Our vendors are carefully juried to bring you the best shopping experience over the course of 2 days. Our in person shows are back and we couldn't be more excited and our online show Brimfield LIVE Online, the only official show of the world famous Brimfield Antique Shows, is bigger and better than ever. 5227 S Muskogee Ave. Tahlequah, OK 74464. Dora continues with our "Yard Sale Summer"get ready for another fun weekend RAIN OR SHINE!!! This annual event takes place in the center of Indian Lake's downtown area, as well as in downtown Blue Mountain Lake. It is very informal, prices are often negotiated, and deals are made on the spot. Sponsored by the Delaware Valley Historic Radio Club. It has a small flea market area but offers a variety of antiques. OKLAHOMA CITY FLEA MARKET OKLAHOMA STATE FAIRGROUNDS 3001 General Pershing Blvd Oklahoma City, OK 73107. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. February 10 - 12, Saturday, The Old Chicken Farm Vintage Barn Sale in Jones, OK, happens just twice a year, but the spectacle itself is worth the trip on those special dates. Bargain prices on collectibles, trendy brand name fashion, electronics, children's products and more. It makes for a nice 30/40 minutes stop if you live around the area. 7. Crossroads Antiques & Farmers Market, an indoor bonanza of opportunities to find that unique antique; 7000 . We feature an eclectic array of antiques, collectibles, memorabilia, vintage items, primitives, records, furniture, crafts . The Old Chicken Farm is a Picker's Paradise . Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". In Oklahoma City, there's the artsy and modern Industry Flea, an interesting twist on the old classic bargain-hunters paradise. Purchase Tickets. The variety is astounding. The flea market is open to everyone, and for a small fee, you can set up a table and sell anything you like. There are usually some animals available, as well as myriads of antiques, clothing, crafts, and fun junk to sift through. Location(s): Exchange Center. Fleamapket provides the newest information, well before I can find it online. Food, Music and Goods. | Terms of Service | Privacy Policy | Publishing Guidelines | Press Corner | Media Kit | Copyright | Impressum | Contact Us | Log In, Copyright 2016 - 2022 fleamarketinsiders Hours are 10 to 5 on Saturday, and 11 to 3 on Sunday. Gan's Mall is one of northeast Oklahoma's leading providers of top-notch flea market & antique malls. Gans Mall/facebook. Buchanan's Flea Market: 608 Kiamichi Pl. This casual, family-friendly market is located in the heart of midtown and is a must-visit. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Our family-owned and operated flea market is THE place for a unique and enjoyable shopping experience. Early Bird 8-10 $25.00, 10-1 $10.00, 1-4 $5.00, Friday (11 am to 4 pm): Free AdmissionSaturday (9 am to 4 pm): Free Admission. Date: Nov 26, 2022. TEXAS LOCATIONS. There is a for-real saloon in operation, and some Sundays they have a wild west show. Antiques & Vintage Show! Featuring Logout Whether you're a bargain hunter, a collector of various types of items, or just like to browse through a ton of eclectic and unusual objects, this indoor market is the ultimate flea market in Oklahoma for you. News; Venues and Convention Centers; Elk City Oklahoma Convention Center; Contact; 580-225-0207; Blog. The show is held the last Sunday of the Month, April through September. Our vendors are carefully juried to bring you the best shopping experience over the course of 2 days. A traditional flea market can be held indoors and the owners are there selling their goods. June 07 - 09, Friday, You never know what you may find at the show. Dora location. Usually, there is no negotiation of prices and it is more like a regular store. The show opens at 8 am all three days till 5 pm.Vendor information 352-383-8393.Parking is free.Admission: to the special Extravaganza ShowThree Day Pass: $15Friday: $10Saturday: $6Sunday: $4. The show will be held in the Expo-2 Building at The Fairgrounds Nashville on July 15-16, 2023. marketplace | privacypolicy | contactus, Frederick Fantastic Oyster Fry and Craft Show. The company also operates some auctions of estate sales at times. Dog Trade Flea Market in Sulphur, OK. is open from 5 a.m. and lasts until people sell out or pack up for the day. There are also antique paintings, homemade food items, and much more. Braum's An Affair of the Heart - 35th Anniversary, Saturday, Located at I-44 West of the Arkansas River. Antiques Radios and similar merchandise.Friday May 12, 8am to 4pm Saturday May 13, 8am to 3pm.Free Admission and Free Parking.Sponsored by the Delaware Valley Historic Radio Club.Friday Night Auction. Renninger's Mt. Come prepared with a sense of direction and stop wasting your time. You can sort by category, too. The store may also get a small percentage of your sales. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Classes and demonstrations for the garden throughout the weekend! Most of the manufacturers of this glassware are no longer in business, and the show provides an opportunity to see and purchase items that cannnot be acquired in today's retail stores. You might even find some chickens for sale. It is a flea market for art, so you get an art show in addition to everything else. Best Flea Markets in Oklahoma City, OK - Industry Flea, Old Paris Flea Market, Karen's Ultimate Treasures, Shawnee Trading Post & Flea Market, Mary's Swap Meet, Little Rascal Flea Market and Grill, Buchanan's OKC FLEA MARKET, Payne County Flea Market Whether these are baked goods to bring home or refreshments for hungry shoppers, this flea has it all! Bring your own table/tent and set up shop for just $10 for our grand opening special! Your email address will not be published. Find us on Facebook. Description: Oklahoma City Fall Gun Show will be held on October 28-29, 2023. One is in late September and one is in Spring. There were well over 50 vendors and all of them pretty diverse. Brock Gym on Okmulgee High School campus.. Woodward County Event Center & Fairgrounds, Event promoter has not updated for this year, last year's event was April 2, 2022, Event promoter has not updated for this year, last year's event was April 9, 2022, Event promoter has not updated for this year, last year's event was April 9 - 16, 2022, World Cow Chip Throwing Championships Craft Show, Event promoter has not updated for this year, last year's event was April 15 - 16, 2022. Open Saturday and Sunday 5:30am. June 06, Friday, Miami Milwaukee New York Oklahoma City Orlando Philadelphia Phoenix Saint Louis More Cities . All Rights Reserved. December 04 - 05, Friday, It is held for a few days in September each year in Southeast Kansas and Northeast Oklahoma. Free Admission to the Market. Our History . It's one of the most awesome, 399 NW 10th St, Oklahoma City, OK 73103, USA, Located near the Amtrak station in Pauls Valley is The Swap Shop, an indoor flea market made up of individual booths with everything from furniture to vintage clothing and antiques to home decor. var hostname = "FestivalNet.com"; Start your Christmas shopping early! We've got Georgia Country Music Hall-of-Famers and beginners pickin and grinnin and having a great time. Great concessions! This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Visitors can expect to find artwork, jewelry, books, furniture, clocks, vintage lunch boxes, cowboy boots, toys, sporting memorabilia, comics, glassware, ornaments, bicycles, and Americana, to name just a few! Their auction is at 5 p.m. every Saturday and they often auction estate sales, where you can get tremendous bargains. Swap Shop Indoor Flea Market: 400 N Santa Fe St, Pauls Valley, OK: The Industry Flea Market: 317-377 NW 10th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73107: Swick's Flea Market: 5802 W 51st St, Tulsa, OK 74107: Junk and Disorderly: Mcalester, OK 74501. A wide variety of vendors will be on hand specializing in all types of vintage and antique items as well as specialized boutiques. Event by Jennifer Lynn. This site uses cookies to enhance site navigation and personalize your experience. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. It does not store any personal data. The Oklahoma City monthly market originated in 1980 by Dorthy "Dot" & Calvin Buchanan. Please email for reservation. 364 inside spaces and 300 outside spaces. 317-377 NW 10th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73107, 1111 S Eastern Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73129. ", "Finding new places to source for vintage fabrics for my clients is a time consuming but necessary activity. There is alwaysatreasure or two to take home. The saying one mans junk is another mans treasure, was never more true than here. Welcome to our first event of the Season!Join us this Spring for the Farmgirl Flea 2-day event and shop 200+ vendors who will bring you amazing vintage and handmade goods from across the USA. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Marys Old Fashioned Swap Meet is held each weekend in Spencer, on the east side of the greater Oklahoma City area. var username = "info"; Local thrift shops can be found all over the state, but mostly in the bigger cities. Located on Kickapoo and Garrett's Lake Road.". Early buying admission on Friday is $10 for adults. | Crafted with in Vienna, Austria. June 05, Friday, Pets welcome. Find us on Facebook! Here is our flea market expert's ranking of the best flea markets in the United States:. The person running the flea market takes care of all the sales. Admission is $8 per person and is good for both days. A union of the Lake County Musicians Swap Meet AND the Lake County Classic Car & Cycle Swap Meet, Car Show and Cruise-in.Just $2 (per person) gains you admission to TWO Swap Meets for the Price of ONE, on the second Sunday of every month from 8 am until 1 pm.Children under 14 are ALWAYS admitted FREE!. February 08 - 10, Saturday, The traditional flea market is an outdoor area where people can set up tables and such and sell things they have brought. Show Hours:Thursday 10:45am - 6:00pmFriday 9:00am - 6:00pmSaturday: 9:00am - 