Hi Shannon, well thats encouraging. Otherwise if not, you go in thru the back of the motor, remove the capacitor bracket to drop the cap out of the way, so you can slip a 7/16 wrench on the slotted back 1/2 of the shaft, and work it back and forth for 30 seconds to break the rust. Went out today to find the lower plastic shroud melting again? If all is good, there is a possibility that the breaker or GFCI outlet is bad. So,as a first step to see if the power outlet is broken or not, I tried to charge my cellphone to the power outlet and it is charging. I have a Haywood swim pro voyager and it is making a loud vibration noise. if the motor is generating too much heat, this temp sensor will trip and shut off the pump. You dont need a seal plate kit you can just use the shaft seal SPX1600Z2. The Inspect Cell LED (only) flashes or stays on when: The Check Salt & Inspect Cell LEDs flash together when: The Check Salt & Inspect Cell LEDs will stay ON when: Step 1: Check your system to confirm that you have programmed the correct cell size. So, when a pump is surging or pulsing, and not getting up to full head it is either starved for water, because of closed incoming valves, or too big of a pump for too small inlet pipes or because of air being pulled into the pump from air leaks or low water level in pool or from some obstruction in the lines, pipes or valves, a clog or something broken off I have found a Drain King useful in diagnosing such things, find at a hardware store, the 1.5-2 model, and connect to a garden hose, to pressurize pool systems and pipes, to look for leaks, or used as a water hammer to force clogs out, back the other way. Motors have a thermal overload switch (in the rear of the motor, top-dead-center, at 12:00). American Freight San Antonio, We were cleaning our pool filter one day and went to restart the pump and it didnt. It runs fine but no strong circulation. The pump will draw air in if it can it is easier than pumping water, or the path of least resistance. We hope these charts help solve your Hayward pool heater problems. As soon as I hook it up and it starts pumping water the pump slows down and struggles, the sound is very noticeable. We had this issue with our older Hayward pump near the end of its life, but it would throw the breaker every time we tried to start the pump near the end of the summer last year. It looks old and Im thinking about replacing it. It could also be due to the air intake, or the filter pressure, Water around the base, check the motor bolts or seal plate clamp for tightness on the seal plate o-ring, and check drain plugs for tightness, but most likely its coming from around the outlet pipe, and dripping down to the base, or from the shaft seal, which leaks directly mid bottom, where motor connects. Plate appeared to be good. I would recommend getting a plug-in timeclock so you dont need to plug/unplug it all the time. Im really uncertain exactly how to even look for a solution to my problem. FYI I moved the voltage selector to 115. Hi Steve, this can be from reduced flow, like a VS pump running on low speed, and some water vaporizing into steam. As I started to prep for this season, I did notice that the positive and negative electrical terminals on the 3 prong cord were corroded and loose. Theory and practice | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Fitness View More. Good luck! Also check that no wires are touching any metal, and check for any bare/scraped wires. To reset your average salt level, turn the unit to OFF and then back to AUTO. Is this the problem and should I get i checked or just replace it? Thank you for the quick response. Plunger was a good idea, a Drain King can also be used, from the pump, to blow debris back to the skimmer. Hi, we just installed a new AquaRite unit and it has been running for 48 hrs The salt level is 3100 ppm (pool store also confirmed and tested the water, no issues detected with the water). "url": "https://x1.adis.ws/v1/media/graphics/i/lesl/its-logo-wide"
Dont know how to fix this. Hi Scott, if the cracked case seal has any possibility of letting water in, maybe you can silicone it to seal it up. So, that leads me to the hose having splits, and drawing air in from a few small slits or holes in the hose, or else the hose is crimping due to the strong suction of the pump. Kept indoors all off season. If the voltage between the orange and black is not 12VAC, you need to replace the rectifier or the board. I spent 1 hour one one bolt alone. Thanks A. Ray Davis Hope that helps! Is it plug and play? Hi! If it does make a humming or buzzing sound briefly and trips the breaker, check that the shaft rotates the impeller freely, and if so, replacing the capacitor is usually the fix. are red velvet ants dangerous to dogs stone county, mississippi mugshots disney half marathon 2023 crooked house (2008 trailer) When iturned it back on, it ran for a few seconds, sounded funny, then shut off. I have a Hayward SP2610X15 Super Pump 1.5-HP Max-Rated Single-Speed Pool Pump, new pump started up fine after primed strated to click on and off. Humming noise is usually associated with a bad capacitor, a black cylinder at 9 oclock in the rear of the motor. I even tried another new housing gasket and it still leaks. What can I do? Hi Tim, when the windings in a motor are shorted, the motor is pretty much dead, they arent rewound anymore, like in the old days. The last one lasted about 3 years. I only rotated the one piece how can the screws not go right back in? We have parts for the Super pump. Two going bad? I Manually turned the shaft (which was not turning freely), while the motor was humming. I have a S-210 Hayward pool pump and it started spitting sand so I bought a Folding Umbrella Lateral Holder AssY when I dumped the sand out I think 2 of them were broken for a couple of months it seems sand has been dumping in the pool thats why I bought the lateral. The pump will always start in high speed, and stay in high speed for a few minutes after starting, to ensure full prime. After reinstalling, give it the full charge of DE powder, plus a little extra. I suspect a loose wire, or mis-wiring or other simple fix. Wait for the relay to click (5 to 10 seconds). If the spa is draining while in spa mode, it must be sending some water back to the pool, either the valve is not closing all the way, allowing some water to return to the pool. After I moved in a year ago. Home / Pool Equipment / Pool Heaters & Heat Pumps / Hayward Pool Heater Troubleshooting Hayward Pool Heater Troubleshooting September 24, 2019 March 3, 2023 Mark Garcia I have a Hayward pro series filter and Hayward pump. Round about 1990 the original AG pump and filter were replaced with used Hayward IG equipment. Our variable speed Hayward pump, when not running on highest speed, keeps resulting in FLO errors. Then timer 2 comes on at 3:30 at 2250 rpms, but recently (last 3 mornings) when the second timer at the higher rpms comes on it does not prime and just runs without circulation water through the system. For the leaking underneath, that sounds like the shaft seal SPX1600Z2 or it could be leaking around the plumbing fitting threads, where water exits the pump, and is running down the side of the pump and dripping off the bottom. I have to say Ive never touched it before during almost 6-years of normal operation. Just to let you know, the pump is in a well ventilated shed with nothing else around it. I turned the gas off to it. Hayward AquaTrol HP Main PCB | GLX-PCB-TROL-HP - Pool Supply Unlimited Enzyme treatment to the pool can remove oils (if the sand seems oily), and Stain & Scale chemicals can tie up minerals like calcium (if the sand seems crusty). Hi Mark, in looking at the owners manual https://www.intheswim.com/images/PDFs/E1964-Manual.pdf perhaps there is a minimum speed setting that is set to high, or the programming Day/Time/Speed is set up to permit high speed only? That is usually what causes the rattle. Sometimes its the filter that is drawing in air, thru the air bleeder or clamp band or bulkhead, which causes the filter to drain out through the pump, and back to the pool. I just have a problem with the motor pump, I turn ON Saturday morning and left all day working, On Sunday morning I try to turn on the pump but it only make a noise but water dont flow then it stop working, then on Monday do the same thing it only make noise for 3 minutes then it stop working. The outer walls become thin, allowing the pipe to crimp but only under high vacuum pressure, otherwise seems normal. Replacement for Hayward T-Cell-15. (Yes, literally now.). I put my old AO Smith original bearing screaming unit in FULLY primes pushes all the air out runs fine. Any suggestions? You can only compare 4 products at a time. Air leaks can occur over time, the most often areas are a loose pump lid, unlubed pump lid oring, or my favorite, the loose threaded fitting that brings water into the pump. 4. inspect capacitor, usually mounted at 9 oclock, for signs of leaking, bulging, cracking "contentUrl": "https://x1.adis.ws/v1/media/graphics/i/lesl/its-logo-wide",
