All these great countries and civilizations were so successful , mostly in part that they all worked together and their ideas spread to one another. /Length 34 By the eighteenth century, the Qing dynasty ruled over a vast territory, from Mongolia to Tibet to Xinjiang in Central Asia. The Europeans technological advancements were inferior to Chinese and Islam officials. Both the Ottoman Empire and the Qing Empire of China utilized established social codes when building their respective intermediary institutions. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. The Mughal, Qing and Ottoman dynasties all had taken rule over multi-ethnic agrarian Eurasian empires in the duration of the 17th and 18th century. 6M`n8v880IJ}m iQwkjurYNo8zNxxHcb_p0&] m1L%$kXO}32bp9 3E~z]Jy.y{3Kla3_! These two empires undertook massive renovation. So how did the Qing rule over this huge country and keep it unified? Chinese military leaders who surrendered were given ranks of nobility, and troops were organized into the Lying, or Army of the Green Standard, which was garrisoned throughout the country to guard against local rebellions. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. << in Europe between 1887 and 1890, the Qing diplomat Hongjun ^j (1840-1893) made efforts to solve a problem that had been puzzling him: why Turkey was called Khungghar (Ch. These cootie catchers are a great way for students to learn about the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire appeared to be in deep decline by the early 18th century. << This Booklet contains the following: Map of Southeast Asia that shows the division of the region into several different states and kingdoms. An answer key is included.Topics:Creation of the Ottoman EmpireA Multi-Ethnic SocietyWomen of the Ottoman EmpireSuleiman the MagnificentOttoman AchievementsDecline of the Ottoman EmpireMultiple Formats: The reading comes as a PDF, Microsoft Document, and Google Document. /Subtype /Form But these weren't playful fashion statements. /Length 34 Please select which sections you would like to print: Alternate titles: Ching dynasty, Manchu dynasty, Manzu dynasty. It is editable to fit your classroom needs! After centuries of prosperity, the grand empire's economy, politics, and social structure were in a deep decline. The Ottomans, Britain, and France won the war. Chapter 19. <> Moreover, the British, French, and Greek forces combined and were ready to fully take control over Thrace and Constantinople. Task Cards endstream 20 0 obj /Length 34 All empires in history had a high in their history but they all eventually came to their demise. What am I missing. This lapbook is a fun hands on activity for students to use in their interactive notebooks. endobj The Manchu, who ruled the Qing Dynasty, had to assert dominance to control the Chinese people living in the empire, who vastly outnumbered them. External Threats: Opium Wars. /F16 2 0 R How to Play and Assembly Instructions are included. History teachers will find this very useful in incorporating writin, This breakout escape room is a fun way for students to test their knowledge with the Ottoman Empire.Important: (How to Make Completely Digital)This product normally requires the printing of the questions to accompany a digital form for students to input answers. 2. >> The Qing also kept the civil service system of the Ming, using the imperial examination system to vet officials. The Qing maintained a Ming-era political system. JINTgB OO-HXGW\rkB2*>/L8`>b$/P&e WR]\]lZ,ahg`Xw%KPLuo="h 8J endobj A yellow and red banner depicting a Chinese dragon with a snake-like body and four legs with claws. stream endobj <> Beginning in the 18th century, many ancient civilizations began to decline including the Ottoman empire and the Qing dynasty. Although the Ottoman Empire was similar to Qing China in their responses to western industrialization in that they both _, launched defensive modernization efforts as a way to strengthen their nations from outside threats. Throughout history, many impactful and memorable empires have arisen. In this article, you read an excerpt from a letter from a Ming emperor to a European monarch. -Ottoman Empire: Young Ottomans and Young Turks who tried to unite Turkey based on nationalism -Japan: Meiji Restoration (the reinvestment of power in the emperor, as well as a wholesale adoption of western political, social, and economic ideas in Japan.) <> Subsequent rulers, however, were unable to meet the problems caused by increased population pressure and concentration of land ownership. The Manchu adopted many of the Chinese ways and allowed society to continue as it had. Corrections? Why did the Chinese emperor reject foreign goods? Key things that helped the Manchurian people take over Beijing was death and disaster from the Bubonic Plague, earthquakes, and climate changes. The Period Of The Ottoman Empire And The Ming Dynasty >> As China exported goods, silver flooded the Chinese market. As we'll see, Qing China was a diverse and complex society, with many ethnic groups, social classes, and political actors playing a part in the formation of modern China. Qing dynasty, Wade-Giles romanization Ch'ing, also called Manchu dynasty or Pinyin Manzu, the last of the imperial dynasties of China, spanning the years 1644 to 1911/12. The first Opium War (183942), the Anglo-French War (185658), the Sino-Japanese War (189495), and the Boxer Rebellion (1900) all resulted in defeats for China and the granting of major concessions