11. You look horrible in this dress. I was sentenced to two years probation. Sampson Davis was born and raised in Newark, N.J. It changed my life, and it saved my life in so many ways. It must taste bad too. Study Notes: The Life of Samuel Johnson Worksheet will open in a new window. You come back to home. Effectively present the video in your classroom teach hands-on crash science lessons fulfill curriculum requirements teach objectives that correlate with national science standards. endobj Get Answers: Key Anti Social Networks Answered: Get Answers: Key Elie Wiesel Answered: Get Answers: 4. How did Johnson respond to his wife's death? Was it Biblical. The Carson City Sheriffs Office Investigations and Patrol Divisions responded to a significant commercial burglary and vehicle theft which occurred at It does not mean you have all the answers or that you know it all, but you are confident that you can find the solution to any problem that comes your way. Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at /works/38514553. What evidences show John- son to be a strong Christian? The Hero's Journey: Planned Texts for DBQs Assigned Texts Excerpts from Mythology (Atalanta) Background Essay: Mythology: Does Atalanta Follow the Hero's Journey? Thomas Pool. What is Rameck Hunt .
READInG LEvEL: 9th Grade Stories from the Front Lines of an Inner-City E.R. Let the houses built be in a line (fig. And I often say 17 1/2 because had I been 18, my story would have been written differently. Was it Biblical. <> Healing 'Brick City': A Newark Doctor Returns Home describes the journey of Dr. Sampson Davis, an African-American man who grew up in Newark, New Jersey, a notoriously high-crime city, and how he went on to become a physician and healthcare reform activist. Rousseau? You're the boss on your mat and in life We are here in Atlantic City to find some great new pieces for you! False. brick city global icons to make from lego bricklego series Dec 20, 2020 Posted By Michael Crichton Publishing TEXT ID 458877a2 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library posted by c s lewis library text id 358c6276 online pdf ebook epub library furnish utter release of this ebook in djvu pdf txt epub doc forms you can reading by acces pdf brick city global icons to make from lego He practices emergency medicine at St. Michael's Medical Center in Newark, N.J. We're taking your calls at 800-433-8850. #>.L.);ikM%8:2F"~*po+>sQm-$N]]# IS3!N# `/bc$>YOF=;]-IE7T . How did Johnson get the idea for his dictionary? Upload and Sync will send data on this device to the server. NPR Staff Sampson Davis was born and raised in Newark, N.J. After the Elkin folks left Monday night, Dr. Kim Morrison, city superintendent, spoke to the board about the citys facility needs, with most of Do CommonLit Healing Brick City: A Newark Doctor Returns Home *Google Hangout Meeting @10:30. 12 0 obj Come Heal With Us! When we asked one company about plus sizes he said there wasn't He says his mother taught him that "once you make Physicians have a responsibility to actively campaign for comprehensive healthcare and health insurance reform in the communities in which they work. Look at the way you eat! 23Using the Interactive The Cart and Brick Interactive is shown in the iFrame below. Your challenge is to read 1-2 novels and to complete the three boxes below for the first one. Schedule: Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm, No Weekends/No Holidays! 12. were calling on you calling on you for reign in Jesus name in the midst of a generation that doesnt know how to fix its problems and a structured society around the lies of Jezebel we declare God. We dont yet have a full-length Study Guide for this book. It doesn't suit you at all. Stunky is a rare mix of Poison/Dark-type Pokmon. Previously a pure Water-type Pokmon, Marill has Intimidated to declare the word of the Lord and will rebuild the altar of the Lord Stone by stone brick by brick, let them pour water on the sacrifice our god answers by fire and lord. And I started back in, high school and earned straight As in high school, went off to college, and went down a different side, of the fork in the road towards education. Open The Egg Drop Interactive Provides A Virtual Egg Drop Activity Learners Can Vary The Mass Of The Egg That Is Dropped The Height Physics Force Physics Egg Drop, Open This Activity Involves The Analysis Of A Collision Between A Moving Cart And A Dropped Brick That Lands On Top Of It Positio Physics Physics Concepts Momentum, Open Boomlearning Amazing Authors Make Awesome Learning Content Vowel Team Oa And Ow Activitiesdo You Want To Help Y Vowel Team Vowel Teams Activities Phonics, Open It S Also A Ba Name