N.B.C. The Ordway new era. (Ordway, Colo.) 1902-1927, June 28, 1918, Image 10 Centers were openedI first In ietrogrnd and Moscow andthen In Samara, 000 miles enstwurd .from Moscow. - Ordway, CO Business Directory | US Business Description: The Colorado Department of Transportation released the following project information regarding the US 50 & CO 71 Intersection Improvement Project in Otero County. Jobs | Newspaper Articles; Colorado; Ordway; Ordway Newspaper Articles in Newspapers 1902 - 1922. The papers have been grouped by the community in which they were published, with the communities listed in order of their distance from Ordway. Ordway, CO Weather Conditions | Weather Underground Cambric Percale 40cNew Torchon Laces at lOc Twenty-five pieces heaviest Cheviat SOcFifty pieces Toil du Nord Ginghams, at__3sc | Twenty pieces American & Simpson Calico 13cDublin Poplins, Lorainne Tissues, Lassie Cloth and many other new* items in thej dry goods line.t READY MADE GINGHAM DRESSESF This line is moving fastevery number a bran new oneevery dress a bargain; every buyer a real booster.A Thousand Dollars worth of Black Cats Yes, we surely have a bunch of Black Cats, but when you realize that we supply; a large percentage of Crowley countys population with Black Cat Hosiery youI must know that we buy them in big lots.LADIES SILKSIn Dark Brown, Pink, Blue, Pongee, Black and White, at. The, Ouray School teachers and staff offered overwhelmingly positive feedback on a survey gauging their feelings on everything from teaching and learning, to school morale, to parental and administration support. We encourage you to double-check the information that is critical to you. While these eateries may not seem like much on the outside, they are indeed something special, like this Colorado family restaurant, Frontier Diner in Cheraw, that is worth a trip to the country: Description: During the Monday February 27, 2023 meeting of the Otero County Commissioners Emergency Manager Danny Chavez requested permission to sign a mutual aid agreement with Pueblo County Emergency Agencies. Results 1 - 101 listings related to Ordway, CO on US-business.info. Know someone from Ordway who isn't listed? Where- First Presbyterian Church of La Junta 111 E 20th Street. 4.6 is what Feeling saucy received from the Google rating system. Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1777-1963 or use the U.S. (Ordway, CO), Jan. 1 1902. https://www.loc.gov/item/sn90051033/. Winds could . First Name. A men's prison in Crowley County east of Pueblo is battling the largest active COVID-19 outbreak among state correctional facilities. Crowley County High School in Ordway, CO - US News Best High Schools Crowley County School District No. External Link Disclaimer | Ryan Wong, 27, of Fort Collins, died at St. Mary's Medical Center in Grand Junction after he was flown there by helicopter. Henry. Stewart went to act as a Justice of the Peace in Ordway, and he later founded and published the Cheraw Clarion from 1910 to 1916, occasionally returning to the New Era throughout the years. A birding group led by Bill Harris was treated with a surprise at Elk Meadows on Jan. 28 when visiting Rebecca, Not many 16-year-olds can invite others to meet him in his office. For more information, or to pick up and/or submit an application, contact: Crowley County Administration, 603 Main, Suite 2, Ordway, CO 81063. Those close out numbers are Justright for tills flu weatherthey are a safe guard.SCHOOL DRESSES LITTLE FELLOW SUITSLong sleeves, made of high The Wooly Boy line, springclass Gingham, very beautl- patterns, nges 5 to 17 years,ful. Ordway CO Real Estate - Ordway CO Homes For Sale | Zillow . Winner 2014 Certificate of Excellence as voted by TripAdvisor and our guests Recommended by Frommer's Travel Guide and Voted La Junta's Best Hotel. 45c; 1 sack Mill Run . External Link Disclaimer | 2 views. about 1200, and rat enough for!the block. a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate. Then came the rollerskating crazeand tho movies.He went to London and promotedboth. About. Press | Below are the newspapers that have been published in the vicinity ofOrdway. and the Ordway Trading Co. twobig stocks were brought together.The prices being made should interest every farmor.At Sunday School. Its currently blocked by a fence, and marked with three signs, which say no trespassing, keep out and no public access. Valid State Drivers License and Commercial Drivers License, (Class A CDL with Tanker endorsement preferred). The State Engineer will provide an update on the (LA JUNTA, Colo.) The La Junta Fire Department (LJFD) reported an early morning structure fire on Thursday, Feb. 16. Five dozen khaki shirtsspring sewing means more regular $1.75 grade, all sizes,time in the garden. The business office address is located at 19469 Road H, Ordway, Ordway, CO 81063. 