Foreman Wat Tambor | In an attempt to reestablish Zygerria's prominence as a slave empire, Scintel made a bid to join the Confederacy of Independent Systems. TX-20 | Sith Troopers | She seems to be somewhat in love with Anakin Skywalker. Physical description . 5) Grand Admiral Thrawn | She was going to pay to what she had done to her people. miraj scintel and anakin skywalker - c. 21 BBY,[2] Tecora over Zygerria[3] Though that slave was very richly dressed, it was Anakin's padawan Ahsoka Tano in disguise. Bruno Denturri | Wookieepedia | Fandom InterGalactic Banking Clan | Embroiled in a gladiatorial trial for their lives, they must endure, or become inevitably slaves themselves. Infuriated by Dooku's brash statements and Minister Molec's betrayal, Scintel revealed an electro-whip clipped to her belt and attempted to attack the Count, but was quickly disarmed and throttled with the Force. SlaveryAbuse of power Ages ago, the Zygerrian Slave Empire stretched across many sectors, supplying luckless labor to unscrupulous masters in the galaxy. Queen Miraj ScintelThe Zygerrian Queen Robonino | /Creator ( w k h t m l t o p d f 0 . Upon Dooku's arrival, Scintel confiscated Skywalker's lightsaber and dismissed him from her court. Nala Se | Fennec Shand | Accompanying Miraj to the auction house, Skywalker witnessed the brutality of Scintel's empire when Obi-Wan Kenobi, whose cover was blown earlier in the slave pits, was ordered to be beaten on the bidding floor. Slaver Tyrant. Exar Kun | Vice Admiral Rampart 4 0 obj Origin Ratter | Meritt Col | Titan Three | "Do you have an invitation?" "Well, no," Anakin started. Prisoner By Choice - Chapter 16 - stranestelle - Star Wars: The Clone She sees in Anakin a prize to own and overpower, and uses her seductive charms to her full advantage. Miraj Scintel Bazine Netal | Taken by Skywalkers's sense of loyalty, persistence and attractiveness, Scintel had . Emperor Sheev Palpatine | Count Vidian | General Kalani | Miraj Scintel | Wookieepedia | Fandom Anakin Skywalker Miraj Scintel Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Alternate Universe - Star Wars Setting Zygerria Arc (Star Wars: Clone Wars) Slave Anakin Skywalker Master/Slave Canon Divergence - Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) Anakin is broken after he agrees to become Queen Miraj's slave, and something more. Anakin Skywalker, a Zygerrian helmet covering his face, saw someone who looked likely to be in charge and walked over with a swagger in his step. Light brown[1] The Seventh Sister | Perhaps his history as a slave is getting in the way of him understanding the difference. 8D8 | Counselor Gallius Rax | I suppose we ought to see how she takes it, then." Part 1 of The way we come together Asajj Ventress | Confederacy of Independent Systems individuals. She had Kenobi brought before the crowd on the auction block. Affiliation(s) Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka have become prisoners on Zygerria, and suffer the torment of slaves. Corporate Alliance, Galactic Empire Officials and Operatives tides equities los angeles does dawn dish soap kill ticks does dawn dish soap kill ticks Species My name is Lars Quell, and I want to see the Queen." The Zygerrian looked at Anakin with an expression that spoke of nothing but disgust. In an attempt to reestablish Zygerria's prominence as a slave empire, Scintel made a bid to join the Confederacy of Independent Systems. With Tano unconscious and the Jedi subdued, the Queen ordered Skywalker to be taken back to her chambers in the palace and the others separated and imprisoned as slaves on Kadavo. Miraj Scintel is an antagonist in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Ponda Baba | Presidente Shu Mai | Tactical Droids | Max Rebo Band | You Are Not A Queen Anymore Chapter 1, a star wars fanfic | FanFiction Morgan Elsbeth | Leema Kai | Blackguards | Death Watch | The Fifth Brother | It soon led to the Republic special operation, which led Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka Tano to come to Zygerria in order to free the Togrutas. In Skywalker's ship, a dying Scintel revealed the location of the slaves before succumbing to her injuries. [1], Accompanying Scintel to the auction house, Skywalker witnessed the brutality of Scintel's empire when Master Kenobi, whose cover was blown earlier in the slave pits, was ordered to be beaten on the bidding floor. TJ-55 | Being the Queen of the slave-holder race Zygerrians and a pawn of Count Dooku, despite not counting herself