Susanna nicknames: , Susy, Sus, S_U_S_A_N_N_A , Susy , Susa Susanna nicknames and names Nicknames, cool fonts, symbols and stylish names for Susanna - , Susy, Sus, S_U_S_A_N_N_A , Susy , Susa. 1 There dwelt a man in Babylon, called Joacim: 2 And he took a wife, whose name was Susanna, the daughter of Chelcias, a very fair woman, and one that feared the Lord. Susanna Parish is a major character in Clive Barker's novel Weaveworld. It is often spelled Susannah, although Susanna is the original spelling. [name]Susanna[/name] [name]Caitlin[/name]. Chick. I think the name of Syzana or Susana, is best explained in Albanian language. Spanish has plenty of cute nicknames for girls and boys, too. And thats a wrap! Type "added nickname" in the Summary box, then click on the "Save page" button on the dialogue box. Born in Turin, she was the daughter of Edoardo Agnelli and Donna Virginia Bourbon del Monte, a daughter of the Prince di San Faustino and his Kentucky-born wife Jane Campbell. Im glad that everyone loves the name [name]Susanna[/name] because thats my name! Brie/Bri another common nickname for this name, this one resounds intimacy and love. Ab = AbnerAb = AlbertAbbie = AbigailAbby = AbigailAbe = AbelAbe = AbielAbe = AbrahamAbe = AbramAbram=Abraham, Acer = AceraAda = AdelineAddie = AdelaideAg = AgathaAggie = AgnesAggy = AgathaAgnes = AgathaAgnes = NancyAgnes = InezAl = AlanAl = AlbertAl = AlexanderAl = AlfredAl = AllenAlec = AlexanderAlex = AlexanderAlf = AlfonsAlf = AlfredAmelia=Emilia*EmileAmy = AmandaAmy = AmeliaAndrl = AndreasAndy = AndreasAndy = AndrewAngie = AngelaAngie = AngelineAnn = DeanneAnn = HannahAnn = SusannaAnna = HannahAnna = SusannaAnne = HannahAnne = Susanna, Anner = HannahAnnette = AnnAnnette = AnnaAnni = AnnaAnni = AnnikaAnnie = AnnAnnie = AnnaAnnie = HannahAnnie = SusannaAnton = AntoninAnty = AnastasiaAppy = ApolloniaArchy = ArchibaldArnie = ArnoldArny = ArnoldArt = ArtemisArt = ArthurArty = Arthur, Bab = BarbaraBabe = Mary (or used as a name for the baby of the family)Babs = BarbaraBarb = BarbaraBarney = BarnabasBart = BartholomewBartl = BartholomewBarty = BartholomewBass = SebastianBastl = SebastianBea = BeattaBea = BeatriceBeat = BeatriceBeattie = BeatriceBebe = BeatriceBecky = RebeccaBell = IsabellBell = IsabellaBella = ArabellaBella = BelindaBella = ElizabethBella = IsabelBella = IsabellaBella = MirabelBelle = MabelBelle = SybilBen = BenedictBen = BenjaminBen = EbenezerBeppe = GiuseppeBeppino = Giuseppe Below you'll find name ideas for Susanna with different categories depending on your needs. Name Susanna is spelled in Slovakia (just like in Czech Republic) ZUZANA. After all, these are the ones that make their heart filled with love the moment you call them by an adorable name thats just between you two. In the spring of 1708, an invading Jacobite fleet of French and Scottish soldiers nearly succeeded in landing the exiled James Stewart . 5. [name]Susanna[/name] [name]Lou[/name] [name]Susanna[/name] [name]Maeve[/name] Chickadee. Let us look at some different, special, and creative nicknames which add the texture of love to any relationship. Thats the power this name holds. Add to it anytime you learn about additional historic nicknames. Susie is a cute name for a little girl, too. The name Savannah has seen great popularity and is loved widely. Please click here for more information. Love Guru. [name]Susanna[/name] [name]Lea[/name]. That has meaning as Fairy eyes. [citation needed] It is derived from the Egyptian shoshen meaning "lotus flower". [name]Susanna[/name] [name]Beatrice[/name] It is the name of women in the Biblical books of Daniel and Luke. Characters Named Susanna "Oh! 35 Cute Nicknames For Sienna CC Ce-Ce Cee Cee-Ce CiCi Enna Ennie Enny Ens Ensie Nana Nen Nene Nenna Nens Nia Nina Sea Sen Sena Senna Senny Sens Sensie Si Sia Sie Sie-Sie Sie-na-na Sien Siene Sinni Sisi Sissy Zen How To Create A Good Nickname For Sienna You can get creative and come up with your own nickname for Sienna. Required fields are marked *. 