Cricket Media publishes 11 award-winning magazines for children from 6 months to teens, so they have submission options for all kinds of writers of any experience level. But its a great way to begin earning money for your work, which one day will pay the bills. You may submit multiple stories or poems so long as each one is a separate submission. Payment: $100 for flash fiction and $200 for short stories. With that out of the way, I am happy to share with you Fashion Magazines that take Submissions. If you want to submit a story to this interactive online magazine, focus on mystery and adventure stories, as well as fantasy, holiday, sports and animal stories. . The Award Winning Highlights Magazine, is full of educational content filled with Hidden Pictures, Goofus and Gallant, science fun, great stories for young readers, hands-on crafts and activities, jokes and riddles. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. Submit your thrilling story to the address found in the. Fiction and poetry are two of their specialties. Submissions,, We encourage writers to read several recent copies of. Are you looking for magazines that accept freelance submissions? Innovation Magazine invites Engineers and Geoscientists BC registrants to submit project photos and project descriptions for the annual Project Highlights edition, planned for the May/June 2023 edition. Want to write broadly about health and fitness for kids up to 12 across the U.S.? There is a hard cap of five poems or 10 images (art), as well as 7,500 words in prose. Please read the submission guidelines listed below before submitting any content for inclusion. All submissions must be created by you. But while its daunting to submit a story to a publication hearing peoples opinions of your work, eek! The fun, bright faade of this magazine is sure to excite children! Works between 100-5,000 words are considered. Files must be less than 10mb. Fun For Kidz no longer accepts email submissions, so read the. Payment: $10 per page for poetry, $200 for short stories and personal essays. Plus, heres a pro-tip: to strengthen your chance of selection, attach several high-resolution photos with your submission. You never pay for a product you and your child don't absolutely love. Articles need to be less than 2,000 words in length. Send us a photo of your kids making memories with Highlights! So, what have we learned? There are very few requirements for what the Colorado Review is looking for, as long as it's classified as fiction, poetry, or personal essays. View Your Sometime in the last quarter of 2011 I received in the mail a magazine from Highlights Magazine. 2022 Highlights for Children, Inc. All rights reserved. Editors seek excellent, polished writing that creates an engaging story one with no profanity, vulgarity, sex or violence. no "We get about 3,000 Dear Highlights letters a year," Reader Mail coordinator Patty Courtright said. Highlights contains fiction and nonfiction stories, plus puzzles and other activities loved by children. Geared towards ages 2 to 6, it provides the perfect chance to incorporate some one-on-one learning time in your little girl or boy's life. Published three times per year in February, June and October, Spaceports & Spidersilk wants fantasy, sci-fi and shadow stories (spooky, but not terrifying) aimed at readers ages 8-14. Yes! Create. Highlights are three to five (three to four for Cell Press articles) bullet points that help increase the discoverability of your article via search engines. Journal (BLJ) wants to publish quality, unconventional stories for children ages 12 and up from writers of any age. If you fancy yourself a coffee connoisseur, you've most likely heard of Brew Your Own. If you've been previously published, share a few of the highlights. Highlights brand of wholesome fun is built on the philosophy that children become their best selves when they use their creativity and imagination; develop their reading, thinking and reasoning skills; and learn to treat others with respect, kindness and sensitivity. It is published by the National Wildlife Federation, one of the oldest and largest non-profit . Highlights continually accepts submissions via Submittable for work tailored to any of the products listed below. Give us a call at 1-800-821-0115 between 8AM and 9PM EST, Monday through Friday. If you want to cancel a Highlights book club membership, you should call 888-372-6433 and press 2 when prompted. February 2023 Highlights Magazine Survey. You probably know this already but it bears repeating: Plotting, story construction, character development and more are just as important in childrens and YA stories as they are in adult fiction or other genres the standards of success arent any different. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. We do not consider previously published material. CRICKET Magazine for Kids ages 9-14: SPECIAL OFFER. Wed love to see the creative work youve made! Launch your writing career today! They both worked for another children's magazine, Children's Activities, for twelve years before leaving to start . Instead of just a generalized article on the years between 1800 to 1912, writers are encouraged to write on a specific person or event. Motivational and productivity articles are popular, as are mindset, gadget, and methodology pieces. Payment: Between $.15 and $.25 per word; $200 and up for feature-length fiction stories; $150 and up for nonfiction pieces. But dont be afraid to be humorous, or even to surprise editors with romance (that isnt cheesy), limericks or poems in the styles of ghazal and golden shovel. There is a limit to the madness, however. Ages 6+. Sales tax is calculated where required by law based on the delivery address and includes any applicable state and local taxes. By publishing stories, puzzles, articles, and activities that are fun and engaging, we aim to inspire kids to be their best selvescreative, curious, caring, and confident. With over a million readers, Eating Well is all about the good life. For more tips and information of interest to writers, visit Not only does Craft Literary publish works of fiction and nonfiction, but it highlights articles that discuss the craft of writing and how to develop a good story. Jack and Jill accepts full fiction manuscripts of up to 800 words and nonfiction up to 700 words. ), with a sharp, analytical focus on media and popular culture. You can see them here. Payment: $100 per prose, $50 per poem or visual art. Only by confronting the bare-bones of reality do we understand our place in the world. That sentence accurately describes the fiction, nonfiction, and artworks that The Antihumanist is actively seeking. The Rumpus specializes in fiction and poetry but will also accept interviews and book reviews from time to time. Slice Magazine focuses on literary works and accepts submissions for poetry, nonfiction, and short fiction, between 500 and 5,000 words. Pay: Up to $300 per published article. Writers are encouraged to submit for both, and they will also consider topics on history, geography, and exploration. We provide a generous discount for orders of 15 magazine subscriptions or more, sent to the same address. Files must be less than 8 MB. Carve Magazine. Unsolicited manuscripts are their specialty, so if you're interested in getting published in a collegiate magazine without much experience, here's your chance. How long will it take for the magazines to arrive? Past articles are book reviews, personal essays, political commentaries, and cultural critiques up to 3,500 words. Have you been published in one of these magazines that accept freelance submissions? 20 Websites for Finding Paid Writing Gigs, How to Write a Synopsis for Your Book: A Guide for Fiction and Nonfiction Writers, A Complete Guide to Understanding, Obtaining and Using an ISBN for Your Book, Write About Your Furry Friends: 18 Pet Publications That Want Your Stories, Tools, ebooks and courses, all vetted by our team. Highlights was founded in 1946 by Dr. Garry Cleveland Myers and Caroline Clark Myers, and is still owned and run by their family. Can I send a gift subscription to a child in another country? Payment: $75 per poem, $100 per illustrated page, $200 for 12 art images, and $100 for prose. Customer Service. We apologize for any inconvenience. You don't have to be a professional writer to get published in Boulevard magazine. Poems must have fewer than 75 words, and art must be on unlined paper. Abby Review pays for short stories, poems, and screenplays of any genre, as long as the quality of the piece is superb. We love humor and non-rhyming stories and poems. Once youve edited and perfected your childrens story, email and paste it in the body of the email or a Word or Google Doc. Sign in. This magazine may be aimed at children between the ages of six and 12, but writers have to be older than 16. Get inspired to make your best imagery yet. 4. or Best Offer. All it takes is a story to spark imagination. Faces is a children's-oriented magazine (mainly for kids 9 to 14), and publishes flash fiction stories that are less than 800 words. : $100 for flash stories; $250 for short stories. Lilith Magazine welcomes submissions of high-quality, lively writing: reportage, opinion pieces, memoirs, fiction and poetry on subjects of interest to Jewish women . Highlights Hello is a magazine for adults to share with infants and toddlers ages 0-2, with a focus on infants 6-18 months. Our magazine isnt going to destroy the cis-heteronormative, white-supremacist, ableist patriarchy, but we are going to try.. HIGHLIGHTS, HIGH FIVE, HIGH FIVE BILINGE, HIDDEN PICTURES, LET'S GROW, and FUN WITH A PURPOSE are trademarks and copyrights of Highlights for Children, Inc. Payment: $0.03 per word up to $150. To be published in this magazine, submit a fiction or nonfiction