1. 100 Dirty Pick-Up Lines. No, that's not an epi-pen in my pants. 32. You have 206 bones in your body. The 85 Best Dirty Tinder Pick Up Lines To Try This Year Can I be your ophthalmologist cause I cant stop looking into your eyes. Dirty Pick Up Lines - 169+ R-rated Lines For Him & Her2023 Im a med student. Flash a winning smile. That's actually good advice. 1.Let's play carpenter. You shift my emotional oxy-hemoglobin saturation curve to the left! Try these pick up lines to impress someone special. Catch someone at just the right moment. My love for you is so strong it cant be dialyzed. Sleep with an EMT. Hey baby, wanna play with my corpus cavernosum? 29. (Hold out a stethoscope) Why don't you listen to your heart and go out with me? [41+] Best EMT Pick up Lines (Medical Cheesy, Dirty, Flirty,, 49+ Cute Medical Pick up Lines For Doctors (Witty, Funny,, 30+ Best Uno Pick up Lines (Funny, Flirty, Witty Pun), 51+ Best Engineering Pick up Lines (Funny, Dirty, Flirty,, 59+ Electrician Pick up Lines (Dirty Electrical Puns, Jokes), 40+ Funny Perverted Pick up Lines (Dirty, Witty, Flirty, 105+ Volleyball Pick up Lines (Flirty, Witty, Funny Lines), 99+ Pizza Pick up Lines (Funny Pineapple hugot lines), 89+ Best Bumble Pick up Lines, Opening Chat up Lines, Best Tinder Pick up Lines to Get Laid (Funny, Cheesy, Dirty), 99+ Hilarious Minecraft Pick Up Lines/Chat Up Lines, (79+) Accounting Pick Up Lines (Accountant Funny Hugot, Taglines), 50+ Terrifying Death Pick Up Lines (Dying, Suicide, Died), [99+] Best Nerdy Pick-up Lines (The Geekly), 49+ Cowboy Pick up Lines (Cowgirl, Western Lines). 16. Because youre giving me a serious bone condition! Why? 11. Read next: 100 Awesome Kiss Pick Up Lines To Help You Get A Kiss, Posted on Published: July 6, 2022- Last updated: July 8, 2022, Home 160 Funny Medical Pick-Up Lines That Are Unforgettable, 170 Awesome Saturday Captions For Your Weekend Selfies, 40 Hilarious Alphabet Pick-Up Lines To Impress Your Crush, 80 Hilarious Among Us Pick Up Lines To Win A Gamers Heart - Love Quotes Status, [] See also: 160 Funny Medical Pick-Up Lines That Are Unforgettable [], 190 Best Teacher Pick Up Lines To Sweep Them Off Their Feet, 80 Hilarious Among Us Pick Up Lines To Win A Gamers Heart, 131 Cool Pick Up Lines To Make Her Blush In 2022, 130 Best Dark Pick Up Lines To Show Off Your Twisted Side, [] See also: 160 Funny Medical Pick Up Lines That Are Unforgettable []. Is your name adenosine? Come into my office and take off your pants. Can I change your status from G0P0 to G1P1? Whether you want something cute, funny, or even a little bit dirty, youll find it all here. Merck Manual: The Merck Manual is a free, online medical reference. I hurt myself pretty bad falling for you. They don't call me Bones because I'm a doctor. Cause you are 22Qter. 7. The way you ask me leaves me aphasic. Where there is a pulse there is a chance. 8. 19. Love sharing with your friends and family? In my pursuit of happiness, I found nothing but pain. That pulsation in my femoral sheath isn't coming from an artery. COPY. These pick up lines are from men and women to use on their crushes who are interested in medical matters. Id check your blood sugar, but youre sweet enough. 53+ Pick Up Lines for Girls to Use on Guys (Flirting Lines) 67+ Best Vine Pick up Lines to make you laugh (Flirty, Puns) Is Your Name Pick-up Lines? If you need a love doctor, I have like a medicated degree. Playing doctor is for kidslets play gynecologist! Using kinky pick up lines is just a funny (yet flirty) way to open up a conversation. 10. 12. You make my heart have Premature Ventricular Contractions. Cause you got me weak in the knees. Are you or the girl you like a medical student or staff? 24. I dont plan on specializing, but you seem pretty special to me. If you were a concentration gradient, Id go down on you. Sleep with an anesthesiologist! Did you alter my vestibular apparatus?! You should probably carry around memantine, since youre causing some excitotoxicity. Are you a lateral pterygoid because you make my jaw drop. 33. Because Im falling all over the place for you. You're the sinoatrial node of my heart. That pulsation in my femoral sheath isn't coming from an artery. Do you have an inhaler? You make my heartbeat like a drop of epinephrine. 4. No really, I'm certified to do it! I wish I was your coronary artery so that I could be wrapped around your heart. Maybe you need a little Vitamin ME in your life. You must be clozapine because you make me drool uncontrollably. 