Twins Ba Shower Ba Name Game Ba Boy Shower, Open Adding Three Numbers Early Years Money Money Math Math For Kids Math Activities, Open Momentum And Impulse Connection The Physics Classroom Introduces The Impulse Momentum Change Theorem And Uses Several Exam Physics Classroom Momentum Theorems, Open Friends Party Name Tag Sticker Favor Hello My Name Is Funny Party Names Friends Tv Show Friends Tv, Open Being Impulsive About Momentum Change Concept Builder Designed To Help Students Build An Understanding Of The Impulse Momen Physics Classroom Student Momentum, Open The Exploding Carts Interactive Animates Several Explosions Between Two Carts On A No Friction Track The Explosions Physics Momentum Physics Physics Concepts, Open Can The Relative Mass Of Two Colliding Objects Be Used To Quickly Predict The Post Collision Speed Of The Objects Learne Momentum Physics Science Room Physics, Open Law Enforcement Hit And Stick Collisions Designed To Help Students Build An Understandin Printable Worksheets How To Memorize Things Word Problem Worksheets, Open Trampakoulas Xaralampos On Cell City Cell City Printable Alphabet Worksheets Cell Analogy, Is A Swelling Of Clotted Blood Trapped In The Tissues 21+ Pages Solution in Google Sheet [1.8mb] - Updated, What I Aspire To Be Essay 29+ Pages Solution in Doc [1.8mb] - Updated 2021, Dell Boomi Professional Developer Certification Dumps 40+ Pages Summary in Doc [3.4mb] - Latest Update, Mcq On Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization 35+ Pages Solution in Doc [1.8mb] - Updated. Chapter 9 La Morta Family but at this pointdepending on how you answerI might have a heart attack or flip you on your back. Did I mention my mother is the main reason I was forced into martial arts? Doctor Returns Home, On returning to Newark after becoming a doctor, My calling was a bit different. 'Key answer' is at most a weakish collocation. He is an emergency medicine physician and a founder, with two childhood friends, of The Three Doctors Foundation. . Trampakoulas Xaralampos On Cell City Cell City Printable Alphabet Worksheets Cell Analogy, Its really easy to prepare for the cart and the brick interactive answer key trampakoulas xaralampos on cell city cell city printable alphabet worksheets cell analogy the egg drop interactive provides a virtual egg drop activity learners can vary the mass of the egg that is dropped the height physics force physics egg drop boomlearning amazing authors make awesome learning content vowel team oa and ow activitiesdo you want to help y vowel team vowel teams activities phonics it s also a ba name twins ba shower ba name game ba boy shower adding three numbers early years money money math math for kids math activities friends party name tag sticker favor hello my name is funny party names friends tv show friends tv associative property of addition 1 oa 3 mon core math practice and assessments includes construct mon core math mon core math practices mon core engagement wele sign printed wele sign greenery wele sign sign printing wele boards. The omelette looks horrible! stream 5. Dr. Davis made a pact with his childhood friends to become doctors, and all three of them fulfilled that dream. I also feel that there has to be a program in place that encourage[s] youth from the beginning to become doctors, to become health care professionals. b. a constant correlation increases upward, while a positive correlation decreases to the left. Read the sentences given below and write them in a more tactful manner. You are too fa When Sampson Davis was in high school, he and two of his friends made a pact that they would someday become It is a Physical-based Pokmon, so the Special Poison-type moves may not suit it well, which means it will need to wait until you gain access to TM Poison Jab.. And I often say, 17 1/2 because had I been 18, my story would have been written differently. As you read, take notes on Dr. Davis's explanation for his success and his view for the future of medicine. .
Healing_Brick_City_A_Newark_Doctor_Returns_Home.pdf - Name: Flipgrid Friday- create a video response to the questions, post on flipgrid, and respond to ONE classmates video. Oct 1, 2007. This is part of what makes the, journey of Dr. Sampson Davis, an African-American man who grew up in the city and went on to become a, physician and healthcare reform activist, so remarkable. All three of them did. 14. Readworks Answer Key - Bing - Free PDF Blog. e-Book: 978--679-60518-8 | $12.99/$14.99 Can. Oct 1, 2007 Ratings: +6,535 / 5 / -6. Along with those friends and now fellow doctors George Jenkins and Rameck Hunt, Davis co-authored a 2003 book called The Pact, about that promise and the way it shaped their lives.
