We created data visualizations in R, ArcMap version 10.8 (ESRI) and Adobe Illustrator CS6. Lancet Glob. Article Article Sonicating 2.5% and 5.0% w/v solutions of decrosslinked PAAP&G for 010min using a 20kHz sonication horn operating at full amplitude (100%) revealed rapid chain-shortening for the decrosslinked PAAP&G (Fig. Lancet 394, 345356 (2019). Together, the United States and Brazil account for 28% of the worlds death toll and 59% of the death toll in the Americas. Stab. For the base case scenario (absence of COVID-19), we used mortality rates reported in 2019, which we treated as cause-deleted life tables (that is, there were no deaths from COVID-19 in 2019), and applied these to the population at risk to obtain expected deaths in the absence of COVID-19. Ecotricity hiring Sales Manager SME in Stroud, England, United Kingdom Sci. Liu, Y., Lotero, E. & Goodwin, J. G. Jr Effect of water on sulfuric acid catalyzed esterification. Demonstrativos de linhagens e genomas SARS-CoV-2. D.I.C., M.I.J., and E.N.G.M. We made the assumption of proportionality between forces of decrement from cause i (or all causes except i) and the force of decrement from all other causes combined8,45. Estimates of period mortality rates require an estimate of the population exposed to the risk of dying. (Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co, Weinheim, 2020). FaterSMART. Bjrn, A., Owsianiak, M., Molin, C. & Laurent, A. in Life Cycle Assessment: Theory and Practice; (eds) Hauschild, M. Z., Rosenbaum, R. K., Olsen, S. I. Hope O Baker - Mite Coordinator - Mankato Area Hockey Assoc | LinkedIn Chang, E. P. Viscoelastic windows of pressure-sensitive adhesives. Applicants wishing to apply for more than one topic, must submit a separate proposal under each topic. Vaupel, J. W., Villavicencio, F. & Bergeron-Boucher, M.-P. Demographic perspectives on the rise of longevity. To compute the total persons-years lived for 2020, we added the monthly contributions. Under ultrasound, solvodynamic shear forces cleave polymer chains into shorter fragments while maintaining the polymers chemical identity. In late April 2021, a parliamentary commission of inquiry was launched to investigate the governments handling of the pandemic response41. 61, 25842587 (1939). Internet Explorer). Among males, two states, Amazonas and Par, both in the North region, lost all that was gained over 2 decades (Fig. H2SO4 with heating (Fig. The corresponding VW for each adhesive is the rectangular region bounded by these four moduli. CAS Sade Pblica 36, e00115320 (2020). J. Adhes. Assuming that death rates would have been equal to 2019 all-cause rates in the absence of COVID-19, COVID-19 deaths in 2021 have already reduced e0 in 2021 by 1.8 years, which is slightly larger than the reduction estimated for 2020 under similar assumptions. We calculated nRx, the age-specific and sex-specific ratio of deaths from all causes other than COVID-19 to deaths inclusive of COVID-19. Nature Communications (Nat Commun) LIFE-2022-SAP-NAT-GOV Gamtos valdysenos projektai (angl. As of 9 June 2021, COVID-19 has officially claimed more than 3.7 million lives worldwide, 48% of which were in the Americas. wrote the first draft of the manuscript. All the adhesives synthesized from PAAP&G fall within quadrant 3 and the central region (Fig. Proc. http://olheparaafome.com.br/VIGISAN_Inseguranca_alimentar.pdf (2021). 123, 116129 (2019). 1 0 obj S2). Moriguchi, T. & Arita, Y. One of the pitfalls of diaper recycling pilots is the low demand for recovered diaper materials, which depreciates the environmental potentiality of such endeavors14. Phillips, T. Brazil begins parliamentary inquiry into Bolsonaros Covid response. Chem. Programme for Environment and Climate Action (LIFE) ID: LIFE-2021-SAP-NAT-NATURE: Types of action: LIFE Project Grants: Deadline model: single-stage: Opening date: 13 July 2021: Deadline date: 30 November 2021 17:00:00 Brussels time . The lack of a coordinated, prompt and equitable response informed by science, as well as the promotion of disinformation, have been the hallmark of the current administration27. Brasil, Grandes Regies e Unidades da Federao 2010. in Estudos e Pesquisas. Anjeza Beharaj, Ethan Z. McCaslin, Mark W. Grinstaff, Aya Samir, Fatma H. Ashour, Mohamed Bassyouni, Amar K. Mohanty, Feng Wu, Manjusri Misra, Hom N. Sharma, Jeremy M. Lenhardt, Long N. Dinh, Ephraim G. Morado, Mara L. Paterson, Steven C. Zimmerman, Anna M. Duraj-Thatte, Avinash Manjula-Basavanna, Neel S. Joshi, Ainara Sangroniz, Jian-Bo