6:00pmSunday: 10:00am - 4:00pm, Country & Primitives Show. Join us out back at the pavilion. Are you a fan of HGTVs Flea Market Flip and looking for the best flea markets in Oklahoma to find some of your own treasures? $10.00 admission tickets are good for all 3 days. We want to hear about the latest and greatest story that's happening within our community. The fair specializes in antiques and is geared towards the serous antique collector, with dozens of antique dealers, appraisers and specialists each year. Elk City, OK, Payne County Expo, We have the following sponsored cottons and suggest shopping and hotels in them. Phone: Not Available. Oklahoma City, OK 73107. Home OKC TOY SHOW TEXAS TRADE DAYS register Contact . & Sunday: $70.00Sunday Only: $50.00. With hundreds of vendors and an eclectic selection of wares, theres something for everyone! For more information, visit, 401 Commerce Ave, Commerce, OK 74339, USA, Known as one of the finest antique markets in Oklahoma, the monthly Buchanan Market is the place to go for quality antiques and collectibles in the state. Visit Their Website for More Information. 2 1/2 miles to 51st St. exit. Search through someone else's trash for your next treasure at Junk Utopia. Contact: Jerry and Angela Phone: 865-457-5250. Our Vintage Treasures. But for our most avid Treasure Hunting Collectors and supporters our early shopping experience at our charity benefit the Sneak Preview opens Friday Aug 4, 1-6pm. Sponsored by Antiques and Collectibles Association, a non-profit organization. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. May 21 - 22, Saturday, New Hampshire's Largest aNTIQUE fLEA mARKET& fOOD tRUCK fESTIVALDeerfield Fairgrounds-Deerfield New HampshireMemorial Day Weekend, May 27 & 28. Children ages 11 and under free.Always free parking. *Silver Spring Lotte Plaza Market will no longer carry the Weekly Sales' Products. Industry Flea - Downtown Oklahoma City's open-air market of artisans, local shops and vintage finds. If youre serious about scoring valuable finds, our premium membership is the missing piece that will turn your next antiquing trip into a success story! | Coupon Oklahoma City, OK, Mannford School Commons, Experience our refreshingly different Flea Market specializing in antiques & collectibles. It offers indoor and outdoor vendor space for convenient shopping! larger cities like Oklahoma City, Edmond, and Tulsa for shopping malls and tons of boutique shops in the downtown areas. The 24th Great Southwestern Antique Show will be held, August 5 & 6, 2023, and we are excited to see everyone! This is a classic flea market, but professional dealers are a big part of this operation as well. The cost is usually small, less than $50, and often around $20. Stillwater, OK, Craig County Fairgrounds & Community Center, This annual event is filled with an amazing array of fall finery displayed by the some of the best primitive dealers in the Southeast. They are open every day of the week and most holidays, Monday through Saturday from 10:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. and Sunday 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. For more information, visit the, 204 SE Washington Blvd, Bartlesville, OK 74006, USA, The Dog Trade is a family-owned flea market in Sulphur, Oklahoma, that is open from 6 a.m. until 12 p.m. every Sunday morning. October 27 - 28, Friday, Continue with Recommended Cookies. Event's Official Web Page Location: Historic Downtown Clinton. Proceeds from ticket sales benefit non-profit organizations in Washington County and $1,500 scholarship to a graduating Washington County High School Senior. Oklahoma City, OK, Beaver County Fairgrounds, State Fair Park hosts many antique shows and flea markets throughout the year. Source: facebook.com. For more information, check out this article on some of the best antique towns in Oklahoma. March 18 - 19. They spent many fun years traveling to antique shows throughout the country before starting a show of their own. Oklahoma City Flea Market. Showing vintage items and trinkets all day. Second Chances Thrift Store in Oklahoma City where youll find some of the best secondhand treasures ever. Flea Market Insiders e.U. Free admission! The Market is a three day event where our vendors provide unique items, all in one location, for the best vintage shopping experience. People also searched for these in Oklahoma City: What are people saying about flea markets in Oklahoma City, OK? March 09 - 10, Saturday, Admission is $8 per person and is good for both days. 189 were here. Required fields are marked *. ; Brimfield Antique Show - Brimfield, MA (thrice a year, 5,000 vendors). Yahoo / There are no warranties and all sales are final. With so many vendors, there is obviously a huge amount of goods with a great variety to browse through at the OKC Flea Market. Types of Vendor: Commercial. WOHS 49th Annual Flea Market. They also operate food and drink concessions. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. The Oklahoma City monthly market originated in 1980 and is the oldest and most respected antique and collectible market in the state of Oklahoma. Thousands of shoppers come out every month to find unique items at this incredible market. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. The Speckled Hen. Braum's An Affair of the Heart at State Fair Park, OKC Landrun Antique Show at State Fair Park, Vintage Market Days of Oklahoma City at State Fair Park, OKC Land Run Antique Show at State Fair Park, Braum's An Affair of the Heart - 35th Anniversary at State Fair Park, Junk Utopia Oklahoma City at State Fair Park. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Parking - $5.00. Love Oklahoma? A mixture of craft doers, garage sale type stuff and almost retail looking flea market. https://www.shawneetradingpostandfleamarket.com/. Pickin and Grinnin. Policies; Employee Portal; Skip Navigation Links Events > Events > Tulsa Flea Market. This great environment welcomes families, day-trippers and outdoor enthusiasts who come to have a good time in the piney woods. There are antiques, quilts, estate sale items, and farm market products. The Oklahoma State Fair is one of the premier State Fairs in North America. Some of the best places to go thrifting in Oklahoma include: For shopping in Oklahoma, head tolarger cities like Oklahoma City, Edmond, and Tulsa for shopping malls and tons of boutique shops in the downtown areas. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Kettle Corn is a specialty they offer on the market. Thrift stores have that flea market feel to them and are just as fun! Market is 65,000 square feet. It is open for two days eachmonth and has vendors from across the nation. Hours and times vary, so make sure to check the most current hours before you go. 2. The Cottonseed Oil Mill dates back to 1900 and operated until 1979. Sat. May 20 - SageNet Center, UL. Our in person shows are back, and we couldn't be more excited! 4145 East 21st Street (Expo Square) Tulsa. Even in the best of times, many of the markets I follow in France don't publish their plans that far in advance. Youll also find the headquarters of 39 Native American nations, Frank Lloyd Wrights only skyscraper and world-class Western art museums. 140 spaces under pavilions.FREE Admission to shop. Okmulgee, OK, Woodward County Event Center & Fairgrounds, Turn left at light, 1/4 mile on left. Indoor Vintage Flea Market. To register for this event email your details to klatham@itlpros.com, Register using webmail: Oklahoma Cirt, OK, Creek County Fair Grounds, Like us on Facebook. When it comes to art you get what you pay for. October 23 - 25, Saturday, Website. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. The Backporch. June 11 - 13, Saturday, Junk and Disorderly haveoperations in Grove and in Chouteau, both in the southern part of the state. Regular admission for Bella Rustina Modern Vintage Market is $5 Saturday and Sunday for each adult. At flea markets where individuals are selling things, business is done on a cash basis. There is always a treasure or two to take home. "Jamie Birdwell 974 . State Fair Park hosts many antique shows and flea markets throughout the year. Oklahoma towns on the route include Copan, Dewey, Bartlesville, Delaware, Miami, and Lenapah. Kutztown Pennsylvania Farmhouse Antique Show, For vendor Information Call Cecilia Taylor 302-981-7250. Visit Mary's Swap Meet, an old time outdoor swap meet where you can find great deals and atmosphere like none other. February 19 - 21, Friday, Like most states, there are many flea markets in the larger cities of Oklahoma, such as Tulsa and Oklahoma City. You can find the most up-to-date hours and vendor info on the, 7905 NE 23rd St, Oklahoma City, OK 73141, USA, Cherokee Strip Company offers antiques, a flea market, a farm market, wedding and party rentals, tours and sightseeing, and venue rentals in Ponca City. Jam session with local artists. There will be groups of vendors in each town, as well as people setting up sales in their yards along the route. Please call (580) 765-0004 for hours and days of operation, as they tend to vary. Oklahoma is THE destination for entertaining events, shopping, lodging . OK State High School Basketball Championships. Bella Rustina Modern Vintage Market will be open Friday - Saturday, March 10-11 from 9:00am - 5:00pm and Sunday, March 12 from 11:00am to 4:00pm. This casual, family-friendly market in the heart of midtown is a must-visit. The Florida Cannabis Festival is an annual event to celebrate the sunshine state's cannabis culture. Featuring a plethora of quality dealers from across the United States, the market has been vistited and enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of vistitors during the past three decades. 