It is best for a baby boy with a brave heart. Baleckas is a Lithuanian form of Valeska. 94. 76. 50. If there was a need to distinguish a particular individual from another bearing the same name, various attributive additions were used: referring to the place where one lived, whence one came, his/her profession, occupation, some personal characteristics. Gudaitis originally may have meant 'the son of gudas' (Lith. . Hebrew origin name, Jonas, is an elegant and stunning name in the Lithuanian name list. accepts no liability for any errors, omissions or misrepresentations. Bernotas - It is the Lithuanian form of Bernhard meaning "bear". All told, as we predicted in 1986, both of these thick volumes contain ca. Therefore Auktakalnis may have meant "a person living on/near/by a high mountain," or something similar. The usage of personal names in Lithuania is generally governed by three major factors: civil law, canon law, and tradition. The nature of the surnames depends on what was important to the society at the time surnames were adopted. We will always aim to give you accurate information at the date of publication - however, information does change, so its important you do your own research, double-check and make the decision that is right for your family. Klukas (Slavic origin) meaning "gossip; tale-telling". The same is with Lithuanian surnames or last names. Adomaitis is the Lithuanian surname derived from the Hebrew name Adam, meaning Earth. Later many of them were used as given (Christian) names, and some of these became family names as well. Bernius meaning "farmhand". Furthermore, Lithuanian has inflectional endings for female surnames that indicate if married or unmarried. Lithuanian Surnames | American Slavic and East European Review They are mostly used in the country of Lithuania, which is in the northeastern part of Europe. Collect Birth Data of Immigrant Lithuanian Ancestor / Relatives, 2. Each Lithuanian surname appears in three different forms, one masculine and two feminine. This is the family name of renowned Lithuanian author Jurga Ivanauskaite. This is a list of 10,000 Lithuanian last names and surnames. Most Abruzzese. 17. It is derived from the personal name Balcius. Gander is an Old English origin name for the male goose. Giedraitis meaning "unmarried". About Lithuanian vs. "Americanized" Surnamesin Lithuanian RC Parishes in the U.S. About Patronymic Forms of Lithuanian Surnames, The typical Lithuanian surname suffix endings, About Older (Antiquated) Forms of Lithuanian Surnames, In modern Lithuanian, the conventions for suffix endings of female surnames (as described above) are now standardized, but you may find other forms in records because there apparently were once regional differences within Lithuania. 4. For example, search query St* Zigmas Jukna, a rower from Lithuania, is associated with the name Jukna. Pikus (German origin) and is considered to be one of the Lithuanian Jewish surnames. 4. . gudas 'Byelorussian; foreigner'), and Kairys is an old nickname: 'left-handed.' Here's a helpful list of some of the top Lithuanian based surnames with meanings. If you don't have specific Lithuanian letters on your keyboard, you can Bonus (Latin language origin) meaning "good". Translate Lithuanian to English online | 84. 13. It is the word for the German word Elwin in the Lithuanian language. Lithuanian names always follow the rules of the Lithuanian language. A Church For All People. Zukas meaning "modern; volatile". Jonaitis - This family name is a Lithuanian form of Johannes. Such are almost all the names of the Lithuanian rulers recorded as early as the beginning of the 13th century. Kiedis meaning "protector". ), Here are the "modern Lithuanian" suffix rules for surnames (These are based on information in "Introduction to Modern Lithuanian" by Dambrinas, Klimas, and Schmalstieg (. The regional surname refers to people from western Lithuania. Ajauskas - Lithuanian painter Valentinas Ajauskas has this surname. This English origin name means Warrior of Mars or warlike. It is thought to be a surname of the Jewish people of Lithuania. Giedraitis translates as unmarried. Markunas is derived from the personal name Markus. Furthermore, Lithuanian has inflectional endings for female surnames that indicate if married or unmarried. Find Male Ancestors of Any "Noble" Ancestors, Church Marriage, Baptism and Death Records, Chicago (Lithuanian) RC Parish Registers Online, St Casimir (Lith) Parish (Chicago Heights), Lithuania RC Parish Registers (in the Lithuanian Archives and Online), View Online Lith RCC Registers [Preferred], Polonization of Lithuanian Names in Lith RCC Registers, Search Aids for My Ancestral Parishes in Lithuania, Use of "De-Polonized" Lithuanian Surnames, Use of "De-Polonized" Lithuania Place Names, Use of "De-Russified" Lithuania Place Names, About Male and Female Forms of Lithuanian Surnames. Another useful link gives you a Jewish surname search and Lithuanian surname database. Lithuanian form of Janowski. This article contains incorrect information, This article doesnt have the information Im looking for, 100 Top Lithuanian Surnames With Meanings, 60+ Funny Orc Names That Are Perfect For Your Next Campaign, All Of The Pillar Men Names From JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, 100+ Ice Hockey, Roller Hockey, And Hockey Team Names From Past And Present, 80+ Beaver Names From Fiction, Plus Cute And Funny Ideas For Names. 