2810 A. M.Dr. For more information, please see our description of the Chronicling America website. Jonteol 50c J Arbutiw 60c .Cocoa Butter .i, 60c '. $0.50, $7.50School will soon be open. SECO NEWS - Jozlin Nadine Altamirano Obituary 152 Ordway, Colorado Premium High Res Photos Browse 152 ordway, colorado stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. 50c 'Bouquet'. Olney Springs News, Weather, Safety, Sports | NewsBreak Olney Springs, CO There are 25 active homes for sale in Ordway, CO, which spend an average of 85 days on the market. He was born on September 3, 1936, to Eiroku and Toki Ashida in Ordway, Colorado. 113 W 5th St, Ordway, CO 81063 | realtor.com Businesses with similar names. 2700, extra good work team.Smooth mouth mare, wt. COLORADO The number of cattle and calves on feed for the slaughter market in Colorado feedlots with a capacity of 1,000 head or larger was estimated at 1,030,000 head as of February 1, 2023. Ordway, Colorado - Things To Do and Events | Crowley County Find an obituary, get service details, leave condolence messages or send flowers or gifts in memory of a loved one. of women ami children from thefirst house, which opened some monthsngo In ouswer to a call from the commanding officer of the comp.During If* days In November 2,1f2visitors were entertained ut the house,including women and children, of thefollowing nationalities; Philippine. Saturday, Jan 28, 2023 at 10:00am. If you can help, please contact us through our Feedback Page. 1389 Giddlngs Road, Cleve-;land. Try free for 7 days and find 54 papers and 2,948,166 pages on Newspapers.com. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/item/sn90051033/. 7192673411. He prospered. Description: Press Play to Watch the Interview with Billy Jackson and the upcoming casting call for Hugh Johnson Films Days After, post-apocalyptic zombie film series set in Southeast Colorado. 20601 County Road J, Ordway, CO 81063-9523. Latest UK news | The Guardian MIDTOWN MOTEL - Prices & Hotel Reviews (La Junta, CO) - Tripadvisor A War Stamp coeta $4.17 this monthand brings back $5.00 in five years. The Ordway new era. London - Latest News, Headlines and Entertainment from the BBC History Colorado. about 19 hours ago. Keator. John Schweizer Jr. February 6, 2023 (88 years old) View obituary. Service 4.3. (Ordway, Colo.) 1902-1927, https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90051033/1918-06-28/ed-1/seq-10/. Snow this morning will transition to snow showers this afternoon. London. Arkansas Valley Correctional Facility | Department of Corrections Accessibility | Kiowa County Press - Eads, Colorado, Newspaper | Your Newspaper in Eads, Kiowa County, Colorado. The first year of publication is unknown, with the last issue in1904, The first year of publication was in1894, with an unknown end date. 9 yearlines. LA Junta Tribune Recent Obituaries: All of LA Junta Tribune's Recent A. D. 1918,leaving an estate of a value not exceeding Two Thousand Dollars, consisting of real estate, situate In saidCounty of Denver and Btate of Colo- jrado. Echovita Inc is a registered trademark. Both the McClave and Cheraw boys basketball teams are safely through to the championship semifinal round of the Class 1A District 2 Tournament, while the Cheraw girls team faltered in the opening round of tournament play and will wait regional seeding next week. Cattle feeders [] Journal Alert Upcoming Events. USA.gov, The Ordway new era. The pathway has long been used by students as a shortcut, but is located on private property at 539, An ice climber who was found unconscious and not breathing Feb. 24 at the Ouray Ice Park has died. Latest news from Ordway, CO collected exclusively by city-data.com from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations Ray Ojeda: Inside Fight That Lowered Rapist s Sentence from 144 Years to 96 Westword an inmate at the Arkansas Valley Correctional Facility in Ordway. If you've found an error or have additional information that you would like to share, please don't hesitate to write: Click here to contact us. mm/dd/yyyy. Legal | This page was last modified/updated: 28 Feb 2023, A Gazetteer for the United States and Canada, Rocky Ford Tribune Successor To Fowler Tribune, The Rocky Ford Daily Gazette Topic And Enterprise, The Rocky Ford Gazette Successor To The Times And The Republican. A straight line distance ignores obstructions like rivers, canyons, lakes, et cetera - it's truly a line drawn from PointA (ie-Ordway) toPointB. Medium v. Library of Congress Control Number sn90051813 OCLC Number 22539572 Preceding Titles The Ordway New Era (Ordway, Colo.) 1902 to 1927 Project for Early Settlers' Day. Without money the farmer and the business mancould not carry on a successful business and without banks andour methods of commerce and finance the farmer and the business