Step-by-step videos and how-to documents in one convenient location! The Fire Marshal's Office is responsible for coordinating and conducting fire and life safety inspection services for the City of Hayward as well asensuring the consistent regulation of hazardous materials and waste throughout the state. What school community will your family join? For Uniform and Title IX Complaints, please call (510) 723-3857 ext 34102 or 34201 or email us at, Uniform Complaint Administrative Regulations. Pay Fees, Schedule Inspections or login to begin a Permit Luckily, you picked Hayward. You have questions, we have answers. Access Hayward is an online tool that connects you directly to the people, services, and resources that make our city great. It's time to gather the necessary paperwork and complete the application. Process for obtaining a NEW work permit: Mayor Richard Hayward expressed his . Please choose a language below to be translated by Google. See the links below for more information on complaint management, Title IX, and Uniform Complaint Procedures and forms. Check Status Download Application Master Fee Schedule Handouts Fire Department Permit Application 8) Contact the Uniform Dwelling Code inspector for inspections that are needed. Alameda County Department of Environmental Health (ACDEH) 1131 Harbor Bay Parkway. permit applications for drilling ground wells and to pay for fees using credit card. From the peaks of the eastern hills to the city's pristine shoreline, 150,000 people call Hayward home and nearly 65,000 pursue their education in the Heart of the Bay. When you visit our website, you're trying to get something done, like report graffiti, pay your water bill or find out how to get a building permit. Our council-manager form of government combines the strong civic leadership of elected officials with the strong managerial experience of an appointed city manager. This site allows you to apply for a Building permit and view details of Building, Engineering, Fire, and Planning permits. Luckily, you picked Hayward. Please choose a language below to be translated by Google. Answer a few simple questions to register and begin the application process. Question: How long will it take to complete the online registration form? Vea en el margen superior derecho y haga clic donde dice"Select Language". Conditions: Students must have a job lined up before asking for the work permit application. 5) Contact the Zoning Office for a Land Use Application or print one from our website. Hayward, WI 54843. Follow the directions from your high school to complete the enrollment process. You must be participating in all your distance learning courses. 6) Apply for and pay the fee for the Land Use Permit prior to beginning construction. Completed original forms and fees must be turned into City of Hayward for approval. Question:Who should access online registration? if lot contains a Bunkhouse or Temporary Guest Quarters as listed under 4.26 (4) in the Sawyer County Zoning Ordinance. This is a quick and easy way to make a suggestion, compliment a member of our staff or share an idea with us. District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from discrimination and harassment based on race, color, ancestry, national origin, ethnic group identification, immigration status, age, religion, marital or parental status, military or veteran status, pregnancy status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; the perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. Fee and submittal information Applications and fee checks can be submitted by mail or in person. They are very knowledgeable with handling permit applications across multiple cities, counties and states. 510-583-4000info@hayward-ca.gov777 B Street Hayward, CA 94541. Bay East 2023. Position: Substitute Teacher K-12 - We'll cover your Livescan cost. Immunizations required for school enrollment, 24411 Amador Street, Hayward, CA 94544 Box 4944 Diamond Bar CA 91765-0944 Review the General Plan and other City Planning & Zoning Information . A land use permit shall expire twelve (12) months from the date of issuance if no action has begun on the project within that time. Please choose a language below to be translated by Google. To apply for a Engineering, Fire or Planning permit, please refer to their respective webpage. From the peaks of the eastern hills to the city's pristine shoreline, 150,000 people call Hayward home and nearly 65,000 pursue their education in the Heart of the Bay. The listings presented here may or may not be listed . Make changes to the header and footer on the "Edit Header and Footer" tab on the left. Follow the steps on the screen. . Browse All Permits Permit Status Enter your Alameda County home or business address to see what permits are issued (2001 - Present) . Copyright 2023 City of Hayward - All rights reserved, : If you need help scheduling an inspection in the e-Permits Portal, view our, Together for Tennyson - Business Directory, Hayward Housing Element, Climate Action Plan, Safety Element & Environmental Justice Update, E-Permits Help Center & Frequently Asked Questions. In situations where the applicant is requesting that certain zoning restrictions be. Fire