3. Girl, your chromosomes have combined beautifully. #LifeofaMedStudent welcomes posts from our readers! 6. What muscle in the lower extremity causes lateral neck rotation? WWE 2K22 Universe FCW Friday Face Off 16 #MW2 #Warzone #WWE - Facebook I wonder if you can help me? 21. Here are some extremely dirty pick up lines to say to a guy to charm him. If I were an enzyme, Id be DNA helicase: So I could unzip your genes!! This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 63 Best R-Rated Dirty Pick Up Lines - CaptionsGram Because you have a-cute phase. Hey I don't know what you think of me but I hope it's X-rated. SmoothPup.com is the ultimate destination for anyone looking for the perfect pick-up line. 69+ Best Alphabet Pick up Lines (U & I) ?. The best way to get a fellow EMT to go out with you is to utilize the power of knowledge. These one-liners are perfect for when you want to make your crush laugh. email addresses were disqulified from the list and couldn't be sent. Because I want to attach to your posterior region! Be funny - keep it light. You must be the one for me Since my selectively permeable membrane let you through. Financial advice should likewise, not take the place of a dedicated financial advisor. 26. Your acetylated histones are really turning me on. There are times, however, when this isnt the case. Is that a Laryngoscope handle in your pants, or are you just happy to see me? Whether youve planned it for a year or you spotted them five minutes ago, you only get one quick shot at one-line jokes: First impressions matter, and our opening few lines can either energize the interaction, or cause the other person to look around for the nearest exit. Psychology Today. If I were an enzyme, Id be DNA helicase: So I could unzip your genes!! You get my heart racing like an epinephrine drip. Are you Brocas Aphasia? Love making Doctor Pickup Lines related to Medical Field. Use these medical pick up lines to impress someone special. COPY. Was that vertigo? 69+ Dirty Pickup Lines That Can Make Them Go Down on You 14. To return Click Here. Hey, are you a conditioned stimulus? I am burning up the minute you walked in the room looking hot like that. COPY. 35. Dirty Pick up lines in 2023. Dirty Pick Up Lines. Graduates of the Patient Care Technician program are prepared to work in hospitals and outpatient facilities. 11. Because you're looking hot today. 9. If I said you had a monoclonal antibody, would you hold it against me? Are you a lateral pterygoid because you make my jaw drop. Natural killer. Roses are red, violets are blue, you make my heart skip, I think I have Mobitz type II! ), or just manually add the email addresses you'd like to keep in your contact list. I must be going through anaerobic respiration because you take my breath away. But remember, there's a 50/50 chance you get into trouble. Not sure what my creatinine clearance is, but I just cant get you out of my system. Roses are red, violets are blue, I suck at poetry, show me your tits. COPY. Though we may be divided, together we are one. All your buddies swear by them. Cause baby you be spinning my head, Are you an a-fib? Flash a winning smile. Easy to bind, hard to let go.., I hope to someday be your emergency contact.. ;), Will you be my G-Protein? Want to share your own post or experience withour followers? 33. From cheesy jokes about stethoscopes to puns about needles, these lines are sure to make your date smile. Sleep with an anesthesiologist! Baby, youre so sweet youre gonna put me in DKA! I just want to swab you up and down, then left and right, until were both afebrile. Girl, your personality is so magnetic I think our protons are in alignment. Yet, we promise you that these dirty pick up lines we provide you are considered as the best and most guaranteed ones so far according to surveys have been done by . 68. 2. You seem like an interesting casecan I investigate you? Infections are contagious, is your love too? Girl, if we were lymphocytes, youd be a natural killer. Choosing the right words when approaching our crush is extremely important, whether its in person or on Tinder. Easy to bind, hard to let go. Blood is red, cyanosis is blue, I get tachycardia when I think of you. Cardiac Nurse Pickup Lines. s frequently one of the more shared tweets that I send out. These pick up lines are from men and women to use who are flirting with individuals who are closely related to them. Girl, if you play your cards right, I can squeeze you in between my preload and afterload. You are my iodine, lithium, potassium, einsteinium and uranium. You must be a pulmonary embolism because you leave me breathless. Hey baby, wanna play with my corpus cavernosum? As the best first place to refresh your knowledge on the standard of care, the Merck Manual is also offered in a consumer version to help improve communication and health outcomes with your patients. 