man could not get the money which to conduct their,business operations.In the development and advancement of Ordway, Crowley county and this particular section of the famous Arkansasvalley no institution has played a more important part thanthe Citizens State Bank in Ordway. Ordway Vacations, Activities & Things To Do | Colorado.com When you drive through a stinky town in Colorado, that awful smell could be described as the smell of money. That said, we do have a list of papers that were published in the broader area surroundingOrdway. For more information on Library of Congress policies and disclaimers regarding rights and reproductions, see https://www.loc.gov/homepage/legal.html. MORE: A citizens guide to the Colorado Capitol. The museum houses articles, photographs, and various other . Our newspaper information for Ordway is based on data taken from the Chronicling America website. Fairfax County's main source for breaking news, weather & traffic. The Ordway New Era Ordway, Colo. -1927. USA (1,373,456) > Colorado (13,751) > Crowley County (103) > Crowley County Newspapers and Obituaries (19), USA (1,373,456) > Colorado (13,751) > Colorado Newspapers and Obituaries (2,938) > Crowley County Newspapers and Obituaries (19). (Ordway, Colo.) 1902-1927 Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1777-1963 or use the U.S. Elda Evelyn (Davis) Stavely was born June 26, 1927, in Haswell to Johnnie A. and Elma E. (Brandon) Davis, and departed this life December 10, 2020, at the Crowley County Nursing Center in Ordway. Crowley County & Ordway, CO Obituaries, 25+ indexes - newspaper obituaries Feeling saucy in Ordway - Restaurant menu and reviews Crystal Cuckow. Catherine Joan Baker, 79 - Nov 14, 2017. Latina activist's legacy remains prevalent in Longmont. Cleanliness 4.4. wt.1100. Get death information, see service details and more. Ask a Librarian; . The Ordway Colorado Business Entities - OpenGovCO Add them Subscribe to new obituaries Michael Marsh Apr 14, 1947 Aug 23, 2021 Ordway, CO, USA Go to memorial Frances DeHerrera. (Ordway, Colo.) 1902-1927, https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90051033/1919-02-21/ed-1/seq-10/. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. Chante Nicole Ybarra. Events Editor:events.worldjournal@gmail.com, Subscriptions:ruth.worldjournal@gmail.com, Walsenburg says Aguilar owes it over $66,000 for gas; Threatens any and all action for non-payment by Mark Craddock WALSENBURG According to the City, by Ruth Stodghill LASANIMASCOUNTY Upward of a dozen reports of active shooting incidents at schools were called in to dispatch centers across the state, by Ruth Stodghill TRINIDAD 17,000 vehicles per day. calf by side.I Red cow, 5 yrs. Two parks, one on the north and one on the south side, frame downtown, and a one-mile nature . Saturday, Dec 24, 2022 at 10:00am. Events Editor:events.worldjournal@gmail.com, Subscriptions:ruth.worldjournal@gmail.com, Pueblo Police investigators seeking the publics help in identification of possible suspect vehicle and driver by E.E. (Sugar City, Crowley County, Colo.) 1915-1924, Sugar City: Sugar City Gazette. / 1in. So which towns in Colorado stink the most? Big R Stores - La Junta. Ayer & Sons American Newspaper Annual and Directory lists the Ordway New Era as a politically independent paper. Besides acting as the editor and publisher of the paper, Giffin served as mayor of Ordway for two terms, as well as the president of the Colorado Editorial Association in 1921, and vice president of the National Editorial Association from 1923 to 1924. The first, eight-page issue came out on March 14, 1902, in which Stewart promised, When we get underway, we shall print four of the pages at home, and be able to give our readers more matter. Corn Meal $1.25 Open Kettle Lard, at 29c24 lbs. View 15 photos of this 3 bed, 2 bath, 1365 sqft. The Rocky Ford Food Market is Located at 800 Chestnut Ave. in Rocky Ford, Colorado. for Twenty years ago Grantold papers. H. C. SWIFTCOL. Ridgway, Colorado 81432 Colorado news, investigations, politics and more The Colorado Sun I know I am where I am supposed to be! courtesy Charlene Duran TRINIDAD Initially Mrs. Sciacca did not aspire to become a teacher, First champion since 1995 for the Trinidad Miners by David Tesitor DENVER Its been more than a generation since Las Animas County has had one, by Ruth Stodghill PRIMERO Its hard to find much support for electric vehicles in a community whose bread-and-butter is natural gas wells and coal. Hotel Ordway, Ordway: See 43 traveler reviews, 58 candid photos, and great deals for Hotel Ordway, ranked #1 of 1 hotel in Ordway and rated 4.5 of 5 at Tripadvisor. Kazunari Ashida Our beloved Kazunari Ashida, 86, departed this life on Friday November 11, 2022, in Ordway, Colorado. Clean, comfortable and courteous. CROWLEY COUNTY, Colo. (KKTV) - A