To learn more about our methodology, click here. As low as Bidens numbers are, Congress are worse. President Biden's job approval rating declined to 40%, the lowest level of his presidency, and Republicans enjoy a 2-point lead over Democrats ahead of the midterms, a new NBC News poll shows. The president got particularly high marks with regard to managing and distributing coronavirus vaccines. During the primary, Mr. Biden was the establishment figure, a Washington centrist in a diverse field that included a number of younger and more progressive rivals. But it is a substantial minority on these questions a subset of respondents, aligned with the Republican Party, who see the violence as justified and President Bidens election victory as irredeemably fraudulent that may be the most noteworthy finding from these surveys, released by Monmouth University on Wednesday and the Pew Research Center on Thursday. From: to: The president continued to receive broadly positive marks for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, with seven in 10 respondents expressing approval. Almost two-thirds of Americans expressed faith in Mr. Bidens ability to confront the health crisis, including one-third of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents. Among Democrats, two-thirds have already received at least one vaccine dose, according to the Monmouth poll. Fifty-two percent of Latinos and 48 percent of Black people said they hadnt yet gotten the vaccine but would take it when it became available to them. Nearly half of Republicans say they dont want a Covid vaccine, a big public health challenge. base. By Dylan Matthews Mar 1, 2023, 6 . Still, that was as high as it has been at any point in the past decade. The three-day UnidosUS conference, held at theGrand Hyatt on the San Antonio River Walk, is meeting in-person for the first time in two yearsdue to the COVID-19 pandemic,KSAT 12 reported. While Americans dont seem eager for a rematch of the 2020 presidential race in three years, 44 percent said they would vote for Trump if it came to pass, while 40 percent would select Biden. That spread of 27 percentage points represents the widest approval margin in an A.P./NORC poll since Mr. Biden took office. President Biden Job Approval. Just 31 percent of respondents said they were very or extremely worried about the virus infecting them or a family member the lowest number in any A.P./NORC poll since mid-March 2020. Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports Ex-FDA head says US nearing end of COVID's 'pandemic phase Canadian teacher with size-Z prosthetic breasts placed on paid leave, What's next for Buster Murdaugh after dad's murder conviction, life sentence, Murdaugh son collapsed outside court after sitting stone-faced through dad's 6-week murder trial: source, Tom Sandoval breaks silence on Ariana Madix split amid cheating claims, Kelly Osbourne posts first photo of baby son as he hangs out with uncle Jack, Greys Anatomy alum Isaiah Washington retiring from acting: The haters have won, Max Scherzer's first look at the new pitch clock, Chris Rock Jokes About Watching Emancipation to See Will Smith Getting Whipped In Advance of Netflix Special: Report, Kellyanne Conway and George Conway to divorce. A Morning Consult survey conducted September 10-12 among more than 15,000 registered voters pegged Biden's approval rating at 47 percent, compared to 49 percent disapproval. Some congressional Democrats are now urging the partys leaders to shift their focus toward a narrower bill, the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, which had initially been proposed as a complement to H.R. 44 Democrats. Theres near consensus that the perpetrators of the violence on Jan. 6 should be held to account. Roughly a quarter of both white and Black Americans said they had already been vaccinated but among Latinos, that number dropped to 11 percent. Rounding off, Trump gained . Half of respondents said the country was headed in the right direction, more than at any point since the A.P./NORC poll started asking the question, shortly after the start of Donald Trumps presidency four years ago. Some information, including the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll and commentaries are available for free to the general public. Among survey participants, 57% disapprove of Biden's handling of the presidency. The presidents approval rating is now just 43 percent among independents, with 48 percent disapproving. 