9 Drake Kramer. He's weeded out cases of animal attacks or human predators, and . This is a very mysterious occurrence happening with the parks. With landscapes ranging from above-timberline alpine settings and dense forests cut by canyons to desertscapes and oceans, the National Park System can be a surprisingly easy place to go, and stay, missing. Another explanation for the strangeness of the missing people is "lost person behavior" , typical behavior for people who believe they are lost is not . That is because there are no answers for us, and it feels like we are in limbo.he is gone, presumed dead, yet we have no idea what happened or where he is now. Shoes, pants, shirts and jackets are often removed, even by children who are too young do so themselves. America Out Loud has no control over what the sites do with the information they collect. This corner of the internet is dedicated to fellow enthusiasts of high strangeness. . The phenomenon of missing persons near National Parks in the U.S. is becoming more prominent of an issue as unexplained disappearances of children and adults increase in numbers. Another experienced outdoorsman who enjoyed the Grand Canyon was a 21-year-old college student, David Kramer. But please believe poeple DO care.. Former police detective Dave Paulides investigates extraordinary mystery cases about missing persons in the national parks. Bizarre how there's no missing people in Chicago. Lori Sonken held senior staff positions working on natural resource policy in the U.S. Congress and Department of the Interior. Even more have also gone missing in national parks across the country since September 12. After leaving the police force, Paulides became a cryptozoologist and published books arguing the existence of Bigfoot. International scientists Dr. Mike Yeadon and Dr. Jonathan Gilthorpe talk with Dr. Vliet on. It was a beautiful day, father and son were having fun together. The author has also concluded that many people go missing in National Parks -- vast areas of open land -- but no one is keeping track of that. The park service replied We keep no such lists. Paulides and company immediately grasped the breathtaking level of negligence required for the park service NOT to keep such lists and the unlikelihood of such incompetence existing in a Federal agency of the NPSs stature. No one ever reports hearing any sounds such as a gasp, scream or an animal. Through her countless hours, days, weeks, and years connecting the dots, factual documentation, eyewitness accounts, and more, emerged a back story to the crimes that took place on the battlefield that fateful day of September 8th, 2009. Smoky Mountain mysteries. Missing 411 cases are a colloquial classification that documents missing person cases that fit a number of criteria: The disappearance occurred in a national park, rural area, or large reserve of public land. Since 2010, four people were reported missing at Lake Mead, including Brian Yule last seen this past August 11. America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm Out Loud Are you saying that if you have no obvious adverse event in the first month ( or the month of any booster ) that you wont have issues in the future, such as infertility or rapid cancer onset? Contact Us | Site Map | Forms & Links Submit Anonymous Crime Tips Join Our Team . His love of nature and exploring areas like the Grand Canyon motivated him to major in Geology at the University of Texas. by Tom Renz, Esq. Bodies appear on trails that have been searched by SARs (Search and Rescue) teams for days or even weeks prior. Once springs warmth melts the snow and ice the search is expected to resume, but it will be a recovery, not rescue, mission then. Approximately 80% of missing people are within 150 miles of water, the cluster map shows most of the missing are located in the following areas, on the West Coast, these clusters run, from North to South through the Cascades down through the Sierras and on the East Coast, the clusters run North to South through the Appalachian trail as well as the Great Lakes area, with a very small cluster in Idaho, Montana and Rockies, strange to note there is very very few in the middle of America through Kansas, North and South Dakota. From Yosemite to the Grand Canyon, some of America's crown jewels are its many national parks. Those websites are not under the control of America Out Loud or its brands. Shepherd got lost on the way to Sentinel Dome offering views of Yosemite Falls and Half Dome. On June 17, 1909, F.P. The family told Stehlings wife they leapfrogged past one another and were together at the petroglyph panel 1.4 miles from the trailhead, but they