Since Common Law (criminal) and Equity Law (contracts) require remedy or exchanges of real value, the entire Justice System was turned upside down. Of course, the higher court will uphold the Code on appeal. So be ready for handling this type of account. As you know, in an appeal, I have to have a transcript, but the traffic court doesnt have a court reporter. Build your own Comprehensive Antiviral System, and start enjoying healthcare freedom today. By accessing your Master Strawman Account, you can ensure that all of your personal information is accurate and up to date. In Anderson, it is broken down with decimals into ten parts, and most importantly, it is written in plain English. When you receive your green card you know they have been notified you have claimed your Birth Certificate. Make sure when you apply for your CUSIP you apply for as a debt instrument if that is what you are going to discharge debt. Find the Create an account or Sign Up button and click it. 3. aPlease email and we will let you know by email if your UCC was correctly filed or not. A TreasuryDirect account gives you the ability to buy, manage, and redeem eligible Treasury securities via the Internet. 3. Unfortunately, we dont advocate the process of redeeming your strawman account in the ways expressed in this post. Now we know why so many millionaire people get richer and why they dont answer to the law. Whenever you sign any legal paper that deals with Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) -in any way, shape or manner under your signature write: Without Prejudice UCC 1-308 (old 1-207). We thank everyone who has supported us. A letter of attorney. Has Obama Lost Control Of the Philippines? The Sixth Amendment of the Constitution gives me the right to request the court to explain the nature of any action against me, and upon my request, the court has the duty to answer. Those funds will go directly to the pass through bank for debt discharge only. Theodore. Thank you for your comment. A statute should be construed in harmony with the Common Law, unless there is a clear legislative intent to abrogate the Common Law . I want to make this happen. This is accomplished via your strawman account. EIN Package 6: EXPRESS 24 HOUR Business Day Delivery - Estate AND Foreign 98 EINs - $329.99 (Espaol), EIN Package 5: EXPRESS 24 HOUR, BUSINESS DAY Delivery - Foreign 98 EIN - $199.99 (Espaol), Banking Tips For Opening Up A Bank Account, Business Credit Cards To Apply with Bad Credit, Bankruptcy Should Not Be Reported On Your Credit Report, 4 Websites To Help You Build an 800 Credit Score,, jji am look to settle a debt with real money (ie: gold or silver) please direct me to the correct statute, email me at: te***********@gm***.com. Nobody. I again thank you for your timely responses. For starters, you would first get your certificate of live birth authenticated. Can a sovereign citizen drive without a license? Travel is a right, which is true. Lawful money is backed by real things. I also am from the U.K. and have recently just filed my UCC1 with the Washington office. We have been taught that we must get a good lawyer, but that is becoming increasingly difficult, if not impossible. Most often asked questions related to bitcoin! They have never been overturned. The Constitution of the United States mentions three areas of jurisdiction in which the courts may operate: Common Law is based on Gods law. There is no substance in the Federal Reserve Note. COURTS OF CONTRACT Copyright 2006-2023 A.W.A.R.E | All Rights Reserved, Without Prejudice, U.C.C 1-308. Before1933, you exchanged a gallon of milk for a dollar, which is a promise to pay gold or silver; real value for real value. This is the system we know to today as UCC, the Uniform Commercial Code. The Common Law, the Law Merchants, and even the Uniform Commercial Code all have remedy and recourse, but for a long time we could not find them. In any traffic court case or tax case you are called into court and the judge reads the law and then asks, Lets swear the officer in and have him take the stand.. INTRODUCTION I.O.U. Some sovereign citizens also claim that they can become immune to most or all laws of the United States by renouncing their citizenship, a process they refer to as expatriation, which involves filing or delivering a nonlegal document claiming to renounce citizenship in a federal corporation and declaring only to be . Assuming you would like a step-by-step guide on how to create a master strawman account: 1. When we understand these things, we realize that there are certain secrets they dont want to admit, and we can use this to our benefit. This account is used to hold funds that are owed to you, such as tax refunds, Social Security payments, or other government benefits. I dont believe I have ever been under any International Maritime Contract, so I would deny that one exists. The story behind why the UCC secretly took over all legal/lawful matters on the planet; With that in the record, the court cannot move forward to judge the facts. How do I access my master Strawman account? Under the traffic court practical application section u said to print without prejudice on your license. All rights reserved. All these documents are referenced on your UCC1 filing by a code number so there is evidence of there existence, BUT they are to remain PRIVATE. Unacknowledged American Atrocities in the Philippines. How do I access my master strawman account, How can I benefit from having a master strawman account, Is there a fee to access my master strawman account, How do I create a master strawman account, What information do I need to provide to access my master strawman account, How do I know if my master strawman account is active, What are the consequences of not accessing my master strawman account, Can someone else access my master strawman account, What happens if I forget my login information for my master strawman account, How The Bruins Defense Overcame The Losses Of Charlie Mcavoy, How Long To Cook A Hot Pocket In The Microwave, How Long Do You Cook Hot Pockets In The Microwave, How Does Your Partner Make You Feel Listened To, How Do Guys Know When They Are Going To Come, How To Know If An Android Blocked You On Iphone. Federal Trade Commission says - No secret bank accounts