Zhu, Haritz Sardon, Nature Communications Ichiura, H., Nakaoka, H. & Konishi, T. Recycling disposable diaper waste pulp after dehydrating the superabsorbent polymer through oxidation using ozone. Nuzzo, J. Khoo, S. C. et al. Marinho, F. et al. Heuveline, P. & Tzen, M. Beyond deaths per capita: comparative COVID-19 mortality indicators. Moreover, the route involving just decrosslinking and esterification (i.e., no sonication) has the potential to be industrially scalable, providing a sustainable solution to a longstanding waste problem. Waste Manag. d, Number of COVID-19 deaths in 2020 per 100,000 people by state (Methods). stream You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. Castro, M.C., Gurzenda, S., Turra, C.M. Fagnani, D. E. et al. Health 8, E1018E1026 (2020). xUmo@G9*R*S[u#>RejBG4aSgcwy2+`p3CJ)i A life cycle assessment was used to compare the routes that involved (i) no sonication, (ii) sonication for 1 min (2.5% w/v) and (iii) sonication for 2 min (5.0% w/v), including the workup steps,. From an energetic standpoint, the CED is reduced by 18.8% and 18.6% with the sonication scenarios, and further reduced (by 24.8%) in the scenario without sonication. Sonication has previously been used to chain-shorten high-molar mass polymers with various backbone architectures31,32, including polyacrylic acid33, and has been used at scale34. Usually, the mid-year population is a good approximation of person-years lived during the year. Carvalho, C. A., Viola, P. C. A. F. & Sperandio, N. How is Brazil facing the crisis of food and nutrition security during the COVID-19 pandemic? hypno youtube. Coates, G. W. & Getzler, Y. D. Y. L. Chemical recycling to monomer for an ideal, circular polymer economy. JAMA 324, 510513 (2020). An alternative recycling route known as chemical recycling was developed to address these challenges8,9,10,11. In contrast, when acetic acid was reacted with ethanol/water, the conversion was only 68%. Teikti paraik ia. We offer five reasons as to why. Missed childhood immunizations during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil: analyses of routine statistics and of a national household survey. We compared the gap in life expectancy between males and females in the period life tables constructed for 2019 and 2020 (Methods). Prod. Ultimately, inequality might become worse, exacerbating an already distressing scenario due to COVID-19. performed the life cycle assessments mentored by J.A. and T.A. J. Phys. Brazil continues to face a challenging situation. We abstracted death data on 18 May 2021, for all states, as reported through 30 April 2021 (n=209,458 confirmed COVID-19 deaths). First, we obtained mid-year population projections for 20182020 and abridged life tables estimated for 20002020 by state, age and sex from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatstica, or IBGE, in Portuguese) (https://www.ibge.gov.br/en/statistics/social/population/18176-population-projection.html). Given multiple AIG Prestige, AIG EVP Quest and Citi E-Thank You awards for exceeding process target and providing continued assistance to the team.<br><br>SKILLS <br> Experienced in Master Data . In the Northeast, however, the estimated decreases in life expectancy in 2020 are smaller than in the North. The Guardian. Reduction in life expectancy in Brazil after COVID-19. Article Fornof, A. R. et al. Disruption in treatment and diagnosis of tuberculosis and HIV might increase mortality over the next 5 years30. To avoid inconsistencies between life tables estimated for 2019 and 2020, we applied the same methodology to 2019. The aim of the project is the conservation of Caretta caretta, in the western Mediterranean basin, from threats related to human disturbance in the nesting sites. Holmes, L. et al. 4b,c). Correspondence to PDF Programme for the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE) 2 Topics under the 2021 call 1. endobj 8). Our results quantify the effect of the COVID-19 death toll on life expectancy in Brazil. Correspondence to Faria, N. R. et al. In both countries, the pandemic response in 2020 was disparate regionally, with lamentable national coordination3,4, resulting in a high and unequal mortality burden5,6. The authors declare no other competing interests. The aim of the project is the conservation of Caretta caretta, in the western Mediterranean basin, from threats related to human disturbance in the nesting sites. Smith, D. W. & Bradshaw, B. S. Variation in life expectancy during the twentieth century in the United States. PubMedGoogle Scholar. 