to foreign powers. <> The two different realms crumbled by the seventeenth century. Compare And Contrast Land Based Empires | They were also in fact, the last two dynasties. xn6}5-DiL`[,\IHll=dK3$yi&"/ The form of government was an absolute monarchy. Pre-made digital activities. To the east a new Chinese dynasty was emerging in the mid 17th century. His grandson continued to modernize and helped the French with building the Suez Canal, which connected the Mediterranean to the Red Sea. How does the rest of this article support, extend, or contest the emperors narrative that, [O]ur Celestial Empire possesses all things in prolific abundance and lacks no product within its own borders? /Differences [0 /.notdef 1 /dotaccent /fi /fl /fraction /hungarumlaut /Lslash /lslash /ogonek /ring 10 /.notdef 11 /breve /minus 13 /.notdef 14 /Zcaron /zcaron /caron /dotlessi /dotlessj /ff /ffi /ffl 22 /.notdef 30 /grave /quotesingle /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quoteright /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash /zero /one /two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon /semicolon /less /equal /greater /question /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore /quoteleft /a /b /c /d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w /x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde 127 /.notdef 128 /Euro 129 /.notdef 130 /quotesinglbase /florin /quotedblbase /ellipsis /dagger /daggerdbl /circumflex /perthousand /Scaron /guilsinglleft /OE 141 /.notdef 147 /quotedblleft /quotedblright /bullet /endash /emdash /tilde /trademark /scaron /guilsinglright /oe 157 /.notdef 159 /Ydieresis 160 /.notdef 161 /exclamdown /cent /sterling /currency /yen /brokenbar /section /dieresis /copyright /ordfeminine /guillemotleft /logicalnot /hyphen /registered /macron /degree /plusminus /twosuperior /threesuperior /acute /mu /paragraph /periodcentered /cedilla /onesuperior /ordmasculine /guillemotright /onequarter /onehalf /threequarters /questiondown /Agrave /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla /Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Eth /Ntilde /Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply /Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls /agrave /aacute /acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis /eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide /oslash /ugrave /uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis] What's so important about a hairstyle? Blank cards are also included for questions to be added, if wanted. Both dynasties had long lasting eras of power because of strong framework from influential leaders. endstream The early Qing organized their military using a banner system. 4. stream cptuxtt Trade between villages and regions developed into a robust network, creating the growth of bustling towns like Suzhou. Chinas Last Empire. What's Included with the print versions:*Blank map (1 page, uneditable PDF)*Map for students to just color (1 page, uneditable pdf)*Answer key for map (1 pages, uneditable pdf)*Animated PowerPoint shows each location and the key - perfect for classrooms without textbooks or Internet access (23 slides, each sli, The Ottoman Empire Research Brochure - this project fits on ONE PAGE! 308 qualified specialists online. Just use the following tool: "extract pages")to extract the pages containing the questions into its own PDF. /Filter /FlateDecode European military intervention in China exposed the Qing dynasty as weak to external assault. The European forces of Christendom established new colonies, but Muslims easily invaded them. The Ottoman Empires army was large in number, consisting of people from many different cultures, Osman made the decision to bribe his army with land for fear that they would revolt against him. Overview and expansion of the Qing dynasty - BBC Bitesize Contrast this quote with the Enlightenment attitude of European imperialists towards colonies from the European States and Empires article. The Ottoman Empire and the West in the 19th Century. Qing China in context During this age of prosperity, China's workforce grew. China, Japan, and the Ottoman Empire Modernization in the 19th Century stream It is important to note that both empires were influenced differently by their majority religion. 1 0 obj Lapbook AP World History Compare and Contrast the Decline of the Ottoman and Qing Empires "Compare and contrast the internal and external challenges facing the Qing and Ottoman Empires, as well as their responses to these challenges, between 1800 and 1914." Below you will find six potential arguments that could be made in response to this prompt. 