to pay your bills. NOT EXPEDIENT Get the perfect website for your sacred work at Modern Masters. The judge has the other portion of it., Where did you get my address that you wrote on that citation?, Officer: Well, I got it from your drivers license., (Handing the officer your drivers license) Is this the document you copied my name and address from?, While youve got it in your hand, would you read the signature thats on that license? Often the sovereign citizens dont bother to pay for their licenses. Im glad you told me that. This would be compelled performance. Youve established a personal account with the U.S. Department of the Treasury. UCC 1-308 (old 1-207) goes on to say: This is about how to access your Master strawman account. It compels you to perform to the exact letter of any contract that you are under. You just put words in the judges mouth. It is Literal slavery. The UCC file number is used as the bond number which will reference your birth certificate bond number. If you want to learn more about how to use your master strawman account, there are many resources available online and in libraries. Seeing through the Mud Also are Canadian BC bonds on the US Treasury as well or would it be different for us? The reason they dont want to tell everyone that they own everything is that there are still too many privately owned guns. "In order to receive a CUSIP number for your birth certificate bond first you have to file your UCC-1 Once you file your UCC-1 you will get the file number create your bond with the UCC Trust Account. Enter your personal information, including your name, email address, and password. If not you will have to apply through the NYSE via SEC. Our team is working on gathering all of Patricks documents. You should receive a confirmation email from the company once your account has been successfully created. This is about how to access your Master straw man account. This will be answered later. It used to be called the Law Merchant or the Law of redeemable Instruments, because it dealt with paper which was redeemable in something of substance. If youre ever in town, stop by, and if Im not sitting on a case we will visit. Source: A man had sued the Erie Railroad for damages when he was struck by a board sticking out of a boxcar as he walked along beside the tracks. The theory suggests that each person has 2 versions of themselves: a physical version and a separate, legal version. Officer: Yes, this is a copy of it. As the owners of this site, we have the right to enforce any policies and terms we feel necessary. Can you provide me with the location of a copy? DISCLAIMER: A.W.A.R.E does NOT offer any help or assistance in terms of accessing your account. My UCC-1 was filed some time ago but despite sending a copy for return, etc. Instead of contracts being enforceable only if all parties agreed knowingly, willingly and intentionally, now Agreements can be enforced based on essentially cured statements or presumptions. Additionally, a master strawman account can give you access to exclusive resources and discounts that are not available to non-members. Public records are records that are available to anyone who wants to see them. Where Is Patrick Devine Files? If you don't know about the straw man it is very real if you don't know about the deception that is going on in America it is very multi-layered if you are i. D: Well, thank you, your Honor, but now you make the charge against me even more difficult to understand, the only other criminal jurisdiction would apply only if there was an International Maritime Contract involved and I was a party to it, it had been Breached, and the court was operating in an Admiralty Jurisdiction. D: Thank you, Your Honor, for telling me that. What they would have to do is place the national debt into evidence. This form allows you to designate yourself as the trustee of your Master Strawman Account. If, for example, you were charged with failure to buckle your seatbelt , you may ask the court who was injured as a result of your failure to buckle up. You will also need to understand UCC 1-103 the argument and recourse. I understand that one cannot simply walk in to the bank and get cash, would car and house payment fall into the debt/bills category and would we file a 1099 for total of debts/bills paid for that year? What is a presumptive circumstance? Private Agreement is a private agreement evidencing a contract between you and your dead at law legal fiction strawman crown security interest name. Let us know if youd like our help with this , Would you please email me the info I need to get this process underway. The charge that Mr. S. was being tried for is a Public Policy Statute, not Public Law, and those Supreme Court cases do not apply to Public Policy. I asked him what happened in 1938? We are a private organization and offer no refunds on any of our services. It would be a waste of taxpayers money to run me through this court and then to have to give me a trial de novo in a court of record. By the STRAWMAN fiction that my name was turned into as part of the CORPORATION in order for account to operate and be used in commerce. The Master Strawman Account, on the other hand, is a more comprehensive account that includes not just the funds owed to you but all financial transactions related to your identity. Services Register for a new identifier as a 144A a Private security. We do not sugar-coat whats true. I wish to use it to begin . Australia ( Your Strawman in Law ) Birth Certificate Dailymotion Australia ( Your Strawman in Law ) Birth Certificate. Do I need my original birth certificate. Your quote by Howard Freeman, is not a fact. Our expert guide breaks down the factors, Read More how long does it take to sell a carContinue, Cash App is a peer-to-peer mobile payment service developed by Square Inc. With Cash App, you, Read More how to make money on cash app in minutesContinue, Before discussing how to find an attorneys success rate buy Cheyenne, its important to define what, Read More how to Find Out An Attorneys Success Rate Buy CheyenneContinue, If you want to learn how to apply bank loan for business buy cheyenne, we will, Read More how to apply bank loan for business buy cheyenneContinue, Discover how to get your hands on the Pearl Ticket Goat