Department Permit Application A fire Department permit is required for all new building: Construction Alterations Repairs Demolition Improvements For more information please call 510.583.4920. People throughout the Bay Area and beyond are quickly discovering what makes Hayward such an exceptional place to live, work and play. License App. If you believe you have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying you should immediately contact the school site principal and/or their supervisor. Castro Valley Permit Application | Union City Permit Application | San Leandro Permit Application | Dublin Permit Application | San Ramon Permit Application | Fremont Permit Application | Alameda Permit Application | Pleasanton Permit Application. We want to hear . Plan - Requires Planning Director Approval: Submit online via e-Permits Portal. How can we help? . Beyond all else, we are a service organization, and we are here to serve you, the public. From the peaks of the eastern hills to the city's pristine shoreline, 150,000 people call Hayward home and nearly 65,000 pursue their education in the Heart of the Bay. To check the status of a permit please visit our e-Permits Portal, for all other permits or project information, see below. An application must still be filed with the Zoning Department. Contact the respective Town Clerk. We get that. Request specific service, ask a question or make a suggestion. *For TK-12 grade, follow registration steps 1-4 below. If applicable, a separate "Bunkhouse Sign" (yellow sign) will be required (sign to be placed directly below Residence Fire Number. We're working hard to make the services we provide accessible, understandable and easy to use. The Hayward Unified School District offersall studentsthe opportunity to inquire, explore, learn, and prepare. Fax (510) 581-3145, TITLE IX |BULLYING |UNIFORMCOMPLAINTS| NONDISCRIMINATION POLICIES| TITLE V CCR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT| SEXUAL HARASSMENT POLICIES, Advanced Placement (AP), Honors (H) and Accelerated (Acc), Freshman, Sophomore, Junior & Senior Class Webpages, Class Webpages: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors & Seniors, District Concert Performance/Rehearsal Schedule, College, Career & Financial Aid (overview), Private, Independent & Out of State Colleges, Upload Student Covid-19 Test Results (2022-2023), Subir Resultados de la Prueba COVID-19 del Estudiante (2022-2023), Weekly Test Upload for Unvaccinated Students, Hayward High COVID-19 Vaccination Card Upload. Do you have a child turning five years old between September 2, 2023, and April 2, 2024? Answer: Yes, a valid e-mail address is required to complete the online registration process at home. Please log into your permit below. Does the applicant and property owner acknowledge this requirement? Now you can apply for permits, pay fees online, research permit status, schedule inspections and submit plans electronically at any time and from anywhere by using the Accela Citizen Permit Portal. Step-by-step videos and how-to documents in one convenient location! Our council-manager form of government combines the strong civic leadership of elected officials with the strong managerial experience of an appointed city manager. People throughout the Bay Area and beyond are quickly discovering what makes Hayward such an exceptional place to live, work and play. Short Term . Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Encroachment Permit (Minor and Major) Explosives/Blasting Agent Permits Film Permit Final/Parcel Map Fire Alarm Systems Fire Department Permit Application Fire Permits for Building Construction Fire Safety Inspections Food Sharing Permit Food Vendor Permit (FVP) 1 2 3 next last facilities,dual language immersion programs in Spanish and Mandarin, To obtain a work permit, either the minor alone or the minor and a parent must visit the permit office, taking with them: the minor's birth certificate or other proof of age, the minor's social security card letter from the employer expressing intent to hire, on employer's regular letterhead, describing: job duties, hours of work, Please click on the Citizen Services button on the left followed by the Licensing button on the next page. Find the resources you need here. . Whether you're looking to adopt one of our shelter animals, applying for a new passport or trying to get a pothole fixed, it's a good bet you'll find out how to do it here. On any device & OS. HAYWARD HIGH SCHOOL WORK PERMITS School Year 2021/2022 Requirements for a work permit: In order to receive a work permit, you must have: Minimum GPA of 2.0. District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from discrimination and harassment based on race, color, ancestry, national origin, ethnic group identification, immigration status, age, religion, marital or parental status, military or veteran status, pregnancy status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; the perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. Sign up for a free email account with Google, QUESTION: What if I can't access Campus Online Registration? Online registration is not needed for students who move from 6th to 7th or 8th to 9th. Firearms Permit Initial Application; Firearms Permit Renewal Application; The new forms, which are dated June 2017, provide additional information on the respective application process and requirements, and are available on the Bureau's website. 