79, 22302244 (2001). Briefly, nonamers of polyacrylic acid were used as a model system along withbutanol Comparison of the reaction free energies was made between the first esterification and the final esterification. The resulting chain-shortened PAAP&G fragments were then dialyzed to remove excess acid, lyophilized, and then ground into a powder. S3). C.M.T. & Garenne, M. The 1918 influenza epidemics effects on sex differentials in mortality in the United States. U.S. Patent Application 2021/0054248 A1 (Februrary 25, 2021). Frequently Asked Questions Green. Hogan, A. et al. served as a sounding board throughout the project. In addition to your salary, Elevance Health offers benefits such as, a comprehensive benefits package . We hypothesized that we could potentially eliminate the need to remove water because both the polymer backbone and our alcohol solvent are hydrophobic. We also calculated state inequalities in life expectancy, measured as the difference between the lowest and the highest state life expectancy, to assess changes due to COVID-19 (Methods). Ohara, T. et al. These results demonstrate that solvent hydrophobicity improves conversion to the ester. Carlyle, R. L. Process for the production of acrylic acid esters. Percentage loss due to COVID-19 mortality relative to increases in female and male e0 (a) and e65 (b) between 2000 and 2020 by state. Nature Governance ID LIFE-2021-SAP-NAT-GOV Types of action LIFE Project Grants Deadline model single-stage Opening date 13 July 2021 Deadline date 30 November 2021 17:00:00 Brussels time Projetos SNAP (os chamados projetos integrados no anterior Regulamento, mas agora especficos 2U19AI089681-08). Projects focussing exclusively on governance are excluded from this Call topic and covered by the related Call topic LIFE-2021-SAP-NAT-GOV. A facile and highly efficient strategy for esterification of poly(meth)acrylic acid with halogenated compounds at room temperature promoted by 1,1,3,3-tetramethylguanidine. 4, 28912897 (2013). To the extent that correction factors are approximately equal for 2019 and 2020, our estimates are not seriously affected by missing deaths. Reaction conditions and yields for acid-catalyzed esterification of poly(acrylic acid), acetic acid, and undecanoic acid. and JavaScript. Caruso, M. M. et al. Silveira, M. F. et al. Chang noted that most existing PSAs appear between the G and G bounds of 103 and 106 Pascals (Pa) at the aforementioned bounding frequencies, and can be grouped into the quadrants (and central region) highlighted in Fig. and C.M.T. Picture: Matt Roberts/Getty Images. Overall health conditions of individuals with diabetes worsened in 2020 due to reduced physical activity, postponement of medical appointments and interruption in regular drug treatment31. The G at each frequency describes an adhesives ability to dissipate energy. We estimate a decline in 2020 life expectancy at birth (e0) of 1.3 years, a mortality level not seen since 2014. Inicio / Programas UE / LIFE2027 / LIFE-2021-SAP-NAT-GOV (LIFE-2021-SAP-NAT-GOV) - NATURE GOVERNANCE. NTO s.15: Managers have full power to dispose of or deal with the land as . In addition, D.I.C. Google Scholar. As a consequence, there is an intrinsic, limiting molar mass for each polymer below which further chain scissions are unlikely to occur. https://www.fatersmart.com/ - (Accessed May 1, 2021). http://www.genomahcov.fiocruz.br/tabela-de-dados/ (2021). We quantified the effect of COVID-19 on reversing the progress in mortality reduction since 2000 (Methods). 4 0 obj Overall, the viscoelastic properties of the synthesized PSAs suggest they would be useful for applications such as removable general-purpose adhesives, including tapes, bandages, and sticky notes. %jgm'"RerkS%K8%b-R*$U{[>m /m1Zf%R(tO*Z{| k,o2;6_s1R5]:4]"%DA& iAL (~E$5B=_"d)}5.zMQU3 d &=1,/'d@|u%jB]Lpl[&nVR&B%,Qq[ Polym. Programme: Programme for Environment and Climate Action (LIFE) . PDF LIFE Call 2021 Todas as candidaturas abertas - Life Portugal In any recycling effort, it is essential that a life cycle assessment27 is performed to determine the energy and environmental costs. When closed-loop processes are unavailable, an alternative, known as open-loop chemical recycling can be utilized. An international comparison of age and sex dependency of COVID-19 deaths in 2020: a descriptive analysis, A population-based cohort study of socio-demographic risk factors for COVID-19 deaths in Sweden, Years of life lost to COVID-19 in 