P. Form 1.923 (2007) notice for trial palm beach county. Privacy Statement|Accessibility Statement|Legal Notice(850) 922-5081500 South Duval Street, Tallahassee, FL, 32399-1925, All Content Copyright 2023 Florida Courts, Court Councils, Commissions, and Committees, General Contract Conditions for Services and Commodities, Read the BASIC INSTRUCTIONS (STEP-BY-STEP) TO FILL OUT FORMS, NOTICE OF LIMITATIONS OF SERVICES Disclaimer, 500 South Duval Street, Tallahassee, FL, 32399-1925. Court Phone: 561-355-2431. WAIVER OF SERVICE OF PROCESS (c) Forms for Services by Mail. The Palm Beach County Bar Association maintains an Attorney Referral Service. (b): The title is amended to eliminate confusion by the sheriffs in effecting service. $2.00. Admin. Court Name: Circuit Court - Palm Beach County, Family Law Division. The complaint has been filed in the (Circuit or County) Court for the . Fill Free Fillable Clerk Of The Circuit Court Comptroller Palm is a free printable for you. Free viewers are required for some of the attached documents.They can be downloaded by clicking on the icons below. This will then need to be delivered to the Sheriff or process server for service on the Defendant or Defendants. If you choose to file a written response yourself, at the same time you file your written response to the court you must also mail or take a copy of your written response to the Plaintiff/Plaintiffs Attorney named below. Learn more about electronic certified copies . The below documents shall be manually submitted. $2.00. If fillable form fields ARE NOT VISIBLEwhen you open the PDF form, you do not have Adobe Reader installed. 4.905-02/23* in re: palm beach county veterans' docket/ and creation of "va" division february 28, 2023 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. Phone: 850-577-4609
2.503-02/23* IN RE: COURT REPORTING SERVICES February 28, 2023 Si usted desea que el tribunal considere su defensa, debe presentar su respuesta por escrito, incluyendo el numero del caso y los nombres de las partes interesadas. Tiene 20 dias, contados a partir del recibo de esta notificacion, para contestar la demanda adjunta, por escrito, y presentarla ante este tribunal. Certified copy of Summons and copy for service. Order Granting Psychological Evaluation. This website is maintained by Brevard County Clerk of the Court. If the court rules that the landlord is entitled to evict the tenant and/or recover damages for unpaid rent, the court will sign a judgment in the landlord's favor. Learn more. How do I get an appointment for a marriage license? NOTE: Do not scan multiple documents together and submit as a single document. Provide a self-addressed stamped envelope for each Defendant. E-Filing Multiple Documents - The Portal permits multiple documents for the same case to be filed at one time. Electronic filing of court documents, or E-Filing, allows attorneys and self-represented (pro se) litigants to submit court documents electronically 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County Home Menu. Form Summons Circuit Court Florida Palm Beach County. It is important to include your name, address and telephone number on every document you file with the court. This printable was uploaded at October 04, 2022 by tamble in Court.. Form Summons Circuit Court Florida Palm Beach County - If you require county court forms, there are numerous possibilities. The E-Filing Portal now automatically generates the Civil Cover Sheet using data entered by the filer. Fax (561) 355-6727. www.mypalmbeachclerk.com. Detail may be found in Chapter 34, Florida Statutes. Many family law forms are available free online from the Office of Florida State Courts. This varies depending on the type of tenancy and other facts. You may also park at the 500 Banyan Blvd. Do I need to list in the certificate of service that service was via E-Filing? Telephone (561) 355-2996. If there is no response from the tenant within the required time, a default judgment is entered against the tenant. The reference materials are also available online. Count II is a claim for damages (such as past due rent or damage to the premises). Where do I go to file documents electronically? The cost of service will be avoided if I receive a signed copy of the waiver within 20 days (30 days if you do not reside in the United States) after the date you receive this notice and request for waiver. Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. This will then need to be delivered to the Sheriff or process server for service on the Defendant or Defendants. Expedited Reroofing Checklist and Worksheet. Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option. There are other legal requirements. $50.00 Levy Fee . & Jud. $5.00. The law library has the following forms for sale. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. Building Division Permit Application. When filing a Suggestion of Bankruptcy over the counter, a Notice of Filing must be included. Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. Record search-per year. Si vous ne connaissez pas davocat, vous pourriez telephoner a un service de reference davocats ou a un bureau dassistance juridique (figurant a lannuaire de telephones). palm beach county court administration. For current fees, please review Fees & Costs. Selected Courts WEBSITE DESIGN BY GRANICUS - Connecting People and Government. Departments Courts County Civil Court. To get started and understand how the forms work, Read the BASIC INSTRUCTIONS (STEP-BY . Palm Beach County including Boca Raton, Boca Del Mar, West Palm Beach, Boynton Beach, Delray Beach, Greenacres, Lake Worth, Royal Palm Beach . The filer is responsible to determine those to be served and the filer may also deselect anyone not to be served. Form 66: Final Judgment - Eviction. The public library and County Law Library will have these reference materials. The statute also requires that the tenant be afforded seven (7) days to correct the situation. Sample forms, instructions, and procedures. In order to terminate a tenancy for reasons other than failure to pay rent, Chapter 83 of the Florida Statues requires notice to the Tenant, in writing, of the alleged breach of the lease. Our center . A lawsuit has been filed against you. County Civil Court has jurisdiction over claims up to and including $50,000. Contact the Clerk of the Circuit Court& Comptroller's office in person or by mail and request the issuance of the Writ of Possession. Notice of Change of Mailing Address or Designated Email Address; Request to Be Excused from Email Service After I give proper notice, what do I have to do? YOU ARE COMMANDED to serve this summons and a copy of the complaint or petition in this action on defendant .. Each defendant is required to serve written defenses to the complaint or petition on . Check the case docket online using eCaseView or contact the Clerk of the Circuit Court& Comptroller's County Civil Division by telephone to verify if the tenant(s) has responded to the Complaint. Florida has a statutory exemption that allows individuals over a certain age to request exemption from jury duty. There are differing requirements and different types of actions against tenants and different types of actions depending on the circumstances. Privacy Statement|Accessibility Statement|Legal Notice(850) 922-5081500 South Duval Street, Tallahassee, FL, 32399-1925, All Content Copyright 2023 Florida Courts, Summons: Personal Service on an Individual, Court Councils, Commissions, and Committees, General Contract Conditions for Services and Commodities, Summons and Memorandum | 12.910 Forms A - B, Additional Supporting Documents | 12.902 | Forms B - J, Answers to Dissolution | 12.903 Forms A - E, Attorney/Non-Lawyer Representation | 12.900 | Forms A - H, Disestablish Paternity | 12.951 Forms A - B, Dissolution Final Judgments | 12.990 Forms A - C2, Dissolve/Modify Injunction | 12.940 Forms D - E, Income Deduction Order | 12.996 Forms A- C, Involving Relocation | 12.950 Forms A - J, Modification of Final Judgments | 12.993 Forms A - C, Motion to Deviate from Child Support Guidelines | 12.943 Form, Notices and Diligent Search | 12.913 Forms A - C, Petition for Dissolution of Marriage | 12.901 | Forms A - B3, Petition for Support Unconnected with Dissolution | 12.904 Forms A - B, Prevent Removal of Child(ren) | 12.941 Forms A - E, Show Cause for Violations | 12.980 Forms W, X, Supplemental (Modification) Petitions | 12.905 Forms A - C, Supporting Documents | 12.980 Forms G - J, M, Temporary Custodial Responsibility During Deployment / 12.948 Forms A-E, Testimony and Attendance of Minor Child(ren) | 12.944Forms A - B, 500 South Duval Street, Tallahassee, FL, 32399-1925. 1996 Amendment. Public Service Tax on Propane Gas, Natural Gas and Electricity, Adoption of Special Magistrate Recommended Decisions Meeting, Operation Green Light Helps Customers Save Money and Get Back on the Road, Electronic Certified Copies of Official Records, Official Record Index and Images on CD-ROM, Plead Not Guilty and Contest a Traffic Ticket, Locations & Mailing Addresses for Traffic Tickets, Injunction for Protection Against Domestic Violence, Injunction for Protection Against Repeat Violence, Injunction for Protection Against Dating Violence, Injunction for Protection Against Sexual Violence, Injunction for Protection Against Stalking, Audit Service Unit Reports on Other Entities, Checks & Balances: Your Guide to County Finances (PAFR), Documents Accepted at the Main Courthouse Only, Scammers Impersonating Clerk Employees in Fake Calls, County Civil Limits Increasing To $50,000 on January 1, 2023, the Florida Rules of Criminal Procedure, Rule 3.030, Training videos from the Florida Courts E-Filing Authority, Training manuals from the Florida