9.22 Application Procedure An application for a land use permit shall be made to the Zoning Administrator upon forms furnished by the county and shall include the following: 1) Name and address of applicant and property owner. Smoke Alarm & Carbon Monoxide Alarm Certification Form. The Building Division serves Hayward's residents and business community by ensuring that all buildings in the City are safe. (see Sawyer County Shoreland-Wetland Protection Ordinance Section 8.2). Copyright 2023 City of Hayward - All rights reserved, Together for Tennyson - Business Directory, Hayward Housing Element, Climate Action Plan, Safety Element & Environmental Justice Update. Below is a listing of permit application pages by program. Attention: If you need help scheduling an inspection in the e-Permits Portal, view our step-by-step guide and video tutorial in the e-Permits Help Center. Hayward's new online permitting system offers an easy, convenient way to submit permit applications for development projects, add contractors to your project, pay fees, download permits, schedule inspections, check your inspector's estimated time of arrival (ETA), see inspection results, and so much more without ever leaving your home or office. locate your school, Mortgage statement or current property tax bill, Rental property contract, lease or payment receipts with landlords information, Current utility bill (PG&E, water or cable) with name and address, Report Card from the previous school attended. We need everyone's involvement to protect and strengthen Haywards environment. Social Media Results are based on a local search of Hayward, California centered around: Available in Hayward and many surrounding areas such as. Attach site map and payment with application and mail to address below: The Alameda County Public Works Agency, Well Standards Program. Hayward, CA 94544. 1) Except where another section of this ordinance specifically exempts certain types of. Students must renew their work permit in order to continue working beyond the expiration date. We get that. If applicable, a separate "Bunkhouse Sign" (yellow sign) will be required (sign to be placed directly below Residence Fire Number, Contact the Uniform Dwelling Code inspector for inspections that, feet and a Minor Grading Permit may be needed on shoreland property under other circumstances. 5) A permit fee shall be waived for the placement of, or construction of, or alteration of, or addition to any structure whereby the placement contains 100 square feet or less; the structure to be constructed contains 100 square feet or less; or an alteration or addition results in an increase of 100 square feet or less. Use our online "permits engine" to find the permits you need, download related documents and get information about the process. Find the resources you need here. Building Division:(510) 583-4140Fire Prevention:(510) 583-4900Permits: (510) 583-4005Planning Division: (510) 583-4216 | EmailCode Enforcement Division: (510) 583-4143 or contact your code inspector directly or the telephone number shown on the letter you received. 399 Elmhurst Street. A fire Department permit is required for all new building: For more information please call 510.583.4920. No software installation. Get an estimate for local To assure that plans are reviewed for Fire Code requirements, a Fire Department permit is required for all new building. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed. Permits can be purchased online throughout the year. if lot contains a Bunkhouse or Temporary Guest Quarters as listed under 4.26 (4) in the Sawyer County Zoning Ordinance. There are three major permit categories: commercial, residential, and others to include demo, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, and manufactured home. Let's build something great together.Today's Bay Area is arguably the most competitive business environment in the United States. (Please include your address and a detailed description of your request), (510) 583-4216 (Please include your address and a detailed description of your request in your voicemail. Your responses will help us verify your qualifications, flag gaps, and notify you of any action needed to get you certified and started. You have questions, we have answers. When you visit our website, you're trying to get something done, like report graffiti, pay your water bill or find out how to get a building permit. Download the Access Hayward app for your mobile phone. Get on with your day.Chances are, you're not here to hang out. Click "CREATE AN ACCOUNT" to begin. This site is a one-stop shop for the resources you need to go green at home, at work, and in your community. You have determined that you need a permit. Download Application Download the Access Hayward app for your mobile phone. Access Hayward is an online tool that connects you directly to the people, services, and resources that make our city great. Open Data; Access Hayward; . WE ARE CLOSED December 23rd - 30th . 