81 countries, Age-Period-Cohort Analysis of HIV Mortality in China: Data from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016, Disease and healthcare burden of COVID-19 in the United States, Impact of COVID-19 on older adults and role of long-term care facilities during early stages of epidemic in Italy, Global ecological analysis of COVID-19 mortality and comparison between the East and the West, Short- and medium-term impacts of strict anti-contagion policies on non-COVID-19 mortality in China, Age-specific mortality and immunity patterns of SARS-CoV-2, https://www.ibge.gov.br/en/statistics/social/population/18176-population-projection.html, https://opendatasus.saude.gov.br/nl/dataset, https://github.com/mcastrolab/Brazil-Covid19-e0-change/tree/main/data, https://github.com/mcastrolab/Brazil-Covid19-e0-change/tree/main/code, https://www.vitalstrategies.org/resources/excess-mortality-in-brazil-a-detailed-description-of-trends-in-mortality-during-the-covid-19-pandemic/, https://www.ssc.wisc.edu/cdha/latinmortality/wp-content/uploads/book_Ch2.pdf, https://biblioteca.ibge.gov.br/index.php/biblioteca-catalogo?id=297884&view=detalhes, https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.03.02.21252772, https://portal.fiocruz.br/sites/portal.fiocruz.br/files/documentos/boletim_covid_2021_extraordinario_maio.pdf, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jan/14/brazil-manaus-amazonas-covid-coronavirus, https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.02.26.21252554v1, http://www.genomahcov.fiocruz.br/tabela-de-dados/, https://virological.org/t/first-reported-cases-of-sars-cov-2-sub-lineage-b-1-617-2-in-brazil-an-outbreak-in-a-ship-and-alert-for-spread/706, https://doi.org/10.1053/j.seminoncol.2020.12.002, https://www.ipea.gov.br/portal/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=37022&Itemid=448, https://blogdoibre.fgv.br/posts/auxilio-emergencial-faz-pobreza-cair-em-plena-pandemia, http://olheparaafome.com.br/VIGISAN_Inseguranca_alimentar.pdf, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/apr/27/brazil-begins-parliamentary-inquiry-into-bolsonaros-covid-response, Correlation between human development index and its components with COVID-19 indices: a global level ecologic study, Coronavirus disease-related in-hospital mortality: a cohort study in a private healthcare network in Brazil, The 90 plus: longevity and COVID-19 survival, Years of life lost during the Covid-19 pandemic in Sweden considering variation in life expectancy by level of geriatric care. In both cases, the nonamers were solvated in a 3:1 butanol/water mixture to mimic the most challenging esterification conditions. Thus, we estimated total deaths in 2021, inclusive of COVID-19 deaths, as \({\,}_nD_x = ({\,}_nK_x - \,_nD_x^{COV})({\,}_n^ \ast M_x) + \,_nD_x^{COV}\), where \({\,}_nD_x\) is the number of deaths estimated to occur in 2021 in the age range x to x + n; \({\,}_nK_x\) is the population at risk in the age range x to x + n; \({\,}_n^ \ast M_x\) are age-specific mortality rates in the absence of COVID-19 (assumed to be 2019 mortality rates); and \({\,}_nD_x^{COV}\) is the number of confirmed COVID-19 deaths. . a, Estimated change in life expectancy at birth in 2020 based on the difference from life tables calculated for 2019 and 2020 by state and sex. Nature Governance - axudas.gal Adoption is complex, emotional, life-altering. Barbosa, R. J., Souza, P. H. G. F. & Soares, S. S. D. Distribuio de Renda nos Anos 2010: uma dcada perdida para desigualdade e pobreza. To understand why esterification is so favored, we turned to small molecule model systems (Supplementary Information pgs S17S26). Expected deaths in the presence of COVID-19 are calculated by assuming that individuals who do not die of COVID-19 in 2020 and 2021 are subject to the mortality rates of 2019. This year's call for the 2021 is open to two areas and their sub-programmes: 1. Demography 43, 647657 (2006). LIFE-2021-SAP-NAT-GOV: Nature Governance - Innovation Place Expected Impact : Applicants are expected to define, calculate, explain and achieve ambitious and credible impacts in terms of conservation benefit, ensuring at the same time long term sustainability and . Article Sci. Wernet, G. et al. At present, the environmental benefits of diaper recycling (including superabsorbent poly(acrylic acid) recovery) are dependent on the avoided material burdens52. Rochman, C. M. Microplastics research-from sink to source. Article Most of their feedstocks come from nonrenewable resources3. Next, undecanoic acid was esterified under the same conditions, yielding 100% ester for 2-ethylhexanol/water and 85% for ethanol/water. Hong, M. & Chen, E. Y.