We use many W. A. libraries. Red Bull Records is an independent record label dedicated to long-term artist development with a global perspective. If it is an MP3 or posted online to a streaming service the same rules apply. And how do you increase your chances of getting signed? demo submissions a day. If you make something new, feel free to pitch them again. Congratulations! Production has some great libraries! In the case of smaller labels, the label head is normally responsible for A&R duties as well. Production have been used in most of our top tracks! Hence, please also write a few lines about why you are doing this and why you would like to be part of the Rexius family. Note The Record Label Demo Submission Policy, Have More To Show The Label If They Are Interested, Final Thoughts On Record Label Demo Submission, 5 Steps To Profitable Youtube Music Career' ebook, Why you are interested in the label and why you see them as a long-term partner, Ask them to check out a private streaming link. 2023 Rap Record Labels ACCEPTING Demo Submissions From New Rappers Top Genres. Templates are fine to use if youre emailing a lot of people, but the personal touch matters. Typically, demos are recommended to one of our labels' A&R departments by a manager, agent, producer, radio DJ or other industry professional. Nobody likes being the only person with ideas. Low-quality audio files might ruin the representation of your mix, especially on a service like Soundcloud. Looking forward to hearing from you. See if you can see what else I did right from the list of tips above. Youve just made your best record yet and would love to get it out there into the world. Below you will find examples from actual labels websites about how they accept demo submissions.If you do not include all of the information they are looking for, your demo goes in the pile of stuff that will never get listened to. If you think you sent an email to the wrong address, it might be fine to try again with a different one. Record Label Submissions | Atlantic - Def Jam - Sony - Warner Bros Use our submission service to send your songs to Spotify playlists, magazines and even record labels! If you have any of your own record labels to add to our list, please leave them in the comments below - I'd love to keep building on this post with your feedback. Write a couple of sentences maximum to give them an idea of the music. As of 2019, the label has garnered over 800,000 subscribers and more than 150 million streams on YouTube. Smaller labels usually only have one email, and thats also usually your best option. Find a singer to record a demo track. Do they have similar artists on their label? Ensure links are kept to a minimum. Do you wonder how to submit your demo to record labels? A&R managers are dealing with their artists on a daily basis, so being difficult to work with wont increase your odds of getting signed. In 2019, I released a song called "Hush" with this record label which reached roughly 40,000 streams. Demo Submission. Top Styles. DO NOT attach your demo directly to the email, Just dont, ok? Some of these deals have been largely successful (my song Willow Tree landed almost 3 million streams on Spotify). Its 2020 dont send your demo on a CD and mail it. Also known as "the world's leading dance label and community", Spinnin records is a dutch owned record label. Then get our free 5 Steps To Profitable Youtube Music Career' ebook emailed directly to you! If they dont, Read More How Much Advance Do Record Labels Give, And How Much Should You Try And Get?Continue, How To Write A Song Will definitely use many of them! Simply adding Please Answer to your demo submission is the fastest way to get rejected or even ignored entirely. Use the spell check on your document program and email. Whichever way works for you, as long as what you write makes sense. DEMO SUBMISSION - Record Label Universal Flow Records SEND US YOUR DEMO Send us your demo and become Universal Flow Records family #UFRFamily! Let me know if you need anything else from me. Follow up only after a week or two. See the problem? Demo Song Submissions Page - AVENUEAR - Submit Music It just needs to be short, sweet, and effective. A private Soundcloud link is usually the best. If you have a work in progress and are really talented, then we will help you shape the edges. How To Produce Music Like A Pro Most of all, if the label specifies a specific method of submitting, follow their guidelines. Independent artists have been sending their demos to record labels since the dawn of time. Podcast support? There is no need to send them a link to a track with a million likes and plays. Apart from that, you should find the best email. Once again, doing your research here helps. Here are some dos and donts to keep in mind with record label demo submission: Submitting to record labels can be daunting and discouraging. If they require a link to a download and no requirements are stated, send them a download link from a reputable file sharing service such as Google Drive or DropBox. They got more engagement than anything Ive ever posted, and I do not regret it. Select Track MP3/WAV File. Im based down here in Melbourne, Australia. Magic Music has garnered over 2.5 million subscribers and 400 million views on YouTube. Go to the label's website or Facebook page, look for the contacts section, and check their specific instructions out. Submit only mastered track. Just say, Hey there, just following up on my email from last week, hoping you've had time to check out the music! Before you send us your demo, please read the instructions carefully. It is incredible. Submit music to our A&Rs. But in reality, theyve chosen a label that doesnt suit their sound. A member of the Rexius Records team of producers and A&Rs suitable for your specific genre, with years of experience in the music industry. Record Labels (Actually) Accepting Demos 2022 - Omari MC There are so many paths you can pursue that dont involve a label. Research Label to ensure your music fits. When a label does want to partner, having a strategy allows them to elevate your plans. #2: Submitting Demos: A Brief Introduction. Don't