Colorado community is in mourning after the passing of a man known by many as "Sheriff Smokey." A Crowley County Sheriff's Office truck was parked outside the. In 1981, the paper was purchased by William and Beje Schweitzer, but they sold the paper to Dan Hyatt and Dwight Sechrist Jr. just a year later. old. Winds NNE at 20 to 30 mph. Ordway, Colorado (CO 81063) profile: population, maps, real estate It willbe (fay up clay, and there will alsobe important business. think about the Fifth Liberty loan BondsByars & Strickland12ACTIVE STORES12 Ordway, Colo.ORDWAY. Our'expense is when you buy meat of us. In 1996, the paper was sold to the Rocky Ford Publishing Company, under which it continues publication. Donate Colorado Obituaries - Latest Obituaries in Ordway Colorado - Tributes.com The following newspapers were published within 35miles[56.3km] ofOrdway. * Our business isto re-make these tires as good as new. : sla where the Y. W. C. A. has established work. Search Colorado historical newspaper archives online. (Sugar City, Crowley County, Colo.) 1941-1942, Sugar City: Gazette. A grocery, pharmacy and a couple of second-hand stores complete the mix of shops. Ourlist contains28 papers that were published within 35miles[56.3km]<1> ofOrdway. Lester Giffin had previously worked on the Grand Junction News and the Pueblo Chieftain before buying the New Era. CROWLEY COUNTY. Yes, simply click Add a photo located underneath the main photo of the obituary then upload the photos/videos you wish to share. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers. him your Nupport at home. 19 photos. Talissa was a senior at Crowley County High School, her art instructor was Mrs. . They live on: regulation army rations.Archangel Is the fourth city In Rus- ! Buy them here.Authorized AgencyU. Donate Re-1-J Colorado Districts Colorado High Schools Education Home Crowley County. Phone 719-267-5555ext. Newspapers can be a treasure trove of information for your ancestors. In this respect Ordwayhas the advantage of many other cities in the valleythe bankshere will stand the most rigid investigation and are classedas the strongest financial institutions in the valley.By R. K. E.HAVE YOUR CAR REPAIRED AND CARED FORBEFORE IT FALLS TO PIECESThe Lindholm Garage. Back of everyline of commercial and industrial endeavor stands the bank.Their stock in trade is moneyand the progressive businessmen in Ordway and the farmers who are developing the agricultural resourefs of this section have learned that the Citizen?State Bank in Ordway is always ready to give assistance whenthat assistance is merited and will bring advancement to Crowley county.That the people of Ordway and vicinity appreciate theprogressiveness and the wide awake efforts of the CitizensState Bank to bring development to this section of the valleyis evidenced by the support the bank enjoys. Youll find no lower prices thanours. We found 20 active listings for single family homes. The Ordway New Era Ordway, Colo. -1927. Continued gusty winds and low humidity in some regions of southern Colorado are creating favorable conditions for rapid fire growth, according to the National Weather Service (NWS). After more than four hours of hearing testimony from experts on odor reduction in the cannabis industry, asking questions, and hearing complaints, Ouray city leaders are breathing a sigh of relief after state water quality officials decided to fine the city just $390 for not moving fast enough to build a new water treatment plant. Ordway, CO News Reports - EzeRoad Earlv.Ohios and Colorado Wonders; 500lhs seed corn. about 20 hours ago. Our distances are not driving distances, but are calculated as a 'point-to-point' distance. The World Journal - Your best source for news in Huerfano | Las Animas | Colfax Walsenburg businessman Fred Ettleman shot and killed in Pueblo March 2, 2023 Pueblo Police investigators seeking the public's help in identification of possible suspect vehicle and driver by E.E. Narrow by Date. Colorado portrait and biography index : gathered and arranged from histories, magazines, newspaper files, land records, and many other sources Denver Public Library, Ordway New Era(1902-1917) Newspaper Archive, Ordway new era (Ordway, Colo.) (from March 14, 1902 to Dec. 28, 1917) MyHeritage, Ordway new era 03/14/1902 to 12/28/1917 Genealogy Bank, The Ordway New Era, March 14, 1902 - December 29, 1922 Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection, The Ordway New Era, March 14, 1902 - December 29, 1922 Plains to Peaks Historic Newspapers, The Ordway new era. The 2022 Visual Arts Senior Portfolio Scholarship and 3rd Place Portfolio Display recipient was Talissa Carruba. US 50 & CO 71 Intersection Improvement Project in Otero County. 89% Precip. 1 (Mar. Jozlin Nadine Altamirano, of Ordway, Colorado entered into rest, December 15, 2021.