font-weight: bold; 100% remote. "I want to keep what is working in the precinct.". font-weight: bold; Gua del candidato 2020: Corriendo para oficinas federales, estatales, de distrito o del condado. The program is a public/private partnership between the Administrative Office of the Courts, the . { BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) -Three Bryan residents are looking for your vote in the Democratic Primary to become the next Brazos Valley Justice of the Peace in . Elections in 2023 | 2, Juez de Paz, Precincto Num. width: 150px; color: #888; width: 50px; This is not Najeras first time fighting for the seat. State executives | And, the primary election date is March 1 2022. vertical-align: top; The Justice of the Peace Precinct 1, Place 2 Court can be a progressive model court that strengthens and protects our community. Fort Worth Police Administration Building 350 W. Belknap, Room 112-C Fort Worth, Texas 76196-0247. Serna, 64, has held the position for two consecutive terms since winning the 2014 primary election. $('.showResponses').show(); margin: 8px auto; Who fills out Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey? "I come in with new ideas and a fresh face," she said. Democratic Candidate for Harris County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1, Place 2. Joined December 2021. } $('.showResponses').hide(); This is a Republican-held position, with the incumbent JP being Jeff Williams. Justice of the Peace Precinct 5: Democratic Primary. The lawsuit sparked a Texas Attorney Generals investigation into Dominguezs election fraud claims, but its unclear what became of that investigation. I've done it in the community and as a middle child; I've done it in my family. "I'm a great mediator. Two other candidates, Paul Michna and David Hellard finished third and fourth, respectively. } Listing for: Fort Bend County. Candidates Filing Period: First Day to File for a place on the Ballot: November 13th, 2021 Last Day to File for a place on the Ballot: December 13th, 2021 (6:00 pm) . width: 43%; background-color: #003388; a.communitylink { color:black; font-weight:bold; } .widget-row.Libertarian { This number represented 13.5% of all 5,138 candidates Ballotpedia covered in 2021. font-size: 12px; color: #888; .votebox-results-cell--number { I have also served on other church ministries. Precinct 1 - Robert T. Pearson Precinct 2 - Brian J. Haggerty Precinct 3 - Josh Herrera Precinct 4 - Rebeca Bustamante Precinct 5 - Lucilla Najera Precinct 6-1 - Ruben . Commissioners said Chatman failed to pay overtime to staff, terminated an employee without prior notice and imposed arbitrary workplace rules such as requiring employees to use a single restroom instead of others in the building, according to a letter shared at a Sept. 15 salary grievance committee meeting. Baeza Gardner ran for the seat in the 2014 primary and 2018 general elections. font-size: 1.2em; } As the only JP5 candidate that has acquired 1,000 hours of judicial education and years of experience as a presiding judge, Kenneth is prepared and ready to continue serving as Precinct 5's Justice of the Peace. I plan to work until the very last minute of my time whether I am termed or voted out. .votebox_legend { } } Najera said her spending reflected a strategy of increasing canvassing in-person. Texas law is very strict when it comes to handling evictions. width: 100% West Palm Beach, Florida | May 5-8, 2023; West Palm Beach, Florida | May 19-22, 2023; West Palm Beach, Florida | June 2-5, 2023; West Palm Beach, Florida | June 16-19, 2023; Safety. North Carolina voters chose 15 electors to represent them in the Electoral College via a popular vote pitting incumbent . Zamora said the feud with the judge stemmed from Zamoras unseating of Jerimiah Haggerty, Brian Haggertys brother, as Precinct 2 Constable in 2020, but expanded after fights over who has bailiff duties in the courtroom. My campaign focus is to ensure Equality and Fairness for all in my Courtroom. { George Floyd's brother pleaded for peace in the streets Monday, saying destruction is "not going to bring my brother back at all," while President Donald Trump berated most of the .votebox_bp_logo { Ballotpedia features 395,557 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. Justice of the Peace - Precinct #8 . Shes been an administrative assistant and office supervisor for JP Ruben Lujan since 2014.