Troubleshooting Your Hayward Aqua Rite System - http://bit.ly/2RC8myGHayward AquaRite Parts - http://bit.ly/2NPGXbjHow To Clean a Hayward AquaRite Turbo Cell. Step 2: Press Diagnostics button 5 times to display the Instant Salt level. What do I need to do to fix this? Checked to see that there was no short in the wire with an ohms meter . The LED light should go out. It seems the pump is more powerful than last year ? I can see the water trickling in to the filter after a while, and the output becomes very limited. Flip the switch opposite, and you should be all set. You could also use a Hayward 24 sand filter, item E3324. If you have an intermatic clock (big yellow dial), there are a series of gears behind the dial, that all need to be engaged. presto, all working good! Stackable Rose Gold Wedding Bands, The salt level is 2300 ppm or less and no chlorine is generating. Flipped the timer on, water shot up about 10 feet and went all over me and the timer and the breaker blew. Maybe the breaker is loose on the bar, or perhaps insects shorting it. I have a Hayward Perflex DE filter brand new last year. Look for a clogged pump impeller, clogged basket, or other obstruction before the filter, or an air leak in front of the pump, or a broken pressure gauge, but the seal should not be related, unless it was literally gushing gallons of water. When I then switch the pump breaker off and then back on again it springs into life (every time). Do you feel my capacitor is going bad or my motor? So in actuality the pump is only being used 4 months a year for 8 hours a day. Please remove additional products. Intermittently meaning it could run for days then trip, I could reset the breaker and have it trip again within a few hours, or it could run for days. the pop may have been the capacitor blowing, its a black cylinder located at 9 oclock in the rear of the motor. If youre correct that theres a problem with the internal bypass, what should I do? It had a non Hayward motor installed before. Is this a new or older installation? With the information explained in this comprehensive troubleshooting guide, you can diagnose and repair your Hayward single speed or variable speed pool pump with ease! Hi Jim, as I like to say, the problem lies, where the power dies. Seems like filter is dirty , so I bumped it several times (once with motor on to really force water through) that usually does it. Replumb your flow switch if it does not meet the distance requirements. Power on LED is intermittently on or off. Seems to take away the point of getting a variable speed pump if we have to run it on high all the time. "url": "https://x1.adis.ws/v1/media/graphics/i/lesl/its-logo-wide",
After the click, immediately push the diagnostic button 5 times to begin the recalibration stage. Is this normal or is there a malfunction? Is this the proper way to wire this salt water panel or does it also have to have a cable going into N0-2? The problem lies where the power dies! any advise would be appreciated . "url": "https://blog.intheswim.com/"
The pump is working great but concerned about the hot cord. Would this make the breaker flip? All cords are fine. When you see a quick spurt or spray of water when the pump shuts off, this is an area where air is entering the system, and causing priming problems. He said its drawing 58 amps. Now if its not an air leak, surging can also be caused by a clog in the pipe, usually a solid object like a golf ball, getting sucked back and forth in the pipe. I would look on the capacitor and order a new one online, with the same MFD number, or call some local electric motor repair shop and see if they have one available. Getting air in basket, changed gasket with lube still have the same issue. I have a Hayward pool pump/filter, model SP3220EE. Step 3: Double check the wires on the flow switch for damage. If they are tight, pull out the cartridge and drain the tank whatever it is may be laying in the bottom of the tank. Hi Sara, could the sound be the gas whistling thru the burner orifices? which can clog the tiny gears, or wire issues, burned spots or chewed wires (ants). Excuse my ignorance, but what could be the problem? Mt Tercer nivel ( dos elevadores ) 3 recamaras, Depto: 4 recamaras Salita de visitas Salita de TV 2, Diseado por travel organiser personalised. No power not even a humming. What happens if too much air gets in before the high speed kicks in? Lubricating the lid o-ring regularly will help improve the seal. Check in morning and basket is half full with water trickling in basket. It is plugged into a gfi outlet. I wonder if the lines are clogged or a pipe is partially collapsed. Maybe the GFCI button tripped? The Tristar VS would be a good choice and easy to plumb, since its the same pump. Next, check continuity from lead to lead. Your 1 hp Hayward Superpump can pump 75 gallons per minute, which is too much flow for most AG pool filters. Please note: The majority of our literature and brochures are in English only. I have it set on a timer and when the pump comes on the flow rate is good but as the day goes on it becomes less and less. Are I on the right track? Culligan Compatible TFM-36-A Aqua Cleer - 01-0074-02 Reverse Osmosis Check fan and shroud for blockage. Automatic reset is 60 minutes. Full membership to the IDM is for researchers who are fully committed to conducting their research in the IDM, preferably accommodated in the IDM complex, for 5 Fitness View More.