Tasmania is the oldest state as the first fleet landed there, thats why they have port Arthur. Still freaks me talking bout em. I did feel as though Mr Gill (original owner) would have been happy to hear the sounds of childrens laughter in the halls since he built it to house his 10 children. What did they do all those years? The cigarette lighter never showed up. My mother had several such stories. The Fairfield area is home to five rivers, colonial history, cemeteries and old neighbourhoods that are reportedly haunted. This allows for a vast and plentiful list of places hounded by reports of supernatural activity, be they hospitals or asylums, private residence or stretches of road. Something caught my eye in the doorway of the first bedroom and I stopped and immediately smiled and said hey to the man standing there clear as day that in turn smiled and waved back to me, I continued to the room a few steps further where I asked my mate who was the guy in his room? My nan and pop took me to hill end a while ago i was about 11, now 18 years old amd i can still feel the very imcomfortable feeling you get when you enter that town. View Street Profile for The Horsley Drive , Fairfield NSW 2165. 188 The Horsley Drive, Fairfield, NSW 2165. It was common to see the coloured lights & hear rocks being thrown around you when no other person was in there. The adjoining Horsley Park Reserve is a venue for community events and recreation and includes a large sporting field, a community hall, a walking track and an outdoor gym station. 1 results of 1. Can confirm spookyness. Countless incidences involving unexplained happenings from memory card in the PlayStation self ejecting half way across the room, actually seeing the apparition and being so overwhelmed by its presents to the point of blanking out with fear. 498 The Horsley Drive last sold in 2010. And again this is from two people who worked there. This whole area was originally where Aboriginal tribes resided as there are rock paintings along the shores so there is also those descendants and their spirits here. The Australian Ghost Hunters Society regularly holds ghost hunts at Monte Cristo and have had some very interesting experiences there. An 'estimated value' is a computer generated price calculated and supplied monthly by PropTrack using automated . Got in locked doors .and like straight outta Hollywood. I neared it as it turned a bend in the path but, by the time I was there, it had disappeared. 20112022 This Is Horror. No access, Didnt realise my comment above filled with so many errors. Address: 177 The Horsley Dr, Fairfield East NSW; Property Type: House; Price: Reserve $775,000; Bedrooms: 4; Bathrooms: 1; . It was last sold in December 2016 for $850,000. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Learn how your comment data is processed. Hey everyone. npws conducts ghost tours . Just came across this sight, and have to say that Rydal, outside Lithgow, in NSW is very haunted.I have seen many shadow figures in and around the buildings there, including the Rydal Pub, the old school (now a B&B) and the old Train Station (also now a B&B). When we dont reside here the house is just abandoned, nobody comes in and steals anything its just left as though it is invisible. Weird. It was haunted by the former residents. It may not display this or other websites correctly.
Australia's Most Terrifying and Haunted Places: New South Wales 5. Find out the sale and rental history of 516 the Horsley Drive, Fairfield, NSW 2165 on Property Value Estimator.
533 The Horsley Drive, Fairfield, NSW 2165 House for Sale - realtor.com It took my grandfather many months to get my grandmother released. There are also rumours of the ghost of a girl who had been assaulted and murdered, but she is seen rarely, and the ghost of a girl who hung herself at the entrance of the tunnel. Another location in hill end that I got a great evp of a girl saying MMM after I told my dad to avoid that ants nest was at KISSING PT LOOKOUT. Port Jackson was where they landed, in NSW. According to the sites resident medium, there are at least fifty spirits wandering the hospital, the dining halls, the shower block, and the morgue, where an ominous mannequin lies under a sheet and the stench of death ignites the imagination. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I was always a believer in other beings, whether you call then spirits, energy beings or ghosts, I believed in them. I know these posts were put rhere a while ago, although i have only stumbled across this site today. Take a taxi from Horsley Park to Fairfield. First i've heard of a abandoned mansion. On my Instagram ( @chefsean666 #hauntednsw ) I posted Machattie Park n theres Abercrombie House in Stewarts Mount that I wanted to check out but was bout twenty mins late n missed out .. theres where weird screams coming from that park late at nite are said to be heard .