as one. OOM-9 | During their walk about the palace, a young slave girl attempted to assassinate the queen, only to be stopped by Skywalker. Commandant Osi Sobeck | Lourna Dee | Darth Plagueis | Miraj Scintel Work Search: In der deutschsprachigen Version leiht Katrin Zimmermann der Knigin ihre Stimme. [2] Sy Snootles | Senator Orn Free Taa | Highsinger | The weak deserve nothing more than to kneel before the strong, bound to our service.Queen Miraj Scintel. Admiral Garrick Versio | Luckily, Anakin and Obi-Wan will have a lot of time to do just that while imprisoned on a planet in the outer rim with no one but each other for company. /Width 625 Leaders Full Name Female[1] Colonel Gralm | Gardulla the Elder | Scintel's Twi'lek servant girl then attacked her, but Lars saved her. She offered Skywalker the chance to serve her if she would ensure his friends' safety. Isolation is a far more powerful tool, leaving mental room for the subject to carry out their own, personalized punishment. No. Mok Shaiz's Majordomo | Did Anakin Skywalker ever cheat on Padme Amidala? - Quora Members Anakin then went inside her ass. Imperial Special Forces | Anakin dreams, and the ones he knows and love tell him that he doesn't belong with them. Anakin is forced to submit to the Zygerrian Queen, in more ways than one. Admiral Frantis Griss | Skin color As the leader of Zygerria she worked to expand its slave empire. Miraj got on all fours and Anakin slammed his entire cock into her pussy. Senator Nix Card | A female Zygerrian, Miraj Scintel took the throne of Zygerria . Roland Durand | As his comrades leaped to defend him from the throng of guards, Padawan Tano attacked Scintel; the queen had already had the Jedi girl's neck fitted with a shock collar and simply activated it to render her inert. Tears were falling down her face. The greatest gift Abraham House can give you is peace of mind. Breaking The Chains Chapter 2, a star wars fanfic | FanFiction The Sixth Brother | Miraj waited for Anakin to wake up, though at first, the Jedi started to resist by trying to choke her with Force, but she threatened him for his friends would die if he disobeyed her. Archduke Poggle the Lesser | Captain Lorth Needa | The Second Sister | Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! When Anakin Skywalker goes undercover to infiltrate Scintel's court, and discover the whereabouts of a vanished colony of Togruta artisans, the wily Queen takes interest in him. . Lady Carise Sindian They had a noble class, many members of which, despite their high status, pursued a career in the military. Aut-O | Miraj Scintel is a Character in the Star Wars universe. Fennec Shand Evil-doer Senator Lott Dod | prince george's county town hall meeting; baptist church long beach; why is it important to learn about serial killers Like "Vader wasn't a galaxy-conquering psychopath. Dark Troopers Sebulba | Cornelius Evazan | Governor Tiber Saxon | As for . Founder of the Sith | Miraj Scintel was the queen of Zygerria and the Zygerrian Slave Empire during the Clone Wars. Bossk | The Republic dispatches two of its most trusted errand boys to start off the second round of negotiations, but theres but one thing Queen Miraj Scintel desires as a reward for her hard efforts Anakin Skywalker. The 10 Funniest Quotes From Star Wars: The Clone Wars endobj Turk Falso | Inquisitorius Chairman San Hill | Enslave as many Jedi as she can (failed).Seduce Anakin to join her side (formerly). However, Scintel told him to obey her or his friends would die. Doctor Cylo | miraj scintel and anakin skywalker fanfiction Leader tags . Though Dooku saw her plans as ambitious, he told Scintel that he ultimately planned to exterminate the Jedi, not enslave them. [3], No match against Dooku without a weapon, Skywalker was surrounded by palace guards but managed to abscond from the chamber with the queen before being felled. Officials and Operatives Miraj Scintel was a female Zygerrian who served as the Queen of Zygerria during the Clone Wars. Soldiers Unkar Plutt. During their time together, Scintel became closer to Skywalker, deducing that he was once a slave before becoming a Jedi. A female Zygerrian, Miraj Scintel took the throne of Zygerria sometime before the start of the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Hondo Ohnaka Rook Kast | Gar Saxon | Darth Noctyss | After their investigation on Zygerria is exposed, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Rex and Ahsoka are forced to tread the fine line between surrender and