7. <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 792 612] /Contents 23 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 1>> In fact, Qing China was arguably one of the most commercialized countries at the time. Both of these empires were strong in power and had many resources available to them. endobj >> rvU>iu3ByVHB9 Countries in Europe noticed the weakening Empire, however so did Russia. Finally, here are some questions that will help you focus on why this article matters and how it connects to other content youve studied. These variations were more like uniforms because they differentiated people along ethnic, class, and gender lines. << Honggaer filP^W) in China. The reading is editable! AP World Notes Unit 3: Comparison of Land-Based Empires | Fiveable 3 0 obj The first war took place from 1839 to 1842 and the second war was from 1856 to 1860. ]*I6ng1 K`,EP s$Fq3`rf2-Ym{ }hfnXckXiJE.5}v$ JHg. IOTL their were some attempts at Modernization in the 19th century, however these were stopped by the reactionary Dowager Empress Cixi. stream <>/Font<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 792 612] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Both Qing China and the Ottoman Empire had similar reforms during the nineteenth and the early twentieth centuries. Students may research or show what they have learned by writing different facts on the provided blank lines about each figures associated with the Ottoman Empire. The map includes labels for Greece, Constantinople/Istanbul, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Arabian Peninsula, Asia Minor, Mediterranean Sea, Caspian Sea, and Red Sea. 2. This article was most recently revised and updated by,, - Chinese History - 1644-1912 AD - Qing / Ch'ing (Manchu) Dynasty, Humanities LibreTexts - Qing Dynasty (1636 - 1911), Alpha History - The Manchu and the Qing dynasty, Qing dynasty - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up), Shenyang, Liaoning province, China: Qing tomb complex. PDF Warm-Up: Review the following terms: CHINA - >> 2 0 obj Although they were both significantly powerful the Ottoman Empire was superior compared to the Ming Dynasty. The Ottoman and Mughal empires were two of the greatest and most successful empires to ever form in history. It influenced their art, the way they treated non-Muslims, their motivations for war. What can I say; I love maps! endobj Easel Activity. Painting of a crowded waterway that is bustling with commercial rowboats. Many Chinese traveled overseas, mostly to Southeast Asia. endstream The Manchu Qing, who were seen as foreign by many of the Han Chinese, had to make their government feel more legitimate. endobj As a student, you've probably had to follow a dress coderules about your clothing and grooming. The minority groups were a big factor in how Habsburg Spain and the Ottomans would maintain their empire. 10 0 obj endobj The Safavid Empire emerged in modern day Iran, which was east of where the Ottoman Empire started and expanded. The same 18 cards are also available in a non-multiple choice option as well. All empires respectively faced enormous political, economic and social transformations which challenged and set hindrance to their rule in the 19th century. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. But the emperor also had a well-organized political structure backing him up. The first major blow to the Qing reign came in the mid-19th century, a time when imperialist Western forces were looking to increase trade and influence with countries in the East. 12 0 obj /Filter /FlateDecode 14 0 obj They made Chinese men shave the front of their heads and wear their hair in long queues, or pony tails (Bingham, 136) to show control. The comic strip activity is 100% editable to fit your student's unique needs!This resource includes :7 page comic style readingCreate a comic strip activity (editable version available)Instructions pageE. stream The Qing dynasty was primarily located in what is now China and Mongolia, along with parts of Russia. endstream 8 0 obj Our experts can deliver a China, Japan, and the Ottoman Empire Modernization in the 19th Century essay. <> During this age of prosperity, China's workforce grew. Posted a year ago. t* Both empires wanted a stronger military in show more content The subjects of the Qing Dynasty felt anger towards their emperor for giving in instead of towards the Europeans. Southernization helped the Eastern Hemisphere to thrive and flourish, Islam is a religion that controls their follower's daily lives. pD^B42x*`d The Qing appointed officials from a variety of ethnic backgrounds, though some things were divided along ethnic lines. The Ming dynasty experienced a great deal of tragedy which led to the fall of their reign. The regular Manchu Banner System troops (Qibing, or Baqi) were kept at the capital and in a few selected strategic spots throughout the country. /Length 34 Janissaries, Mehmed the Conqueror, Grand Mufti, Mimar Sinan She teaches writing at the University of Chicago, where she also completed her masters in social sciences, focusing on history and anthropology. The Ottoman Empire was established around 1299 by Osman I, who was also a leader of the Turkish tribes ( The Ottoman Empire was an Islamic empire with their population mainly consisting of Muslims. endobj Qing China and Ottoman Empire Comparison Activity As states like Great Britain, France, Germany, and the United States began to rapidly industrialize, other states "sought to reform and modernize their economies and militaries. 'H.=/ It was founded by the Manchu people and ruled from 1644 to 1912. The Ottoman Empire continued in its imperial form until it became the Republic of Turkey in 1923. Qing-Ottoman comparison - AP World History Compare and Their falls were due to indecent economic dealings, religious suppression, surrounding empires, mistreatment of citizens and an unfortunate series of terrible rulers. Over time, the Qing emperor centralized the control of these ministries in his inner court by bringing it under an imperial advisory council, which was made up of a special group of high officials. Based off of two documents, students will use their knowledge of social studies, and their own active reading strategies, to answer a set of critical thinking questions.