1. Even though Suzanne is my name I'm honestly not biased as I dislike it but compared to Susanna I think I prefer it. Ive had at least 10 of the present nicknames with a handful of super unique ones!????SavSaviSuavyScananaSananahNalaVannah-burger. Type in the information using the following pattern, "nickname = formal name".Step 6. [name]Susanna[/name] [name]Claire[/name] My little girl is called Savannah. You could choose one or as many as you like from the cute nicknames, or unique ones, or any of the above categories and bring a smile to her face.,,,,,,,,,, Here are some cool nicknames for Savannah: Savvy - A knowledgeable Savannah. I just want to say what a BEAUTIFUL choice you are making in naming your daughter [name]Susanna[/name]! Traditional nicknames only please. I am enthusiastic about the name because if I had another daughter, I would name her [name]Susanna/name! This is a wiki list intended to be expanded by its users. Similarly, nicknames can be used as a negative tool. [name]Susanna[/name] [name]Juliet[/name] She has also worked as a scientific documentarist and movie maker direction assistant. Susanna Hoffs was a member of the popular '80's pop group The Bangles, who were best known for their song "Walk Like an Egyptian.". Savannah Ashlyn Savannah Avery Savannah Beth Savannah Bethany Savannah Bree Savannah Bridget Savannah Brielle Savannah Camille Savannah Catherine Savannah Celeste Savannah Claire Savannah Dawn Savannah Day Savannah Deanne Savannah Elise Savannah Elizabeth Savannah Eve Savannah Faye Savannah Francis Savannah Gayle Savannah Georgine Savannah Grace Moreover, weve also added a bit of description (with a little pixie dust) to the names so that you dont get confused between the best ones. As for the song "O Susanna", I get occasionally teased about it, but I don't mind as it is usually my older brother. Fictional characters and celebrities can be a great place to source from when trying to find nicknames. I almost chose [name]Jane[/name]. The best part is that you dont have to think much. [name]Hi[/name], My youngest child is named [name]Susanna[/name], and we chose [name]Mae[/name] for her mn. So classy. [name]Susanna[/name] [name]Kate[/name], Also As I am now considerably older I still prefer Susan or Sue. Savannah Guthrie, the American broadcast journalist, and co-anchor of NBC News morning show, Today, is known for delivering the worlds news to American living rooms. "Kim" as a nickname for "Kimberly" is fairly straightforward, but "Polly" as a nickname for "Mary" and "Peggy" as a nickname for "Margaret" have tripped up many researchers. A "Save your changes" dialogue box will appear. Its most popular year was the 1890's where it ranked 435. The name day for Susanna in Estonia is August 11. We call our Savannah (who is now 4) Vanners, Lmao thats funny ash that you put your name as mom of Savannah Im dead asf. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Welcome to, a resource to help you find the perfect name. Office names: Often times with work projects that require teams, team names are given which frequently leads to nicknames being given for fun. But many nicknames are traditionally used to replace a more formal name. [name]Susanna[/name] [name]Vivian[/name] I just really love it! Stoke vs Brighton will kick-off the fifth round live on ITV4 tonight at 7.15pm. Mr. Sharlock. 5. Oh Susanna, oh don't you cry for me, I'm goin' to California with my washpan on my knee :)! You can start by coming up with an adorable nickname to use when you're talking to her. Susanna was the daughter of William Shakespeare. Sugar - Another affectionate way to call out someone who is sweet as sugar! Here are some fun, creative nicknames you can use if you're a guy with a new girlfriend you want to impress: Beautiful Baby Sugar Sweet Pea Beloved Precious Pumpkin Angel Darling Sunshine Sweetheart Dream Girl Queen Honeybun Love Bug [name]Susanna[/name] [name]Grace[/name] [noted -ed], Beautiful name I do hope it gets used more in English speaking countries :-). It also gives me the vibes of maybe a 60s sex symbol. The name Susan is derived from sn in the Egyptian language, which means Lotus and means Lily in the Persian language. Now, as we know about the brief history of the name, lets move on to the list of nicknames for Susan. The only Italian form is Susanna, pronounced "soo-ZAHNN-nah". [name]Susanna[/name] [name]Peri[/name] Creative narcissusanna susannah dionysusanna susannapurna wsusanna susannaprashana fususanna susannapolis The most popular baby boy names at that year were Michael, Jason, Christopher. Persian (Susan) is the Persian spelling of this name and the Armenian: Susan, Shushan- ()= (, ) is means a flower Lilium (). But before we dive right into the pool of nicknames, lets have a quick look at the meaning of the name Susan. 