let the words you can't say define you. Choose a Genre Contact Dreamlabelgroup.com LabelRadar streamlines the demo submission process across the music industry, helping artists get heard while also allowing labels and promoters to review new submissions in an efficient and addictive way. How To Send A Demo To Record Labels: The Do's, Don'ts, and How's Of Willow Tree, a song I released with them in 2018, has reached almost 3 million streams on Spotify solely from their playlisting and marketing efforts. Monthly, we will award the best demo submitted to us. ", "I used WA Production sounds in almost every 22Bullets production, where my creativity starts". The demo submission form on Red Bull Records' website. Unfortunately, there are plenty of legitimate looking businesses that simply prey on artists and their desire to become ultra-successful. How to Get Signed to a Record Label (The Ultimate Guide) - EDMProd Send us your demo and become Universal Flow Records family #UFRFamily! If you tour and play shows, that is a positive from a labels point of view. In short, the A&R Manager will be one click away from listening to your music. If you think your English is far from adequate, you have two options. Please make sure to include a small bio in your demo submission. Make a private SoundCloud playlist for your music. Or at least the dawn of record labels. This way you have a better chance of building a long term relationship. 35+ Heavy Metal Record Labels ACCEPTING Demo Submissions in 2023 That said, I posted a guide called What are the chances of getting signed to a major record, Read More Should I Sign A Record Deal If A Good One Came Along? Read More 4 Huge Mistakes For Those Trying To Sign A Record DealContinue, What exactly is it that record labels do? The downloadable file should be either a WAV or MP3 320 minimum. Be careful with this do not email everyone at a company, that is annoying. I agree for my information to be stored for the purpose of this review and to be contacted by Mad Sus Records regarding this music submission. Ive found this to be a delicate artform, so Ive compiled the best advice Ive used and also come across firsthand to help you: Its important to consider how to get into contact with the person. Out of all the available options, sending an e-mail to the suggested mail box with a private SoundCloud link is the best possible move by far. Make sure to give shiftaxisrecords@gmail.com access to your private preview which ever delivery service you decide to use. Enter your email below and get the guide (read by over 50,000 producers) along with two bonus resources. The Offspring. It has known security flaws and may not display all features of this and other websites. Better yet, if you have a connection to somebody at the label, pitch to the label through that connection. Make sure you have the private SoundCloud link copied and not the URL. With 27 million subscribers, Trap Nation doesnt seem to get as much traction as NCS on its releases. Dont look for an instant reply. The best way to follow up would be to send an email to the same address you sent the demo. In todays world, building a profitable and successful career as an independent artist is well within reach more so than it has ever been but theres nothing wrong with having major (or even minor) label ambitions too. I recommend them to all upcoming producers", "We think that the W. A. samples are really necessary if you want to do a massive track! You can send a 2nd follow up as a close off email, but wait a couple of weeks before emailing them a second time (depending on the size of the label. We definitely approve & recommend them to up and coming producers! I released a song called Dont You Know with this record label in 2019, and the song has reached almost 250,000 streams on Spotify. At Record Label Submissions we have created a bridge & filter to get the best music to the right people. ", "Great collection of samples and sounds. 20+ Best Indie EDM Record Labels ACCEPTING Demo Submissions But how do you get in contact with them? Nearly every single artist that is on any chart ever has a record label behind them. They will appreciate that youve gone to the effort of writing tunes specifically for them. Their submissions process is highly competitive and can take up to two months for a response. I also make music under, Ensure your socials and profiles are up to date, Thats why you should be writing a lot of music, The harsh truth about why your music is getting rejected, Why your music is getting lost in a sea of submissions, Why you should be developing relationships and not just sending demos, Some secret hacks to almost guarantee that your email will be opened, An example email template and why it works. Following advice strictly was one of the problems I ran into early on. I confirm that I am permitted to submit this track for review to Mad Sus Records and that I am not infringing anybody else's rights by doing so. You might be thinking about planning an independent release (read more on my strategies for that here). The only battle now is two-fold getting your message read and your music listened to. I collect a monthly paycheck from them and havent had any issues with late payments. These are professionals. Thats why we created our FREE eBook 10 Tips For Promoting Your Music on a Budget. So if you follow the advice, even if it takes multiple attempts, you will eventually get results. You might get feedback on a few things to change. Gemtracks is a marketplace for original beats and instrumental backing tracks you can use for your own songs. Out of the ten record labels below, Ive worked with four of them on my own releases (NCS, Lowly Palace, Frequency, and Magic Music). Production for having some of the best samples & sounds available onlie, They've definitely been part of some of my tracks. Submit your music I understand that you are extremely busy and receive several submissions. If you need anything, let me know. However, it is going to ensure that when you contact a label, you do it the right way. Of course, since we do receive a large volume of submissions, please forgive us because