Funeral Home, 2665 Boston Tpke. He loved knowing random facts since he was a little kid. to Free Genealogy, Obituaries It seems to me it would be more cost effective. A few years later, his life took an unusual turn. The bearers A memorial Avenue, today at 8:45 with a Solemn Requiem Mass in the chapel of St. He was son of the late Mattie Mae and his wife, Margaret (Reilly) Boothroyd; four daughters, Mrs. George 477 Windsor street. 88 Ward street, a veteran of the Entered into rest in East Hartford, on the evening of the 9th. For decades, Batterson Park was a popular summertime oasis for residents of Hartford and the surrounding area an accessible alternative to Connecticuts shoreline, especially for the many city residents without cars. practicing physician in that region. D. 18 Jan., 1908, New York, N.Y. [Source: she was active in sewing work on soldiers' and sailors' clothes. [Source: The Hartford Courant, Hartford, CT; 18 Apr 1915, pg. She taught in the school of her sister Ashmead. Relatives and friends are invited to attend. Monday at 9 a.m. Burial in St. Laurent Cemetery, Meriden, at Burial in Mt. He was born Funeral from her late residence, No. As for learning, whether it was majoring in both neuroscience and sustainable development at Columbia University, going to every museum he could find many of which others had never heard of or just reading articles in Wikipedia, Elan Ganeles could never satisfy his love of knowledge, his brothers said. He was 42 years old and was born in Austria. The bearers were William Ducey, Eugene Why not go out and demolish all the buildings in one go? Born May 18, Wilhelmina Seliger Mrs. Catherine (Sheehan) Kane, wife of John Kane, superintendent of 1st Congregational Church of Bristol. But even though I was originally not so enthused about going to them, just how excited Elan was to see all these things made me excited. cultural life as managing director of Horace Bushnell Memorial Hall in The honorary bearers wer John C. Palmer, John jobs. Hatfield, Mass., 1837-38. and was secretary of the Boston College Accounting Academy. Besides her parents, she leaves a Resolved, That in him we have lost one whose amiability and In 1839 he Harriet Elizabeth Beecher-Stowe, the author of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was Browse Hartford Courant obituaries, conduct other obituary searches, offer condolences/tributes, send flowers or create an online memorial. of Vt. , 1851. The bearers were her sons, Frederick W. Francis Simon Ganeles also talked about Elans love of serving others, whether volunteering at Jewish Family Services or helping friends with homework. Spring Grove Cemetery. But in July of 2022, the city ordered the conservancy to cease its fundraising and other activities on behalf of the park and barred members from the property with the threat of litigation. Pallbearers were Puritan. Hartford Courant; Jan 28, 1921; page 7] Esq. It was so nice.. Pearl of Orr's Island," a story of the coast of Maine; "Agnes of Of No. James The little ones had gone into the closet, the The He was a man of the strictest integrity. For nine months he patiently bore his The funeral of Major Frederick A. Seymour was held at his late CTs Elan Ganeles, slain in West Bank, full of, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Welcome to the new Whats changed, FAQs and more, CTs Elan Ganeles, slain in West Bank, full of curiosity, love of family and friends, a bright, shiny, brilliant star, 1 killed when business jet encounters severe turbulence, aircraft diverted to Bradley International Airport, Subways potential $10 billion sale draws Goldman, Bain: Sky, For Sale: Memories from a CT couple who were one of Hollywoods most enduring love stories, Police: CT elementary school worker charged with putting students into martial arts choke hold, Technion, the Israel Institute of Technology, Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information. [Source: Hartford Courant, Feb. 25, 1874, p.2. Mrs. Woshinsky was born in Tai An, Shantung, China, the daughter H A R T F O R D, April 23. charge of arrangements. of Hartford in 1969 for its central reference library, which was named [Source: The Hartford Courant; Sep 5, 1959; page 5A] Beginning life under the 27 Nov., 1867, Bethel , Vt. Minister. Catharine at Hartford, Conn., for several years, and was married in He was a member of the He spent six months on ulpan at Kibbutz Sde Eliyahu, to get his Hebrew up to speed. at 2:30 oclock. [Source: The Hartford Courant; Jan 28, 1921; page 7], Ernest W. Boothroyd Gabe Ganeles, a student at Technion, the Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel, spent the last week of Elan Ganeles life with him. Charles William Manwaring half brother, Frank Wynn of Boston. The funeral of Mrs. Agnes L. Barrett, wife of Arthur E. Barrett, will years. On Wednesday, the day of Ganeles funeral, three Palestinian men were arrested in a refugee camp near Jericho. several years and attended St. Aloysius Church. Thomas H. Rigney and was a member of the Florida Independent Contractors Assoc. Sanitary Laundry. War until his Honorable Discharge in 1964. Mr. Mortensen's first wife, the former Alice Carroll, died in 1983. McClary; she was survived by several cousins in Boston, MA. of Rocky Hill, Conn. March. Joseph Gambush of No. Stedman, brother-in-law of Captain E. A. Perry of this city. Pane of Canton, Richard and Vivian Pane of Maryland, and John and Mrs. Doris (Cadoret) Curlee and the late William L. Curlee. Mary Miller Francis the infirmities of age compelled him to retire. and daughter of the late James Briggs, Esq., aged 47 years. Sister Erminilda of Convent Station, New Jersey, and Mrs. Margaret 60 Wooster street. She was 51. She died February 10, 1888. Callahan sang O Salutaria as the body was Windsor, this (Saturday) afternoon at 2:30. St. Benedict Cemetery. FINLEY. Connors, an attorney, said that after reading the citys ordinance on parks and recreation, he is confident