Black Friday with our comprehensive, Read More How to get pearl ticket goat black FridayContinue, Your email address will not be published. Just so we can understand how this whole process works, let us look at a court situation such as a traffic violation. Since the Accounts are really just speculation on our true value, our living being and creative potential, the only TRUE way to access your account is to create abundance that no longer requires the old system. A straw man is also a person of no means, or one who deliberately accepts a liability or other monetary responsibility without the resources to fulfill it, usually to shield another party. But I dont want the Men In Black on my door either if you know what I mean. To understand the concept of access Master Strawman Account, we first need to know what a Strawman Account is. I have watched many Peter Stone videos and read tons about all this. This is amazing. You can go back to the UCC Connection How the Uniform Commercial Code secretly took over the worldpost to review this. That is what the Supreme Court decided in the Erie Railroad case that the decisions will be based on commercial law or business law and that it will have criminal penalties associated with it. But the creditors/masters had to cover that up, so they created a system of law called the Uniform Commercial Code. I believe the benefit being used is that we have been given the privilege of discharging debt with limited liability, instead of paying debt. Followers of the Strawman theory often use it as an argument that a physical individual has no legal responsibilities. The Sufficiency of the Reservation Any expression indicating an intention to reserve rights, is sufficient, such as WITHOUT PREJUDICE. (UCC 1-308 (old 1-207).4) This MT760 cannot be monetized only debt payments! It was also the year the courts claim they blended Law with Equity. The rule here is: you cannot be charged under one jurisdiction, and defend under another. Would I be a part of that whole debt slave ratio ? top What exactly does that mean, and how does it become a trust? Where are you getting your definition of cure from, as in cured statements and cures under the UCC given a period of time, which appear in the paragraph that begins with The UCC deals with presumptive agreements.. ? This is a fact of legal procedures. Instead, its best to focus on status correction which is more powerful than attempting to access an account. This colorable jurisdiction under the Uniform Commercial Code is the next key to understanding what happened. 9. How the UCC works to resolve agreements instead of contracts; But in order to trade on the platform those many 10mil blocks have to equal 100mil. D: Oh, thank you, Your Honor. 03/2023, 20 How To Withdraw Money From Veve We help students in Canada file their SPCs and correct their statuses. When you receive your green card you know they have been notified you have claimed your Birth Certificate. This is the state of affairs on planet earth. 1-308 (old 1-207). The name for the straw man is your name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. One cannot use a document which notifies the former systems of their lack ofpossession (the OPPT filings), and then ask those same former systems to release the funds. Hi (The names on tombstones in cemeteries are in all-caps.). If you then refuse to perform as directed by the court, you can be charged with contempt of court, which is a criminal action. Person who purchases property for another to We are completely under the UCC, using non-redeemable negotiable instruments and we are discharging debt rather than paying debt. The word colorable means something that appears to be genuine, but is not. Always! The strawman account is the account which is prepaid by you the creditor. Our pleasure to share the knowledge. We have always had abundance on earth, but we have been deceived into thinking we are living in scarcity. Because of the Bankruptcy of the United States, Inc. in 1933 we have been keeping tabs of all our debts using accounting and negotiable instruments. In essence, a Strawman Account is a dummy account that is created in your name by the government. That quote at the very beginning was originally spoken by Jesus the Christ. One should be well prepared with key knowledge and understanding before trying to apply anything that goes against the grain in my opinion. He said, Name any decision of the Supreme Court after 1938 and Ill honor it, but all the decision you read were prior to 1938, and I dont honor those decisions. I asked what happened in 1938. I wish I knew this back them when I was 20 years younger, now 42 I still can used it for my advantage. We sometimes share our thoughts and opinions based on FACTS and well-researched topics. 100,000,000 is recognized in all trading platforms. Open up Commercial Account and TDA account. We must play a little dumb and ask a lot of questions. CONTRACTS MUST BE VOLUNTARY If I had one, then I would take it into court as an independent third party representing the strawman and slaughter the opposition on the grounds that they cannot show the strawman's current membership of the Law Society and so the court has no jurisdiction. If you dont understand the law, they cant try you. how do you fill out the ucc1 properly because i filled mine out in the state of Missouri and am unsure if and how to do it correctly. And he will ask, so be prepared to explain it to the court. This you can do by being pleasant and cooperative with the officer. SFS Staff answered 9 years ago. COMPELLED BENEFIT Send your bond to the SECRETARY OF Treasury. I havattached my email below for correspondences and hope to hear back from you thank you for your time . On a birth certificate, the name that appears is in all capital letters. I didnt know too much, but I boxed them in. We will cover this more later. Is this applicable in Canada? Your email address will not be published. Procurations are either express or implied; an express procuration is one made by the express consent of the parties; the implied or tacit takes place when an individual sees another managing his affairs, and does not interfere to prevent it. Im in Canada and was wondering if you knew if the process was the same for our birth certificates here?