Courts E-Filing Authority, Florida Supreme Court Standards for Electronic Access to the Courts, Administrative Order 2.312, In Re: Electronic Filing of Documents, Florida Rules of Criminal Procedure, Rule 3.030, Notice of Defendant of Rights and Claim of Exemption-County Civil, Notice of Defendant of Rights and Claim of Exemption-Circuit Civil, Upload proposed orders to the 15th Judicial Circuits OLS portal, AOSC14-1 In Re: Electronic Filing of Criminal, Juvenile, and Traffic Cases Via The Florida Courts E-Filing Portal, AOSC13-49 Electronic Service Via the Florida Courts E-Filing Portal, Administrative Order 2.312 Electronic Filing Of Documents, Administrative Order 5.212-1/14 Order to Attend Parenting Class, and To File Financial Disclosure and Child Support Guideline Worksheet in Paternity and Dissolution of Marriage Cases with Minor Children, Florida Rules of Criminal Procedure, Rule 3.030 (begins on page 14), Black and White/Bi-Tonal not Grayscale or Color. Program Description. How do I get an appointment for a marriage license? Form 76: Motion For Clerk's Default . What do the terms Count I and Count II eviction mean? |6, yna@a-. See full search documentation. I hereby certify that this notice of lawsuit and request for waiver of service of process has been sent to you on behalf of the plaintiff on . Again, if notice is mailed, the court Most are written, however, because oral agreements can be subject to misunderstandings or difficulties of proof. Before you can file a landlord action, proper written notice must first be given to the landlord or tenant. USLF control no. The form of the notice will depend on the landlord's or tenant's reason for terminating the lease. The fee for this service is $40.00 payable to the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office . Fillable form fields in the PDF allows you to complete forms by typing information into the form fields. Form 13: Satisfaction Of Judgment - County Court. Do I need an appointment for a passport application and what do I have to bring? If you are in contempt of court, you will be required to appear at a hearing. Visit the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit's website for more information, forms, and administrative orders related to Differentiated Case Management. FL-12910-A A' ~5_sVl:X!`7WDFKk^Z*! This varies depending on the type of tenancy and other facts. The document will still be submitted to the Clerks office for filing. Service of Summons Fee for each tenant (defendant) in the form of check or money order and payable to Sheriff of Palm Beach County, plus a self-addressed stamped envelope with sufficient postage for each Defendant; Step III. Note: If the Tenant (defendant) does not vacate after Final Judgment has been entered, you will need to obtain a Writ of Possession from the Clerk. Notice of Contest - When filing a notice of contest, indicate that it is an emergency by checking the emergency filing box on the File Subsequent Document(s) into an existing case screen in the E-Filing Portal. The following legal forms may be prepared online for free using the Clerk's form preparation program: Also see a list of forms available for purchase from the Self-Service Center. Juror Information. The Clerk of the Circuit Court& Comptroller's Self Service Center can provide you access to an attorney for a nominal charge, for the purpose of providing procedural advice. U~ _rels/.rels ( MK1!;*"^DMdC2(.3y3C+4xW(AyXJBWpb#InJ*Eb=[JM%a B,o0f@=a noA;Nv"ebR1REF7ZnhYjy#1'7
9m.3Y PK ! Self-help programs and court staff function under certain service limitations. County Civil Standing Order: Circuit Civil Standing Order: Standing Orders to be Served pursuant to Fla.R. Court Hours: 8am - 4pm. Order Appointing Parenting Coordinator. Si vous ne deposez pas votre reponse ecrite dans le relai requis, vous risquez de perdre la cause ainsi que votre salaire, votre argent, et vos biens peuvent etre saisis par la suite, sans aucun preavis ulterieur du tribunal. The document you received last would be the correct document. Self-Help staff cannot provide legal interpretations or advice. FL 33401 The phone number for the Palm Beach County Court is: 561-355-2996. What do the terms Count I and Count II eviction mean? Landlord Tenant (Eviction): Get helpful resources. IN THE COUNTY COURT IN AND FOR MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Room 1.2100. Locations. Complete the Sheriff Information Sheet. Mandatory mediation fees for county cases may be paid online, by mail or in-person at any one of our four courthouse locations. File Date - The file date of an E-Filed document is the date and time the E-Filed document is received at the Portal. WEBSITE DESIGN BY GRANICUS - Connecting People and Government, Per Administrative Order 12.512, any party filing a residential eviction case may need to file a, Palm Beach County residents