Apr 4, 2015 LEO: a Leo rising will frequently have mane-like hair, framing their . They dont just live they live large. 2. A capricorn ascendant woman is usually short with a large head.These ladies have a smaller body frame. People born under this combination are gentle and strong in their own way. Leo rising celebrities, top left clockwise: Personality, strengths, weaknesses & celebrities. You may enjoy the camera or taking photos. [Leo risings] give off very strong energy, she continues. Please leave a comment below and let me know. This is sometimes quite an advantage as it helps you get along with others by understanding their feelings easily. The Gemini Sun Leo rising personality is a happy-go-lucky person, very energetic and creative with an uncanny ability to sell just about anything he or she touches. The men often have well-groomed facial hair while the women commonly have dimples. Leo knows well who he is and wants other people to recognise this. They're frequently broad through both hips and shoulders -- males and females alike with strong, shapely legs. In truth, you simply find yourself with the urge to entertain or be entertained. Just as the ladies, focused and serious eyes are . Sagittarius Sun Leo rising sign people have a high energy level and a positive attitude. They have a natural ability to lead and to make an impact in whatever they do. Virgo Sun Leo rising people are quite often great leaders of creative teams. Whatever theyre into at the moment, everyone is going to know about it its part of their identity. The ascendant in Leo Rising Appearance shows how they manifest in society. Leo Risings have strong frames and big bones. The Cancer Appearance. Eyebrows and eyelashes may also be thick. The main feature is a lush head of hair, a nose thickened at the tip, and wide cheekbones. They just have this regal posture, Witt says of the former. Most of the time theyre not actively seeking out large groups of people, but somehow, Leo risings always seem to garner an audience. This is really about reciprocation: You can bet a Leo rising is giving you their all, so they expect that same energy back. When a Leo rising is putting on a show for you, youd better clap for them. Their optimistic outlook and inspiring nature attracts many people to them. Signs with Leo in Ascendant are perceived as the most easy-going, cheerful and fun-loving people of all. They have a high sense of responsibility. Rising Signs Physical Descriptions. You have strong beliefs and ideals. One thing that will not change is your determination to achieve greatness in the fields you are passionate about. She becomes a wonderful mother, taking part in their fun with pleasure and demanding achievements in study and creativity, confirmed by diplomas and awards. Good luck also awaits in jewelry: they love to work with precious metals and create exquisite jewellery, or they may own a factory for their production. It represents who you are, but not your potential! Generously endowed with charisma and fiery energy, they attract attention with a regal appearance and manner. Basically, typical Capricorns have a very serious look. Leo risings may also have a feline-looking quality to them, according to Bond. Astrology of Aquarius: Physical Qualities and Activities. In love they are always seeking a soul mate. They have a tendency to be critical and picky. Life is a stage and Leo is its brightest star. They also enjoy giving to others and love expressing themselves. If they dont have a passion for it, theyre not about it. Aries's strongest traits and characteristics allow them to move forward, face new challenges, and go where others dare not go. Your rising sign, Leo, is the entertainer; the performer of the zodiac. They should take care to avoid drugs and alcohol - three Pisces rising celebrities that have proved sensitive to addiction are Demi Moore, Amanda Bynes and Whitney Houston, while Gwyneth Paltrow is renowned for her intake of pure foods. Those with Venus in Taurus have a wide-bottomed but angular nose, and a broad space between their brows. When born under Leo ascendant, this sign will gain some creativity. She's the kind of woman who wants constant compliments. I'm a Leo Rising and I look like it as I have cat-like features. Unlike your Sun sign, which relates to your core personality, and your Moon sign, which relates to your inner thoughts and feelings, your Rising sign is all about how you appear on the surface. They do not like to miss out on any opportunity that will help them achieve their goals and resolve any disputes amicably. Often extroverted and charismatic, Leos are charming and carry themselves with style. Age 10-30 is a good range. They often have dreamy, light-colored eyes, naturally straight and light-colored hair with finely-chiseled, attractive facial features, and lovely profiles. They are very loyal and yes, often a bit over the top when it comes to loyalty. There may be tendency to gain weight but it is also easy for them to build muscle. However, the rising sign is determined by which zodiac is rising over the eastern horizon at birth. The appearance, physique