And I think Billings had a way of editing things - painting the picture of Bobby's performance smoother than it really was. As for Kennedy himself, Vidal asserted that the president "felt quite comfortable in the company of homosexuals as long as they were smart enough to hold his interest.". When the President was assassinated in Dallas, Lem was in After Kennedys assassination, Billings was devastated. . I mean, she doesn't look like she belongs there any more than I do, and I briefly wonder if she's a housemaid or a nanny, taking her one allotted evening out. She contacted the headmaster on several occasions to ask about the boy's well- being. 11:10 EDT 13 Oct 2015 'It was disgusting and it wasn't my idea of having a good, healthy time with my hawks, so I let him do his falconry in the dead cow pit, and I went and chased rabbits in the woods,' said Bierregaard, still revolted years later by the memory. But as I began to research him, I realized he was also very good friends with Jackie," the novelist says. While he told Bobby that he should find a woman like his aunt Jackie, none of Bobby's three wives would be anything like her. Jack for his health reasons and Lem for his eye sight. In 1962, the Queen, then 35, invited Jackie to a lunch when the First Lady was in London visiting her sister, Lee Radziwill, who lived there with her husband Prince Stanislaw Radziwill. Bayard's novel takes place primarily in the months leading up to Jack and Jackie's wedding on Sept. 12, 1953. Mr. Billings was active in all of John Kennedy's campaigns as well as those of Senator Robert F. Kennedy. Jack and Lem's Excellent European Adventure, Summer 1937 Given that Billings was a heavy-drinking 'Yesterday was Jack's birthday. I have no evidence one way or another, but I would discount [any sexual activity.]". The Kennedy patriarch, Joe, a noted philanderer himself, was suspicious of Billings' sexual preference from the start of his son's close friendship with him. Lem Chesmore is a 34-year-old Billings native who grew up on the sport of boxing, first competing in 1980 at the Boys and Girls Club located on South 28th Street. The funeral will be held in Pittsburgh. It was all quite bizarre. Jfk and his longtime roommate Lem Billings. (Billings was gay) Lem Billings died in his sleep of an apparent heart attack on May 28, 1981, at the age of 65. . Ambassador to France under JFK, were hauled into juvenile court in the town of Barnstable on Cape Cod on charges of marijuana possession. (Video) Caroline Kennedy on JFK's secret recordings, (Video) JFK's Women: Scandals Revealed | CBC, (Video) July 20, 1962 - President John F. Kennedy arriving home for weekend, (Video) President Kennedy's family reflects on his 100th birthday, 2. Cherrydale? And seated close to Kennedy is his shirtless, tanned and oiled best friend forever, his very gay chum, Kirk LeMoyne "Lem" Billings. 228. Ethel Kennedy "booted" Bobby, Jr. out of the Hickory Hill home at age 14 and basically fed him to Billings. But the one thing that struck me even at that tender age was that I felt Lem was just obsessed with Bobby. ", Their arrangement, Quirk asserted, "enabled Jack to sustain his self-delusion that straight men who received oral sex from other males were really only straights looking for sexual release," and he further observed, "Jack was in love with Lem being in love with him and considered him the ideal follower adorer.". Unlike Millbrook and Pomfret, Palfrey Street was a day school, so Billings arranged with the Brode family of Cambridge to house and feed him, and watch out for him. The Kennedys were a liberal family and one that tolerated a lot of heterosexual promiscuity as well., In her memoir, Times To Remember, published eleven years after JFKs assassination in Dallas in 1963, matriarch Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy wrote that Billings had remained Jack's lifelong close friend, confidant, sharer in old memories and new experiencesHe has really been part of 'our family' since that first time he showed up at our house as one of 'Jack's surprises., Lem Billings and John F. Kennedy pictured at the Kennedy familys Palm Beach estate. Take a look inside Dublin's most stylish townhouse, Number 31. a commission in the U.S. All I can make out through my encrusted specs are a row of white pilasters and a front portico. This page is created to honor his memory and is dedicated to his family and friends. List of The Shield characters - Wikipedia Lem Billings and John F. Kennedy met as teenagers at their Connecticut prep school and remained lifelong friends. The enthusiastic pre-adolescent regaled Billings - a New York advertising executive, one of John F. Kennedy's closest confidantes and a closeted homosexual - with stories about his pet collection. Jack Johns. 