A strong, flavorful flesh is tender, but not overcooked. The largest of the quahog designations, the name says it all: Theyre well suited for traditional chowders, as theyre too big and tough for serving raw and need a good chop followed by a gentle cook. Purple varnish clams need to be purged before theyre cooked. Salem, OR 97302
But rest assured, gentle reader, that, in this case, the invasive species in question is simply just the wrong creature in the wrong place. Also used them for bait - they work OK if the fish are biting clams. Jul 23, 2018 - Our award winning recipe for Oregon's Stuffed Clams using purple varnish sets purple varnish above the rest. Enjoy the award winning recipes that we have shared with you in our book; and take the time to share you favorite mussel, clam or crab recipe by emailing us at crabbinginfo@yahoo.com. Here in the United States, on the West Coast, Manila clams reign supreme, while geoduck and razor clams hold court. After digging clams, you must immerse them in seawater for 24 hours to allow them to expel any sand that may be trapped inside. The varnish clam (Chamixius fimbriatus) is a small, burrowing clam that is found in eelgrass beds in the northeastern United States. Clam Harvest Ethics: 1. The abundance of clams in this country means that most clams dont cost too many clams, as it were, making them a quintessentially American food that is as affordable as it is accessible. There are millions of them and it seems like you can never get all the sand out. Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment 5 Steamed Clams Step 1 In a large Dutch oven. My name is Maria Jimnez and I am the owner and creator of Anchor and Hopes SF, a seafood blog dedicated to providing recipes, information, and anything else related to seafood. Technique:Purple varnish clams are found in very high densities. Ready to hit the road? Note: depending on harvest location, many of these clams can contain a parasitic Pea Crab. The clams are also known as mahogany or varnish clams due to their full body, celery-ish flavor profile, and a high concentration of meat. Step 2 Cover an 11-17-inch baking sheet with aluminum foil and lightly spray with cooking spray. In the recipe, hopefully the best of both worlds is exactly what we are doing here. Varnish clams are typically harvested by hand, but they can be harvested using a clam harvester. Squid: No Limit. Put crushed crackers into the bowl. It is native to the Northwest Pacific from Russia, Japan and China. Siuslaw! Remove the pot from the burner and pour the boiling water and clams into a colander in the kitchen sink. Its an enjoyable way to pass the time with family and friends. The other common name for these comes from its other main preparation: steamers. And dont give up: Razors have been found as far as 4 feet below the surface. Add onions and celery. Features: The purple varnish clam is named for the purple hue found inside the clam and the shiny varnish over the brown color outside the shell. They call them varnish because the shell appears to have been varnished. Due to high levels of domoic acid, razor clamming is closed along the entire Oregon coast. Because of the parasiticity of this type of sea creature, the harvest locations of many of these clams may differ. With those tools on hand, one of your best bets will be to hunt for softshell clams, a common species of bay clam that hunker about 12 to 18 inches down below the surface of the sand. I created this blog because of my love for seafood and my desire to share that love with others. Steamed clams are topped with fennel, garlic, chorizo, and white wine and served for ten minutes. Softshell clams are often best in chowders or as fritters. To steam the clams: in a small saucepan, over medium-high heat, steam the clams in the water until they open (about 3 minutes). Spanish-style chorizo, sliced crosswise into 1/8" thick rounds 1 tomato, sliced thin 1 c. white wine. Next, just remove one clam at a time and rinse under cold water. Crabs with small whitish pink or clear shells are known as pea crabs, and they can be found in a variety of clams, including geoy duck and horse clams. February 2, 2023. They typically have purple coloration on the interior of the shell . Set clams on a cutting board. Shrimp and prawns: Daily limit of 20 pounds including the shell. Purple varnish clams live about 6 to 8 inches down and can be found in large numbers year-round with minimal effort in the mud and pebbles of Oregon bays. Each clammer is allowed a limit of 72 Purple Varnish clams to take home. ? Eat them straight from the shell or add to chowders and pastas. If theyre large, you can gut them as well. Then, mix crab into the bowl. Explore. Theres nothing to be afraid of because they wont harm the clams edibility, and theyre popular as a gourmet treat, raw or