and character of the people of this Rising Sign are greatly influenced by its ruler, the Sun. It is impossible not to notice the Leo Rising Appearance. As a fire sign, Leo is brave, confident, and enthusiastic. They have stiff hair on the eyebrows and chest. Leo Ascendants are gifted artists that like to put on a show which others may find conceited at times. Leo risings are direct and passionate in their expressions of affection, so they might be the ones to pull out all the stops when trying to win someone over. This resident has a wonderful sense of humor and an appreciation for the more conventional beauty in life, seeking out beauty in every form, whether that be a sunset, fine win or a close friend. They are immensely self-confident and radiate the more they are recognized. They can inspire others and lead them. Cancer and Leo are basically twins, Witt offers, like it's Artemis and Apollo just different sides of the same coin. Its a divine connection that gives off power couple vibes, she continues. Hates being humiliated and embarrassed. Taryn Bond, professional tropical astrologer practicing synthesis of evolutionary, modern, traditional, and intuitive techniques rooted in a humanistic, soul-based astrological approach, Valerie Mesa, professional astrologer, soul coach, and writer, Indigo Selah-Jael Witt, astrologer and Tiktok content creator focusing on interpreting the stars, spirituality, and pop culture, Be the first to know what's trending, straight from Elite Daily, Aquarius Rising Signs Were Born To Make A Difference In The World, What Is Pedro Pascal's Rising Sign? Leo ascendant, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Libra will make a good partners. Theyre the ones that have been married for years and raised 3 kids, but who really dont ever want to change. On the other hand, this is a very noticeable position and often characterized by a person who lacks empathy and can be self-centered and haughty. Gemini Sun Leo rising is a combination of determination, communication and inspiration. They love gambling, any entertainment, sports and competitions. Even in a calm home environment, the Leo woman prefers luxury. They want what they want, they want it a certain way, they want to be comfortable, they want to be good at [their career], Mesa explains. A Virgo Sun Leo rising person is very likely to be doing something they are really good at like creating, designing, or organizing. Seeking control in life, they feel the need to constantly be in charge, as if there is no one else wiser or more powerful enough to lead. They're almost more Leo than a Leo sun.. The impression that the owners of the Ascendant in Leo make is bright, creative, optimistic people. You have much depth and complexity that others might not see at first glance, but youre really quite open about what you like and what you dont. People with this personality are honest, hard-working, fun to be around, popular and arent shy or aloof because they have a strong need to fit in. The Pisces rising people are one of the most beautiful in the zodiac. Their ambition is for leadership, grandeur, authority. Leos have a habit of looking into the eyes of the interlocutor, not embarrassed to look at him point-blank. They have a highly attentive nature that leads them to teach, write, or otherwise draw on their observations of others. They are popular, outgoing, charming, and clever. You believe that anything is possible. Because Leo rules the spine, shoulders and heart, you can bet that every Leo rising you see has impeccable posture. Aquarius placements notably Aquarius risings also work well with Leo risings as this exact opposite sign falls in their seventh house of relationships. Libra is a sign of peace, justice, and law, and this influence is doubled by Leo rising. Libra Sun, Leo Rising natives are dramatic in both manner and physique. They may have bushy eyebrows and medium/average height. Expect them to have bigger teeth as compared to others. You are determined to pursue your financial goals and establish a stable career and public image. However, as a fixed sign, you will stand your ground when someone has crossed the line. You glow in the color of gold and in animal print. They have a strong sense of self and can be highly motivated. They have feline features and loud voices. Its a lot of secret signs in the secret houses. Because of this, these people tend to be somewhat private with a very layered and interesting story to tell. Automatically people kind of wonder, Who is that?. Taurus is earth sign, meaning you are grounded and solid. Your rising sign reveals how you present yourself to other people. They are well built; they have a substantial, relief, even muscular body, with a well-developed chest. Often you can find them in exquisite silk or terry dressing gown and room heeled slippers! Their head is big and their facial features prominent. Leo is a sign that emanates warmth. You love a good show and appreciate it when others put on a good show. They will have Oval full face, fair or clear complexion, broad shoulders, fantastic wide eyes with gleeful appearance . Ruled by the Sun, it represents creativity, pleasure, and romance. This person feels comfortable and confident with themselves and are generally comfortable in public. The rising sign of Leo makes a person an outstanding leader, boss or organiser. Show a Leo rising some love and affection, and they will come back tenfold with the passion of a lions heart. They also can have a jealous streak, especially when it comes to friends and FOMO. They seem like very vibrant and passionate people, very considerate, she notes, adding they can come off as naive and childlike sometimes as well think golden retriever energy. The legs are beautiful, with weak ankles. A Libra Sun Leo rising is the life of the party. One person looks like the heart, the other person is just pouring their heart out. They just adore each other. Leo people are loud, proud, and full of determination and energy. You are confident and appear taller than you actually are. Below are some traits of Leo Rising people. Above all else, this person values harmony in situations and surroundings. Leo is a fixed sign of disliking change and upheaval. Leo Ascendant individuals usually have a lot of hair that looks a lot like a lion's mane. Face 2: Baby-faced, round with soft skin, a wide mouth, and a charming grin; eyes are usually round. Capricorn Sun Leo rising is a positive and heartfelt sign combination. These folks are confident, creative and friendly. I look nothing like a Virgo, my Sun and Moon sign. Leo Ascendant Female A Leo ascendant woman does not settle down with a man unless she thinks she has found her soul mate. As this is only a teeny fraction of your complex and layered astrological blueprint, many people decidedly did not vibe with the indications of their zodiac. Their facial features are delicate and give a youthful appearance. They also have a tendency toward being impatient, intolerant and moody when frustrated. Of course, much of their personality and impression is heavily influenced by their sun sign a Leo rising-Leo sun will be a whole different breed than a Leo rising-Virgo sun, for example. They understand the depth of others, being the psychologists of the constellations. These people are intelligent, enterprising, and versatile. You magnetize others to your presence. You jump into the action with both feet and wear your heart on your sleeve, showing how you feel to others at all times. They give off a hippie vibe that exudes love, affection, warmth, and peace. Ruddy or flushed complexion, and may tan easily. They kind of walk around like they have a crown that may slip.. The hair line recedes backward from the face. Leo Venus and Mars placements will definitely have the hots for a Leo rising, with other fire and air Venus and Mars placements finding them attractive as well. As said earlier Aries Ascendant natives move fast and their walk is swift. The fascinating Aquarius Sun Leo Rising person is often very magnetic, with many friends and acquaintances. They are honorable, honest, generous, optimistic, creative. These people are usually a perfect blend of the best qualities associated with Libra and Leo. They enjoys helping others and giving back when they can. They walk like royalty and their stature is both imposing and catchy. Related Article: 10 Mercury in Leo Man Traits. The proportions are harmonious with a rather tall stature and long legs. With their sun sign representing the ego, personality, motivations, and core self on display on the ascendant, Leo risings are some of the most authentic people you'll ever meet. You do not like extremes either side of the spectrum and are happy with a comfortable middle ground where life is predictable and secure. Their eye color mostly resonate lighter shades. They are truthful, sincere in their passions, sensitive and soft-hearted, and usually in a good mood, but it is not easy to calm them down when they are angry. Adding that planets aspecting (especially Rahu / Ketu) or placed in the 1st House can also provide energy that can have an affect on your face. First, the ascendant sign is far more indicative of a person than their sun in general, but people with Leo here are special in this regard. They are generous in their philosophy but thrifty in their personal habits. The Leo part of their character comes out when they are passionate about something, so they have a bent to go after their goals with determination. It is helpful to study the rest of your natal chart, especially the sign of your chart ruler, the Sun, to understand how your Rising sign is affected by other placements. The Cancer Sun Leo rising person is genuine, loyal and honest. You strive to be esteemed by all you meet, and like to express your thoughts. Just as a person gets their sun sign based on which zodiac the sun was in when they were born, the rising sign is also determined by the happenings of signs at your moment of birth. They have the perfect slim body with magnetic facial features and glowing skin. They have attractive feline-like facial features, a wider, flatter face, and prominent cheeks. Very good at public speaking. When you are born, your rising sign is the