story up to 650 words with lively writing and includes an activity thats both wholesome and unusual. Share publication credits and/or awards. no Payment: $150 for art, and $0.05 per written word. Payment: $200 per poem (limit of four poems per submission), $1,000 for short fiction, and online exclusive content is between $100-$200. In fact, it's the. We do not consider previously published material. Read submission guidelines. Writers are in for a treat! "Highlights" is aimed at the pre-reader, at the child who is just beginning to identify and name familiar . Goofus and Gallant Moments. hearing peoples opinions of your work, eek! Or they may upload it at this link: For submissions that require research, please include references, interview transcripts or notes, correspondence with experts, and any other pertinent backup. This magazine is looking for submissions for short fiction, nonfiction, and poetry from writers with a fresh voice and compelling story to share. I test recipes (yum!) PressReader. Highlights is a general-interest magazine for children ages 6-12. Any piece involving werewolves, abuse against women, cannibals, revenge fantasy, and vampires is usually rejected. Extreme judo chokes demonstrated by Gary Goltz #shorts @blackbelt_magazine Download Blackbelt+ now (Google Play Store and App Store): Since 1946, weve reached out to children through, Encouraging a child to discover their best self doesn't require big life changes. Highlights Hello is currently closed to submissions.Manuscripts submitted during this time will be declined without consideration. Accepting of submissions year-round, Balloons Lit. The great thing about Slice is that they use the space to publish emerging and established writers side-by-side. For those who love American history and those who love to write about it Early American Life is right up your alley. Random Issues (2012,2017,2020) Please Read Desc. Note for Young Creators: Writers and artists younger than 16 are invited to share their creative work here only. You never pay for a product you and your child don't absolutely love. Use of this site signifies your agreement to the terms of use. Events Search and Views Navigation Search Enter Keyword. Instead, editors want a good story that entertains and connects with emotions.. : $.08 per word for original fiction of any length and a $20 flat rate for flash fiction. 50% off Puzzle Buzz Clubs and free shipping. On the 21st of each month, Silver Pen Publishing publishes a new series with childrens and YA stories from these genres: fiction, modern, urban or classical fantasy, sci-fi, slipstream, literary, action-adventure and suspense. *Update 4/14/2022: Highlights magazine is currently closed for submissions. Its writer guidelines say readers respond well to texts that delight, intrigue, challenge and inspire them. Since The School Magazines target audience is exploring their identities and craves insights into the world around them, youll do well with a story that reflects the multicultural, diverse society the magazines try to exhibit. Submit your thrilling story to the address found in the writer guidelines. 1,000-7,500 words is the range for consideration, but most published pieces are between 3,000 and 5,000. There's a limit of 3,000-8,000 words, and submission periods are open year-round, except for the summer. Any kind of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry are considered, except for genre fiction. Flash fiction, short stories, and poetry are the main pieces published in Split Lip magazine, provided they have a pop-culture twist. Payment: $100 per story, and $25 per poem. Highlights offers 4 age-appropriate magazines for children of all ages: Highlights Hello for ages 0-2, High Five for ages 2-6, High Five Bilinge (in Spanish and English) for ages 2-6 and Highlights for ages 6-12. A GUIDE FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS National Wildlife Federation, P.O. All genres of fiction are considered in Dragon Soul Press, especially flash fiction (that can be included in anthologies), and micro fiction of less than 100 words. She lives with her husband and dogs in South Carolina. Editors prefer Word format but they also accept PDFs. Learn More. Alternatively, you could call them at 1-888-372-6433 or write to them at Highlights for Children, Customer Service 1800 Watermark Drive PO Box 269 Columbus, OH 4312 For the 3 to 5 age group, submit a story of no more than 800 words; for the 6 to 10 age group, stick to 2,000 words or less. If youre a lengthy writer, youll love this word-limit: 20,000! Win! Highlights reaches children 0-12 with its most popular magazines and books, and on multi-platform digital experiences, digital apps, toys/games, a podcast, YouTube and more. Submissions. 