2) If not yet condemned, do they Not authentic. It's at odds with reality to the rest of us.". St. Bernadette - "1879 Letter to Pope Leo XIII" (1998), !? Promotes a variant of the Millenarian heresy. --not officially approved by the Church. Obviously, not credible. !? (*) ST. MALACHY and the 'BLACK POPE' or 'CAPUT NIGRUM' PROPHECY' (c. 1094-1148) - St. Malachy is real, his prophecies are apparently credible, except for the 'Caput Nigrum' or 'Black Pope Prophecy' which has lately been attributed to him. OCarroll said that Father McGinnity (SD of Christina Gallagher) was a very dear friend of his. I, personally, don't get much out of these healing services. Marks have been claimed on her back and head. Return to the Great Catholic Monarch and Angelic Pontiff Prophecy Timeline, click here. According to her website, this is how Christina is interpreting Our Ladys messages: What Our Lady is asking us to do is to turn back to God while there is still time, sincerely repent of our sins and go to Confession; to pray constantly, and to pray from the heart, especially the Rosary; to love God in the Mass and in the Eucharist; and to be united and to love one another and to stop finding fault and bickering and fighting with each other. Julia Kim, Naju South Korea (1985 to present day), !? Mrs. var navR = document.getElementById("SAW_TopNav_" + NavCount + "_Right");
"Because of the risk hospitalisation and death with contracting Covid, it could potentially provide more donations for [the House of Prayer]. December 31, 2020 - Jesus Christ to Christina Gallagher - "My Church has emptied itself of all that belongs to Me and has left you My people without anyone to shepherd the flock - The world enters now the darkness of antichrist so there is no return to 'normality' as man sees it" . Here you will find listed the SUSPECT, DUBIOUS, MISATTRIBUTED, and FAKE / HOAX Great Catholic Monarch and Angelic Pontiff Prophecy texts that I have not put into the Timeline. I'm sure some of your Catholic
are also cases of text and letter hoaxes, forgeries, or texts that don't apply to the future Great Monarch, etc - these can be spotted through simple She can only pray and plead with God and Our Lady and then accept all results in the holy Will of God. UPDATE: the Bishop of Amos and his own Bishop of Hearst-Moosonee have issued letters September 2020 stating again these visions and prophecies were never officially approved of by either of them, the bishops have completely disavowed them. Misattribtued prophecy- originally attributed to Bl. [Next film!]. from every person who goes there via these travel leaders. As she is receiving large crowds of pilgrims, according to Canon Law, it is no longer just a 'private' place of worship as the local Church authority must attend to the spiritual needs of large pilgrim crowds. They say she has expensive taste for imported Italian clothes and jewelry. I found so many people who
Asks for monetary support. (*) The 'NUN of LYELBE' (c. 1823-1829) ----another fake text, apparently a spin-off of the 'Nursing Nun of Belley / Bellay'. Gallagher, who founded the House of Prayer on Achill Island, Co Mayo, has persuaded her followers to voluntarily hand over millions of euro since opening the doors to her centre in 1993, as she regularly claims to have received messages from the Virgin Mary and Jesus.
What happens to Christina in House of Cards? Christina Gallagher | Mary Refuge Of Souls There may have been healings there but what is the source of that healing
Visions themselves order the so-called holy pictures needed for protection 'exclusive' so the 'Prayer Houses' get funded. Heretically mixes up the Age of Peace with the New Heaven and the New Earth, also defies logic regarding the nature of time, and the Three Days of Darkness. My Hope this helps,
", Maria warned Eamon Martin about the House of Prayer. Maria said her mother takes risks, such as not getting the Covid vaccine, because she believes buying pictures from the House of Prayer and following Christina's messages will protect her. 1310? -- Misattribution - originally appears to be the 'Capuchin Friar' prophecy that first appeared in an Italian book known to mix up real prophecies with fakes. is a healer. Not so long ago an Irish bishop of our time, Pat, came from the depths of purgatory to beg her to offer a week of her sufferings for his soul. literal interpretations of the number 1000 have been declared heretical, and this includes any attempt to interpret the Age of Peace as lasting a literal 1,000 years. its problematic aspects. When I went there I would say that my beliefs were ill-defined, very liberal,
sensations are very subjective. I actually met a woman there with terminal liver cancer whose children
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(*) MAMA QUATTRINI (QUATRINI / QUNATRINI) of SAM DAMIANO and the 'BLESSED GRAPES', etc. Basically, a 'prophecy' cobbled together from two different sources. Gallagher's messages, in part, read like a frantic worried woman lamenting the state of the world. Christina Gallagher has amassed a massive property portfolio while families are at their wits end with worry for relatives.