impacted by the coronavirus pandemic may be eligible for, Frequently Asked Questions: Evictions & COVID. In your case management report(s) and conferences. A combination including, but not limited to: name, email, and Florida Bar Number obtained during registration, will be validated against an electronic list provided by the Florida Bar. Judicial Complex North Regional Courthouse West Regional Courthouse South Regional Courthouse . Orders in a florida corporate summons form carefully. You have twenty (20) calendar days alter this summons is served gteyouto file a written response to the attached amended complaint/petition with the clerk of . Fifteenth Judicial Circuit Law Library Resources. County Civil Limits Increasing To $50,000 on January 1, 2023 . You have 20 calendar days after this summons is served on you to file a written response to the attached complaint with the clerk of this court. Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option. Civil E-Filing Help
The forms used for filing an eviction may be purchased from the Clerk of the Circuit Court& Comptroller's Self Service Center. Filing fee in form of cash, check, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover, certified check, or money order payable to . $1.00. The attorney will be able to designate their user name and password. Jurors parking in other lots will be reimbursed no more than $7.00 per day. (2) Waiver of S ervice of Process. IV-D Child Support Forms. Do not file a paper copy of a document that has been E-Filed. Docketing the E-Filed Pleading - Each page of an E-Document must still be individually reviewed and redacted. The Clerk of the Circuit Court& Comptroller's Self Service Center can provide you access to an attorney for a nominal charge, for the purpose of providing procedural advice. A processing fee of 2.5% plus a convenience fee of $2.50 per transaction will apply. I acknowledge receipt of your request that I waive service of process in the lawsuit of v. in the Court in I have also received a copy of the complaint, two copies of this waiver, and a means by which I can return the signed waiver to you without cost to me. All rights reserved. The statute also requires that the tenant be afforded seven (7) days to correct the situation. Types of Cases Not Handled in Palm Beach County Small Claims Court. Yes, the filer must ensure all of those entitled to service are served either by adding those missing to the E-service Tab or by serving them separately by e-mail. Once issued, the summons will be electronically returned to the email address of the filer. Documents are served when filings are submitted. The Palm Beach County Clerk & Comptroller's office is developing functionality for the electronic issuance of documents ("eIssuance"). Registry fees are collected at time of deposit. IN THE COUNTY COURT IN AND FOR MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. Use this form to. The tenant then has five (5) days excluding weekends and legal holidays to respond in writing to the court by filing the response with the Clerk of the County Court Civil Division. Chapter 83 of the Florida Statutes provides that the landlord serve the tenant with a written notice allowing three (3) days excluding weekends and legal holidays for the tenant to pay the rent or vacate the premises. If you do not . How do I get an appointment for a marriage license? Easement Consent Packet. The docketing time for an E-Filed pleading is dependent upon the volume of filings received at any given time. It is important to include your name, address and telephone number on every document you file with the court. Once issued, the Clerks default will be electronically returned to the e-mail address of the filer. Additional resources include a directory of local self-help centers, web links to free and low cost legal aid, mediator search capabilities, and guardianship resources. Fifteenth Judicial Circuit Law Library Resources. What if a tenant fails to live up to obligations under the lease? *Online orders will be sent by email as fillable PDF documents. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic email to this entity. submit the summons in paper form, with payment of the summons fee, over the counter or via mail to the respective court department (with payment of the summons fee) and self-addressed postage paid . AGREED CASE MANAGEMENT PLAN IN PENDING COUNTY CIVIL CASES IN THE PALM BEACH COUNTY COURT FILED ON OR BEFORE APRIL 29, 2021 (DCMSO) Pursuant to Florida Rule of Civil Procedure 1.200(a), Florida Rule of General Practice and Judicial Administration 2.545, and Administrative Order 3.108 entered by the Chief Judge of this A phone call will not protect you. Email: support@myflcourtaccess.com. Upon 'being served' with the summons (receiving the summons), the party is legally obligated to respond to the petition or complaint filed by the suing