8. Step 7. Cheers! [noted -ed]. If youre still doubtful, take another look and take your time. Susan is quite popular as a first name for girls in many parts of the world. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here). Dont be surprised to see everyone having a friend named Susan stealing the nickname you created in the first place! It's a gorgeous name. Both names originate from the Hebrew "Shoshanna," meaning a lily or rose. We use cookies. It's also my name and my great great grandmothers. Here are some funny nicknames for anyone named Savannah: You can look to some of your favorite celebrities named Savannah for inspiration on what nicknames to use for anyone named Savannah. MyHeritage Family Trees; View all records MyHeritage Family Trees. Anyah2. Comments are left by users of this website. It also shows that they hold a special place in your life and helps make the bond stronger. Thanks, everyone! Some nicknames are random and unrelated to the regular name of their owner. Whether youre stuck for a nickname for your best friend, finding a well-fitting name for your sports team, or struggling to come up with a character name for your latest novel, you are in the right place. 16/10/2016 20:06 I know a Suzanne and she is called Suzanne. I think this is a lovely, natural name. Following are some popular nicknames and cool nicknames that could suit a tall guy to a tough guy. Middle name for Susanna Susanna June Susanna Jane See results without answering Ttc but have picked the name Susanna for top girl list. Susanna Susannah Susanne Suzanne What are some unique and funny names for Sienna? Bugsy is a nickname in gangster movies, but has little to do with the owner's original name. I like this better then Suzanna because for this a nickname can be Susan. The Good Morning Britain presenter was last publicly in a relationship with businessman and Crystal Palace chairman Steve Parish . [name]Susanna[/name] [name]Miriam[/name] These are perfect for heart-warming moments and can be extra helpful in creating a gentle and loving bond with people. [name]Susanna[/name] [name]Mabel[/name] Bear. Were pretty set on [name]Susanna[/name] but need something short, sweet, and pretty for a middle name. 2 spot for three years in a row and remained in the top 10 most popular names for over a decade. [name]Susanna[/name] [name]Brooke[/name] This is my name! Her aria Deh Vieni Non Tardar is very well-known. Solution: Use a wiki list of historic nicknames. STARTS/ENDS WITH Su-, -ana. After learning so much about this beautiful name, we can truly say that half of our hearts are in Savannah oh na na! This list of cute nicknames for Savannah would be a perfect match. Heres a list of the cutest nicknames that you can find and use for Susan. Sabbie/Saby simplest and nicest are the nicknames that shorten the name and come with a tone of sweetness. Nicknames can also be funny, especially when it fits. Alphabetical list of historic personal nicknames and what they represent. The Susannah spelling is just as appropriate as Susanna. She was a Godly mother to 10 children and is often known as the "Mother of Methodism". Very attractive name and I certainly wouldnt object to having a daughter called it. The following nicknames have been around for a while and are generally loved by all. My name is savannah and my friends call me savangie. Susanna is my name, and I love it! Thanks so much! It's free to sign up and bid on jobs. I can't believe that this isn't in the top 1000. SHOCKED Susanna Reid received a d*** pic from a fan and shared her reaction. [name]Susanna[/name] [name]Claire[/name] Choosing a nickname can be lots of fun when all the resources required are right in front of you, which is why we have put together a list of short, funny, cool, and cute nicknames that you can call someone named Savannah.