survival. Clone X | Jedi Slaves - Lif61 (UltimateFandomTrash) - Archive of Our Own Scintel saw the opportunity to enslave a Jedi as a chance to display the power of the Zygerrian Empire's newfound determination and will, that by showing that even a Jedi could be made a slave, she would show the Republic that it would soon fall. Contact Us, Submit your request for proposal online or by mail. miraj scintel and anakin skywalker fanfictionsouthwest cargo phone number. As the Confederacy gained momentum, Queen Scintel saw an opportunity to reestablish Zygerria's ancient slave empire and concocted a plot to gain allegiance with Separatist leader Count Dooku. Mother Talzin | General Whorm Loathsom | TV-94 | She treated her personal slaves with cruelty and made a point of showing them their place; such was her treatment that one even committed suicide after a failed attempt to kill her.[3]. Darth Phobos | Merrin | Miraj Scintel was the queen of the Zygerrian Slave Empire during the Clone Wars. Miraj Scintel | Villains Wiki | Fandom While Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and clone trooper Rex infiltrated the nearby slave pits, Jedi Skywalker continued to warm up to Scintel in hopes of discovering the locations of the missing Kiros slaves. Kang the Conqueror (Marvel Cinematic Universe). 4A-7 | (315) 371-3545 offices abduction of the Togruta colonists from Kiros, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Updated and Expanded, Star Wars: How Not to Get Eaten by Ewoks and Other Galactic Survival Skills. It soon led to the Respublic special operation, which led Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka Tano to come to Zygerria in order to free the Togrutas. Commerce Guild | Goron | Sith Whip-usingScheming During their time together, Scintel fell in love with Skywalker even more, deducing that he was once a slave before becoming a Jedi. Ultimately, this trait proved to be her undoing, when she made Anakin Skywalker her slave and imprisoned his friends despite Count Dooku ordering her to kill them and warning her of the consequences, an order the queen angrily ignored, causing the Count to kill Scintel for her defiance. Neimoidians | 224 | Crimson Dawn | Using slaves.Flirting with Anakin.Tending to her pets. [3], Scintel welcomed Dooku, despite having not asked him to come. Appearances Star Wars: The Clone Wars Affiliations She was the head of a slave empire that sought to return to former glory, having teamed up with Dooku to kidnap Togruta colonists as slaves. Miraj Scintel befand sich gerade mit ihrem Berater Atai und ihrem Leibwchter Anakin Skywalker auf einem abgelegenem Plateau im Bergland von Drukarg, ihrer zygerrianischen Heimatwelt, um eine . Force choke | Wookieepedia | Fandom General Armitage Hux | Despite being Zygerrian, she was able to realize the folly of slavery when betrayed by Dooku and Atai Molec and acknowledged this to Anakin. Saw Gerrera | "Dark Underlord" | Cad Bane | Leaders Tatootine Trandoshan Family, Ohnaka Gang As Kenobi and Skywalker battled her guards, she engaged in a battle against Ahsoka Tano. He quickly finds out Miraj Scintel only takes things on her own terms. Anakin Skywalker Quotes (27 quotes) - Goodreads Make sure to subscribe to my main channel at Anakin sits cross-legged on the prison floor, waiting for the slaver queen Miraj Scintel to enter. Slavery is the natural order of things. TV-94B | "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" Slaves of the Republic (TV Episode 2011 Garnac Characters. She seems to be somewhat in love with Anakin Skywalker . History for Characters/StarWarsAnakinSkywalker - TV Tropes Krix Kamerat | Like most of her race, she was ruthless and had no qualms about using brutal and malicious methods to achieve her goals. Miraj Scintel | Wookieepedia | Fandom } !1AQa"q2#BR$3br A slave of hers then tried to assassinate her, only for Anakin to protect the Queen, as the slave committed suicide from the fear of being punished. Kylo Ren Infuriated by the Count to ordering her something with his harsh statements and her prime minister's betrayal, she refused to give up Anakin and attacked Dooku with her electro-whip only to be disarmed as Dooku started to choke her with the Force only for Skywalker to come. Ziton Moj | Commander Crosshair | One of her orders was for commander Darts D'nar to enslave the inhabitants of Kiros - colony of Togruta, to sell at the auction. When the guards stormed into the room asking about the queen, Dooku claimed that Skywalker had killed her. Seeking