tees is reading this, let me make a simple plea ; recapture the glory days of TTT football by pepping the programme up. The final edition came the following Saturday, featuring 3 matches from outside the region, one involving a Wimbledon side which won 3-1 at Bury to begin their long climb from the Fourth Division to footballs summit. Roger Tyne didnt half get some stick from Boro fans. Farewell to Kathy Secker | Tyne Tees - ITV News Former ITV Tyne Tees presenter, Mike Neville, was among . Men who wear jumpers without undergarments and have hair like ornate semi-colons tend to need closure, and his team were about to abandon their home with no farewell, no pomp and not even a fella outside the ground with a money belt strapped somewhere beneath his gut selling flags marked Griffin Park, 1904-2020. Early in the game, a Nigel Pearson clearance landed in the commentary box perched upon the south stand roof. It was screened late at night, so I didnt watch it myself, but my parents told me about it the next morning. Regional Sports Programme - Entertainment. Was only young but knew I was growing up and a proper Teessider when I felt justice had been done when Neville fell on the steps of the BBC studio on City Road in Newcastle and broke his leg . They covered some exciting games that season but there were storm clouds on the horizon. did however require them to broadcast at least two Third or Fourth Division He said: There is a real North East feel to the beIN Sports team, our studio guests read like a whos who of Tyne Wear derbies past. Kerr could well end up with a World Cup hat-trick. moved to its more familiar Sunday afternoon slot. Fourteen teams of three, representing recreation and sports clubs from industries all over Britain, held their own internal competitions with the best teams making it onto the show itself. nostalgic look at the regional football programme, Shoot!. > Blog > Uncategorized > roger tames tyne tees. He was succeeded by David Taylor, a somewhat mysterious commentary choice, as Taylor was a straight journalist who later went on to report for World In Action. He married Tyne Tees continuity announcer Lyn Spencer and they had at least one child together (there was a famous incident during a live broadcast when Tyne Tees presenters staged a pantomime at Christmas and Roger apparently kept dashing on stage when a heavily pregnant Lyn began dancing too enthusiastically? roger tames tyne tees - I remember watching Gary Lineker and Peter Beardsley up front for England, Diego Maradonas handball and that amazing Denmark team. Later, Alas Smith and Jones and The came when the station screened a 4-2 away win for Jack Charlton's He resisted the trend towards excessive excitement and hyperbole, and so fitted in well with Shoot!s slightly archaic production values. Shoot! But they were uneasy years for the game, as crowds waned, Eight years later, Southamptons victory in the final fixture at Maine Road allowed blue Mancunians to mutter typical City, something you always sensed they enjoyed, in the same way that a dad revels in his son-in-laws failed DIY projects. JavaScript is disabled. Tyne Tees met this requirement by paying an annual visit to the regions two minnows, with one match from Darlington and one from Hartlepool. Former North East TV personality and model Kathy Secker has died at her home in Jesmond aged 70. They tend to charge 150+ for DVDs of such material. On May 7th 1982, Shoot covered its last local action., The next port of call is the ITV Sport Archive. virtually selected itself. My wife, Siobhan, who was also a reporter for Tyne Tees TV, was worried how our three-year-old daughter would adjust. It was Mexico 86 when I first caught the football bug. I remember the good old days where they would have him on the corrugated tin roof of the stand in gale force winds freezing his tits off, while 10k supporters chanted "roger themes is a wanker" at him for 90 mins.