'We had a couple of calls from Jackie - "How's my nephew doing?" Lem Billings was called and, according to Donn Wright, who became the new headmaster, 'he didn't try to change anybody's minds. Michelotti-Sawyers Mortuary and Crematory is a locally and independently owned and operated full service funeral home and crematory. According to one of the school's leading administrators and teachers, Hagop Merjian, Bobby was doing, as he put it, 'Really bad, s**t drugs heavy s**t'. reason I never got married.". Her knees are drawn protectively to her chest, and there's something quite exposed about her. A falconer, Bobby kept a pigeon-size sparrow hawk that flew loose in the small room. 'It was kept 'very hush-hush,' recalled the music teacher James Hejduk. "You learn a lot about how he met Jackie, about how intrigued he was by her, how intrigued he was by them," says Bayard of listening to Billing's testimony stored in the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you. 'We couched it in terms of what was best for Bobby. Irelands most popular baby names of 2022 - by county! for inventing '50s fad drink Fizzies for the Emerson Drug Company. The Kennedys tolerated his homosexuality, which was considered taboo at the time, Lawrence J. Quirk, the author of'The Kennedys in Hollywood' said Billings and JFK's relationship turned sexual at a point. The President never failed to introduce Lem formally to visiting heads of state, dignitaries, and celebrities, but the introduction was never simply a matter of "I would like you to meet my friend, LeMoyne Billings." "He'd introduce me as Congressman Billings or Senator Billings, and even General Billings," Lem would later recall . Once again, Ethel Kennedy made just one appearance at the school, accompanied by Lem Billings, when Bobby was admitted, and 'everything had to go through Billings,' said Warren Geissinger, Bobby's Pomfret advisor, looking back years later. Sign up to IrishCentral's newsletter to stay up-to-date with everything Irish! As Billings' biographer David Pitts told me, 'Once JFK decided that Billings was his best friend like it or leave, everybody in the family sort of fell in line with that. The Cold War was still raging, and there was fear Russian agents might use the friendship against Kennedy. A name he kept stumbling across was Lem Billings, who was identified as John Kennedy's longtime best friend. ', 'It was that kind of talk, more bragging, but I believed him. "Because he was so handsome, and he was so charming, and he just had that way about him.". Kirk Lemoyne Billings Memorial Page. Sixteen days after RFK was buried, Ethel and her brood were aboard a yacht destined for Hyannis Port and the Kennedy compound. Everything involving Bobby had to go through Billings. JFK, or 'Jack' as he was known by his close friends and family, had a gay best friend named Lem Billings, who he met in prep school when Kennedy was 15 and Lem . For the first time, I begin to wonder if Miss Bouvier is nervousthough it's difficult to confirm because she has a small voice and the wind seems to slap every word back down her gullet. I can't even tell. * Originally published in June 2017, updated in 2022. The two had been friends since meeting as teenagers in prep school, and Billings even had his own room in the White House, but were they merely friends? At fourteen and fifteen, Bobby was proving his bad-boy bona fides with Jesse Pinkman zeal. times, Lem might have been described as a "confirmed bachelor," although Billings was a prep school roommate of Kennedy, an usher at his wedding and a campaigner for his successful 1960 presidential bid. Quirk immediately pegged Billings as gay, noting his 'high, screechy laugh,' and 'high nasal whine of a voice.' Billings had once told Bobby that when he died he wanted the pall-bearers to be members of Bobby's circle of young friends, whom he knew well and with whom he had done drugs. Read More. He once called Billings the "chief f****t at Camelot." The teenagers worked together on their classs yearbook, and Billings became sexually attracted to the handsome young Kennedy. I'm not that kind of boy.'. "But He was 65 years old. Infuriated, his mother demanded: 'Just leave home. Jerry Oppenheimer For Obituaries act as quiet reminders to help us to remember them and all we enjoyed with them while they were with us, a celebration of their life. But, the Skakels had previously been homophobic to Billings. I am sure the good Lord knows that heaven is Jesus and Lem and Jack and Bobby loving one another.. I still to this day see him standing there in his black necktie that he wore every day over a blue oxford Brooks Brothers shirt and a beat-up tweed jacket, and wearing the wildest bell-bottoms that were purple with Day-Glo green stripes like he was some soul band guy, and in his funky boots. While the 35th president has been legendarily known as a womanizer who frequently cheated on his wife, Oppenheimer alleges that JFKs three-decades-long relationship with his former prep school friend Lem Billings may have been a sexual one. 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", One of Jack's five sisters, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, found it hard to describe her brother's relationship with Billings, once stating, "It was a complete liberation of the spirit" for Jack, and that her brother was a "complete liberated man when he was with Lem. She saw that Lem Billings was obsessively devoted to Bobby. ", "I thought, 'What a great cat-bird seat he would've had, and wouldn't he make a great narrator?' He was by all accounts JFK's best. He possessed a 'high, screechy laugh' and a 'high, nasal whine of a voice' that, according to Quirk, 'instantly tabbed him as gay.'