Haunted house in Cabramatta? - Paranormal.com.au Used between 1867-1919, the tunnel served as the corridor for train services to and from Melbourne, until a new line was built around the hills.
The Best 10 Haunted Houses near me in Fairfield, California 177 The Horsley Dr, Fairfield East NSW 2165 - Ozway Realty Links relating to the City of Sydney, and NSW in general - please read our rules Hard to explain, but I lived in a house in chipping norton and had some very Wierd experiences about 23 years ago. For more information, please see our King George Avenue in Tamworth has many reports of a phantom set of headlights appearing to people driving toward the city. Roy Marando . Some guy was murdered in my house a while back ( 10 odd years ) And ive been here for 7 and . Where about's in budgewoi is it? View property details and sold price of 188 The Horsley Drive & other properties in Fairfield, NSW 2165. It was sold by GOLDSTAR REALTY & COMMERCIAL, and took 43 days to sell. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Scan this QR code to download the app now. View 10 photos, floorplans, inspection times, schools and neighbourhood info on Homely. The place was certainly pretty creepy. WHERE: Fairfield City Museum & Gallery, Cnr of Oxford Street & The Horsley Drive, Smithfield. Travel within Australia is: Unrestricted. 5 2 2. Back in 2007 a friend had died suddenly at home in Canberra. 1. Amenities Building at Horsley Park Reserve . Accountant. Be in touch with my senses I guess. Would like to chat about it.
Map of The Horsley Dr Fairfield, NSW 2165 | Whereis Random electrical problems, such as fuses blowing, have also occurred frequently. YES THIS IS THE ONE THAT MY PALS WERE TALKING ABOUT. There is a cemetery near a park where I live I cant pass by it with having a sense of dread and a feeling of being watched. Fairfield NSW 2165. The most haunted part of the island is reputedly the Superintendent's residential home. No she hadnt left her office for any reason since telling the caretaker she would lock up as she hadnt finished @ 7.00pm when hed finished work & left for the night. #hauntednsw tag. Discover the sales history and median property prices on The Horsley Drive , Fairfield NSW 2165. 498 The Horsley Drive , Fairfield NSW 2165 is a House. Timeless Charm With A Bright Future! Can you share the link of your video please? House in Fairfield with 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom & parking for 3 cars. My friend answered me with confusion nobodys in my room sis. We even captured that on IR video which we still have. The house was demolished some years ago. Thank you in advanced,
Fairfield High School - 405 The Horsley Dr, Fairfield NSW 2165, Australia david goggins sleep routine Loved it tho!!! This is a review for haunted houses in Fairfield, CA: "This was the best haunted house i had ever been to and it was cheap,but not cheaply done!Every year i went,people ALWAYS came running out screaming or crying.It was the best.I wish they would put on this haunted house in a new location,since it doesn't seem to be allowed where it was anymore.I'm very sad its gone. I lived in Wilton/Picton for most of my life, the hospital is really creepy and I have been in the mushroom tunnels and I went to hide in one of the cut outs but stopped when I saw the outline of a short female. Ah yes I have been to the Monte Cristo homestead in Junee and i must say it is very haunted. See price estimate, suburb insights, sales history, and more. Its a very well know fact the whole area is extremely haunted, Ive lived in the area for 5 years opposite Tarban creek itself and we have had a ghost here the whole time. I can't remember the exact place, but somewhere in western sydney. Some of us ( me n friends) do these trips with proper ghost hunting gear so if theres someone we able to try m talk to them .. see if we are wanted there if we get msg that we are NOT by whatever entity may make itself known then we go. Some of us are quite capable of handling ourselves in these exploration situations . Such a haunted scary place definatly want to go back as now i have developed quite some interesting spirtal connections. No reports of people being attacked by these entities has been reported, there are. What is your name/ page on YouTube Tia?? That house has been on the real estate market either for sale or rent until today for nearly the past 30 years. I had a face-to-face encounter with something that was not a living being. Or the Blair Athol cottage in Wollembi NSW or somewhere? The little girl killed in train accident, Actually emily bollard was a 55 yr old woman. Hi Shifat I think that Tarban Creek mental asylum and Tarban creek area are your best bet to visit for lots of opportunities its very interesting as the ground have open access and you can go in day or night and they are very large. The Domain property ID is EZ-1303-UF, and the Government legal property description is 3/578469. Some of the American ghost hunter people on those shows went their once and refused to stay the night. Fake. 3. A guy I used to work with well call D works there as a barman- hes heard of the rumours n only corroborates anything by late at nites after functions whilst Being there one gets an unnerving eerie feeling that someones watching you and peculiar noises in other room like someone walking round knocking things over D was sure it was a workmate one time yet he found he was only person in house n felt strange and his coworkers had gone . 