17. Where there is a pulse, there is a chance. 32. Do you have a favorite med pickup line? Blood is red, cyanosis is blue, I get tachycardia when I think of you. I'm not trying to pressure you. I wish my name was Adenine so I could be paired with you. 69+ Best Alphabet Pick up Lines (U & I) ?. I need a life. Are you the optic chiasm because you turned my world around. I don't want to go all Freudian on you, but cute doctors pull strong feelings from me because they're a safe target for feelings I originally had for my parents. Because I keep falling over for you! Hospital jokes and medical humorwill definitely be appreciatedand you have hopes of meeting The One. The Best Pick Up Lines For Doctors - Funny, New, Original And Smart Specialist, would you be able to retouch my messed up heart since you were the one to break it? 25. 4. Those clothes look uncomfortable need me to cut them off for you? I'd love to explore the box your virginity came in. You have 206 bones in your body, want one more? Are you my appendix? Your smile is almost as big, warm, and lovely as my penis. Can I take your temperature? 100+ Best Chemistry Pick Up Lines - TheStallionStyle Wake up happy! Because Id like to check you out. We have a simple and elegant solution for you! Best R-Rated Dirty Pick-Up Lines. I do not think you will try me because there is no cure for love madness. Ill start off with my list of the 20 best medical pick-up lines! 50+ Best Medical Pick-Up Lines [Cheesy and Funny] August 9, 2022. by Tauseef Khan. Though we may be divided, together, we are one. Ill protect you like a lysozyme, and forcibly digest anyone who tries to hurt you. The Good Men Project says these five rules can put you onto a winner (they work on good men or good women): Be original - don't imitate others. Do you have protein? You're giving me torticolis by the way you're making my head turn. Are you epinephrine? 15. Are you a doctor? Because I don't understand how you work, but this feeling in my stomach makes me want to take you out. Am I a non-competitive inhibitor? I seem to be suffering from a lack of Vitamin U. 5. Your gluteus maximus. Please lower your standards and go out with me. On a scale of one to America, how free are you tonight? Because youre giving me a serious bone condition! Go for brainy medical puns if it seems the mood is right, or try out your best funny medical punsfrom a trusty stash if you can't call it. Copy This. Don't be a girl or woman who relies on guys to initiate the first move on his lady, it's 21st century, you need to change the customs. Doctor, Nurse, Hospital Pick Up Lines - Flirt with the Best 95 Medical Pickup Lines See that hot doctor or sexy nurse? "We have great chemistry, lets do some biology.". (Look for any small skin imperfection) Has anyone ever looked at that? 3.Your smile is almost as big, warm, and lovely as my p*nis. 16. Along with studying, medical school is also a great time to make friends, meet new people, and have fun. NICOLA BULLEY-The TRUTH about her disappearance I've got something you can frost with. 35. The plan is to find that special someone who thinks youre hilarious even if the rest of the world thinks youre a jackass. You can trust me with your heart, All these cells but I still wanna fertilize by yours. 26. 40 Dirty & Funny Pick-Up Lines - PsyCat Games Because I've got a crush on you. I surely hope you plan on fixing it because the only thing you need to do is to take me out to a nice restaurant! Hey girl, youre like a car accident, because I cant look away. Related: 30+ Best Dirty Roses are Red Violets are Blue Poems Because you have acute-phase! 31. Because baby, you take my breath away., Maybe you need a little Vitamin ME in your life ;), If I were a coronary artery Id be wrapped around your heart!, Girl, your personality is so magnetic I think our protons are in alignment., Are you a pulmonary embolism? I wish I was your coronary artery, so that I could be wrapped around your heart. What do you and a febrile patient have in common? I have a gut feeling I should take you out. Are you Brocas Aphasia? 