cooked. Clamming on the Oregon Coast is easy, fun and rewarding. Dropping the Purple Varnish clams into a pot of boiling water is the best method to separate the clam meat from the clam shells. Instant Pot Clam Chowder. *Clamming is usually open year round in the Pacific Northwest and its pretty easy to find clam harvest information. Find more tips on razor clamming here. Softshell Clams: 36. If you live in Oregon, you will need to pay $6.50 per license. There is usually a small license fee for adults and kid permits are free. Request a permit for diving into an oyster or a sacallop by contacting the ODFW Marine Resources Program. A forum community dedicated to anglers and fishing enthusiasts. TYPES OF CLAMS YOU CAN DIG FOR INCLUDE: RAZOR, COCKLE, LITTLENECK, BUTTER, SOFTSHELL, GAPER, AND PURPLE VARNISH. Purple Varnish Clams - YouTube Our award winning recipe for Oregon's Stuffed Clams using purple varnish sets purple varnish above the rest. Mud and ghost shrimp: No limit. This introduced species is named for the shiny brown coating ( periostracum) on the exterior of its shell (which peels off like old varnish) and the purple colouring of the interior. It is not the flavor of the clams that is affected by bi-sodium carbonate mixed in with water; instead, it is the sand that islched out. It all comes together in one pot and under an hour! When oil is hot carefully place crab cakes into the oil and brown for 4-5 minutes. Learn more about travel impacts in Oregon. Purple varnish clams: Daily limit of 72. To wilt the nettles: heat the oil in a small saut pan over medium-high heat until almost smoking hot. Steamers are also known as soft-shells, and as that name implies, these clams have a brittle exterior, leaving shell crumbs behind in the mud of the Northeast, where they grow. Read the flipbook version of February 2022 Auction Catalog. Purple varnish clams are delicious. In large estuarine systems such as Coos Bay, Tillamook Bay, and Yaquina Bay, it is most common to find them. An option is to leave a few clams per bowl in their shells as a garnish for the soup. This program is free and registration is not required. by Harley Gutirrez | Nov 19, 2022 | Clams. Razor Clams: 15. The scientific name mercenaria comes from the Latin word for "pay," the same root as the word mercenary, for their use as wampum (see above). Once the onion begins browning, add celery and cook for 3 to 5 minutes more. Drain all of the water off of the clams after two hours of refrigeration, and add new water, salt and cornmeal. Varnish clams can grow to about three inches in size, and are typically found buried deeper in the substrate than either Manila clams or native littlenecks. Main Phone (503) 947-6000
Once the clam is loosened, lift it out of the sand and place it in your bucket. In order to avoid confusion with the commercial mahogany clam, I favor use of the common name purple varnish clam in reference both to its shiny brown outer coat and the usually purple-colored inside surface, but as is readily evident from the above list of available common names, the use of a scientific name is often the least confusing form . Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. (Adult nonresident licenses are $28.) When the oil shimmers, add fennel, garlic, chorizo and tomato slices and heat briefly. (LogOut/ The crabbing from 12th Ave. Bridge over the Necanicum River Estuary was good the last time I visited the area. queued up and ready to go. The harvest regulations are necessary to protect the population of purple varnish clams in Oregons bays and estuaries. on the number of clams you can take per day. 1 cups clam juice 1 bay leaf teaspoon dried thyme teaspoon ground pepper 4 red potatoes (cut into " cubes) 1 cup clams (chopped) 1 cup whole milk 1 cup half-n-half salt to taste Toppings cup crispy bacon bits fresh chopped parsley oyster crackers Instructions In a large soup pot, cook bacon until nearly crispy. Starting at over three-inches wide, one clam can weigh as much as a half-pound. Varnish Clams: They are particularly abundant near fresh water inputs. $ 49.00 Add to Cart Also known as varnish, mahogany, or just plain old "purple clams," these clams are gorgeous, plump, and juicy. fish fillets, carrots, vegetable oil, french bread, lipton recipe secrets savory herb with garlic soup mix and 7 more Seafood Ragu KitchenAid large shrimp, grated Parmesan cheese, oregano, fresh parsley, chopped and 14 more After an hour we left with 15 clams and some new friends. If you have waterproof pants or waders, you must bring them because they will get wet from your knees down (and your elbows down). Recipe: Purple Varnish Clam, Wild Nettle, and Mushroom Bone Broth Ramen PREP TIME: 30 minutes COOK TIME: 20 minutes YIELD: 2 bowls TOTAL THC/CBD: Depends on the potency of the products used STATUS: a bowl of noods FROM THE