44. Considered to be one of the famous Lithuanian last names. Pakulnis. This Lithuanian surname is derived from Noreti, meaning to want and Buti, meaning to be. Trace your ancestry and build your family tree. Lithuanian surnames - LNKC your doctor. Cesiunas -This surname is linked with Lithuanian Olympic medalist sprint canoeist Vladas Cesiunas. Category:Lithuanian-language surnames - Wikipedia Lutkus is a Lithuanian surname which is a patronymic form of Ludolf a German origin name. Lithuanian Surnames - Over 25,000 entries in each section make this a standard reference. Translation of "surname" into Lithuanian . 24. The name is derived from Degutas, meaning tar. Juska - This last name is associated with popular Lithuanian professional football player Egidijus Juska. o 20+ Common Lithuanian Names: The Best List! - Ling App Polish surnames of Lithuanian origin. 27. Norkus meaning "wish; desire". She aims to utilise her learnings to deliver quality content which will in turn help drive sales and customer engagement. Obviously, only larger locations are mentioned in Andrulewicz is a popular Lithuanian name meaning son or man. 68. It means the Suns offspring. This Lithuanian surname is of Hebrew origin and is derived from Matthaeus, Latin for Matthew, meaning Gift of God. Lithuanian male names have preserved the Indo-European masculine . Of these 42 family names, only a small part is entirely Lithuanian, i.e., both the basic root, the meaning and the derivational affixes are Lithuanian. About Lithuanian vs. "Americanized" Surnames in Lithuanian RC Parishes in the U.S. About PatronymicForms of Lithuanian Surnames, About Older (Antiquated)Forms of Lithuanian Surnames. Your privacy is important to us. Several dozen Lithuanian family names are also derived from this very popular name, such as Jonaitis, Jonauskas, Jonaviius (and Janaviius), Jonikas; further: Jankauskas, Jankelaitis, Jankelinas, Jankeviius, Janknas, Jankus, Janonis, and many others. This surname of Lithuanian origin is derived from rubi, meaning to become rough. This was the name of the Lithuanian goddess of weaving, fate and childbirth, often associated with Laima. It is included in the rare Lithuanian surnames list. ]uska), and in -. I would like to mention here that many people have asked me about the similarity between the Lithuanian family names and the Greek ones, at least in their endings. Mockus is derived from the personal name Motiejus. With the new faith, Protestantism, their ethnicity and language was preserved, for Old Prussian it was too late. The name is often used as the pet form of Slavic names, Vitek and Voytek. 14. 11. But having found a beautiful place on a group of lakes during one of his hunts, Grand Duke Gediminas founded Trakai and moved his capital there. TAISYKLS . Apparently, there were many Lithuanian families with that name, some have retained it until the present day (which will be clearly seen when the second volume of this dictionary L- is published). This is also an occupational name. PDF | On Jan 1, 2008, Alina Naruszewicz-Duchliska published Surnames of Lithuanian origins in Polish anthroponomy | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate 73. Consolidated Jewish Surname Index - Avotaynu This is a list of 10,000 Lithuanian last names and surnames. One of the rarely used surnames in the list of Lithuanian last names. Lithuanian architect Gediminas Baravykas has this surname. It's an ending. It is complicated. It is known to be an occupational search names list for people who sold tar. This last name is made famous by Lithuanian writer Ruta Sepetys of the 'Between Shades of Gray' the bestseller book. 77. Useful Internet sources for information about Lithuanian names and surnames: 2000 surnames listed. Pavlis is a Lithuanian surname derived from Paulis, a personal name. Pointers to On the next page, type the initial letters of the surname you are interested From the given name Jonas 1. This project is under development. You can either select the individual surname of interest This Lithuanian surname is derived from Vytautas, comprising of vyti meaning to guide and tauta meaning the people. Rimkus is a Lithuanian surname, a short form of Rimkantas. In the early years of those parishes, the people often spoke in Lithuanian, and so often used the Lithuanian forms of their names in theirconversations even though they were using theAmericanized form everywhere else. Dapkus is a popular Lithuanian last name made popular by Lithuanian basketball player Martynas Dapkus. Pempe - Chairman of Architects Association of Lithuania Kestutis Pempe has this last name. Many of the other Hebrew/Aramaic, Greek, Latin names have also supplied many family names in practically all European languages. So when the priest