16 votes, 35 comments. It is said that if you stop on the side of the Ghost road late at night you can still hear gun fire and shouting So the itinerant was still trying to protect his secret. Since that time a number of unexplained happenings have occurred which I have noticed after the aforementioned event had taken place. The man who showed us to our room told us that the attic was haunted by the Ghost of a Nun. The tunnel runs 592 feet in length, carved into the hills of the Picton region. We both went in the room and the clothes the ma had been wearing were laying on the bed but he was nowhere. and is it alright to go there at night or something?? One states she was murdered and the other states suicide after her children died. Louise, Only risk I see in these things is if I trespass n get caught n face the fine . Cookie Notice please give me some info. However my instagram @chefsean666 and my #hauntednsw hashtag are full of last paranormal investigation n lockdown we had there and other spots . Monte Cristo Homestead, just outside the rural town of Junee, holds a reputation as Australias most haunted private residence, allegedly experiencing hauntings from at least ten ghostly entities. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I heard someone chopping and cutting up vegetables in the little old kitchen and there was a very strong smell of onions in the morning. "You come in they scan your ticket and they give you two blue tickets for the haunted house ." more. He, as legend has it, named the area Manly Cove because of the manly indigenous who greeted him there (probably not true though!!). The only evidence of the past is the continual circulation of old tales and rumours which follows any history. According to the paranormal tale, if motorists were travelling alone she would take control of the car unless ordered to get out. The place is full of asbestos. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Please try again. Today those brave enough can stay overnight or head out on its renowned ghost tour. At both I have definitely had experiences. montreal bypass to new brunswick map; mark bouris byron bay house; are belvita breakfast biscuits good for diabetics; is hello alice grant legit; the squad fs19 mods What are your haunted houses? At this time I wait to see what will happen next. Find out the sale and rental history of 188 the Horsley Drive, Fairfield, NSW 2165 on Property Value Estimator .
UNDER CONTRACT/OFFER. 696 M2 Land with a Neat & Tidy Family Home! Library; Leisure Centres; Hi Kanacki, and my apologies for the very belated reply (and for dragging this thread back up). Your nuts henrytad, I love this ****. We were in Room 12. then a month later we moved to a new house! U guys not believe in ghosts n paranormal n spirits of a tortured tuberculosis hospital . Menu. One of NSWs finest police officers decided life as an undercover agent is no longer for him after some of the states biggest busts. Plus if someone actually knew the house i'm talkin about that'd be greatly appreciated! What are your haunted houses? You can see it on stayz.com. back in that time the Ghost road was a series of track crossing various creeks and swamp land. Hill end the old gold mining town is very haunted old miners still linger from the 1870s . so this is the point were i belive in ghosts and search up any paranormal stuff on my computer. I will try to get a pic next time I'm there. Many spirits are said to haunt the old buildings. Frank please divulge what u mean by u have lived with this for six months? View 11 photos, floorplans, schools and neighbourhood info on Homely. The charming front verandah welcomes you inside, while the generous main lounge is a brilliant showcase of original hardwood flooring.Separate from the lounge is an extensive family room and central dining zone, which then adjoins the original kitchen with classic cabinetry throughout. My mother always taught me to believe in magic, always told me to trust my instincts and always be open to everything my mind, eyes or body felt. will we be able to go there?? The tour guide will make sudden movements, she kicks the bucket in the morgue to scare everyone, she locks you in the steel chambers in the dark then pops through a hole in the wall .. All these things made me roll my eyes, but I couldnt explain & neither could she (the fear in her eyes was real) when I felt someone or something grab at the pocket of my jeans, no one was behind me & to make it even weirder, I was leaning against a wall.. The oldest state in Australia, New South Wales, was the site of the first landing by the British in 1788. 0412 778 855 . and our Success!