PANTRY: Cannabis-infused soy sauce, cannabis infused sesame oil Do you want to enter your opinion about a specific issue into the public record? Always call the Oregon Department of Agriculture hotline (800-448-2474) or visit their. Eat 'Em to Beat 'Em: Purple Varnish Clams. If youre on a dedicated mission to find clams on the Coast, its hard to beat an outing for. Theyre also known as mahogany or varnish clams, and they have a full body and a celery-ish flavor, as well as a lot of meat. Mussels: Daily limit of 72. These clams can be found in sand, gravel, or silt in the middle or high intertidal zones. Once you have your clams, you can either clean and cook them immediately, or store them live in a cool, damp place until you are ready to use them. Buried in sand, gravel, or silt, these clams can be found all along the intertidal zone between mid- to high-intertidal zones. Allow the clams to stand for 20 minutes to give the flour time to adhere to the clams. Pry open the shell of the clam with a knife to remove the shell. Add 1 cup of kosher salt and 1/3 cup of cornmeal to the water, then stir it around a bit. It is critical to cook them slowly and thoroughly to retain their flavor. Ladle chowder into bowls. The clams will immediately pop open. Clams are a major component of chowders, bisques, and other soups, and they can be made with these ingredients as well. include clams. The can be a tasty addition to your pasta, chowder, or curries. Prior to this step it is best to allow clams to self clean by. But those in the know understand that table quality clams are generally considered best in early summer, just prior to the July/August spawning. The recipes listed in Oregon's Razor Clams or Oregon's Bay Clams were contributed by clam digging enthusiasts and are cause for celebration when dinning with family and friends. I know, I knowjust the word "invasive species" makes you shudder, right? Purple Varnish Clams Recipe: A Step-by-Step Guide 2023. Purple clams may actually taste better than rubbery ones. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Purple Varnish Clams =72. Shijimi, a brackishwater Japanese clam thought to be a hangover cure and often used in miso soup, is classified as an invasive species in the US and is rarely found other than in packaged miso soups or frozen. Saut shitakes about 2-3 minutes on each side. Keep broken clams. They were first introduced to British Columbia and Puget Sound in the 1990s. Sand crabs, mole crabs, kelp worms and sand worms: No limit. Use a wooden spoon to stir it up, allowing the potatoes to mash a little bit more and scrape the bottom of pot which will thicken up the soup properly. Because they are smaller and lighter than Manilla clams, I consider them good for fancy seafood soups where whole live clams are included. Soak clams in fresh water for about 30 minutes if you want them to spit out sand. I wouldn't consider digging them again unless it was incidental. The mud's level of acidity changes the color of their shell: for more flavor, look for darker shells. Scallops: 24. Add the milk and continue to stir. Join in the fun. Add the Sherry and whisk to mix into the flour which will form a paste. Come join the discussion about safety, gear, tackle, tips, tricks, reviews, reports, accessories, classifieds, and more! These are the clams most often seen raw, on the half-shell on seafood platters. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Read on to find out just what kind of clamming suits your speed and season. Shrimp and prawns: Daily limit of 20 pounds including the shell. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Smaller ones are eaten raw, shucked and on the half-shell, whereas bigger ones are the basis of famed clam chowder . Its a small clam with a light weight that is roughly the size of a Manilla. . Before you head out on your own clamming adventure, make sure to purchase a license to take marine shellfish at the Lincoln City Bi-Mart or Eleanor's Undertow in Taft, and call the Shellfish hotline at 800-448-2474 to make . Next, add the stock a cup at a time and continue to mix together with a whisk making sure the flour mix comes off the bottom of pot and mixes in evenly. Jun 19, 2010. Purple varnish clams can be found in a variety of Oregon bays and estuaries, including Sand Lake, Siletz Bay, Alsea Bay, Siuslaw River estuary, and Coos Bay. The recipe calls for steamed clams with fennel, garlic, chorizo, and white wine for ten minutes. Clamming Explorience attendees should meet at the covered pavilion located at the west end of SW 51st St in the Historic Taft neighborhood. Some consider topneck clams to be a size between littleneck and cherrystone, but the coveted cherrystone is more popular. Octopus: 1. (LogOut/ Crabbing is fair to good during the summer months from the 12th Street Bridge street