6. When we open submissions again, we will place a notice here. Please Read Desc. Highlights was founded in 1946 by Dr. Garry Cleveland Myers and Caroline Clark Myers, and is still owned and run by their family. By Phone. The horror genre is huge, but The Deadlands fixates purely on works that speculate about death. To learn more specifics about story length, desired (and undesired) story elements and more for each magazine, start with the. For most orders, you can expect to receive your first issue within 3 to 5 weeks. Nonfictionnot so much. Filled with stories, poems, science, crafts, puzzles, jokes, letters, and more. Highlights Magazine offers 6-12 year-olds entertaining content while helping them develop reading, critical thinking, and social skills. Payment: $.02 per word, or $20 per work, whichever is more. Please submit each manuscript only once, to the most appropriate Highlights magazine, keeping in mind the different age ranges. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. The magazine accepts no outside advertising and has no religious or organizational affiliation. : $.02 per word, or $20 per work, whichever is more. They prefer their pieces to be shorter, usually less than 1,500 words. Check it out, and find a magazine you think would fit your style. Highlights was founded in 1946 by Dr. Garry Cleveland Myers and Caroline Clark Myers, and is still owned . To submit a story, images, pitch ideas, illustrations or any other content idea (whether for the print magazine or for digital), write to us at, with your submission, magazine intended for, rsum and a list of your published works. Editors also want a story that can appeal to todays children. That means if you havent been around kids in a while, they suggest you doubly ensure your dialogue and characters are up-to-date and authentic. Theyll know that just like the grown-ups around them , For 75 years, weve been dedicated to helping families raise. Only $3.33 per issue. The Century focuses on first-person narratives that are less than a thousand words. Kids are exceptionally active thinkers. Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed by Highlights. Bedtime stories and memoir performance pieces are two examples, all the way up to a 3,000-word feature article. Highlights, High Five, High Five Bilinge, and Highlights Hello magazines can be sent to the U.S. and Canada. Since there are different types of magazines; from those you can find on the newsstands, to those that are only online, and all in between; and some photographers only like to submit to a certain type, I have taken the time to separate the magazines into groupings so that you can focus on the ones . Edition) with PressReader and enjoy unlimited reading on up to 5 devices. Thank you again for your interest in Highlights and in our Hidden Picturespuzzles. Creative contributions from submitters younger than 16 should be mailed to Highlights, 803 Church Street, Honesdale, PA 18431. Highlights Promo Codes. 01 Mar 2023 20:11:06 Rates for nonfiction magazines are negotiated. Slice is currently closed for submissions, but this nonprofit literary magazine based in New York City publishes fiction, poetry, and personal essays. Your First . Pandemic Pivots: Local Business Owners on How They Adapted to Covid-19 Challenges . Highlights has a circulation of about a million and is published monthly. To submit, scroll up on the Contribute page, then click Contribute and fill out the generated fields. They offer $400 for essays and stories, $150 for pieces of flash fiction, and $100 for poetry. All graphic violence (including sexual violence) will be rejected, as are other hate-centric works. Payment: $75 for articles under 850 words, $100 for articles over 850 words that also have accompanying artwork. Erica Secor earned her Ed.M. Highlights Hello is a magazine for adults to share with infants and toddlers ages 0-2, with a focus on infants 6-18 months. (No people in the photos, please.). These bullet points should capture the novel results of your research as well as new methods that were used during the study (if any). Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and criticism are the types of work that 3AM Magazine is interested in receiving. If you're subscribed to one of our magazines, you can switch your subscription to another one at any time it's free and easy! We also have some printable gift cards online that you can print and personalize for the child. Submit your work! Oxygen is a women's health magazine that features training, workouts, nutrition tips, and other relevant information. Every magazine on this page accepts unsolicited manuscripts, and in most cases, pays (very) handsomely for them. Examples include stories that deal with coming-of-age issues, plus those of identity, friendship and family. To learn more please visit or Surveys. Angling to publish works that are at the intersection of faith and culture, the Belmont Story Review publishes fiction and nonfiction, including poetry. Clickhereto learn more. 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