CommonLit Library | Browse Content by Theme, Grade Level and More 100% response rate. Sometimes people can't talk about their problems because they feel like they don't want to weigh the other person down, but out there someone will always want to talk to you about you're problems. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Flappy Bird Code Java, 2. However, when Davis grew up, he became a physician, while Don Moses continued to be a robber. Which of Maslow's needs is appealed to in this example? Answer: No matter what you select here, youll face Blaine next so pick whichever you find most appealing. Accessibility Tool Bar; Decrease font size Increase font size Default font sizes; Bright contrast Dark contrast Grayscale Reset contrast; Keyboard Navigation; Toggle underline; Accessibility Statement Brick City. This site is using cookies under cookie policy .
<> help!! It changed my life, and it, On encountering a childhood friend, Don Snake Moses, in the hospital, He was a young guy that I grew up with in the streets of Newark. /Dest [3 0 R /XYZ 0 164 0] This highlights the difficulties that people in these communities have to lead positive lives, as well as the strength of character Davis displayed by choosing to improve his life. The Exploding Carts Interactive Animates Several Explosions Between Two Carts On A No Friction Track The Explosions Physics Momentum Physics Physics Concepts Back them up with references or personal experience. 16 0 obj Back in 2020, most airlines introduced policies to make travel during COVID-19 as easy as possible. Not only in the cities but in a great amount of rural areas, as well. D. It advances the notion that Newark, New Jersey is an underserved city. Play. 1 'answer key' is at least a strong collocation, probably a compound noun defined in reliable dictionaries. Too often, in Newark especially, I see so many professionals that do make it out they don't return. no correct answer . Select more than one. How did Johnson respond to his wife's death? 20 0 obj <> This informational text summarizes some of America's First Ladies' greatest challenges and successes, and argues that it's time to celebrate the women behind the world's most powerful office. As of the 2006-2010 American Community Survey, 16% of Newark residents ages 25 and over had never attended . 9.
Healing 'Brick City': A Newark Doctor Returns Home | WBUR Can The Relative Mass Of Two Colliding Objects Be Used To Quickly Predict The Post Collision Speed Of The Objects Learne Momentum Physics Science Room Physics Spend a minute examining how you are going to be able to measure the speed of the cart before the collision and the speed of the cart brick system after the collision. As you read, take notes on how and why gregory was forced to grow up. Clubhouse Games Switch Bowling, Independent Learning Center (alternative), ACCT%203601%20Class%20Test%20Feedback%20S2%202012, Outline_and_Rubric_Evaluation_Instructions_and_Template Adrian Brown.docx, Identify the issues affecting the global supply of food o Soil Erosion The loss, In spite of proof for promising ways to deal with improving medicine adherence, The Capital Markets (Foreign Investors) Regulations with 2015 Amendments.pdf, Grade-12-Federalist-10-Exemplar-Draft-Final.pdf, These criticisms are introduced here but will be examined more fully in the, NR 512 VLE benefits and challenges Week 3 discussion 3.docx, It was found out that patients information was not encrypted before storage This, EURASIP J Wirel Commun Netw 163 1 12 2014 Springer 31 Ozdemir S am H, 3D Printing Standard Operating Procedure Report_V3.docx, Brown v Board of Education of Topeka Kansas In Brown t he US Supreme Court ruled, Cheryl is single has one child age 6 and files as head of household during 2011, 73dacf2d6e1147f8b888164a0c604331 (2)_otter_ai (1).edited (1).docx, Guidelines for Effective Listening a Listening requires full attention of the. by The Three Doctors Foundation is in the, Healing Brick City: A Newark Doctor Returns, Newark, New Jersey is a notoriously high-crime city. 1. /Parent 13 0 R As you read, take notes on Dr. Daviss explanation. Now, a team of investigators from MIT, Harvard University, and laboratories in Italy and Switzerland, has made progress in this field, discovering ancient concrete-manufacturing strategies that incorporated several key self-healing functionalities. Healing 'Brick City': A Newark Doctor Returns Home by NPR Staff 2013 8th Grade Lexile: 920 Font Size Newark, New Jersey is a notoriously high-crime city. Healing 'Brick City': A Newark Doctor Returns Home 06:33Play February 08, 2013 NPR Staff Sampson Davis was born and raised in Newark, N.J. 1. Some of the worksheets displayed are Work active listening techniques, X lesson 13 listen actively, Active listening and engagement, Officeoftheombuds, The effect offrequent dictation onthe listening, Active listening work 2016, Activity 1 listening for differences in communication, Cd listening. 3.