2) If applicable, a separate "Bunkhouse Sign" (yellow sign) will be required (sign to be placed directly below Residence Fire Number and affixed to Bunkhouse or Temporary Guest Quarters structure.) How To Apply For a Building Permit. If your project does not qualify for this general permit, you may apply for an individual permit. Chances are, you're not here to hang out. Chavonna Perkins We need everyone's involvement to protect and strengthen Haywards environment. Thank you for everything you do to keep Hayward great for future generations! Our fax number is (510) 781-6161. To begin the permitting process, submit the "Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operation (MEHKO) - Application / Standard Operating Procedures" application by mail or walk-in along with the permit fee of $696.00. People throughout the Bay Area and beyond are quickly discovering what makes Hayward such an exceptional place to live, work and play. Criteria for Over-the-Counter Plan Review - CDD-0114. Enter keywords related to your permit to find relevant permit forms and processes. This is a quick and easy way to make a suggestion, compliment a member of our staff or share an idea with us. Distributing free food to those in need? 777 B Street. Google Map. Citizen Services Business License holders who have received a renewal notice in the mail are able to renew online. Download the Access Hayward app for your mobile phone. Question: How can I access online registration? We get that. Our council-manager form of government combines the strong civic leadership of elected officials with the strong managerial experience of an appointed city manager. Access Hayward is an online tool and mobile app that connects you directly to the people, services, and resources that make our city work. 3 bd 2 ba 1.2k sqft. Beyond all else, we are a service organization, and we are here to serve you, the public. 503.786.7555. The Hayward Fire Code prohibits the storage of flammable or combustible liquid in aboveground tanks - 60 gallons in capacity or larger, unless approved by the Fire Marshal. 510-583-4000info@hayward-ca.gov777 B Street Hayward, CA 94541. 1633 E St in Hayward, California is a State / County property with construction payment data since 02/06/2023. 2) No land use permit shall be issued for a structure designed or intended for human, use or occupancy before a Fire number, Certified Soil Test, and Sanitary application is filed in the office of the Zoning Administrator. Come to the Career and College Centerduringlunch or before or after school for assistance finding after school and weekend jobs. 3) The Zoning Administrator shall not issue a permit for a structure or a use not in. Preschool registration(except special education preschool)is managed separately. A "business friendly" location isn't enough; you need a partner who shares your goals. A copy of the current fee schedule shall be posted in the office of the Zoning Administrator. This is a quick and easy way to make a suggestion, compliment a member of our staff or share an idea with us. We need everyone's involvement to protect and strengthen Haywards environment. Hayward's new online permitting system offers an easy, convenient way to submit permit applications for development projects, add contractors to your project, pay fees, download permits, schedule inspections, check your inspector's estimated time of arrival (ETA), see inspection results, and so much more without ever leaving your home or office. annual permit is required to conduct a spraying or dipping operation that uses flammable or combustible liquids or the application of combustible powders. College & Career Advisor, 1633 East Avenue Eligible for group benefits plans including medical, dental, vision, life . The following is quoted from the Sawyer County Zoning Ordinance: - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. In order to Renew your permit, please complete google form here. If you believe you have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying you should immediately contact the school site principal and/or their supervisor. Please choose a language below to be translated by Google. prior to building permit issuance for JADUs. Use Access Hayward to make sure your question is routed to the right person and handled properly by our team. Ensuring your building permit Hayward application is successful, call on the professionals to help with your application process for installation, alteration, extensions or repairs. Let's build something great together.Today's Bay Area is arguably the most competitive business environment in the United States. City of Hayward, CA is now hiring a Program Aide - Animal Care ($16.73/hour - $21.49/hour) in Hayward, CA. We want to hear from you! waived in order to provide equal housing opportunities, or access to public accommodations, for a handicapped or disabled person: The nature of the handicap or disability. Inter-District transfer permits are used to allow students to attend school OUTSIDE of their district of residence (HUSDBoard Policy 5117). FAX: 510-782-1939. Use Access Hayward to make sure your question is routed to the right person and handled properly by our team. Step-by-step