2023. Come visit these food vendors at the 2022 Great New York State Fair! Texas Antique Weekend - Fayetteville to Carmine, TX (twice a year, > 2,000 vendors). But even in saying that, they are still a lot of fun to go to and you can find some good deals. New this year, the Spring Antique Fair will be a 2 day event.Over 100 antique vendors will line the streets of Historic Downtown Clinton from 12 -6 pm on the 6th. From the wheelbarrow filled with flowers, parked in the middle of the flower bed, to the garden rack tongs hung on the side of the shed, just to hold your yard tools. You wont believe the hidden gems that youll find at these unique flea markets. Vintage Market Days South Central Texas is an upscale vintage-inspired indoor/outdoor COVERED market featuring original art, antiques, clothing, jewelry, handmade treasures, home dcor, outdoor furnishings, consumable yummies, seasonal plantings and a little more. With two-day shows in the spring and fall you'll want to mark your calendar to reserve the dates. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. 2023 Copyright by Travel Safe - Abroad. Do you have a non-profit Organization that you'd like to add? Calendar; Live; More . VA&MD Lotte Plaza Markets Weekly Sale for India, Pakistan & Nepal Communities Sale Period: June 10 ~ June 16, 2022. Dealers filling both pavilions and all the tents across the antique center with fall treasures, wonderful primitives and antiques. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. October 19 - 21, Saturday, 4500 W HWY 270. MARCH 18 MAGIC CITY JAM SESSION. The show is devoted exclusively to glassware and pottery made by American manufacturers. tulsafleamarket@cox.net Visit our website: www.tulsafleamarket.net. Located in Hgtv's Hometown , Laurel MS . Antiques, Vintage, Art, Collectibles, Jewelry, & Food. There were more than 600 vendors at the last one with just about any item you could imagine. The bazaar features countless booths that offer a variety of affordable items - everything from homemade salsa to used cars. 405-844-6055. Yukon, OK, OKC Fairgrounds, There is a wide and eclectic assortment of items for sale. If your shopping in the Adamstown area during these weekends you will often hear that shoppers and dealers alike say, I go to Renningers first., Free Parking and Free Admission to the PublicSet Up Information & Fee for Outdoor Market:Sat. Courtesy rest areas are located throughout the grounds for shoppers convenience. The Rusty Chippy Vintage Hippy & Garden Show is a fun and outgoing show with something for everyone. In Tulsa, there's Swicks Flea Market and the old Tulsa Flea Market, both of which are, more often than not, a complete blast to attend. They may not charge you a sales tax, and it is up to them to take care of the taxes. Braum's An Affair of the Heart is the OKC Fairgrounds' largest vendor craft show of the year. There is also plenty of food and drink available in addition to the bargains you will find. Our 110,000 square foot facility is home to . Admission $10 per person, with kids under 12 free. Don Hoenig's Original Flea Market & Swap Meet presented by returns to Thompson Speedway Motorsports Park. USA. We are located in the historic district in downtown Ardmore OK in the old Cashway lumber store and yard. Most thrift stores support a good cause, too. Come join us at Stagecoach Antiques on April 15th from 10-4 for 3 stories of treasures inside the old log cabin and outdoor adventures with a variety of vendors including food trucks, door prizes and so much more! This juried indoor/outdoor event allows vendors to sell antiques, art, books, music, used & handmade goods, collectibles, boutique and vintage clothing, specialty food, furniture, jewelry, gifts, garden fare, home decor, and more! Stillwater, OK, Downtown Stillwater, Mid West Tool Collector Show, at Renninger's in Mount Dora. CELEBRATING 51 YEARS IN JANUARY 2023! Event Calendar; Fair Meadows; Tulsa State Fair; About About. Please call or email to confirm dates. March 07 - 08, Friday, You'll receive your first newsletter soon! , Oklahoma. You can get fresh fruit and veggies, search through antiques, farm tools, and animals, get a new pet, or buy some clothes. Admission and Parking are free. This one has an indoor areaand an outdoor area. Of course, no large flea would be complete without a few food stands too. 6. You can get fresh fruit & veggies, pick through antiques, farm tools, and animals, get a new pet, or just buy some clothesall outdoors. Sowbelly's. Flea Markets Antiques. They offer a true hometown small business that is a friendly place for shopping in Oklahoma. There is something for everyone. All indoorsrain or shine!Free parking! It is a decidedly different sort of flea market you won't find anywhere else. Keep in mind the old saying, buyer beware.. To read more about this amazing flea market, head to our previous article about the, As the largest flea market on historic Route 66, you're sure to find that something special at this incredible flea market. October 22 - 24, Saturday, Prices are negotiable. April 15th 10am-4pm. A huge Antique and Collectible Flea Market in Virginia. GPS address is 500 Wedgewood Avenue, Nashville, TN 37203. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. An Affair of the Heart is State Fair Park's largest vendor craft show of the year. Tulsa Flea Market/Facebook. This flea market has been running every Sunday since 1958. $2.00 ages 12 + up. Booths cost $15 and admission is $5 per car.