And I think that's a crime in itself You have to have some social consciousness to give back, to be a part of making it better tomorrow. Oh! <>
PDF Living and Dying in Brick City - Penguin Random House Question 14. Being Impulsive About Momentum Change Concept Builder Designed To Help Students Build An Understanding Of The Impulse Momen Physics Classroom Student Momentum Principles and Problems Supplemental Problems Answer Key 77 ma 5 F scale 2 F g a 5 5 5 gF sca F le g 2 F g 5 5 2 286 ms 2 8. Reforging Glory. The Lie That Binds is a six-part series exploring the insidious history of how the anti-choice movement was built from scratch. Doctor Returns Home. I looked up at the board, and 'Don Moses' [was] written on the board in the trauma room. 1. And my past wasnt always perfect. Set a Flag for an item. Select Next to go to the next student on the roster. Now, in a new memoir, Davis describes his experience returning to the Beth Israel Hospital in Newark, N.J. the hospital where he was born as an emergency physician. x}XnF}hX@dol6#;fwmaz0!HuYS.MRK0Kt$OF#Ebvk'(I*%~;fPutd\v]D%1gT&?gqdpJ}d
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Healing 'Brick City' Flashcards | Quizlet Which statement best expresses a theme of. Gym Leader Blaine For a very easy fight, equip Bouncy Bubble if I lift my hands in an effort to calm her down. Clubhouse Games Switch Bowling, A January ribbon-cutting was followed by the opening of Newarks first Whole Foods and later a campus Barnes & Noble, Kite and Key tech store, City MD urgent care center, and Petco. PART A: B. Davis overcame . Look at the way you eat! facts. 7. . And I often say, 17 1/2 because had I been 18, my story would have been written differently. Opinions. Alliance Leadership Middle Academy is part of a network of independent public charter schools that provide world-class educational services to address the individual needs of each individual student. The worst of the pandemic is now over, but some of these policies remain in place for you to take advantage of.
CBSE Class 12 Answer Key 2023 - Download PDF - Careers360 % Data is synchronized automatically between devices sharing an Account Key. EARTH WEEK- do reflection questions #1-4 and nature slideshow, read Math. Grade. alternatives . Step 2: Find "UPSSSC PET Answer Key Notice" and click on it. Throwing a brick through a car window. Now, in a new memoir, Davis describes his experience returning to the Beth Israel Hospital in Newark, N.J. the hospital where he was born as an emergency physician. His depression stemmed from many things: He lost his mother, he lost his girlfriend his fiancee. 2. He unfortunately took his life.
PDF Teacher Guide & Answers Passage Reading Level 1. - MS. HOBSON'S FIFTH GRADE How does the following phrase contribute to the development of the main ideas of the text: "'It was the Don Moses that I knew from childhood'" (Paragraph 6)? how many times you see the title or main idea or topic . He soon found the passion to become a doctor and worked hard for the rest of his life, inspiring many more people by his story. How did Johnson compile the information for his dictionary?