-X. La Commissione europea ha pubblicato i primi bandi del programma LIFE 2021-2027 per l' ambiente, il clima e l' energia . Of the gains achieved in e0 in Brazil over 2 decades, 19% were lost due to COVID-19 (Supplementary Table 8). Chubarova, E. V., Melenevskaya, E. Y. 9w%?>Jb(o.IACt"`. National Geographic - Don't miss any show SAP GUI Scripting Security Guide. Fig. stream J. Mol. %PDF-1.7 Life - Programma per l'ambiente e l'azione per il clima #n$dA"yTtM nTv_J{Bf25X1E[B Y@V(//G0g4_fc_Cv;`& ,. Dev. Process for Producing Acrylic Acid. Rev. Jul 13, 2021 Nature Governance ID:LIFE-2021-SAP-NAT-GOV Type of action: [object Object] Objective: To contribute to the protection of nature and biodiversityby: Supporting nature and biodiversity policy and legislation compliance assurance, and/or Chazovachii, P.T., Somers, M.J., Robo, M.T. Sonochem. Mortality due to COVID-19 is estimated to have reduced e0 in the United States by 1.13 years, setting it back to values observed in 2003 (ref. PDF LIFE 2021 Nature and Biodiversity Calls for proposals for: Standard & Garca, J. M. Chemical recycling of waste plastics for new materials production. T32 AG000037). LIFE-2021-SAP-NAT-GOV Nature Natl Acad. Programma LIFE 2021-2027: primi bandi - GreenHoMe In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles Il 13 luglio stato aperto il primo invito a presentare proposte nell'ambito del nuovo programma LIFE 2021-202 7, che comprende quattro sottoprogrammi: natura e biodiversit, economia circolare e qualit della vita, J. Appl. Across states, the largest declines were estimated for Amazonas (3.14 years), Amap (2.46 years) and Par (2.44 years). Also, the states with extreme values changed only for e65 for both sexes, with the lowest shifting from Roraima in 2019 to Amazonas in 2020. and S.K. In this study, we used data on reported total deaths in 2020 and in JanuaryApril 2021 to measure and compare the death toll across states. (UHe&+IW6rQIG nD!? In Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003). Rahimi, A. and M.T.R. We calculated the correlation between the speed of the spread of COVID-19 deaths (measured by the locational Hoover Index)18 and the decline in e0. the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in & Cameron, E. E. Suboptimal US response to COVID-19 despite robust capabilities and resources. Mechanical recycling is not feasible because the crosslinks prevent melting. T.A. volume27,pages 16291635 (2021)Cite this article. Labels above bars indicate the states with extreme (high and low) life expectancies in 2019 and 2020. Clean. e65 declined by a larger percentage for males than females in all states, reflecting mens higher risks of dying from COVID-19 (ref. Plots of storage (G) versus loss (G) moduli for poly(2-ethylhexylacrylate) (a), including visualization of Changs viscoelastic window, and of the cumulative energy demand (CED) and global warming potential (GWP) for each route (b). Anne J. McNeil. Netball news: Nat Medhust discusses West Coast Fever return in Team & Bowe, B. High-dimensional characterization of post-acute sequelae of COVID-19. Tobing, S. D. & Klein, A. Molecular parameters and their relation to the adhesive performance of acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesives. Among the states, the largest setback was estimated for Amazonas and Par (levels of 2006 for both sexes, 2008 and 2010 for females and 2005 and 2002 for males). 29, 233246 (1990). Google Scholar. ANDS is a $120M federally funded national infrastructure innovation project to exploit Australia's research data advantage. Height influenced biomass accumulation and hence C gain, where life forms . Records with ill-defined, unspecified or unattended deaths (codes R99 and R98) in 2020 were treated as non-COVID-19 deaths (4.9% (75,484/1,541,556)). and M.I.J. Ellen MacArthur Foundation. This value suggests that the increase in polymer hydrophobicity provides a significant thermodynamic driving force towards further esterification, perhaps counteracting the buildup of water that was otherwise expected to limit conversion. Previous studies used this approach to estimate life tables in the presence of COVID-19 (refs. LIFE-2021-SAP-NAT-NATURE Nature and Biodiversity LIFE-2021-SAP-NAT-GOV Nature Governance Each project application under the call must address only one of these topics. We surmise that the