No Christian has to seek permission to pray in a private house with others. Veronica Lueken - "Bayside Apparitions" (1970s-1990s), !? (Click here to see the guidelines the Church uses). !?
Investigation of Mrs. Christina Gallagher, Ireland's Seer Obviously fake. Hi, Elizabeth
healers. Catherine Emmerick 'Emperor Henry' Vision (1774 -1824), !? I welcome my colleague's opinions as well. . Contains failed prophecy due to a misreading of the St. Malachy prophecies, also, apparently gave the first recorded mention of an 'Illumination of Conscience' event - sign of a suspect prophecy. One family member said: "They believe they'll go to hell if they take the vaccine and obviously if elderly people don't take the vaccine, they could potentially get exposed to Covid and pass away. She has security cameras on the walls and security devices on the grounds. Christina Gallagher, in her own words, was an "ordinary housewife" until the mid-1980s, when she says she had a vision of Our Lord. William Kamm (William Costellia) LITTLE PEBBLE (1950 to present day), !? Network 5 responded by asking that the legal action begin right away. I would not go because of her disobedience to the bishop. Michel was never appointed official exorcist as was claimed, and now, due to the scandal arising, the Bishop of Amos has officially withdrawn his support for his Studium St. Joseph Labre project. devout Catholics who are allowing their ears to be tickled by visionaries and spiritual
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If the local bishop is loyal to the Holy See and has not
Obviously not real. Is Christina Gallagher approved by the Catholic Church? Joao is an unconscious medium, she explains,
I looked up this visionary and from what I researched,
Because of Him,
St. Nicholas of Flue 'Prophecy' (1417-1487), !? Close to a million tourists have poured through the door of this house of prayer. Bl. (*) 'MARIA DIVINE MERCY' and the "BOOK OF TRUTH", (also floating around on the Internet as the 'FATHER OF LOVE AND MERCY' Messages) - DUBLIN IRELAND (c. 2010 to present day): -- Anonymous mystic from Dublin discovered to be Mary Carberry associated with a PR firm making a rake of money off her condemned books and unofficial sacramentals. Johannes Hendriks, latest notification of 'not supernatural' dated December 20, 2020. People still fall for this one.
House of Prayer - Christina Gallagher | Dialogue Ireland (*) FRANCINE BRIAULT - "AMOUR POUR TOUS LES MEINS, JESUS" (LOVE FOR ALL MY CHILDREN; JESUS) - (2001- c. 2004) -- claims to have inner locutions, but they contradict St. Paul in the Scriptures, the Church Fathers, the Church and the saints regarding the timing and reign of the Antichrist. Thanks for posting that information I sent you a few days ago. That's enough for us. Catholic Church of St. Mark Valerie Rev. signs of a hoax inspired by Sr. Bertina (Bertine) Bouguillon (Boquillon). ", What would be wrong with going to a Charismatic healing service to see. It's all this end of the world stuff coming up again where if you buy a picture for 250 it will give you protection. --'stigmatic mystic', but problematic. Also, attempts to 'correctly explain' other passages in the Bible as if it 'has not been done correctly' by the Church for centuries therefore contradicts the doctrine that the Catholic Church is the only God-given authority that has the right and can properly interpret the Bible and teach doctrine and morals.
The expiration date on this and the passage of time shows the prophecies must be fake as we've lived well past when the protection was 'available', and the major chastisements have not come yet. if he is loyal to the Holy See.
God Is About To Use the Catholic Church function MM_initInteractions(){}
Also, the list below has mystics or apparitions that have not been ruled on yet, but show they are promoting HERESIES or contain SERIOUS DOCTRINAL ERRORS that contradict the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, and therefore cannot be supernatural and are not included in the Timeline.
Christina Gallagher We say he was because they dont seem to be living together anymore. ), Ven. (*) POPE BENEDICT XII (1285-1342) - Misattribtued prophecy- originally attributed to Bl. I left on my trip I prayed that the Lord would open my eyes to the truth,
While they are not officially condemned by the Church either, the 'spirit of contradiction' entered into this set of apparitions.
He said that he and Father McGinnity had met on several occasions and spent a great deal of time together in Medjugorje beginning around 1984. choose to stay away!
Connors, Georgia has become a New Age Cult. A rosary or chaplet?) Fr. Each baptised person becoming part of the Mystical Body of Christ, is thereby commissioned to share in the priestly, prophetic and kingly roles of Christ. (*) BROTHER JOHN of the CLEFT ROCK (b.