1. The NBC News poll put his approval at a similar level, 53 percent to 39 percent, and the Fox poll, which surveyed only registered voters, had it at 54 percent to 43 percent. President Biden's approval rating ticked up 3 percentage points, according to a new . More than half, 56%, said they approve of Biden's handling of the Covid . But as president, he has been governing much like a progressive without abandoning his longtime public identity as a moderate. As for former President Donald Trump, 58 percent are opposed to him running in 2024, a number that includes 24 percent of Republicans. And the ABC/Post poll reaffirmed what other recent surveys had found: that the $2 trillion stimulus package Mr. Biden signed last month is broadly popular, with 65 percent of Americans saying they supported it. And as Mr. Biden nears his 100th day in office, most public polls have consistently shown him retaining the approval of more than nine in 10 Democrats nationwide. Just 32 percent of Republicans shared their concern. But Mr. Biden campaigned heavily on his promise to confront the viruss impact on the country, and he has put his efforts to speed up vaccinations and provide economic relief at the center of his first six weeks in office. Among Republicans, that number leapt to 41 percent. What Does Biden's Approval Rating Tell Us? - Four in 10 Republicans say the Capitol rioters anger was justified. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) A. Biden's approval on his overall handling of the presidency came in at 36%, 1 point lower than Trump's worst rating. Forty-eight percent chose smaller government, and 45 percent said larger. If it's in the news, it's in our polls. The American public doesnt think President Biden deserves sole credit for the widespread availability of Covid-19 vaccines, but it overwhelmingly likes the job hes doing getting them distributed and its feeding a high job approval rating over all. Click Most of the respondents were interviewed online, while a small number were contacted by phone. Note: Data is weekly through Dec. 20, 2022 and monthly starting Jan. 2023. According to the Washington Post/ABC News poll released Sunday, 42 per cent of Americans disapprove of how Joe Biden has handled his first three months in office. In fact, Laura Bush and Michelle. The Reuters/Ipsos poll, conducted throughout the United States, gathered responses from 1,029 adults, using a nationally representative sample. Read more in the methodology or redistributed. but about three in five Americans described both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party as too extreme in its positions.. The USA Today/Suffolk University survey showed just 37.8 percent of Americans approve of Bidens performance in office. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. With migrants continuing to arrive at the southern border in high numbers, the poll found that just 43 percent of Americans approved of Mr. Bidens handling of immigration. With public health experts warning that there could be another surge in Covid-19 cases if the economy reopens too swiftly this spring, the Quinnipiac poll found that 85 percent of Democrats said they were worried about another outbreak. Biden's approval rating up but struggling on key issues, new poll finds Republican support for the practice of automatically registering citizens to vote also dropped, to 38 percent, an 11-point dip since 2018. Biden starts the year with a dire 40% approval rating with Kamala at Approval of the federal governments response to the pandemic has improved, too. Additionally, the data drives a daily update newsletter and various media outlets across the country. Meanwhile, a paltry 27.8 percent of respondents to the USA Today/Suffolk poll approved of the job Harris is doing as vice president, while 51.2 percent disapproved. Joe Biden Approval AVG. President Biden's job approval rating hits new low in public poll - CNBC In all three of the. Asa Hutchinson. On the campaign trail last year, one thing that Donald J. Trump and Joseph R. Biden Jr. agreed on was China: Both presidential candidates promised to get tough on the United States main economic adversary. From: to: Biden Talks Approval Ratings, and Breakfast on - NBC New York Among independents, he was just below 50 percent approval in the Fox and ABC/Post polls; the NBC poll, which classifies only the most firmly nonpartisan of voters as independents, had his approval with these unaffiliated voters at 61 percent. Jill Biden raises money for Democrats amid gaffes and popularity drop UPDATED Mar. Jill Biden Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images The survey was conducted among 5,109 adults nationwide via Pews American Trends Panel, which uses a probability-based model to draw a sample that is representative of the national population. We, Yahoo, are part of the Yahoo family of brands. All told, the share of Americans saying they wouldnt get the vaccine stood at 30 percent, down from a high of 44 percent in a Marist poll in September. And a Gallup poll released on Monday reflects why: The American publics opinion toward China is at a record low, amid a confluence of anxieties about the coronavirus and fears of economic