estimates derived from the decrement life table techniques (DT19 and DT20) are higher than those reported in the text because of additional biases related to violation of the assumption of independence between COVID-19 and other causes and misdiagnosis of cause of death. From April to December 2020, an emergency basic income program mitigated the challenges imposed by the pandemic37 (for example, unemployment), but this benefit ended in December 2020. CAS The reduction in life expectancy at age 65 (e65) in 2020 was 0.9 years, setting Brazil back to 2012 levels. T.A., S.G. and S.K. Considering this factor, the optimized conditions involved sonicating a 2.5% w/v solution for 1min to give an Mw ~360kg/mol, and a 5.0% w/v solution for 2min to give a Mw of ~330kg/mol37. To achieve the necessary cohesive and holding strength for a PSA, the polymer (after esterification) should have a Mw>400kg/mol25,36. We demonstrate herein that our open-loop recycling approach to pressure-sensitive adhesives from superabsorbent polymers outcompetes the petroleum-derived syntheses on nearly every metric, including global warming potential and cumulative energy demand. . Our mission was, and remains, to change the way energy is made and used in. They might reduce access to and coverage of primary care and increase infant mortality and avoidable deaths. In this work, we report a mild and efficient synthetic route for open-loop recycling the acrylic-based superabsorbent material used in diapers. Several environmental impact categories were examined, but particular attention was paid to the global warming potential (GWP) and cumulative energy demand (CED). PubMedGoogle Scholar. In Ullmans Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry. La Commissione europea ha pubblicato i primi bandi del programma LIFE 2021-2027 per l'ambiente, il clima e l'energia. endobj Lines represent changes for Brazil. endobj Brazils unified health system: the first 30 years and prospects for the future. Recycling methods that utilize these waste polymers could attenuate their environmental impact. Most consumer PSA-based products are found in either quadrant 3 or the central region (e.g., office tape, sticky notes, bandages, and removable labels), which is signified by low-to-medium G and G. We estimated a reduction of 1.31 years in e0 from 2019 to 2020 (Fig. A large study showed a higher risk of death 6 months after COVID-19 diagnosis, even among those who did not require hospitalization34. USA 118, e2019536118 (2021). Google Scholar. The synthetic polymer community created these impactful materials, and now, we must turn our attention towards technologies that facilitate their collection and recycling, to create a circular economy that is more sustainable7. While catalytic depolymerization methods20 can, in principle, proceed without side-chain degradation, they have not yet been demonstrated for commercial sources of polyacrylic acid. Therefore, we estimated the provisional decline in life expectancy in 2021 thus far; this estimate is based on the DT19 method noted earlier but, in this case, adding confirmed 2021 COVID-19 deaths to the deaths expected among those who did not die of COVID-19, who are assumed to be subject to 2019 mortality rates for the remainder of 2021 (Supplementary Table 11). The South was the last region to be severely hit by COVID-19 in 2020 (ref. LIFE-2021-SAP-NAT-NATURE General Information Projects should fall under at least one of the two areas of intervention: Intervention area: "Space for Nature" Any project aimed at improving the condition of species or habitats through areabased conservation or restoration measures falls within the eligible scope of the intervention area . Without a change in coordination of pandemic response, expansion of testing and a rapid increase in vaccination, Brazil will soon become a serious threat to national and global health security42. Simes, C. C. S. Breve histrico do processo demogrfico. Everyone involved in adoptionbirthparents, adoptive parents, adoptees, adoption professionals, and beyonddeserves support when they need it. Chem. https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2019-11/documents/2017_facts_and_figures_fact_sheet_final.pdf (2019). 127, 289301 (2016). Technical Assistance Projects (all subprogrammes): 22 September (5 p.m.). This was the case with the 1918 influenza pandemic in the United States, when e0 in 1919 was higher than in 1917, likely due, in part, to selective mortality of individuals with tuberculosis19.