. Juvenile Center Placement Information . letter-spacing: 0.03em; Robinson said hes known Zamora for two decades, when they attended the detention officers academy together. Campaign finance documents show Lujan has reported no candidate contributions, but has spent a little over $2,000 for signs and filing fees. .key-messages li {margin-bottom: 10px;} Danielle Prokop is a climate change and environment reporter with El Paso Matters. After working through various positions in the JP courts, not only do I have the experience and knowledge, but I also have the determination and drive to get this court where it needs to be. Brownwood High School; Early High School; Bangs High School; Zephyr High School . .widget-row.value-only.white { U.S. Congress | padding-left: 0; 1, Juez de Paz, Precincto Num. .hideResponses { display: none;} The voters voice is what makes the ultimate decision. Stacey Norman for Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5. } width: 100%; display: block; I will ask landlords to work with nonprofits to help obtain financial support. The May 24 primary runoff election will determine whether Chatman will get another four years in office as there is no Republican challenger. position: relative; Baeza Gardner, 52, is a part-time municipal judge for the Town of Anthony, a position she was appointed to in 2009. .race_header.democratic { $('.hideResponses').on('click', () => { Incumbent Jim Caldwell ran in the Republican primary for Coryell Justice of the Peace Precinct 3 on March 1, 2022. Campaign website: Why are you running for the position of Justice of the Peace? Show up to work. Ronald Reagan's 11th Commandment February 10, 2023. 2, Juez de Paz, Precincto Num. color: white; color: #6db24f; padding-left: 10px; "I think this has been a very pleasant and life-changing experience. Kenneth D. Sanders. To date, three races are contested. padding-left: 10px; I can/will personally and properly train the staff in appropriate customer service, how to intake all cases, and accurately file paperwork. $('#candidate-connection-email-110066').on('click', () => { ga('send', 'event', 'surveycta', 'surveycta-click-email'); }); display: table; Haggerty said that the animosity stemmed from Zamoras assignment of a deputy constable right out of training as a bailiff in Haggertys court, which Haggerty said broke the law. If no candidate clinches the majority of votes in the March 1 primary, the top two candidates will continue to a May runoff election. Name: Deidra D. Voigt. margin-top: 1px; Ballot measures, Who represents me? Out of the 694 candidates who completed Ballotpedia's candidate survey, 147 won their election. $('.pastResponses').show(); County commissioners unanimously voted to deny Chatman a raise, citing unspecified allegations regarding his conduct after a closed session about a personnel matter, according to a Sept. 27 commissioners court meeting. .race_header, .results_text, .results_table_container, .votebox_legend { Republish our articles for free, online or in print, under a Creative Commons license. Haggerty has raised about $4,500 and spent $8,000 of his own money according to the most recent election filing. Join or sign in to find your next job. color: #fff; clearInterval(nTimer); The scanned document is nearly illegible, but Haggerty said in an interview his largest donation came from the El Paso firefighters union. Zamora said in an interview he unequivocally supports Robinsons campaign over Haggerty. Precinct 4 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. McKenzie Chapa (Republican Party) ran for election for Jim Wells Justice of the Peace Precinct 5 in Texas. Najera is also primarily self-financing her campaign. Responses have been lightly edited for grammar and to fit the word count. float: left; .external_links_table { width: auto !important; } position: absolute; Both candidates are longtime rivals over the far-East El Paso justice of the peace seat, and their previous match-ups have been close races, determined by a margin of 309 votes in 2018. height: 22px; .outer_percentage { .race_header { background-color: green; John Chatman (incumbent) did not return the El Paso Matters questionnaire. District Judge, 274th Judicial District. } Ron Perry: 1,162 total votes so far; 645 election day, 466 early and 51 absentees. }. Najera, 57, has worked as a court process server and private investigator. overflow-y: hidden; text-align: left; In Hardin County's Republican race for Precinct Three Justice of the Peace Rod Ousley and Brandi Stutts appear to be headed for a runoff. I believe the number of evictions could be reduced if the tenants had more access to contacting appropriate agencies that would be able to assist them in paying their rent. So, if the eviction can be avoided it will benefit the tenant and the landlord. complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey. letter-spacing: 0.03em; Justice of the Peace - Precinct #7. Campaign finance documents show Najera has raised $650 from four donors. Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data? Republish our articles for free, online or in print, under a Creative Commons license. Incumbency information for this election was not available. } Four candidates are looking to occupy the vacancy left by former Parker County Precinct 4 Justice of the Peace Kirk Martin. In this final installment, questions posed to . width: 100%; } position: absolute; .outer_percentage { His primary concerns are creating a better working relationship between the precincts justice of the peace and constable offices, and to open the court for more hours, saying its otherwise inaccessible. "I think we're ready for that. .panel-heading:hover { cursor: pointer;} } padding-left: 0; Candidates from all 50 states completed the survey. Candidates from all 50 states completed the survey. 1, Juez de Paz, Precincto Num. width: 100% !important; Instead, elected JPs are required to obtain 80 hours of continuing education through the state during their first year in office. The justice of the peace seat is located in Clint. Full-time employees also enjoy a wide-range of great benefits. font-weight: bold; } 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Physical Address: 9521 Socorro Rd. I believe there should be a term limit. padding-bottom: 5px; Judge Jon Wayne Johnson was first elected in November 2018, and sworn into office on January 1, 2019. The questions posed to candidates for Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3, are presented here, in alphabetical order, along with the candidates' responses. City Council members also received a tour of the Brownwood Fire Department's new fire engine .