competition. Biden's wife, Jill Biden, has a personal favorability rating of +14 (40 percent positive, 26 percent negative). But more than two in five Republicans said they would avoid getting vaccinated if possible, suggesting that President Biden has not succeeded in his effort to depoliticize the vaccines andleaving open the question of whether the country will be able to achieve herd immunity without a stronger push from Republican leaders to bring their voters on board. Then last week, when speaking to donors, she both referred to her husbands presidency in the past tense and complained about unforeseen events such as Russias Ukraine invasion as interfering with his agenda. An additional 35 percent said they were somewhat confident. Another particularly popular idea was to make early in-person voting standard (the poll question did not mention whether this kind of voting would be allowed without an excuse). The House passed a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure plan on Friday 87 days after it was approved by the Senate. Disapprove +7.1. Note: The categories names have been shortened from how they appear in the survey. Biden approval polling tracker - Reuters Graphics - Charts, Maps Among Democratic voters, roughly six in 10 said his actions had been unethical, but far fewer just 9 percent said they had been illegal. President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden depart D.C. for . Since 2009, Biden has been a professor of English at Northern Virginia Community College, and is thought to be the first wife . If you do not want us and our partners to use cookies and personal data for these additional purposes, click 'Reject all'. Rasmussen Reports has been a pioneer in the use of automated telephone polling techniques, but many other firms still utilize their own operator-assisted technology (see methodology). President Biden's approval numbers posted every weekday. Biden's approval rating is 10 points higher than his predecessor's was DATES. President Biden leaves after speaking at Max S. Hayes Hight School, Wednesday, July 6, 2022, in Cleveland. Thirty-three percent of respondents in the most recent poll said they werent very worried about contracting the virus, and a further 36 percent described themselves as just somewhat concerned. President Bidens job approval rating fell to a new low in a poll released Monday but the news was even worse for Vice President Kamala Harris. Biden's Name Likely To Be Missing on 2024 New Hampshire Primary Ballot Published June 22, 2022 Updated Aug. 3,. Biden Loses Ground With the Public on Issues, Personal Traits and Job Fox News' Michael Lee contributed to this report. Cassy Garcia, a Hispanic Republican who is running to unseat Democratic Rep. Henry Cuellar in Texas, linked Jill Biden's appearance at the event with the crisis at the border, which is seeing a record influx of illegal immigrants. Correction This page previously showed incorrect results for the polls conducted July 25-26 and October 24-25, 2022. WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Eight months after President Joe Biden's inauguration, his job approval rating has fallen six percentage points to 43%, the lowest of his presidency. It is an unpopularity that has proved remarkably persistent, drifting as low as 36% in May and June of 2022 but holding near 40% for most of the last year. This represents a remarkable measure of partisan consensus outpacing even the strongest moments of Republican unity during the presidency of Mr. Trump, whose political brand depended heavily on the devotion of his G.O.P. Jill Biden, Ed.D., is the First Lady of the United States, a community college educator, a military mother, a grandmother, and bestselling author. 44.1. Story tips can be sent to Biden continues to receive positive marks on his handling of the coronavirus. WASHINGTON President Joe Biden exudes confidence as the next race for the White House approaches. President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden arrive at Lawson Army Airfield during a trip to mark his 100th day in office, April 29, 2021, in Fort Benning, Georgia. below. And while hardly any Democrats just 12 percent said they would feel safe attending large events like professional sports games or concerts, two-thirds of Republicans said they would. But both the Fox and ABC/Post surveys also found that there is more support than opposition for his next major policy priority: the multi-trillion-dollar infrastructure package that he recently unveiled. How Biden leaves wiggle room to opt against reelection bid Tony Emmi, a retired health care worker from Wilmington, Del., said he voted for the president, but believes he has failed to hold members of his party to account to ensure legislation gets passed. Joe Biden: There's zero question that Biden is in bad political shape at the