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'findnicknames_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',112,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-findnicknames_com-medrectangle-3-0'); But before we get to the list of nicknames, lets understand the meaning of the name, Savannah. Middle name thoughts are june, Jane, Rain, or erin (my sister), pearl Would love any suggestions for middle name for Susanna You'll get to hear this nickname a lot! I think this name is very elegant and stylish plus it's biblical as well but not too heavy or Jewish like Zilpah, etc. This one is it! When I was pregnant with her, I asked for input about [name]Susanna[/name] [name]Mae[/name] on a baby name message board and was told it sounded too hillbilly. In the last 20 years, Leeds transformed from a motorway city into a more vibrant city of the North. Watch popular content from the following creators: daddy(@n1cknamesforuu), nicknames(@yournicknamesincursive), Container-Lynne(@betternames4u), nick._.namesfor(@nick._.namesfor), Susannah(@soozie2shoes), xxxnicknamesfornamesxxx(@xxxnicknamesfornamesxxx), Maddie(@nicknames_for_ur_name), abby! [name]Susanna[/name] [name]Delphine[/name], [name]Love[/name] the above posters ideas of, [name]Susanna[/name] [name]Claire[/name] The name "Susanna" makes me think of a bright spring day with birds singing. Bee. [name]Susanna[/name] [name]Helen[/name] Please do not add these kinds of random or unique nicknames to the following list. Susanna Juhantytr Yli-Korhonen (born Yli-Nikkola), 1735 - 1824 . [name]Susanna[/name] [name]Corinne[/name] Copy the link to this page and share it with your friends. Savina - An Italian Savannah. The cutest, softest way to let your best friend know that you mean the world to them. [name]Susanna[/name] [name]Kate[/name] By using this site you agree to the following Terms of Use. Nicknames for Sabrina From TV or Books. Want to give the perfect nickname but worried if youll call her by something thats too tacky? Susana is an alternate spelling of Susan (Hebrew): diminutive of Susanna and Susannah. 5. Savannah is a name that is filled with pastoral beauty and history. Similarly, nicknames can be used as a negative tool. There are many other adored people named Savannah, such as the tik-tok star, Savannah LeBrant, the singer, Savannah Outen, among others. I call my six year old Savannah, Savvy for short. [name]Susanna[/name] [name]Emlyn[/name] See also Xuxa. Personally I don't think that you should decide against the name Susanna just because of the song. The all Premier League clash . It is often spelled Susannah, although Susanna is the original spelling. Nice to see this name get featured as Name of the Day. So soft and lovely. Anz. Savvy this is the most popular nickname for Savannah and isn't it just lovely? She is 5, and she loves her name. They definitely go well together! [name]Susanna[/name] [name]Iris[/name] It doesn't sound, to me, like a 17-year old's name, so at school I'm almost exclusively called "Sue". :D. Anonymous User 5/3/2015. Thousands of randomly generated ideas - funny, weird, creative, fancy, badass and more! Some first names have been recorded in the church registers in Latin but have been translated to English when they were transcribed, in order to aid retrieval. Mi corazn - "My heart". You can use it for a smart and perceptive person. It has some history too. Whether shes bored, sad, or just not her best self, calling her by these funny nicknames would just uplift her spirits. I would use Sanna or Anna. Nevertheless, they have become popular in recent times due to the beautiful meaning of the original name that can help to enhance your . I like my name. Our soon-to-be-born daughter needs a middle name! This name is not my favourite as it sounds a like a too dragged out version of Suzanne. Welcome to the NicknameDB entry on Susanna nicknames! [FS Library US/CAN REF AREA 929.103 E15g], List of Traditional Nicknames in Historic Documents, Behind the Name: the Etymology and History of First Names, Common Nicknames and their Given Name Equivalents,, Abbreviation Lists for Personal Names (English), Now comes the fun part. Slovakia, Church and Synagogue Books, 1592-1910; View all records Slovakia, Church and Synagogue Books, 1592-1910. 