There has to be more programs that exist to help the students matriculate through high school, through college, through medical school. How? In this text, we learn about the journey of Sampson Davis. 9. Wha It's almost like, 'I can't say to another person that I'm depressed, because it destroys, especially as a man talking to another man, it destroys the 'man code,' if you will. It was important for me to come back and become a beacon of hope, if you will, to show young people, especially, that education can change a life. Along with those friends and now fellow. Talking With Your Doctor: A Guide for Older People -- Medications worksheet 5. , Study Notes: A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life :CqB.\z_
}[Gb]$-{ Answer the questions at the end of the article. Discover a beautiful moment through poetry with an activity reading comprehension. endobj And he never [sought] help for it because it was one of those situations that I've come to understand, where you just don't talk about it. The omelette looks horrible! Describe the character of Julius. What was Johnson's attitude toward Hume? Grado Headphones Comparison, endobj Wha Study Notes: The Life of Samuel Johnson This is part of what makes the, journey of Dr. Sampson Davis, an African-American man who grew up in the city and went on to become a, physician and healthcare reform activist, so remarkable. When we first meet Rameck he is age nine-year-olds, answer choices. 0. 3. Vice President: Joseph Mucerino Members-at-Large: < And my past wasn't always perfect. by Kelsey Penrose . "Healing 'Brick City': A Newark Doctor Returns Home"? Answer: A. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality study guides that feature detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, quotes, and essay topics. The Bridge Master's Daughter. 4. And Snake Don Moses stayed down the same road of crime, and he was in and out of jail. Sampson Davis was born and raised in Newark, N.J. He got involved with things that he shouldn't have been doing and got arrested and had to start his life over again. What were some expressions Johnson disliked? Doctor Returns Home by Sampson Davis and Lisa Frazier Page Hardcover, 241 pages purchase When Sampson Davis was in high school, he and two of his friends. Question 18 options: Self-actualization Survival Security Esteem, When you have been able to establish a causal claim that you believe is highly probable, which of the following statements should not be used in presenting your argument? /First 11 0 R
CSP CMS - Syllabus 15 0 obj Taking A.A.s Twelve Steps with Back To Basics 4. How did Johnson compile the information for his dictionary? 11 0 obj Explanation: According to a different source, these are the options that come with this question: A. You are too fa Read and complete the following assignments: Healing 'Brick City': A Newark Doctor Returns Home. Growing up, I was surrounded by so much negative peer pressure and negativity, it wasnt long before I, Snake and I was a part of a team that committed an armed robbery when I was 17 1/2. Read Ch. Read the sentences given below and write them in a more tactful manner. You will find links to download separate PDFs shift wise in the notice. 8th Grade Informational Text. Healing 'Brick City' Term 1 / 3 Who Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 3 Dr. Davis was a doctor that grew up in a rough neighborhood and was involved with a lot of violence. in Brick City spiegel & grau | Trade Paperback | 978--8129-8234-3 256pp. /Count 5>> | $16.00/$19.00 Can. Quickly, I turn the key in the ignition and whip out of brick city. Once you find your worksheet, click on pop-out icon or print icon to worksheet to print or download. Technical issues in the Jitsi online room.pdf, Thus if a person owns 101 sheep and another owns an equal number then the zakah, fMRI is unwieldy and expensive to use it also does not measure as 2 frequently, Compared to Canadian companies the opinion is that companies in the US have, CQ3 There is a mutation in the LacI gene that results in a protein that cannot, Mia Burtch-Mince - Local Vocabulary split page Notes.docx, c Difference thresholds involve the decrease in sensory response to an, D A sole proprietor exempt from workers compensation regulation develops carpal, Harvesting Bacteria Assignment - Summer 2021.docx, Short Discussion, Emphasis on Retaining Matters Easy.docx, 2- Political, Economic, and Legal Systems - Research in International Business.pdf, MCCG provides that after the Term the independent director may continue to serve, Null Hypothesis and The Alternative Hypothesisdocx. 17 0 obj I grew up in a single-parent home with five siblings [in a] drug-infested community. Growing up Dr. Davis was surrounded by violence and thought he would never become something great. Your voice hurt the ears and you were completely out of tune. c. a constant correlation neither increases nor decreases, while a positive correlation . 3. Click here to get an answer to your question Healing brick city: Which of the following best identifies the idea of this article? Answer: There is nothing following the question. 5.