never saw him afterwards. Missing Persons. or our Media Player, 6 pm ETTruth for HealthShelter from the Storm: Lessons for Today from The Gulf War w/ DrLee4America, 7 pm ETOur Lives & Politics40,000 Hours of Jan 6 Video, Will It Even Matter? Paulides has classified over 1,440 missing persons cases under the Missing411 label. Missing in U.S. National Parks and Forests is a centralized database listing those who have gone missing in National Parks and Forests. The Park Services most recent search-and-rescue database, the 2017 Annual SAR Dashboard, sheds some light on rescue operations across all park units in the more than 84-million-acre park system. Family members are grief stricken over the mysterious disappearances of loved ones and to find there is no federal database opened to the public is astounding, to add, Forest Rangers have come forward out of concern for the safety and well being of all persons entering the National Forests. The notion of keeping an open mind has been branded a noble idea. Those who are picking berries seem to go missing at higher rates. There is no comprehensive roster of all persons who have gone missing across the National Park System. Paradoxical undressing cannot explain why a person would do this in a temperate environment. Landslides and rockfalls are part of the parks history, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Disproportionately, 32 percent of Montana's missing persons are Native Americans." Its great to see platforms like Twitter lessen their censorship and others like Truth Social working to fight censorship, but We are facing the destruction of our constitutional government by a set of progressive extremists who seek to pack the Supreme Court to forever alter the balance of power in their favor. On July 28 a body found in the park's backcountry was thought to be that of a Colorado man, Brian Perri, 38, of Fort Collins. After Jacob Gray (above) vanished in Olympic National Park in April 2017, his body wasn't found for 18 months. Thats an incredibly interesting theory and one that Ive never heard before regarding this topic. The chilling response of the NPS western regional director was a blanket denial of such a list existing at either the park level or the national level. Former park ranger Andrea Lankford believes that in time social media will play a greater role in finding missing persons. by Tom Renz, Esq. The National Park Service does not want anyone to research the missing, according to one ex-officer. Its up to us to be our brothers keeper. Vanished: With David Paulides, Harvey Pratt, Robert Clotworthy. Listen on iHeart Radio who disappeared in the Yarra Ranges National . In many instances the missing appears in a location that has been thoroughly searched dozens, if not hundreds, of times. I remember reading on a forum where the poster suggested the involvement of fairies as same cases were similar in nature to stories in European folklore. SO MANY COOL WAYS TO LISTEN TO AMERICA'S TALK RADIO NETWORK:FROM ANY WEB BROWSER: AMERICA OUT LOUD MEDIA PLAYERFREE APPS: APPLE |ALEXA |ANDROIDOR LISTEN ON iHEART RADIO, Copyright 2023 America Out Loud Network Worldwide. Toggle submenu for First Annual Threatened And Endangered Parks, National Parks Traveler 2021-22 Annual Report, National Parks Traveler 2020-2021 Annual Report, National Parks Traveler 2019-2020 Annual Report, Get the Essential RVing Guide To The National Parks, Understanding Climate Change Impacts On National Parks, Colorado River Series-Canyonlands National Park, Not Enough Water And Too Many Invasives At Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Mixing Oil And Water At Big Cypress National Preserve, Coping With 21st Century Wildfires In The Parks, Tackling The Maintenance Backlog In The Park System, Backlog Of Maintenance Needs Creates Risks In National Parks, Groups Continually At Work To Acquire Private Lands Key To National Parks, Invasive Species A Plague On the National Park System, Lack Of Dollars Crippling National Park Facilities For Staff And Visitors, Maintenance Backlog Impacts Historic Structures In National Parks, Mixing Energy Development And National Parks, NPS Is Running $670 Million Behind On Caring For Maintained Landscapes, National Park Roads And Bridges Impacted By Lack Of Maintenance, Private Philanthropy Fills The Gaps Of Deferred Maintenance, Wastewater And Sewer Facilities Failing In National Parks, The Care And Keeping Of History Within The National Park System, Oil Trains Pose A Significant Threat To National Parks, 3rd Annual Threatened And Endangered Parks, 2nd Annual Threatened And Endangered Parks, First Annual Threatened And Endangered Parks, Threatened And Endangered Parks: Introduction, Threatened And Endangered Parks: The Lists, more than 30 missing persons dating back to 1909. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk. This list also includes subjects who's remains have been found but the cause of . Despite being quite small, he tells an interesting account of his loss. The NPS is dedicated to protecting the health, safety, and wellness of our visitors and employees. The daughter of a Marine, and Army Veteran, She is also the Mother of a Fallen American Hero, Gunnery Sgt, Aaron Michael Kenefick, a highly decorated and stellar Marine of over twelve years. It's not hard. Around 90 percent of these missing people are recovered annually, both dead or alive. The Calm Young Lady. Missing person information is also entered into the National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System an information-sharing network available to state, local, and federal law enforcement agencies and organizations. =). The 58-year-old is believed to have fallen from a canoe in a Colorado River rapid near Pearce Ferry that day. They can be seen as part of the Bio-War forced upon humanity a true crime against humanity, The first three days of illness are the golden window for effective care. The Park Service increased to $60,000 the reward for information leading to his whereabouts and/or the arrest and conviction of whoever was responsible for his disappearance. I agree wholeheartedly- there is definitely something going on at a much deeper level. Stacey Anne Arras disappeared in Yosemite when she went to take photographs on July 17, 1981, after leaving her father and others camped at Sunrise High Sierra Camp. Set atop a series of long, narrow mesas, the national park features rugged terrain with steep cliff and canyon overlooks and crumbling sandstone. Tammy Clark & Kristen Meghan Kelly, both expert industrial hygienists, join us at the top of the program - they are calling "Catch me if you can." We know he is dead, but his body has never been found, says his wife, Denean. This past week the narrative is finally crumbling. Volunteer IT college students could maintain it, or anyone that knows how. They could get a working database created for free by a local college. In 2017, there were 3,453 reported search and rescue missions, including 1,000 saves; rescues of 1,500 ill or injured people, and 182 fatalities. Government Property, NO TRESPASSING never to think their could be a sinister plot connected, another world beneath the ground, one filled with possible government cover ups and connected with D.U.M.B.S. MYSTERY WIRE With the summer travel season nearing and pandemic restrictions easing, millions of people will be heading for national parks and national forests.. As the investigation progressed, the more mysterious it became. A Canadian man hasn't been seen since going for a hike there this past July, and Bill Ewasko, a 65-year-old from Georgia, went missing in June 2010. I wrote this one first so people who arent familiar with the subject can get a little background. anyway, all the missing person cases must be investigated.. Two park rangers actually confronted Paulides and privately acknowledged that the series . Search planes and helicopters seem to crash at abnormally high rates during these specific cases. I plan on doing a post specifically on Nightcrawlers in the future so stay tuned. Dennis Martin, 7 years old, disappeared in Great Smoky Mountains National Park at Spence Field during Father's Day Weekend 1969. Last year the Park Service spent $3.1 million on SAR operations, plus an additional $314,000 on supplies and other SAR costs an average of $985 per incident. The topic known as the "Missing 411" is based on a series of books written by former police detective David Paulides. On one side there are well-educated people such as doctors, psychiatrists and physicists. Authorities in Grand Canyon National Park used air and ground search efforts to locate Clifton "Cliff" Beck, 66, of Maryland after he was reported missing last Sunday. He was never seen again. The National Parks Service was originally created by Congress through the National Parks Service Organic Act on August 25, 1916. The official starting point is Guandu MRT station in the north, and it ends in Maokong in the south. He interviewed the former Obama appointee, U.S. Secretary of Interior, Ken Salazar who served this office from the time frame of 2009 to 2013. aka deep underground military bases used for experimentation on humans and animals, unseen by the naked eye. How frustrating. In late August the body thought to be that of Jens "Jay" Yambert, 60, of Urbana, Illinois, was found west of Keplingers Couloir in Rocky Mountain at an elevation of 12,600 feet in extremely steep, rugged terrain. Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction. Others aren't quite so easy to dismiss. From his two documentaries which can be seen free on YouTube Movies, Missing 411, and Missing 411 The Hunted, there is a National Map of Geographical Clusters. Predators living in caves (including cryptids . We are continually adding names to the list as we get more data. Stehling is one of at least 60 unresolved missing person cases in the National Park System, according to data obtained from the Park Service. Many of us are drawn to the beauty and serenity of parks and forests, we vacation yearly though the U.S. to enjoy outdoors sports such as camping, boating, hiking and just sitting among the trees breathing in the air, but there is something sinister that the public and mainstream MEDIA isnt talking about, since the inception of these national wonders, the past decade has investigated, thousands upon thousands of people have gone missing, and only a handful who returned, dont remember anything that happened to them, as though their mind was erased from time and events that unfolded. If these missing persons were found dead, the cause of their deaths went undetermined. Yet, research into this high rate of missing people associated with various National Parks around America is difficult. David Paulides, the author of the Missing 411 books, estimates that there are over 1,600 . Prior to the disappearance, friends and family state the victim had informed them that they were feeling ill or weary. Many Native Indian legends tell stories of individuals encountering natural arches in the landscape where they passed through and . Yosemite National Park is the largest of all clusters and also happens to be the biggest source of granite on Earth. As noted above, the people map is not an exhaustive list of all missing persons in the U.S. The tragic loss of Susans son and his Marine Embedded Training Team raised more questions than answers. There are Forest Rangers and Family members who are the eyes and ears to what is taking place within the National Forests, through word of mouth, many private investigations, as well as alternative news media, these truths are surfacing. Pockets of gases that cause people to become confused, become lost, lose consciousness and die. Campbell was reported missing on April 8, 1991. by Kimberly Overton, BSN, RN | Mar 2, 2023 | Health, Politics, Nurses Out Loud with Kimberly Overton, BSN, RN They are serious violations of international law, and those who commit them must be held accountable. In 1946, eight-year-old Katherine Van Alst wandered off from her family's camp site and got lost. Owner of the site is an Amazon Affiliate. He was told that there is no such document because the Department of Interior does not keep any record of missing people within their park systems. Others arent quite so easy to dismiss. So they could multiply? In the year 2017, there were 650,000 missing persons in the U.S. alone, yet the sinister part about this is the fact that these victims are NOT DOCUMENTED on a federal database and the media was silent. Among these theories is a common thread of "truth suppression" by the National Park Service and local government authorities. We were overlooking half dome in Yosemite in 2000 and we kept hearing a helicopter, which we love to ride in, circling below us. Morgan Heimer, a Cody, Wyoming, man working as a river guide in Grand Canyon National Park,vanished during a group hikeon June 2, 2015. But one story had a happy yet strange ending. The opinions expressed on the website(s), and the opinions expressed on the radio shows and podcasts, are the opinions of the show hosts and do not necessarily represent the opinions, beliefs, or policies of anyone or any entity we may endorse. The boys gathered for a moment, then split up with two going in one direction, and the other going the other. all you have to do is lift someone off the ground or put them into a vehicle of some kind.. like a military all-terrain vehicle or something.. and take them away. A number of park units, including Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument in southern Arizonas Sonoran Desert, New Orleans Jazz National Historical Park in Louisiana, and Richmond National Battlefield Park in Virginia, had no SAR operations in 2017. With more than 750 miles of . It is interesting how many people report feeling ill/ tired prior to their disappearance. Now at Cornell University, she hiked the John Muir Trail passing through Yosemite, Kings Canyon, and Sequoia national parks during the summer 2018. Jason