seaward. Either let the seawater you brought home settle for 20 minutes or so, or filter it through a paper . Clamming wasnt just a summer activity, contrary to what I thought. We want to help people learn more about seafood so that they can make informed decisions about what to eat. Go wild. 3. What is purple varnish clams used for? The inside of the shell is a vivid purple, unlike any other local clam. When the fresh water is filtered, the clam pushes salt water and sand out of their shells. The meaty Pacific razor clam grows all along the entire West Coast, even up to Alaska, providing ample supply for the booming export industry, enthusiastic recreational diggers, and a small domestic commercial harvest. Change). Step 1 Preheat an oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C). Now with AWARD WINNING RECIPES the 128 page color edition of Oregon's Clams is the complete color guide to digging clams on the Oregon Coast. No problem. It is not illegal to take 36 clams per day from a single eastern softshell or purple varnish clams. February 9, 2023. Purple varnish clams can be cooked a variety of ways, but steaming is the most popular method. 1 tomato, sliced thin 1 c. white wine Pour olive oil into a large pot over medium-high heat. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. If youre looking for a unique seafood experience, purple varnish clams are a great option. They are less then 8 deep, and easy to dig with a shovel of any kind. The photographs, illustrations and easy to follow instructions in the color edition will unlock the secrets to digging razor clams and bay clams (gaper clams, cockles, butter clams, littleneck clams, Manila clams, purple varnish clams or softshell clams . ContactODFW's public service representative at odfw.info@odfw.oregon.gov. In 1991, it was discovered in Blaine, Washington, at the Washington-British Columbia border. If youre on a dedicated mission to find clams on the Coast, its hard to beat an outing for razor clams, a tasty, mild clam often used in chowders or served as fritters. Drop batter by tablespoonfuls into oil. Sediment left outdide the hole will smother adjacent clams. But were here to talk more about consuming clams than their confusing nomenclature. The varnish clam is a distinctive clam. May 2, 2015; I will keep 10 for bait and the rest chowder I ended up with only 3 cut fingers I am getting better! Contact 503-947-6042 orclick here. of wilted nettles, and then fill each bowl with equal amounts of broth. 10. Every spoonful of this thick and creamy soup has clams, potatoes, and bacon! Each species of clams is subject to legal harvest methods, and each species is permitted to keep no more than 15 razor clams per day for purple varnish clams and no more than 72 clams per day for razor clams. Region: Pacific Northwest, Canada, and Alaska.Best Use: Sliced and served raw (sashimi), tenderized and fried, or served in hot pot. Required fields are marked *. Remove from heat, drain, and set aside. Tropical Chia Pudding Breakfast Bowl (High Protein), Choosing Hydroponic Grow Lights for Your Grow Room A-Grade Hydroponics, Pesto Salmon Sheet Pan Dinner 100 Days of Real Food, The Benefits of Hydroponic Strawberry Growing A-Grade Hydroponics, Building a Pallet Planter: Getting Started, Stop And Smell The Roses For Better Mental Health, 1 tsp. Most people go for Purple Varnish Clams here. 2023 Travel Oregon | The official guide to Oregon travel and tourism information. In contrast to clams in the Philippines, Purple Clams are more creamy and tender. Common nomenclature around this clam varies up and down the coast, including the simple "hard" or "hardshell," and the preparation depends on the size. Serve with thin-slices of baguette for sopping up the delicious broth. Instead of pouring the clams and water into a strainer, pull the clams out of the water. From smallest to largest, generally, countneck, littleneck, topneck, cherrystone, and chowder all describe different widths of the clamand the word "quahog" itself is sometimes used specifically to describe chowder clams. Region: East Coast.Size: Larger than littleneck, about two and a half inches wide.Best Use: Grilled, stuffed and broiled, or served raw on the half-shell. If you find small crabs inside, just discard them. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Wash your clams in fresh water for about 20 minutes before cooking them. Tried to cook and eat some but couldn't get the mud out of them even though we let them purge a good while in clean water. No matter how you enjoy them, purple varnish clams are a delicious and unique seafood option. Its outer shell is covered with a thick brownish peeling layer, its inner shell is a rich royal purple, a very distinct clam. Clam Recipes Find recipes for New England clam chowder and Manhattan clam chowder, tips and recipes for steamed and fried clams, and every clam pasta sauce under the sun. I soak them a few hours before ice-creaming them, blanche them to open shells (not cook), rinse them inkosher salt water, and put in zip locks or seal a meal to remove the last of the sand, but the last one is still there. Once they're cooked, purple varnish clams can be eaten as is or used in a variety of recipes. Region: East Coast.Size: Over three inches wide, up to half-pound.Best Use: In chowders, chopped up and gently cooked. Growing up in an Italian immigrant family and living in New England generally meant that we would be spending a lot of time in the mud. Walk along the tidal flats until you see the telltale purple shells of the clams. Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall describes the difference between clams and cockles as negligible on the beach, but in the kitchen, Clams are posh. The Varnish clams' success may be laid to their flexible nature, able to tolerate varied types of environments. You will want to keep track of the local tide schedule and go out when its low tide, of course. Varnish clams are small, round, and have a soft, chewy texture. Region: West Coast, New England, Gulf of Mexico, Spain, New Zealand (farmed).Best Use: In place of clams for most cooked recipes, laksa. I was thinking about using those purple varnish clams. cannabis infused soy sauce (made in the MB2e), 4 oz. Just head to, , where Oregon residents can buy adult and youth shellfish licenses for $10. Purple Varnish Clam Chowder 2 lbs cleaned (approx 80) Purple Varnish, Razor or Manila clams 1.5 Ibs red potatoes peeled & cubed 1 stock celery minced small (like seriously small) yellow onion minced real butter 1/4 cup white rice flour 1/4 cup + an extra glug of Sherry cooking wine (sub white wine) 4 cups chicken, fish, or vegetable stock Pull the gills and sipnon tube away from the clam's body and discard. It has flat, oval shells, slightly elongated on the rear end, a prominent ligament, and can be most easily recognized by its shiny dark brown periostracum that makes the clam look like its been painted with spar varnish. Discard the clam shells or set them aside for use in the recipe for stuffed clams. Let them cool just long enough to be able to remove all the clam meat. Shape into flat patties. All you need are your hands and a bucket or bag. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Thoroughly was any of the remaining sand from the clams. Only show this user . If you forage the clams yourself, you want to purge them by scrubbing them and then soaking them in clean, sand-free seawater for about half an hour. They are a small clam but are found in huge groups making it easy to dig up a whole bunch at one time*. They can be fried whole or in strips, or added to various dishes. Region: West Coast.Best Use: Steamed clam dishes, sauced with butter, white wine, or broth. Simply soak them in a bucket of cold water for about 24 hours. ; 3.8 - 7.6 cm. With their help we started digging out Purple Varnish clams. Repeat this process until you have collected as many clams as you desire. If the clams are small, you can eat them whole after removing the tough neck skin. clams 2 Tbsp. Varnish clams are also called "purple varnish clams", "mahogany clams", and "dark mahogany clams". When the oil shimmers, add fennel, garlic, chorizo and tomato slices and heat briefly. Written by . Its growing popularity makes this over-sized mollusk a delicacy worth exploring. Purple varnish clams need to be purged before theyre cooked. The outer shell is covered with a thick, brownish, peeling layer (periostracum). Clams cannot survive in plastic containers. Clam diggers in Oregon are required to have a valid shellfish license ($8 for residents and $20 for non-residents). Purple Varnish Clams have a strong flavor and tender flesh, making them ideal for eating in a bowl. Just wondering if anyone digs these and how you like to prepare them. To dig purple varnish clams, you will need a shovel and a bucket. Varnish clams have an oval shaped shell that is thin, flat, and up to 3 inches long. Earlier in the season, which begins in winter, the tenderness works well in ceviche, but later in the season they still fry up without getting rubbery. The harvesting of varnish clams is governed by regulations to protect the species population. If an open-shelled clam is not shutting, tap it and discard it. Main Courses. Purple varnish clams are a delicious and nutritious addition to any meal, so get out there and start harvesting your own! Named after Little Neck Bay on Long Island, these guys are usually about one and half inches wide, and usually show up steamed open and served with a light sauce or in clams casino. They can be fried whole or in strips, or added to various dishes. 