zodiac sign that was rising on the eastern horizon.. Gems for Leo . These are vivacious and bold individuals who live in the moment. They adore their people and are extremely family-oriented. Leo risings are very talented at assuming a character and can be attracted to the theater. If Mesha (Skt. Leo is a fixed sign. My spirit animal is the mighty barn owl. Has great leadership skills and knows how to motivate people. Professional success The Lion Rising gets fame, money and honors in any business, excluding the monotonous routine work away from society. Just as the boy in the hieroglyph is beautiful because of a few soft feminine features, so too is each Aquarian blessed . Born with Leo on the ascendant and you could well boast leonine features - that is, a cat-like appearance. With the sun sign, theres about a month-long window that the sun passes through each sign. They usually have a very strong purpose, and that's what they have to follow, Witt says. Aries. They believe that standing tall is equivalent to success. Many Aquarius Sun Leo rising people are highly individualistic, having a different outlook from others making them complex personalities because of their internal contradictions. As you equally love an audience, this motivates you to work hard. Leo also lives in the realm of children, romance, creativity, and performance giving this ascendant sign a flare for the dramatics in a youthful, playful way. I never understood why people said I looked like a cat until I started to learn about astrology. There's volume to it. Either way, they tend to be very hair-conscious as they should be because that mane is iconic. Their crush takes over their life for a hot minute. Their need for control can make them very manipulative at times and they are not afraid to be demanding. People initially think youre excessive and idealistic even if it is far from the truth. Small stature, ill-formed, dark complexion, dark brown or black hair and small dark piercing eyes. The combination creates a natural born leader, with the heart of a lion. When it comes to careers, Virgos who have Leo rising often find success in entertainment or fashion design. Their glassy eyes look quite serious and focused.. A Capricorn ascendant man: Men who are Capricorn ascendants have a hairy chest. Perhaps no other rising sign knows the power of a character better than Leo. Often they will lead with their hearts, pouring passion out at the seams. Their eyes are sharp with a reddish tinge, a bit cat-like with demanding intensity. They truly love life and those around them, but feel that they dont have to sacrifice their happiness in order to reach their goals. The eyes gleam like that of cats or a lions and the nose is short and blunt. Theres a natural radiance that shines from Leo risings think Blake Lively and Marilyn Monroe. However, if their affections are not returned, a Leo rising is not going to wait around. Appears self confident and friendly, even to strangers. When they go out, they're the life of the party without trying, Witt explains. Ultimately, they yearn to feel accepted in their environment. As we take on a body, we become an individual and our unique charts are formed. If you have this combination of signs, your personality traits are probably as follows: very laid back and accommodating; versatile; optimistically determined; in-personable and vivacious; neat, orderly, punctual; a natural leader and concerned for peoples well-being; cleverly sociable and friendly; extroverted toward others but guarded in personal relationships. This fixed fire sign is like a campfire: People naturally gather around it. They always have something interesting to say. They are generally good-humored and like to have a good time. But perseverance, faith in ones strengths, and uniqueness help people of this sign to rise to their feet, get stronger, and always go forward with their heads held high. You are viewed as charming and strong, with a focus on family life. You value comfort, quality above all else and like to live in the moment. At first glance, it might appear that they are rather docile, but don't let this appearance fool you; they're actually very strong-willed and independent. Leo rising natives are usually broad shouldered because they can carry so much weight. Their noses are typically rounded at the top. The Pisces Sun, Leo Rising person is laidback and carefree, with a strong sense of purpose. However, the above qualities can change into unsightly ones with the affected Sun. Gemini Sun Leo Rising natives tend to be particularly smart and often feel smarter than those around them. They love the limelight and command respect easily from others. Therefore, they are noble in their actions and do not allow themselves unworthy behaviour. A Leo rising is not going to go unnoticed. Famous Leo Rising men include Tim Curry, Al Pacino, Prince Charles, Elton John, Jack Nicholson, O.J. Their metal is gold, and their jewellery is always expensive looking. If Leo is ascendant in your natal chart, this means . These men also love the limelight and could believe that any publicity is good publicity.