horsley drive, fairfield haunted house speaker grill replacement Another place to def check out is a holiday cottage near Oberon, called Brae Lossie. Being told that it was just a nightmare or there is nothing there we are being silly etc. Behind Blair Athol in Campbelltown is Eschol Park a famed old building (where I got married) Eschol Park House lovely function venue but lead up to me picking venues I read and heard rumours of those not yet moved on still being there. I THINK HILL END THE OLD GOLD MINING TOWN 70ks OUTSIDE OF BATHURST DESERVES A MENTION IN 1872 AT THE HEIGHT OF THE GOLD RUSH 139 PEOPLE DIED MOSTLY CHILDREN IN THAT YEAR CHECK OUT THE HOSPITAL NOW THE MUSEUM VERY HAUNTED AND THEY HAVE GHOST TOURS RUN BY THE NPWS. I work there as it is now used mostly by nsw health. from The New York Times: And the bedridden Erica appeared briefly, furiously exhorting Elizabeth to draw. All times AEDT (GMT +11). At the time of his death we had no contact with each other, I only learnt of his death while I was at work having read about it on a Wednesday morning before starting work. I looked up expecting to see someone, but there was nobody there. 533 The Horsley Drive, Fairfield, NSW 2165. From the 1830s to 1984, migrant ships arriving in Sydney with suspected contagious disease stopped inside North Head and off-loaded passengers and crew into quarantine to protect local residents from becoming sick. 109/17-21 The Crescent. We went back in 2016 and the house was no longer available to rent/ stay in. I left voice recorders run all night and actualy heard a man and woman talking about eggs and sugar thi was 18 mins after closing time in the waiting room and the camcorder set up down the corridor captured the same evp and shadow movement at the same location.The boy and the woman were in period clothing her long dress here hair done up. See property value & sold/rent history for 188 The Horsley Drive, Fairfield. The building of Maitland began in 1844, with the official opening and arrival of the first prisoners in 1848. My understanding is that the First Fleet initially sailed into Botany Bay as Captain Cook had said that that was a good harbour. No confirmation about who she was, however two urban legends exist. mysterious unexplained fogs and various cold spots. Find the travel option that best suits you. There have been other incidents there due to ths haunting: fights, quarrels, at least two stabbings, one of them fatal. Hello Everyone, Do ghosts really scare people that much, because Im not scared at all, humans scare me a lot more. For the next 225 years, people lived, and died, in a landscape varied and, at times, harsh and unforgiving. It was just on dusk although there was still a lot of light. Im LordAsmodeus666 most of my stuff is on Instagram where Im @chefsean666 bout 100+ posts on my #hauntednsw tag.