Langley/Corbis. Chandace Cochran Missing Since: 08/20/2019 Last Seen: . Towards the end of the day it was starting to get cold and Sam's Dad was ready to head back to their cabin. Russia, hence the war with Ukraine, to suck em dry. Attorney Cox filed the lawsuit last year against New York state governor Kathy Hochul and her quarantine We wonder why Bidens government is so adamant against Texas and Arizona's efforts to defend their border with Mexico. Blood damage is the key biologic explanation for harmful vaccine impacts. So they can get that done for FREE. Thank you for providing this important information, "Something wicked this way comes". Since 2005, 13 people have been killed, 291 have been injured, and 140 . Here are six stories of people who went into one of America's 59 national parks and never returned. Each year hundreds of people go missing in United State Parks and National Forests. It makes you think twice about hiking in any of these areas. However, youd think search dogs would be able to pick up a scent. you can contact the National Threat Operations Center by: visiting tips.fbi.gov or 1-800-CALL-FBI. The NPS employs over 20,000 Americans and brings in an annual revenue $92 billion. Retired police officer David Paulides criticizes the Park Service for not making the comprehensive list of missing persons available to the public, and has chided the agency for what he perceives as its indifference towards missing people in the parks. Gregory Muck. A daily resource for smart people. to be honest i dont know, how could i be 98% certain. It was through a Mothers undying love that Susan transformed into an Investigative Researcher. Exceptionally odd circumstances surround the disappearance. It was the Park service searching for the body of some poor soul who had jumped from where we were standing, earlier that sad day. Oftentimes these canines cannot pick up a scent, or simply dont want to. The park rangers were very upset, and it was easy to see how much they cared aabout what had happened and finding the body to ease the. There are some odd reports of people going missing at an alarming rate on the Appalachian Trail, especially near a military base of some sort. one cannot be a real conspiracy nuts (sic) without having done any research about 9/11 false flag, can we? That would be for a list of missing people in Yosemite. Its a very important subject and people need to be aware so they can take proper safety measures. Eight-year-old Samuel Boehlke went missing in Crater Lake National Park in October 2006 and never was found. (From left) Dennis Martin, Trenny Lynn Gibson and Thelma . Whats wrong with this picture? Brian Yule last seen this past August 11 at Lake Mead National Recreation Area in Nevada. Joes Totalitarian Government Fourth Reich or Mandarin Style? Once you are on a ventilator, the risk of death may be as high as 90%. Sometimes these victims were found in an area totally unrelated to where they went missing as well, some were found in the most remote areas of forests or on mountain tops to difficult to reach by foot. Many of us have been hiking, camping or walking in the woods at a National Park only to see the signs noting U.S. What is baffling is the fact that the American government admits to not keeping an active database on missing persons in National Parks. The trail to the 130-room archaeological site with eight ceremonial chambers, known as kivas, was closed in 2015 due to the possibility of rockfalls from the dwellings ceiling. Missing Persons. No sign of Campbell or his dog has been found. I would think it is an anesthetic effect. Indeed, an episode of the X-Files covered the case of Joseph and William Whitehead, whose disappearance in Glacier National Park in Montana during the summer 1924 brought in the FBIs involvement, says Lankford, whose career provided the fodder for her book, Ranger Confidential: Living, Working, and Dying in the National Parks. This . 3-Year-Old John Doe. Yosemite National Park posts Facebook and Twitter messages encouraging anyone knowing anything about Schweitzer to contact the Park Service. John Doe, a 3-year-old boy, went missing at 6.30 PM and was found at 11:30 PM. Thank you, la Cariatide! Neither did anyone else, though later there were reports from a hiker on the Petroglyph Point Trail who claimed to have heard someone calling for help. The adults realized the boys were planning to circle behind them, and were right. Intrigued, Paulides began to investigate. The number of missing person cases has steadily . Clothing that is found is sometimes neatly folded. Yosemite is not alone with its missing persons list. The first clue is how many mysterious disappearances cluster around places like Yosemite, Mount Shasta and Crater Lake, all revered (and feared) by indigenous people as sacred lands and the domain of gods no place for mortal men to approach without reverence. 