. Published online July 6, 2017. Lem also worked for JFK in the West Virginia and Wisconsin primaries "He also reveals that there was this crucial moment," says Bayard. I took drugs with him. Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom was unable to personally travel to Kennedy's funeral because of her pregnancy with Prince Edward but later described "the unprecedented intensity of that wave of grief, mixed with something akin to despair, which swept over our people at the news of President Kennedy's Jacqueline Bouvier and U.S. Representative John F. Kennedy belonged to the same social circle and were formally introduced by a mutual friend, journalist Charles L. Bartlett, at a dinner party in May 1952. lifelong close friend of President John F. Kennedy. of adding a fruit flavor to disguise the sodium citrate taste. During the night of May 28, 1981almost two decades after JFK's untimely death - 65-year-old Lem Billings died in his sleep of an apparent heart attack. Lem also worked for JFK in the West Virginia and Wisconsin primaries But it was the only boarding school that Lem Billings could find that would admit him. book review of Jack and Lem, The New Haven Register interviewed the author and During the night of May 28, 1981almost two decades after JFK's untimely death 65-year-old Lem Billings died in his sleep of an apparent heart attack. Bobby Kennedy Jr. read the eulogy. Billings, who was a year older than Jack Kennedy, made his desire known while the two were still at Choate in a bizarre love note, penned on a piece of toilet paper that could be disposed of easily to avoid incrimination at a time when homosexuality was illicit. Bayard, the bestselling author of Courting Mr. Lincoln and The Pale Blue Eye, tells PEOPLE he was "agnostic" about the Kennedy clan until he learned about Billings' personal history. The mother of the house, Joanne 'Joey' Brode became a virtual surrogate mother to Bobby who notes years later, 'Ethel didn't even call Bobby on his birthday. I mutter something on the order of yes, I must be, and she smiles. Miss Bouvier is a destination. , How old was the Queen when she met JFK? In his heartfelt and rather candid eulogy, Bobby said, 'I'm sure he's already organizing everything in heaven so it will be completely ready for us - with just the right early American furniture, the right curtains, the right rugs, the right paintings, and everything ready for a big, big party. And so the book is full of alternative outcomes, the different roads that these three characters might have taken, particularly Jackie and particularly Lem.". While Billings' missive is long gone, a startled Kennedy responded, 'Please don't write to me on toilet paper anymore. Lem Billings was the ultimate "wing man." Billings was quietly gay, at a time when such things were not admitted to, particularly for those people who wanted to stay in high society. Millbrook School would be the first of three schools that Bobby would attend before he was able to secure a high school diploma. I am sure the good Lord knows that heaven is Jesus and Lem and Jack and Bobby loving one another.". Secret Service agents William Greer (driving) and Roy Kellerman are in the front seats. Kirk LeMoyne Billings was Jack's very best friend from their time at Choate prep school in 1933 to that fateful day in Dallas 1963. By Lem Billings. See additional information. Lem married Rolla Jean Auer on September 17, 1950. 'They make fun of my voice. (See below for an exclusive excerpt.). They both kept diaries documenting, in words and pictures, their adventures, mishaps, and observations along the way. After the assassination of RFK in 1968, the flamboyant Billings transferred his obsessive affection for Jack, to handsome teenager Bobby Jr. David Pitts, the author of 'Jack and Lem: The Untold Story of an Extraordinary Friendship,' told me, 'Lem was a gay man and he had a 14-year-old, good-looking kid living in his house with him and there had been rumors because of that. After Jack Kennedy's election to the presidency, Billings was a constant presence and overnight guest at the White House. Joseph Kennedy Sr. called him "my second son," and he sometimes acted as escort for several of the Kennedy women . JACKIE & ME | Kirkus Reviews Leave your condolences to the family on this memorial page or send flowers to show you care. "He [Billings] was a witness to so much of what was going on. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., David Kenne. His latest book, The Kardashians: An American Drama, will be published in September. In the spring of 1972, with graduation approaching, Bobby took the SAT college board exam, and filled out his application for college. Lem was the second person Jack's sister, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, called after reaching her sister, Pat Lawford. Bobby finally earned his high school diploma in June 1972 at the experimental and alternative Palfrey Street School, in the Boston suburb of Watertown, where he arrived 'wearing dirty, faded jeans, smelling like patchouli oil,' recalled classmate John Cuetera, who became a psychologist. Search - Lipstick Alley If you have recently lost a family member or friend, we hope that you will accept our condolences. By clicking on a service below, you can view the obituary and service details, leave a condolence, send flowers, and if requested by the family attend a service live with remote attendance or view the service at a later time. Billings had once told Bobby that when. a year so that he and Kennedy could graduate from Choate together in 1935," Was it best that he stay and risk the possibility of injuring himself seriously or completely, or was it best for him, as nasty as it was, to ask a Kennedy to leave.'. Naval Reserve and served in the South Pacific eventually 'We never saw Ethel on the campus again. His classmates were worried that he was going to kill himself, that we were going to find him dead.'. I let him down.'. She might be a cashier at the Montelle Pharmacy or Finland's deputy chief of mission, and you won't know until you've pulled up in front of her apartment building and seen her tottering through the front gate, a blonde in a crew-neck cardigan or a brunette in a bullet bra, and it's always the latter who raises her hand for you to kiss and the former who comes at you straight on like an encyclopedia salesman, and whoever it is remains "Miss" in our conversation until such time as the business is consummated, at which point she devolves into her component parts. Joseph Kennedy Sr. called him my sec I thought, anything goes with this guy. the Navy, as described more fully in the separate Wikipedia biography of John How chilly it is for March. I have no evidence one way or another, but I would discount [any sexual activity.]. Or see our headlights slicing through the trees? Billings and. "And who should that be?". Jackie was reportedly upset that her husband spent so much time with Billings and that he often spent the night at the White House. Funeral Home in Elkhart IN | Billings Funeral Home Billings enthused to RFK and Ethel in his high-pitched voice, which RFK made fun of behind his back. The pair had a three-decades long friendship that some have speculated may have also included a romantic affair. But Kennedy's reaction to Billings gay come-on soon changed and he became more amenable to his friend's advances, according to the writer Lawrence J. Quirk, author of 'The Kennedys in Hollywood.' 'It was clear to me,' said Miesmer, 'that Bobby felt like an outsider, so he felt way more comfortable with the black kidshis father was a champion of helping blacks, so this kid who just lost his father goes to a school where there's a presence of black kids and he felt more comfortable with them.'. 'There was no gnashing of teeth and sobbing in the context of his leaving. Lem Billings would play many roles in Bobby's life, as adventurer accompanying him on expeditions in the wild, as fellow druggie, and as his Dear Abby, advising him on who to date and who not to. ", But Billings was embarrassed about his effeminate mannerisms - he'd remain publicly closeted for his lifetime. I understand he's not worth it.". Billings, LeMoyne Date (s) of Materials: 11 February 1942-31 December 1946 Folder Description: This folder contains letters to John F. Kennedy from his friend Kirk Lemoyne (Lem) Billings on subjects such as Kennedy's health, Kennedy's Naval service, and the Pacific Ocean Theater of World War II. Were I to search his facehis souldown to the most granular level, I would find no clue, for there is perhaps none to find. President John F. Kennedy was killed in Dallas 50 years ago, leaving behind a mourning nation and his gay best friend, Lem Billings. Tglich werden Tausende neue hochwertige Bilder hinzugefgt. Well, where? Im sure he's already organizing everything in heaven so it will be completely ready for us with just the right Early American furniture, the right curtains, the right rugs, the right paintings, and everything ready for a big, big party. It was Bobby Kennedy Jr. who gave the eulogy. ', In fact, in private, she ranted, 'You've dragged your family's name through the mud.'. I am sure the good Lord knows that heaven is Jesus and Lem and Jack and Bobby loving one another.'. If we had made that very different choice, we would've gone down a completely different road. Her main concern was that he be on time for dinner. After the assassination of Robert Kennedy, a distraught Ethel turned over her son, Bobby Jr., to Billings to act as his surrogate father, sparking her brother-in-law, Terrien RFK's roommate at the University of Virginia law school to wonder why she would allow 'Lem to have such an intimate relationship' with her troubled third born, who would go on to have a a bizarre relationship with Billings, including the taking of drugs.