3 Her parents also were righteous, and taught their daughter according to the law of Moses. :D. Susanna is a soubrette role in Mozart's Italian opera, Le Nozze Di Figaro or The Marriage of Figaro. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. For example, Jen or Jenny for Jennifer, or Will or Willie for William. Safari - A Savannah that loves to travel. [name]Susanna[/name] [name]Elspeth[/name] So, we encourage you to be responsible in using the nicknames found on our website. In this article, weve covered the best and the most adorable nicknames for Susan that can ever exist. A more youthful-sounding alternative to Susan, but it fits all ages. It is the name of women in the Biblical books of Daniel and Luke. Bunny. [name]Susanna[/name] [name]Linden[/name] They are not checked for accuracy. I can't hear this name without thinking of the song 'O Susanna'. Youre very close to finding the perfect nickname for your special person! Savv a shorter version of Savvy, this nickname is great for both: friendships or relationships. I didn't used to like it, but I do now. Susanna is the 812th most popular baby name among girls now, according to (the Social Security Administration). but felt like there were a lot of great suggestions. I look forward to finding out what her middle name will be! In some versions of ancient Hebrew and hindu texts Susanna (Shoshanna) was a powerful child of Lillith (mother of the demons ) she was thought to bring with her great destruction and power. Susan, Susanna, Susann, Susanne, Susie, Susy, Suzan, Suzanne, Susana, Susanah, Susannah, Suzanna, Shusan,Johanna, Johannah, Jane, Joanna (Judith & Johanna are interchangeable) Wed been playing with one-syllable middle names like [name]Susanna[/name] [name]Grace[/name], [name]Susanna[/name] [name]Jane[/name], or [name]Susanna[/name] [name]Mae[/name], but really liked the suggestion of [name]Susanna[/name] [name]Blythe[/name]! This name was amongst the most popular ones in the United Kingdom and the United States during the 1940s to the 60s. You can also use unique sweet names for husband like-. You are now in the VisualEditor edit screen. 9. at only 3 month old shes getting a combination of nicknames Ava, Sav and Anna, but more often her full name is used. [name]Susanna[/name] [name]Mireille[/name] These mns came to mind: Mi vida - "My life". Love buns. Submit your nickname or copy the best name style from the list. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Nicknames can be used in several positive ways. Common nicknames for Sarah can be cute, conventional, or made up of words that have little to do with their real name. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Susan is " lily, rose". Nicknames, cool fonts, symbols and stylish names for Susana - Susi, Susy, S U S A N A , Susu, Susanita, Susandalia. I've thought of some nicknames like Anna, Susie/Suzie, or Sue. I am surprised that it is not more popular, because (yes, I'm biased) it's old-fashioned, which makes it sound classic, yet it is similar to many more modern names, especially "Anna". Jessica is one of several popular feminine names ending in "ica." Others include Angelica, Erica, Monica, and Veronica. Sometimes nicknames were formed by adding a "y" or "ey" to the end of a name or part of a name i.e. [name]Susanna[/name] [name]Violet[/name] Submit your nickname or copy the best name style from the list. Popular nicknames of a name are short, brief nicknames often coined from letters in the name itself, or with a little modification in some cases. One of my sisters is called [name]Susanna[/name]- she is [name]Susanna[/name] [name]Ruth[/name] [name]Priya[/name]. These traditional nicknames are exactly the kind you are invited to please add to the following list.