party, or face the prospect of a default judgment being rendered against them for the relief sought. SOURCE: Fla. R. Civ. 12 th Judicial Circuit and/or Supreme Court Approved Forms. Users of the Florida Courts E-Filing Portal will be required to designate whether case-initiating documents contain confidential information when filing in Circuit Civil, County Civil and Small Claims cases. Florida Small Claims Rules permit the Clerk to provide general information and assistance in preparing a statement of claim. Certification of copies of public or official documents filed in the Clerk's office. Pre-Trial Services. As of Monday, 102,968 people have been diagnosed with the virus in Palm Beach County and 2,154 have died, the second highest total in the state behind Miami-Dade, according to the Florida . Envelopes - Remember to provide postage paid envelopes when required. Florida Court Forms. 9558 Cypress Park Way, Boynton Beach, FL 33472; 3200 Congress Avenue, Suite 201, Boynton Beach, FL 33426; or, 181 South Australian Avenue, Suite 450, West Palm Beach, Florida 33409. By. . . The person to whom the user name and password is assigned is responsible for any documents filed using that user name and password. Additionally, electronic issuance of clerk defaults and writs of garnishment are now available in all civil court divisions. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. I understand that a judgment may be entered against me (or the party on whose behalf I am acting) if a written response is not served upon you within 60 days from the date I received the notice of lawsuit and request for waiver of service of process. PETITION & ORDER TO REMOVE CONTENTS OF SAFE DEPOSIT BOX. 2255 (h) (link is external) The Palm Beach County Public Library also has a subscription to GALE Legal Forms, which is accessible online with a library card. Application for Leave to File a Second or Successive Motion to Vacate, Set Aside, or Correct Sentence (28 U.S.C. The public library and County Law Library will have these reference materials. JURY PARKING: Juror parking is located on 600 Clematis Street, West Palm Beach, FL 33401. These form packets include instructions such as how many copies are needed, where to take the forms and what the next steps are. Departments Courts E-Filing & How to File Court Documents. For a new civil action in circuit court relating to real property or mortgage foreclosure, the following filing fees shall apply: For a claim where the value is $250,000 or more. If the rent is not paid within the three (3) days, the landlord may begin the eviction process. By default, the E-Portal will provide the PDF format to the local record system. 1992 Amendment. In Florida, those who do not respond to a jury duty summons can be held in contempt of court. Files and maintains records for civil claims up to $8,000 and provides general information preparing involved parties for Court proceeding. For a new civil action in circuit court relating to Contraband Forfeiture, the following filing fee shall apply: $1002.00. The Florida State Courts System's Self-Help Center is your online guide to help direct you through the court system. Filers should be able to use the E-Filing portal as long as they have a computer with an Internet connection and browser. On January 1, 2023, the limits on the amounts in dispute for civil cases heard in Floridas county courts will increase. In small claims court, the trial is an informal hearing before a judge. The Plans and all model forms can be found below. $5.00. Once proper notice has been given, the next steps are to file a complaint for eviction and request that the Clerk issue a Summons. kghk1|wFL2'm}w^ I6-H^pv2-[VFhd##D!Gk5zAorl?zaEq'[FmyyF%87"'2! YOU ARE COMMANDED to serve this summons and a copy of the complaint in this law-suit on defendant . $1906.00. A landlord (the owner or lessor of a dwelling) or a tenant (a person entitled to occupy a dwelling unit under a rental agreement) may file a Residential Landlord or Tenant Action. Vous avez 20 jours consecu-tifs a partir de la date de lassignation de cette citation pour deposer une reponse ecrite a la plainte ci-jointe aupres de ce tribunal. The certificate of service should state that service was performed via the E-Filing portal and list the associated e-mail address along with the physical address of all E-service recipients. If I do not receive the signed waiver within 20 days from the date you received the notice and the waiver of service of process form, formal service of process may be initiated in a manner authorized by the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. Once you have filed your Complaint with the Clerk of the Circuit Court& Comptroller's office, and after the Defendant(s) are served, each Defendant has 5 (five) business days to respond to the Complaint, excluding the day the Summons is served, Saturdays, Sundays and designated holidays. The Palm Beach County Bar maintains an Attorney Referral Service. Count II is a claim for damages (such as past due rent or damage to the premises). P.O. