How to Clean Vinyl Tub Enclosures | Home Guides | SF Gate Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. What you need to do before cleaning plastic bathtub, how to get rid of urine smell in bathroom. Give it at least sixty minutes to an hour to mature. Using a good bathroom cleaner and a soft cloth with warm water is the best way to remove the bulk of your bathtub's dirt and grime. Then, rub or wipe the surface of the tub with some rubbing alcohol on a wet paper towel or cotton ball to remove stains or mildew. Steel Wool: A steel wool pad in particular is especially damaging as its coarseness makes it too abrasive even when trying to remove tough grime. Let it stand for 10 minutes. Cleaning a plastic bathtub is a different process than cleaning a porcelain or fiberglass tub. In fact, white vinegar is often used as an all-natural cleaner for removing mildew from surfaces like bathtubs and shower surrounds made of plastic materials. Vinegar will not damage a plastic tub surround when used for cleaning purposes. Technically, you can safely use lemon water, hand sanitizer, and dish soap (among other products) to remove hard dirt from your tub. 6. Rinse the soiled sponge in the water many times throughout the cleaning process to avoid spreading dirt back onto the bathtub. Let it sit on the surface for 10 minutes. The resulting solution should then be stirred with a spoon until it is completely blended together. Make a paste using baking soda and water, the consistency of which should be comparable to that of toothpaste. They also wont harm the surface of the tub, so it can remain scratch-free during cleaning. How to Remove Yellowing From Plastic Bathtubs | Hunker Allow the vinegar to be absorbed by the deposits and scum for fifteen minutes. Vinegar, dish soap, bleach solution, DIY degreaser, baking soda, and all-purpose cleaners are some of the best ways to clean a plastic tub surround. Cleaning liquid 9. Vinegar that has been distilled. Harrington's specialties include small business information, crafting, decorating and gardening. If your acrylic tub is heavily stained or dirty, consider filling the tub with hot water and vinegar. Imfoto/Shutterstock. Once done scrubbing, use clean water to wash away any residual soap residue. This is possible because the oxidizing effect of chlorine could get rid of most of any stains on your plastic bathtub. Give your plastic tub enclosures a sparkling clean finish with vinegar. If the dirt is particularly stubborn and difficult to remove, it may be wise to use something more abrasive like a terry cloth towel. How To Clean Plastic Shower Walls? - Nationwide Plastics Painting on the Surrounding of an Acrylic Tub, How to Make Stained Kitchen Cabinets Look Shiny Again, How to Remove Hard Water Stains in a Porcelain Toilet, Michigan State University: Cleaning Fiberglass Sinks and Tubs, University of Nebraska: Cleaning Fiberglass Tubs and Showers, Beautiful houseplants that also repel mosquitoes, cockroaches and other pests, How to Clean and Restore a Worn Fiberglass Shower Base. 5. Rust stain-approved cleaners often stain fabrics. Wipe of the excess with a clean rag. Even while removing the tub surround from the wall isnt particularly challenging, doing so may result in substantial damage to the wall that lies behind it.The correct approach to removing a tub surround may be laborious and time-consuming, but it is the only way to assure that the surround will be removed with as little damage as possible.Put on goggles, long sleeves, trousers, and work gloves before beginning the job. Step 1 - Heat vinegar. You can also use a more intense cleaner like a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser on any areas where you begin to see buildup. Most people leave it as the very last part of their home to clean.Because even when you put vim, or clorox, or powdered bath cleaner on, you still have to scrub!That all changes today.Formula 101 is an Eco Friendly Cleaning System that can melt the soap scum off your surround tub in seconds. Utilizing Peroxide to Restore the Original Color of Yellowed Plastic A container should be filled with straight peroxide. Once done, wash away any remaining substance with clean water. Her published articles have appeared in various print and online publications. Allow the vinegar to be absorbed by the deposits and scum for fifteen minutes. Spray a large amount of a bathroom cleaner that contains bleach and is advertised as being effective against soap scum on the fiberglass or tile that is found in the shower enclosure. Your email address will not be published. Once you're satisfied your tub is as clean as possible, you can work on removing mineral buildup, which masks shine. When cleaning a plastic bathtub surround, vinegar( lemon juice) is an effective option that may be used. Make sure all of the surfaces that you want to clean are wet. Step 3 Then, flush with water to clean it all up. Alternatively, for extra-stubborn stains, you can use a combination of warm water and vinegar to clean your tub. Required fields are marked *. However, Acrylic is a preferred choice for bathtub surrounds, and for a solid reason. I use vinegar on mine, but living alone and being neat and tidy helps, in a household with lots of people, not as easy. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Welcome to CleanCurious! Step 2. If required, carry out the procedure once more until the stain is removed. 4 Step 4. Plastic tub surrounds often have a smooth surface that is easy to clean with a damp cloth since there are no grout lines to trap debris in the surface. This makes them feel rather uninviting and can give your entire bathroom an old, worn-out vibe. Mix baking soda with water to make the paste, then sprinkle it into the bathtub especially in the stained area. By cleaning regularly, you can control the growth of microbes and remove bad odors. eHow may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. 