8. We have every faith you can pull this off, but, just in case, here are some of the best medical jokes around. Were MEN 2B. If I was an endoplasmic reticulum, how would you want me? Because Im feeling the urge to give you CPR. Are you a pulmonary embolism? Fire Fighters play with their hoses, I bring the bed, I hope you passed CPR because youre taking my breath away. Then, deliver in style. They don't call me Bones because I'm a doctor. Is that even possible? Use this compiled a list of cheesy and clever Doctor, Nurse, Hospital related Pick Up Lines. It would be best to use these EMT pickup lines as Tinder starters or Reddit chat-up lines and also as conversation starters like body part Hugot lines. Use this compiled a list of cheesy and clever Doctor, Nurse, Hospital related Pick Up Lines. 25 of the Very Best Medical Pick-up Lines | AIMS Education 2.I can tell you're into yoga, why don't you spend a little time showing me just how flexible you are? Because youve been looking right all day. Bounce off a natural attractionYour funny puns might just work. Bounce off a natural attraction.Your funny puns might just work. I don't think I'm fine, my heart just skipped a beat because of you. Excuse me, are your osteoporosis? Our goal is to see every student enjoy a successful career in the healthcare field. Are you the eroding joint cartilage that causes osteoarthritis? Im jealous of your stethoscopeI am the one who should be wrapped around your neck! These can be sweet, cheesy or even funny. 7. . If I was an endoplasmic reticulum, how would you want me? I could have sworn we had chemistry. I swear we had chemistry! 19. Conversation Starters (64) Flirting Lines (86) Tinder Openers. You must be my coronary artery because youre wrapped around my heart. COPY. We feel your pain. 28. I have a gut feeling I should take you out. Im just happy to see you. The way you talk to me leaves me aphasic. Wanna feel safe tonight? 27. Theyre catchy and witty and will impress even the most critical. 107. Good pick up lines are hard to come by. Sleep with an EMT. I dont think I want your babies, but I wouldnt mind refining my baby-making technique with you. Cyanosis is blue. Does your left eye hurt? Blood is red, cyanosis is blue, I get tachycardia when I think of you. You might think that the old days of using cheesy, or filthy, pick-up lines are a thing of the past, however, knowing a few might be the difference between going home alone or spending the night with something other than your teddy to cuddle. Cutie, you must be a red blood cell because you take the oxygen away from my lungs and send it straight to my heart. I'd love to kiss those beautiful, luscious lips. I'd love to kiss your luscious lipsand then the ones on your face. 50+ Best Medical Pick-Up Lines [Cheesy and Funny] - medicoholic Every couple of weeks Ill share a funny medical pick up line that I receive on #LifeofaMedStudent. Youve only got a couple of seconds to make a strong first impression and grab their attention. Though the Merck Manuals has been in publication since 1899, theyve changed and improved the ways health care professionals are able to access their free medical information. Fire Fighters play with their hoses, I bring the bed. If you're one of the guys who spend their afternoons swiping on different dating apps and yet aren't communicating with anyone, you're probably suffering from blank page syndrome. Because I want to attach to your posterior region!, Emphysema puffs pink, chronic bronchitis makes you blue, but no COPD makes me as breathless as you!, Girl, if we were lymphocytes, youd be a natural killer., Can I be your ophthalmologist? THE BEST collection of medical pick-up lines! YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, WWE | 178 views, 72 likes, 29 loves, 180 comments, 37 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from King Of Rell Gamez: #WWE2K23 #WWE. 4. Nurse pick up lines - 127+ Cute & Dirty nursing lines2023 Are you my appendix? Though the Merck Manuals has been in publication since 1899, theyve changed and improved the ways health care professionals are able to access their free medical information. Medics know how to pick you up 5 different ways. Im a doctor. 39. You must be calcification on a non-contrast CT, cause youre just glowing. Don't hesitate as people encourage direct and blunt people, use these dirty . My pussy is like the weather, when it gets wet you gotta cum inside! I calm down and cheer up when I'm with you. Having the proper resources to conduct a successful job search can make a big difference. 18. Im a medic. 24. Dr Vineet Malhotra is the Best Sexologist in Delhi.he is the Best Urologist in Delhi .if you are searching for.