to rebuild the Zygerrian Slave Empire that was shut down by the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic, Scintel allied Zygerria with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. TJ-912 | She was given a gift, a slave from Denturri's palace. In her last words, she acknowledged that she had become a slave of Dooku, as Anakin became a slave earlier. Jek-14 | Nightbrothers, Fett Gotra Major General Cassio Tagge | Thurible | 1 0 obj Purge Troopers | The Twi'lek girl, fearful of remaining a slave and being punished, leaped from the ramparts to her death. Son | DJ | Garindan Ezz Zavor | Darth Bane | Moff Tiann Jerjerrod | However, her feelings for Skywalker didn't go unnoticed as her Prime MinisterAtai Moleccalled Count Dooku, fearing that Scintel had been weakened by Jedi. Anakin Skywalker | Hero and villains Wiki | Fandom Durge | Moralo Eval | Rukh | Chronological and political information Senator Voe Atell | Her Prime Minister, Atai Molec, then informed her of an intruder: Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. [1], Scintel invited Lars to the slave auction. Rella Sol | Jango Fett | She was the queen of the Zygerrian Empire who forced Anakin to become her bodyguard. Scintel waited for Skywalker to wake in her chambers, offering him an appointment as her personal bodyguard. Agent Terex | Series. Being the Queen of the slave-holder race Zygerrians and a pawn of Count Dooku, despite not counting herself as one. 501st Legion | Members Operatives and Other Officials Death Troopers | Scintel takes advantage of a Republic distracted by war to grow the slave trade, allied by the Separatist Alliance. Zam Wesell | It is such a bad attempt at deception from Ahsoka, and the look shared between her and Anakin after the fact only makes it funnier. Zusammentreffen mit Anakin Skywalker. "Right. In Skywalker's ship, a dying Scintel returned his lightsaber and revealed the location of the slaves before succumbing to her injuries. Accompanying Miraj to the auction house, Skywalker witnessed the brutality of Scintel's empire when Obi-Wan Kenobi, whose cover was blown earlier in the slave pits, was ordered to be beaten on the bidding floor. Members IG-88 | Clone X | Commander Fox | Military Officers /Type /ExtGState During their time together, Scintel began to drift closer to Skywalker, deducing that he was once a slave before he became a Jedi. Admiral Kassius Konstantine | While the Jedi resisted at first, using the Force to telekinetically strangle her, Scintel persuaded him by threatening to have his friends executed should she die. Vizam | | Privacy Policy | Accessibility | Site Map General Maximilian Veers | /Subtype /Image Mok Shaiz | /BitsPerComponent 8 /Type /XObject Boba Fett | Tobias Beckett | After her guards subdued Skywalker, she decided to keep Skywalker as her bodyguard/slave. Ziro the Hutt Mother Pran | General Brendol Hux | Unidentified slave girl | Wookieepedia | Fandom Darth Sanguis | Black Krrsantan | Miraj Scintel was a female Zygerrian queen who was the ruler of the planet Zygerria during the time of the Clone Wars. /Height 155 Salacious B. Crumb | [1], Scintel told Skywalker that Dooku and half her kingdom demanded that Skywalker be executed, Skywalker responded by Force choking her. /AIS false Captain Wilco | Sub-Groups The Zygerrian people were organized into clans [9] and classes. endobj As Darth Vader, Force choke was his preferred use of the dark side, wielding the power effortlessly as he tortured and killed his enemies and even executed his subordinates if he felt they were liabilities to the Imperial war effort. Moff Gideon | Miraj Scintel was a female Zygerrian queen who was the ruler of the planet Zygerria during the time of the Clone Wars. "Do not fear the Jedi," said the Queen to the gathered crowd in the arena, before the whole mission turned against him. %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz Battle Droids | Queen Miraj Scintel | However, after learning that Scintel had not executed Skywalker as Count Dooku had originally instructed, the Count immediately traveled to Zygerria to ensure Anakin's death. Dooku released her when Skywalker stormed in and briefly fought Dooku with the queen's electro-whip. She enslaved the Jedi Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Ahsoka Tano. Before she died, she told the man she loved, "I am a slave, just as you are." Minister Veris Hydan | Yellow-green[1] Captain Moden Canady | As she struggled to breathe against the Count's hold, Skywalker burst into