videos and how-to documents in one convenient location! To receive a construction water meter permit, the City requires that you have a City business license, the location of the hydrant and a backflow device. We want to hear from you! If you need fact sheets or guidance documents, you can find them in the NHDES Publications Library. Contractors with an Alameda Business License may apply online for over-the-counter or trade permits. Find out more about fire safety & hazardous materials . These permits do not require the submission of drawings of supporting documents. Building permit types not available online via our Citizen Access Portal are processed via a visit to the Permit Center. Students will move to the school based on your current address. Please . Permits are processed accurately and timely . Adopted local amendments to the code can be found here . Get an estimate by email, text or phone from local experts. For Uniform and Title IX Complaints, please call (510) 723-3857 ext 34102 or 34201 or email us at Step-by-step videos and how-to documents in one convenient location! Families enrolling students in TK-8th grade or Special Education Preschool will receive a phone call attheir scheduled appointment time to complete the enrollment process. A copy of the current fee schedule shall be posted in the office of the Zoning Administrator. Visit Submit Payment Excess flow valves Use Access Hayward to make sure your question is routed to the right person and handled properly by our team. Their staff is friendly, professional and efficient. Copyright 2023 City of Hayward - All rights reserved, Together for Tennyson - Business Directory, Hayward Housing Element, Climate Action Plan, Safety Element & Environmental Justice Update. See the links below for more information on complaint management, Title IX, and Uniform Complaint Procedures and forms. City of Altamont Utility Superintendent Brad Myers and the Vision Utilities foreman had a previous meeting on some issues with the work that had been done already. From the peaks of the eastern hills to the city's pristine shoreline, 150,000 people call Hayward home and nearly 65,000 pursue their education in the Heart of the Bay. Download the Access Hayward app for your mobile phone. The Wealth Relationship Mgmt. BROWSE CITY OF HAYWARD (CA) FORMS. This information is being provided by the Bay East MLS, or CCAR MLS, or bridgeMLS. checkmark(s) I have placed next to the applicable item(s) (Section 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement The foregoing application in hereby approved and permit issued by the permitting Authority subject to full compliance by the Applicant with all provisions and conditions stated in the Utility Accommodations Policy of the above-named county including the Indemnification as included in 96.03 of the WCHA Utility The student must have at least a 2.0 GPA Grade Point Average or approval from their school Principal if lower than a 2.00 for permit approval. Thank you for everything you do to keep Hayward great for future generations! A copy of the HUSD Uniform Complaint Board Policyalong with theUniform Complaint Administrative Regulationsand theHUSD non-discrimination policyare available, free of charge, upon request. Development ActivityProjects Under Environmental ReviewHayward Web MapPlanning DocumentsAccessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) Senate Bill 9 (SB9). This posting may close at any time. Click HERE to learn more about the transfer process, QUESTION: Do I need an email address to access online registration? Employer information obtain Employer signature, Parent or legal guardian name and signature, Email completed form to Ms. Perkins at 510-583-4000info@hayward-ca.gov777 B Street Hayward, CA 94541. 510-583-4000info@hayward-ca.gov777 B Street Hayward, CA 94541. 4) The fee for filing applications for land use permits shall be established by the CountyZoning Committee. Stay informed about what's happening in your neighborhood and around town. 7) Town permits may also be required. Master Fee Schedule, 510-583-4000info@hayward-ca.gov777 B Street Hayward, CA 94541. Question: What happens after I submit my online registration? Make changes to the header and footer on the "Edit Header and Footer" tab on the left. 2) No land use permit shall be issued for a structure designed or intended for humanuse or occupancy before a Fire number, Certified Soil Test, and Sanitary application is filed in the office of the Zoning Administrator. Updated February 2023 ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT CHECKLIST - SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Development Service Department 777 B Street Hayward, CA 94541 Yes N/A No 11. Phone (510) 723-3170 Permit Application and Review Applicants can obtain a Permit Application (PDF) and other informational documents from this website or the County's Application and Permit Center located at: 30 Muir Road Martinez, CA 94553 Applicants may visit the Permit Portal or contact the Application and Permit Center at (925) 374-2136 or by email. 1. Owners of property in the Town of Spider Lake obtain Sanitary Permits and Emergency 911 number applications from the Sawyer County Zoning administration.