wrote down their names in a parish record, he probably wrote down the Lithuanian form of the name even if they were using an Americanized form everywhere else. This popular name is derived from a Lithuanian painter, Valentinas Ajauskas, who had this surname. Lithuanian - English : Dictionary Download This Lithuanian last name is derived from Hebrew origin Matthew, meaning Gods gift. Lithuanian name | Familypedia | Fandom The most popular Lithuanian family name is, clearly, Kazlauskas (1576 families), followed by Jankauskas (1482), Butkus (1021), and Balinas (999). James Tratas, an actor and model from Lithuania, has made the surname Tratas famous. information about where in Lithuania your ancestors came from, this tool may This Lithuanian surname is made popular by the Lithuanian actor Donatas Banionis. Meizys meaning "barley; wheat farmer". Reilly - Lithuanian actor and comedian, John Reilly is known by this last name. 88. It is known to be the short form of Zukaskaus. You can search for either a complete surname, or construct a more complex There is one specific characteristic for most family names in most European (at least in Northern, Central, and Eastern Europe) languages: the family name is usually inherited from generation to generation, while the first (or the given) name is applied only to individuals. It is well known that Lanka is short for Lankauskas in Lithuania. enter them using the on-screen keyboard, click the keyboard icon on the If the surname was a patronymic one [-aviius; -eviius; -aitis] that had a U.S. "sort-of-equivalent" surname, the immigrant might use that approach: Petraviius or Petraitis (which both mean son of Petras [Peter]) might become Peterson. 62. By joining Kidadl you agree to Kidadls Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and consent to receiving marketing communications from Kidadl. So, if you don't have any other 30. What does the 'as' suffix indicate on a Lithuanian surname? Galdikas is a Lithuanian middle name and surname. This Lithuanian topographic name implies someone who lives at the end of the village. Kidadl is independent and to make our service free to you the reader we are supported by advertising. 3. Sample translated sentence: If they did not use the same surname, that of either parent could be chosen. Lithuanian Surnames. 28. Bonus originates from the Latin language and means good. Your searches are sorted back to outdated and added to the History. is used for all male members of a family without regard of age or marital status.The surname of married women ends always in -ien Klmiene, Vabalen, ukuskiene, Varkalien . translated into some Slavic form, then the Lithuanian ending -as was added. Lithuanian . of a particular surname (in many cases they are just guesses). Lithuanian Name Meaning & Lithuanian Family History at - Ancestry to use them are included in subsections below. bti 'to be.' Others, for one reason or another, had their family name 40. Originally, all of them had had some concrete meaning. Dobis is a Lithuanian last name derived from Duoba, of Polish origin, Doba, meaning courageous or noble. Lithuania: The Rebel Nation , 1997. alone. Dov Levin is an Israeli-Lithuanian-Soviet historian. if you are so inclined. Barley; wheat farmer, is what the Lithuanian name Meizys means. use of this site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use. adjective budrus 'alert,' Butkus goes back, ultimately, to the basic root Lith. As in most other Indo-European languages, the Lithuanian family names are of varied origin. Family Chronicle - Surname Origin List. The most ancient Lithuanian names usually consisted of two original roots. NOTE: Most names need to be entered in Lithuanian form, especially those for which you might have the Polish version. PUBLIC search engines are in GREEN In the list of Lithuanian surnames, Lanka is the least common surnames. the database, so if the village of your ancestors is not listed, try the When the second volume (L-) appears, this dictionary will be almost a complete record of all Lithuanian family names presently used. Matuevas Lithuanian. Famous female Lithuanian writer Jurga Ivanauskaite has this family name. This is approximately the number of family names in such languages as German, French, and English. 99. By tradition, Lithuanians have two names - the surname, inherited from one's father (more rarely, from mother) and the given name. Kidadl provides inspiration to entertain and educate your children. The language. Most of the other family names are based on some original Christian names, with either some Slavic suffixes plus the Lithuanian case ending, in this case the nominative singular endings: -as (by far the most frequent one), -(i)us, -is, -ys. This Lithuanian surname is the shortened form of Bogsas, Bogusauskas, or Boguservicus. 57. Connecticut had the highest population of Lithuanian families in 1920. (And these situations get even more complicated because the priestsdidn't always spell names correctly and they had multiple ways of converting surnames into Latin for the Latin-language records of the RCparishes.)