we are unable to contact everyone. If you address them as Hey what's up?, that doesnt personalize the communication. If youve made it this far, you now know how to submit your demo the right way. Yes, our artists are our family, once you are with us we are in this together. Visit label website for submission requirements. Heres an approximate template that I use often when sending demos: To: [emailprotected]CC:BCC:Subject: I have some new tunes for you! Understand why you are sending your music to the label in the first place. Do not send a demo submission to their social media accounts. In my opinion, its incredibly worth the wait if you land a single release with them. They just can't seem to turn these three things down. So how do you avoid this? Short introduction and track description. The perfect demo submission to record labels (7 tips) - Stickz This is one of the pioneering indie rock record labels that have been around since the 1990s. Again, Thank You for your time and consideration,(Insert your name)(Insert official website only if you have one)(Insert your email address). Demo Submission: How to Send Music to Record Labels | LANDR Blog How Much Advance Do Record Labels Give, And How Much Should You Try And Get? Demo Submission | Epitaph Records Gemtracks is a marketplace for original beats and instrumental backing tracks you can use for your own songs. Weve got an online producer platform called Armada University, where you can watch in-depth music production masterclasses from our top artists across many genres and DAWs. To: label@label.comFrom: You@gmail.comSubject: Demo Submission for (Insert Label Name). And that is ok. In most cases, this is the label A&R the Artists & Repertoire person. Imagine being a recording artist. Many of you have never been in contact with the labels A&R manager before, so youll have to make a very good first impression when sending him your music. Have a good one! E-mail: publicity@epitaph.com. You wont survive in this industry. My recommendation would be to release on smaller labels or self-release until you build your brand. Once you've chosen a label, you need to submit your music to them. Upload Music Upload your tracks, beats or lyrics to our private forum. If your friend knows the label A&R, ask for an introduction. Whenever you attach audio files directly to the e-mail, it will only make the A&R managers e-mail account run out of disk space in no time. Then you can build your network and think about the big fish. They need to focus on the artists they already have. Do your Research (DYOR) Before you send your songs to a record label, have an idea about the company profile, the genre they release, and their music style. In 2019, I released three songs with this record label, all which reached roughly 50,000 streams on Spotify. This might require a bit of digging, so heres a few pointers: If you cant find a demos email, normally the enquiries or general email is okay. Now that weve gotten three donts out of the way, lets focus on what you shoulddo. Established in 2015 by Jacques Julie and Darren Bezuidenhout, the label accepts all EDM genres.If this label is for you, submit a demo below: Youve attached your demo directly to the e-mail because the A&R manager can immediately download the track and listen to it instantly. Their mission is to provide artists with an environment to succeed, focusing efforts on artists that may not have thrived in the traditional industry. Make it easy for them. Choose from over 100+ genres. Learn how to master the fundamentals of electronic music production with the best roadmap for new producers . There isnt much point sending artwork unless there is a specific reason to, because the label will likely make their own. Remember, the worst-case scenario is that nobody gets back to you. 10 Record Labels You Can Submit Your Music To, You might be thinking about planning an independent release (read more on my strategies for that, Over the past few years, I've worked with several independent record labels of varying sizes on single-song deals. But before you spend tons of time on an indie release, you might want to submit your song to a few record labels who have more resources and marketing knowledge to promote your music. P.S. Submissions start at $5. In fact, the majority of the advice on this website is based around moving yourself forward without having to rely on others to do you favors. Whatever works, if it looks cohesive and sharp. 1. Your web browser is out of date. Know the style of the label and be sure you fit in with what they are looking for. We wouldnt want that, now would we? Hope youre having a good week man! Theres even the option of getting guaranteed demo feedback from Armada Musics A&R team or entering remix contests, so you may want to check out the below button. Be sure your track is clearly tagged and labeled as follows: Artist Name - Song Title. You can have the embedded SoundCloud link, some nice press photos, a little bio, and links to live videos and music videos there. Make sure your demo is actually ready. YouTube also works well for sending private links. Though anyone should be able to see why this is not the right way to submit your demo, youd be surprised how many of these demo submissions labels still get. A. The bio should include basic information about you as an artist where youre coming from, who you are inspired by, and what you have done so far. Postproduction: The mix and/or the mastering. Mention previous releases where relevant, but dont gloat over them. This here is our Full License. Ive actually used this stuff in the real world. Hope youre well! Intense Beats . If you plan on submitting demos to a major label, you should know that most of them require a referral first. But in most of these cases, their songs didnt even reach the ears of an A&R manager at all. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Once youre on the right web page, youll find out how the label likes to receive all demos. Great job guys! Being signed has certain advantages, though most are unwilling to do a whole lot for you unless they see you as being a viable money-making opportunity.