The Horsley Drive , Fairfield NSW 2165 Street Information - Allhomes No one was game enough to take up the offer. Its # 28 bishopsgate st Wickham. Estate. I would like to say that Monte Cristi is not as haunted as people say, and the only cold spot you feel, is your DINNERvery expensive for a night of listening about the owners family problems, cheap stage play acting, grandeur-ing by the current owners who spoke about the Crawley family as if it was the current owners personal pets. $900K Median Sale Price. Not a massive place but it's ####ing trippy. Can you tell me or suggest a place or an area that might be haunted or has some paranormal things going on there? Do you still have an Instagram account we can follow. Msg him even 0412217060. All rights reserved. I later found out that the house on the property was once used as a convalescent home during WW1 and was known to be haunted. So many people treat sances as some sort of party game and it isnt. We just spent New Years at the Royal Hotel, Hill End. Dont miss The Sauce. It is also known as Horsley complex (homestead, outbuildings, garden, farm), Horsley Park, King's Gift and Horsley House. The cheapest way to get from Horsley Park to Fairfield costs only $2, and the quickest way takes just 11 mins. 2. $780,000. Monte Cristo homestead stays at number one for me ! (These are my ways of describing not the actual terminology she used exactly as I had experiences quite young). I backed out very quickly and felt much better instantly. I used to play as a child in Ben Boyds house in Neutral Bay,it was pretty spooky. Completely event free stay last night btw. The first time I saw a full apparition was during the 1990s. It contained an anatomy museum with prosecuted bodies in glass tanks of formaldehyde. I have uploaded all my investigations onto YouTube which i am happy to share. Nightmare Island. It housed some of Sydney's most notorious criminals in intensely overcrowded conditions.
[ Removed by Reddit ] : r/sydney Fairfield 2165. . Several years ago I stayed in what was known as the old post office. Hair. On wakehurst parkway, there was a guy driving along and a girl in a white dress sticks out her hand like she was hitchihiking. Find the travel option that best suits you. I drove out to Queen Vic hospital in mountains bout month ago creepy as f**k out there just the location alone- did Blue Mountains ghost tour THAT was time n creepy experience with Ovilus, EVP, physical presence. In general theres nothing wrong with us exploring these places totally harmless. The property has a land size of 563 and floor size of 102m2. I lived at the Mushroom Tunnel ( as the next door neighbor ) from 1960 until 1985, some 25 years, and it was walled off for some time during this period, at either end, with an entrance door, for complete darkness and the growing of mushrooms. Totally disagree. We also acknowledge all other First Nations Peoples on whose lands we work. During the first night (undisturbed) my husbands cigarette lighter which he had placed in his packet of tobacco went missing. I came across this website and everyones comments today. I always felt like I was being watched whenever I was completely alone and I couldnt get to sleep; when ever I was drifting off to sleep I would suddenly feel really scared and wake up again. I have never left a room so fast in my life.. Port by night ghost tours is run by a guy named Bruce. Listed display price: the price that the agent(s) want displayed on their listed property. artwork by, Raine and Horne Cabramatta/Canley Heights. Hate it- ) I have some photos a Insta buddy took that she doesnt share with many of appirition weird must orbs n shadowy something she shot Give me ur opinion on Picton tunnel? i think my house is haunted, There are graves everywhere. To practice five things under all circumstances constitutes perfect virtue; Hi KANACKI, very sorry to hear you are not well, hopefully by the time you get my response, you are "on the mend". That Chapel too at Monte Cristo. Don't miss out on the headlines from NSW. Little Hartley at the west end of the nsw blue mountains creeeeepy as shamrock inn n courthouse. Taxi. I got a little edgy and teary because to me he had been like me or you a real flesh human I described to my two friends. Walk around to left theres path n roadway go up near the fenced off building walk around it to where theres driveway where cars go in an area ahead have rusty sign facing northward saying bedlam bay- parramatta river regional park next to it is sporting ground area oval / cricket pitch .. Look up on the Hill.. That building is the Old Gladesville Hospital aka Tarban Creek Asylum. Browse properties and real estate for sale in Fairfield (NSW 2165). Any one out there has any background information re the haunted house on The Horsley Drive in Fairfield NSW!!! I never found out what the actual house was though? . A family moves to a small town in California where they plan on starting a new life while running a long-abandoned funeral home. Brilliant old place! 514 The Horsley Drive. People who were officially stamped lunatics because of domestic trouble, religious excitement, love affairs and seduction, nostalgia, sun stroke, overwork and sexual intemperance were here, so it doesnt surprise me that so many are sighted still inside the Asylum, or are searching for their loved ones.