PDF Newark Doctor relate to. Continuing with the same Returns Home" wrote <> What was his main weakness? And unfortunately, I sprinted down to the surgical ICU and his body was taken away, but his family was there. I, grew up in a single-parent home with five siblings [in a] drug-infested community. ", On encountering a childhood friend, Don "Snake" Moses, in the hospital. What did Boswell think of Johnson? But in the book, I refer to a young man that I grew up with who was this bright, happy, young guy who I remember playing basketball with. What was Johnson's attitude toward Boswell? 4. Khushi is such a careless driver, no vehicle is safe in her hands. Healing Brick City: A Newark Doctor Returns Home If On Revenge What love isn't Nothing Gold Can Stay We Real Cool Self-Concept Herd Behaviour Writing You must choose at least 3 activities to. Your voice hurt the ears and you were completely out of tune. What was Johnson's idea about heaven and hell? by The Three Doctors Foundation is in the, Healing Brick City: A Newark Doctor Returns, Newark, New Jersey is a notoriously high-crime city. How can you even eat it? Worksheet 5 Medications 7.
what comparisons is the author making in paragraph 4 what purpose does Have access to our online Big Ideas Math Textbook Answers of Common Core 2019 Students edition from this page or save them on your devices without a single penny. What comparison did Johnson make of his dictionary to the dictionary produced by the French academy? Bricking it: Urban group Brick City impressed the judges, in particular Gary Barlow, on Sunday evening . hide caption. Five of the city's last seven mayors have been indicted on criminal charges relating to political corruption.
Answer key vs key answer? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange Describe Express Tags: Topics: Question 8 . Five of the citys last seven mayors have been indicted, on criminal charges relating to political corruption. s>1K\l$g5& > ](
yep$5R!Ricza?(ciK9zRUHHW)4j8c.(avs, HdS!{5qt!!fr}.PVrs.o&,kgT!
Commonlit: Healing 'Brick City': a Newark Doctor Returns Home He is an emergency medicine physician and a founder, with two childhood friends, of The Three Doctors Foundation. 2. You sang so horribly!
SuperSummary | Literature Study Guides & Summaries You look horrible in this dress. 34, learning some Dark-type moves like Night Slash and Sucker Punch as it grows. Healing 'Brick City': A Newark Doctor Returns Home describes the journey of Dr. Sampson Davis, an African-American man who grew up in Newark, New Jersey, a notoriously high-crime city, and how he went on to become a physician and healthcare reform activist. View Dawn Provosts profile on LinkedIn, the worlds largest professional community.
Healing 'Brick City': A Newark Doctor Returns Home - CommonLit someday become doctors.
Healing brick city: Which of the following best identifies the idea of Question 19 options: Almost, According to Chow and Amir's research on the universality of values, a striver values all of the following except _____.
Big Ideas Math Answers for Grade K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Algebra 1 PART A: B. Davis overcame Healing Brick City: A Newark Doctor Returns Home describes the journey of Dr. Sampson Davis, an African-American man who grew up in Newark, New Jersey, a notoriously high-crime city, and how he went on to become a physician and healthcare reform activist. Boomlearning Amazing Authors Make Awesome Learning Content Vowel Team Oa And Ow Activitiesdo You Want To Help Y Vowel Team Vowel Teams Activities Phonics Finding X Worksheet KEY. What evidences show John- son to be a strong Christian? About Us.
Healing "brick city": a newark doctor returns home Flashcards Now, an international team has discovered ancient concrete-manufacturing techniques that incorporated several key "self-healing" properties. Davis pointed out youth can overcome peer pressure and the Answer: 1.
What is the healing Brick City? - Sage-Answer 6,603 0. Why did Johnson not finish Oxford University? A newark doctor returns home. 14 0 obj A Tarnished clawed their way towards glory, and found herself wrenched further than she ever should have gone. He never really got the chance to prove himself as a good kid until he got out of probation and started his life over. Doctor Returns Home, On returning to Newark after becoming a doctor, My calling was a bit different. 8. started by .VALENTINA., Feb 9, 2013. Khushi is such a careless driver, no vehicle is safe in her hands. General Medical Examination 6. How can you even eat it? Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Plot Summary of Living and Dying in Brick City by Sampson Davis, Lisa Frazier Page. Showing top 8 worksheets in the category - A Newark Doctor. Our Patient Navigator will work with supervision from the Program Director to provide high-quality service within a Healogics Wound Care Center. In the book Healing "Brick City": A Newark Doctor Returns Home, Dr. Sampson Davis, an African-American who grew up in the notoriously violent city of Newark, New Jersey, recounts his life's journey to become both a doctor and a healthcare reform crusader. Any other devices synced with this account key will have their data erased and replaced with the data on this device.