3 Ways to Clean Tough Stains from a Bathtub - wikiHow Spray all of your tub's surfaces, including cracks, crevices and hardware. Call a professional cleaner You have to read this! Wear your protective gear Apply the Paste. Step 2. Cut through your drywall along the edges with a Sawzall. After that, spray the solution over the glass door of your shower and allow it to rest for a few minutes. Simply combine an answer consisting of half water and half white vinegar in a spray container that has been left unfilled. Turn the water off. Acrylic or plastic bathtubs and tub surrounds call for nonabrasive cleaning products only. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. After that, flush the bathtub with plenty of fresh running water. Vinegar is an all-purpose cleaner that can easily eliminate dirt, grime, hard water stains, and odors. Rub this paste into the stains and give it about half an hour to take effect. Combine one teaspoon of hand dishwashing soap with half a gallon of warm water and mix thoroughly.Wash the newly whitened tub surround by soaking a clean cloth in the soapy solution and then using the cloth to scrub the surface.Both the hydrogen peroxide and the laundry booster solution will be eliminated from the plastic by the soapy solution.After giving the surround of your tub a rinsing with lukewarm water, dry it off with a fresh towel. If you're dealing with a dirty tub, you've come to the right place. Professional cleaners can help you get rid of the dirt in your bathtub, and keep it looking great. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. It will be easier to remove the stain if you give the plastic time to soak in the sunlight. After an hour go back inside and use a toilet brush to give the shower a gentle scrub and then rinse. Apply an auto whiting polish to the surround with a clean cloth. Spread baking soda or a gentle cleaning agent over the entirety of the bathtub, then wait anywhere from five to ten minutes for it to take effect. Applying the paste to the yellowed surroundings will help. Vinegar is commonly used to clean tubs because its acidic properties soften soap scum, allowing it to be easily brushed away. Hunker may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. If there are stains, you might not know what can remove them. Solvents: Its really important to remember not to use solvents like mineral spirits, acetone and turpentine on any type of plastic surface. Mix an ounce in a gallon of water and scrub with a sponge or plastic scrubbing pad. Cleaning your plastic bathtub and other surfaces in and around your bathroom is critical to your health. Step 1 Fill a spray bottle with 3-percent hydrogen peroxide, which is found in drugstores or convenience stores for a minimal price. Step 3 Wet a cleaning sponge with vinegar. Then use a damp rag to scrub away the baking soda and rinse the tub. You can use a dishwashing or liquid laundry detergent. Put two tablespoons of dish soap and a half gallon of hot water in your bucket, and then fill the bucket with hot water. The Process of Cleaning Your Shower The Grime on the Tray. Let us share all the details on how to keep your plastic tub looking as good as new. How to Clean Plastic Bathtub: 9 Simple Method - World Sustainable It's downright impossible to enjoy a nice bath when you can see dirt, soap scum, and other types of stains in your tub, and if left unchecked, bacteria in your plastic bathtub can lead to health concerns. But over time, plastic bathtubs and shower enclosures can start to look dull and dirty. A Guide to Cleaning an Extremely Soiled Plastic Bathtub First, take a pail and fill it with half a gallon of hot water. Take a nylon sponge that wont scratch surfaces and dip it in the soapy water. The dirt caused by these chemicals and treatments could stick to the tub and become a permanent stain. The hand sanitizer will dissolve the mildew stains, and get rid of them for good. Along with choosing the right type of bathtub for your home, it's crucial to know how to properly clean the type of tub you have or else you risk potentially making things worse. Spray the soapy mixture onto the plastic tub surround and let it sit for at least five minutes before scrubbing. However, over time due to everyday use, bathtubs can get dirty and stained. Spray the area, then wipe it off with a sponge, reserving the remaining solution to use on mirrors, windows, and other surfaces. Technically, you can safely use lemon water, hand sanitizer, and dish soap (among other products) to remove hard dirt from your tub. The bubbles will loosen any dirt and grime. Spray the floor of the cage after beginning at the top and working your way down. Irregular cleaning, chemical cleaners or a scratched, dull surface all can make the yellowing more severe. For an even more refreshing smell, you can swap out the vinegar for some lovely lemon juice. Abrasive cleaners include any commercial products that are not clearly labeled "nonabrasive" or as safe for acrylic or plastic as well as DIY cleaners, such as baking soda scrubs. This will help to effectively remove the yellowing from the plastic and leave it with a white finish. Baking soda paste is also an excellent choice for cleaning a plastic tub surround. Allow the plastic tub surround to dry completely before being used again afterward. Your email address will not be published. Either spray white vinegar all over the tub surround with a spray bottle or soak a cloth in the vinegar, then rub it over the surfaces of the tub before washing it out. Be sure to rinse the rag often to get rid of soap residue. Give it at least sixty minutes to an hour to mature. Mix 1 tsp hand dishwashing soap in 1/2 gallon warm water. With the addition of moisture, the powder will take on a thick, foamy consistency. By creating an account you agree to the Hunker, choosing the right type of bathtub for your home, How to Restore Shine to Plastic Bathtubs and Shower Enclosures, How to Clean and Restore Shine to a Fiberglass Tub. Required fields are marked *. The first step in restoring plastic bathtubs and shower enclosures has to be a deep clean. Flush the area with water after youre done. To clean a plastic tub surround with a commercial cleaner, follow the manufacturer's directions, which will generally tell you to spray or wipe the product liberally over the surfaces, let it sit for a certain amount of time and then rinse with water.