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. County Court Forms. of Writ and copy of bond posted with court. What do I have to do to file a residential landlord/tenant action? Do I need any special hardware or software? A copy of this form must be mailed, e-mailed, or hand delivered to the other party. Please call us if you have questions about the packets or are not sure which packet to purchase. 15th judicial circuit court - hearing officer position opening february 10, 2023; 15th circuit judicial nominating commission notice of vacancies and acceptance of applications february 2, 2023; hearing officer opening - 15th judicial circuit court february 1, 2023; administrative order no. For one week only, we are waiving collection agency fees. Emergency Filings - Must flag the emergency checkbox on the Portal and follow the requirements of the applicable Emergency Filing Administrative Order. If you have any questions, please consult an attorney. Privacy Statement|Accessibility Statement|Legal Notice(850) 922-5081500 South Duval Street, Tallahassee, FL, 32399-1925, All Content Copyright 2023 Florida Courts, Summons and Memorandum | 12.910 Forms A - B, Court Councils, Commissions, and Committees, General Contract Conditions for Services and Commodities, Additional Supporting Documents | 12.902 | Forms B - J, Answers to Dissolution | 12.903 Forms A - E, Attorney/Non-Lawyer Representation | 12.900 | Forms A - H, Disestablish Paternity | 12.951 Forms A - B, Dissolution Final Judgments | 12.990 Forms A - C2, Dissolve/Modify Injunction | 12.940 Forms D - E, Income Deduction Order | 12.996 Forms A- C, Involving Relocation | 12.950 Forms A - J, Modification of Final Judgments | 12.993 Forms A - C, Motion to Deviate from Child Support Guidelines | 12.943 Form, Notices and Diligent Search | 12.913 Forms A - C, Petition for Dissolution of Marriage | 12.901 | Forms A - B3, Petition for Support Unconnected with Dissolution | 12.904 Forms A - B, Prevent Removal of Child(ren) | 12.941 Forms A - E, Show Cause for Violations | 12.980 Forms W, X, Supplemental (Modification) Petitions | 12.905 Forms A - C, Supporting Documents | 12.980 Forms G - J, M, Temporary Custodial Responsibility During Deployment / 12.948 Forms A-E, Testimony and Attendance of Minor Child(ren) | 12.944Forms A - B, 500 South Duval Street, Tallahassee, FL, 32399-1925. IMPORTANT: Before receiving services from a self-help program or court staff, please read through the NOTICE OF LIMITATIONS OF SERVICES Disclaimer. Count I is an action for eviction only (possession). 205 North Dixie Highway. 2.516 for Cases filed on or before April 29 . All Forms - Civil Forms. Pro se filers can also register to E-File. There is no jury and the plaintiff presents his or her evidence and witnesses. Order Form Packets from the Self-Service Center. Go to this court in the county the complaint was filed, and see . Passport services are available BY APPOINTMENT ONLY in our branch offices. Il y a dautres obligations juridiques et vous pouvez requerir les services immediats dun avocat. P. 1.070(2007); Fla. R. Civ. P. 1.070. The Clerk will execute the summons. The landlord files suit in the office of the Clerk of the County Court, Civil Division, in the county in which the dwelling is situated. This is not a formal summons or notification from the court, but is rather my request that you sign the enclosed waiver of service of process form in order to save the cost of serving you with a judicial summons and an additional copy of the complaint. These form packets include instructions such as how many copies are needed, where to take the forms and what the next steps are. For automated assistance or additional questions, please call (561) 355-2930 or 1-888-780-5032 (toll free within Florida). Find family law forms approved by the Florida Supreme Court. Box 229, West Palm Beach, FL 33402. or 301 North Olive, 9th Floor, West Palm Beach, FL 33401. (b) Form for Personal Service on Natural Person. Court Disposition Form (Court Disposition Form - 164 09-08-2015.pdf - 2.5 MBs) . >The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller's can provide you access to an attorney for a nominal charge, for the purpose of providing procedural advice. 2244) (link is external) CA11. The residential landlord/tenant relationship is controlled by the terms of your lease and by Chapter 83 of the Florida Statutes. Form 9: Final Judgment - Damages. For one week only, we are waiving collection agency fees. The self-help website includes family law forms approved by the Florida Supreme Court. The Palm Beach County Public Library also has a subscription to GALE Legal Forms, which is accessible online with a library card.