2 eggs 1 teaspoon crushed garlic In a large bowl, mix all ingredients together except for crab and crackers. Recipe makes ahhh lets say, bout 4 lunch size or appetizer portions. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. The varnish clam is named for the glossy, brownish-black periostracum (outer shell layer) that covers its shell. You are not permitted to assist a clamming partner, which is an awful rule. There are some signs that purple clams were introduced to the Pacific Northwest in the 1980s by water from a ballast pool. A Varnish Clam is one of the most famous clams found along the Atlantic coast. The varnish clam, a keystone species of the ecosystem, is an important component. Step-by-step preparation of Delicious Baked Parmesan Tilapia. Crabbing for Beginners on the Oregon Coast, Privacy Policy, Terms of Use & Accessibility. Most of the time, though, clams in the US are edible, as the Europeans landing on New World shores learned quickly from indigenous peoples, who had long been eating a version of what is now known as clam chowder. Razor clamming closed from Columbia River to CA border. While they may look intimidating, theyre actually quite easy to cook. 2014 Institute for Applied Ecology. lions mane mushroom powder (optional), 2 Tbsp. finds you with little more than a blanket and a beach bag, theres still a perfect style of clamming for you. Both British Columbia and Oregon have established recreational fisheries for the clam, and a commercial market is developing. GaryP1958. Purple clams, in contrast to Manila clams, are a little creamy and tender. No trenching. VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. February 21, 2023. They can also be steamed open in white wine. Web purple varnish clam prep for cooking 5,654 views dec 25, 2017 how to prepare purple varnish clams prior to cooking is explained by the mad clammer (aka. Purple varnish clams, a new breed of clam, have made their way to our shores via bilge water from ocean-going ships. Purple varnish clams, an Asian species, are not native to North America. Instead of purchasing sand shrimp, they could be the next best bait for surf perch. Each recipe is an adventure in fine dinning ranging from an intimate dinner to a good old fashion clambake. Once the clam is loosened, lift it out of the sand and place it in your bucket. As the clams breathe they filter water. At home, quickly wash every clam under cold tap water to remove mud or grit on the outside of the shell. In addition to providing information, Anchor & Hope also provides delicious seafood recipes that are easy to follow. Jon Bell is an Oregon writer and author of the book, On Mount Hood: A Biography of Oregons Perilous Peak. To harvest molluscan shellfish for recreational purposes, you must have a license from the ODFW. Shrimp: 20lbs in the shell. Habitat: These clams can be found in cobble to muddy substrate. Varnish clams shells are flat and thin, and they can measure up to 31 inches in length. Stir the clams into the chowder. Use your shovel to dig around the clam, being careful not to damage the shell. You probably either eat whole clams dipped in butter or in clam chowder as bits n pieces that came from a can. Be careful to get them out whole without breaking up the meat. The following recipe showcases the value purple varnish clams contribute to prepared clam dishes. No problem. They dont have a traditional American use, but they are a standard ingredient in laksa, the essential seafood soup of Southeast Asia. When you see that telltale hole in the sand most frequently at minus-low tides dig down gently but quickly with your shovel or clam gun to get the goods. In the batch of 72, we had only three that were duds. Once purged, or if you choose to take a chance and trust your fishmongers purging abilities, cover them in a wet towel in your fridge and try to eat them as soon as possible, as they deteriorate rapidly after harvest. The Narragansett tribe of Native Americans waded and dove for these clams, which dominate the clam-scape of the East Coast. Red Rock Crab: 24 of . The Washington family claims George Washington liked them scattered over oyster soup as a garnish. When you see that telltale hole in the sand most frequently at minus-low tides dig down gently but quickly with your shovel or clam gun to get the goods. As of Nov. 3, 2022, razor clamming is closed coastwide due to elevated levels of domoic acid, a naturally occurring marine biotoxin. Permits for diving with abalone and sperm are available through the ODFW Marine Resources Program. that walks you through the process. It gets you outside, into the refreshing air and natural beauty of the Oregon Coast. Set aside. Youve got the tide tables memorized and a favorite recipe for clam chowder queued up and ready to go. I blanched them and cleaned 'em as soon as I got home and then fried them just like I would razors.