1. Lauren Reid, Columnist. Some cases of the missing can and are explained by tragic accidents of exploring the great outdoors, or animal attacks, falling off mountains or exposure to outdoor elements, yet the greater number of missing persons in National Parks is UNEXPLAINABLE and most disturbingly, UNDOCUMENTED. A search forRyan Albert of Marlton, New Jersey, was suspended at Rocky Mountain National Park in November 2018 after nearly a month of scouring the area around Longs Peak, a 14,259-foot icon that is a magnet for hikers hoping to tackle a "14er.". Joshua Tree National Park in California frequently is the backdrop for missing hikers. On its website, the Park Services Investigative Services lists 12 cold cases at Yosemite; these are unsolved matters with no active leads, such as the case of Stacey Anne Arras, who disappeared to take photographs on July 17, 1981, after leaving her father and others camped at Sunrise High Sierra Camp. A game warden with the Nevada Department of Wildlife found the 69-year-old mans 25-foot-long sailing vessel on Lake Mead, but not Yule. Peter Jackson, who arrived at Yosemites rocky White Wolf Campground at 8,000 feet about September 17, 2016, and paid for his site through September 21, 2016, never returned from a day hike. Out of 423 national parks, only Gateway National Recreation Area, Lake Mead . If you take drugs you open a portzl and allow the demon to enter ones subconscious and it depresses one, suicide or dui you hurt another. ( I am not a naturally born American citizen) REI corporation bed mates with Obama also theyve been targeting national parks and Congress also example why would they try to give the parks ownership to the states there is a whole laundry list of highly suspicious activity. Although Investigator Paulides would never admit to saying on record that he believes in UFOs and Paranormal activity abducted these missing persons, he merely states for the record Its like something out of the X-files. He collected over 2,000 cases with similar explainable characteristics. Paulides made it his lifes mission to investigate whats really taking place in our national parks and why is there NO public or media attention on these missing persons or federal documentation. Each continued to host attorneys Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani because. But Dan reckons that if you look at maps of the US cave system, you'll see there's a high number of disappearances around them - something she believes could be due to cannibals. Dennis was never seen again, though the family started calling and looking for him within five minutes of when he was last seen. Daren has a scar on his knee about 1 inch long, and a tooth mark scar on his head under his hair. Denean speculates her directionally challenged husband, hiking without water or a map on a hot and sunny June day, might have been misled by a sign pointing to the Chapin Mesa Archeological Museum and inadvertently went off trail. The panel featured presentations by Drs. 10 Hunter Bidens business dealings with Americas most dangerous foreign adversaries pose genuine and consequential national security threats. Some were accepted while others were denied for unknown reasons. I was out on a search party. Missing 411: Hundreds of Strange Disappearances in our National Parks, A Radioactive Substance Was Found in COVID Vaccines & Its a Known Cancer-Causing Ingredient, Injectable Nanotech: Federal Insider Warns Vaccines Will Be Used to Create a Digital Prison, US Intelligence Officer Reveals Reptilians Have a Base on the Dark Side of the Moon. Not fairies as I have been up close and personal with them and they didnt take me.! In all, five people remain on the list of those who went missing in the park and were never found, going back to 6-year-old Dennis Martin, who vanished on a camping trip with family on June 14 . In the last century close to 1100 people have disappeared while on a visit to a National Park, just in the USA. She was able to link two maps side-by-side detailing this coincidence, saying, "These caves are massive, massive, massive, and they go on for miles and miles and miles. You may ask, if the media was and is silent about these undocumented and unreported missing persons than how are the numbers and information reported? Paulides mission began at a national park. Retired cop David Paulides has tracked thousands of missing persons cases, centered in America's national parks and forests.