moment -- approval ratings in the high 30s, gas at $5 a gallon, inflation the highest it has been in 40 years. Click When it comes to the distribution of coronavirus vaccines, 39 percent said they were highly confident the inoculations had been properly tested for safety and effectiveness. As Mr. Biden nears his 100th day in office, his approval rating stood at 59 percent, according to the poll, with 39 percent of respondents disapproving of his performance in office. Just 43 percent of white people said that. All rights reserved. Twenty-two percent of respondents to an NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist College poll released Thursday said they had already been vaccinated, and an additional 45 percent said they would get the vaccine when it became available to them. Seventy-five percent said that he had done something either unethical or illegal when his administration intentionally underreported the number of deaths caused by Covid-19 in New York nursing homes. Mr. Cuomo said on Wednesday that he felt awful about his behavior toward his accusers, but that he would not resign. Dr. Jill Biden: First Lady - The White House But that support appears to come with a time limit attached. But there was no consensus about where the threat is really coming from: Respondents were as likely to say left-wing extremism was a worrisome threat as they were to say extremism on the right was. Joe Biden's Presidential Job Approval Ratings Joe Biden's Presidential Job Approval Ratings -- Historical Comparisons Do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling his. Tuesday, July 19, 2022, LISTEN: Asking good questions isnt anti-revival. April July October 2022 April July October 2023 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 -20 -10 0 10 20. Notably, that survey also found a roughly even split between the share of Americans expressing a preference for smaller government with fewer services, and those wanting a larger one with more services. You can change your choices at any time by clicking on the 'Privacy dashboard' links on our sites and apps. 1, the For the People Act, a sweeping voting-rights bill that was passed last month by the Democratically controlled House. In all three of the new polls, the presidents rating among Democrats was nearly unanimous at least nine in 10 approved of his performance. Daily Presidential Tracking Poll. Those are among the results of a Pew Research Center poll released on Thursday that offers a portrait of a country that is increasingly positive about its political leaders. Two-thirds of respondents said they thought the American public had not taken the pandemic seriously enough. More than a fifth of respondents (21 percent) said they were undecided about Harris, while just 3.2 percent said they hadnt made up their minds about Biden. How Biden leaves wiggle room to opt against reelection bid How Biden leaves wiggle room to opt against reelection bid Latest Polls | FiveThirtyEight As of January 2023, 40 percent of U.S. adults surveyed said they had a very unfavorable opinion of the Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris. Her final favorable rating in a January 2009 CNN/ORC poll was 67% to a 20% unfavorable rating. For Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, the number was 30 percent among those in the opposing party. The Washington Times The Biden administration has not put health care at the top of its priorities list, partly an acknowledgment of how thorny the issue has been for previous presidents, and of how divided Democrats remain on whether to push for a single-payer system. The lowest approval rating Gallup has measured in American. For the first time in almost two decades, half of Americans expressed approval of the job that congressional Democrats were doing, while 47 percent disapproved. What's more, Biden has gained ground on almost all of his 12 predecessors. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. Republicans support for voting rights has dropped. Biden's approval rating regarding his handling of pandemic topped out at 65% earlier this year, according to a May Quinnipiac poll. There's also zero question that if Biden decides he wants to run for a second term, he will almost certainly be the party's nominee -- and probably won't . Biden will also call on the U.S. Congress to focus on advancing cancer research, expanding mental health services and beating the "opioid and overdose epidemic," the White House said. Senate. When asked that question by the same poll team in January 2021, 58% said they had a favorable opinion of Mrs. Biden. Lesion removed during Biden's physical was cancerous, White House Battle for the White House. All of us united. The poll tracked Jill Biden in 2020, 2021 and 2022, receiving favorability ratings of 46%, 58% and 34%, respectively, in polls those years.