the chamber and, unconcerned by the Count's threat to kill her unless he surrendered, attacked Dooku with the electro-whip, but was quickly disarmed. Queen Miraj asked Anakin to show his loyalty to her by beating Kenobi and then was shocked learning that Skywalker is actually a Jedi. Summa-verminoth | Miraj Scintel & Anakin Skywalker - Works | Archive of Our Own Admiral Conan Antonio Motti | Darth Andeddu | As the Confederacy of Independent Systems gained her a pulse, Miraj took the opportunity to revive the slave empire of Zygerria and gained an alliance with Count Dooku. Mods | Ochi | Emperor's Royal Guard | Mok Shaiz's Majordomo | Order of the Night Wind | Sabata Krill | B'omarr Monks | King Sanjay Rash | Captain Amos | Tey-Zuka | Stormtroopers | Dooku deemed her plan too ambitious, made it plain he was only interested in eradicating the Jedi Order, not enslaving it, andseeing through her thinly veiled emotions for Skywalkerdemanded that he be disposed of. While attempting to convince Miraj Scintel that Ahsoka is Anakin's slave, the fiery Ahsoka hits out with this quote that cannot help but inspire a laugh, in large part due to the talents of Ashley Eckstein. /CA 1.0 "They are no different from others we have forced into submission.". Miraj Scintel/Ahsoka Tano - Works | Archive of Our Own She also seems to be somewhat in love with Anakin Skywalker. Ages ago, the Zygerrian Slave Empire stretched across many sectors, supplying luckless labor to unscrupulous masters in the galaxy. Syril Karn | Fleet Admiral Kendal Ozzel | Shenda Mol | She was voiced by Rajia Baroudi, who also voiced Hexuba in Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy. Trandoshans | Beilert Valance | Keeper Agruss | tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. Vedain | He manages to sputter out a question, to which Miraj rolls her eyes. Trask Imperial Captain | Gha Nachkt | << Skywalker continued to warm up to Scintel in order to learn where the prisoners from Kiros were. Seduce Anakin to join her side (formerly). Relationships: Anakin Skywalker (slave, love interest), Atai Molec(prime minister), Count Dooku (master, murderer), Affiliation:Zygerrian Slave Empire, Confederacy of Independent Systems. Colonel Erich S. Datoo | If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Anakin's forcefulness and refusal to submit to her really turned her on. Arvel Skeen | Pyke Syndicate | Dispatching Commander Darts D'Nar to the Togruta colony world of Kiros, Scintel ordered him to capture the colonists and return them to Zygerria so they could be sold to Dooku at auction.[1]. Miraj Scintel becomes Queen some time before the Clone Wars even started. You were right, Skywalker. Closed | The weak deserve nothing more than to kneel before the strong, bound to our service.Queen Miraj Scintel, During the Clone Wars, Scintel allied Zygerria's Slave Empire with Count Dooku's Confederacy of Independent Systems in order to restore its former glory. Miraj Scintel had been brought down to the planet not long after Anakin. Whippings and beatings will only get you so far. Deva Lompop | Darth Momin | She is looking for the stubborn Jedi to willingly swear his loyalty to her. Izuma | Work Search: She was betrayed by her Prime Minister, Atai Molec, and then killed by Dooku . Scintel told him of her plans to break and enslave the Jedi. tags: anakin-skywalker, miraj-scintel. * CombatPragmatist: As an aggressive fighter, Anakin has no qualms resorting to fighting dirty like throwing cheap shots or using the Force. Of course he doesn't, not after what he's been made to do. He refused to serve her, but she just laughed, saying is heart wasnt in his words. Affiliates Skywalker further claimed that his disguised Padawan Ahsoka Tano was a slave he had captured from Denturri's palace as a gift for the queen. Senator Tikkes | Posing as a slaveholder, Anakin Skywalker offered to the Queen a slave of her enemy, whom he claimed to kill. Dr. Nuvo Vindi | Sith Eternal | Drash | Following the invasion of Kiros and the transfer of the slaves to a processing plant on Kadavo, a group of Jedi infiltrated Zygerria and Scintel's palace. Kisma Uttersond | Magistrate Passel Argente | Any information drawn from non-canonical sources (Legends) should be displayed in this section. Darth Maul | Toro Calican | Alias Miraj scintel and anakin skywalker fanfiction When their mission to Siegeria goes sideways, Anakin agrees to the deal of the queen. Miraj Scintel/Anakin Skywalker - Works | Archive of Our Own Commander Vult Skerris |