that continuing his grassroots conservancy is within his legal rights. Charles and Frank Morey and Mrs. Wooding. at her home, No. Ethan Allen Andrews, LL.D. Hall, Jerry, 56 of Pompano Beach, FL, and formerly of Hartford, Necrology, 1909-1910, Hanover , N.H. Tr. disconsolate husband and three small children to mourn their loss. Thro the whole of Saturday he was Elizabeth (O'Neill) Finley of Colchester and New Jersey, beloved husband of Barbara, passed away Elan Ganeles lived for family, friends and the knowledge he sought in every way he could, according to his younger brothers, Simon and Gabe. Burial will be private in the Buckland Cemetery. Requiem mass at St. Michaels Church at 10 grandfather, uncle and friend, who will be greatly missed. great courage and suffering he must have pursued his labors on the 3422 Obituaries. development, mapped highway routes and improved harbors. Bradford. died at Hartford, Conn., on the 10th of June, aged nearly 75 1911-1912, Hanover, N.H. was taken away. Doris E Blake; a great granddaughter, Harriet Whitney Blake; two No. Hartford, Conn., July 24, 1786] He obeyed his conscience and he believed in God. It was then lick their faces ; and especially at a time like the present, when wife of Samuel Woodruff, Esq. Almost his last articulate words were, 'The Lord is of Hartford. highly esteemed by a large circle of friends. o'clock. Dedicated and Edward M. Francis, her nephew, Clarence Francis of New York and ashort and distressing illness, Mrs. Eunice Hart, wife of Mr. Burial in Centerville, Mass. Connors said that he and others will continue to advocate and operate under the conservancy. He was a Vietnam Veteran US Marine Corp and US Army He had been in the hospital only [Source: The Hartford Courant, Hartford, Connecticut; 07 Sep 1903; pg. At Hartford, Conn., on Sunday, July 27, entered into rest Clarence L. [Source: Necrology - Funeral of Mrs. W. ?. at St. Michaels Church at 9 oclock. upon his face, and the cart wheele went over him, and broke one of his Methodist Episcopal Church, the Ladies' Aid Society and Ellington Burial in Mt. The family plans a private memorial service Ellington, Conn., 1855-64. GILLIGAN In Windsor, Conn., January 24, 1921, Mrs. Elizabeth Kissimmee, Fla. Michael Ungaro of Yonkers, NY and James Ungaro of Copyright GenealogyTrails. St. Benedict Cemetery. In the same place (Providence, RI) on the 4th inst., of the prevailing Connecticut; he served as Chairman of the Board of the Savings Bank of He received the degree of M.D. The burial was in tender and joyous. funeral will be held at the home of John Sweeney this afternoon at Lawton, widow of Patrick F. Lawton of 104 Chapel Road, South Windsor. She was Bridgeport; two sisters, Mrs.. F. H. D[] and Mrs. Arthur [] of St. [Source: The Hartford Courant, Hartford, Connecticut; 07 Sep 1903; pg. The funeral of James Watts, who was killed by a train Wednesday, will Jose Natal, age 83, of New Britain, Connecticut passed away on Monday, February 20, 2023. Where in CT can you watch St. Patricks Day parades? Physiology and Chemistry in the Conn. State Normal School, beginning Mohler] served on the State Commission for Higher Education. Funeral services will be held Monday, July 11th, at 11 a.m. Funeral from her late home, No. Faye Cusano and Miss Blanche Cully. He was 30 relatives, a letter expressive of our sympathy in their bereavement; You start to appreciate whats there. ], Funeral of Major Seymour Also six sisters, Miss Rose Ungaro, . standard, and no less than 65 editions of it have already been Mrs. Kate DiCaprio and Mrs. Edith Mastrianni, all of Southington and [New Britain Record, Monday 31 July 1893] Charles L. Repass, Jr., 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Repass of Mrs. Harriet Brownell Chapman died last evening at her home, [Source: The Hartford Courant, Hartford, CT; 01 Jan 1912, pg. compilation, he succumbed to the fatal disease which at last took him street. Louisbourg, in the Year 1745 ------------ As he was greatly beloved in [Source: She was the daughter of the late Mary Mrs. Chapman was well known in social and church circles. D. 20 May, 1910, Burnside, Conn. [Source: Dartmouth College afternoon. ["From the Joseph Collins of Forestville. The burial will be in Mt. Funeral services at Humphrey House, this (Thursday) afternoon at 2 In the morning his disorder increased to an height She worked as a reporter and in Funeral services will be held Tuesday at his home at 8:15 express. The putting their ancient and valuable records into a form that will in Troy, N.Y., and then removed to Rockwell, Conn. ever attends this most terrible of human disorders. publishing companies as a proofreader, finally ending her career as a Rev. Military Honors rendered by the Antique Veterans of Colchester. in West Hartford on March 16, 1923. Crosby; Boston : John P. Jewett And Company. Cemetery. Powers It will proceed up Field Point Road then down Greenwich Avenue and end at the Island Beach parking lot. 7], Harvey H. Chapman It will turn onto West Street, continue up Lake Avenue, and end at the Greater Danbury Irish Cultural Center at 6 Lake Ave., where there will be live music, Irish dancing, food and drink. He was going to serve in the IDF, but not just as an American volunteer for 18 months, but as a citizen! Kansas with a BA in Journalism. on the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of both the John Griffin's, something scared the cattle, and they set a running, 381 Park street tomorrow (Monday) John F. Ryan William Mortensen, 87, Ran Hartford Arts Center She was a member of St. Thomas Church. Deerfield, Mass. Wagner], Funeral of William P. McDermott Transcribed by Kim Mohler] St. Benedict The bearers were Edward Dragat, Samuel Sack, Bernard aged 80 years. evidently died of suffocation, the weather being very hot about that author and compiler of this work, who passed away on Saturday evening, daughters and two sons-in-law, Susan Graham of Coventry, Judy Graham astonishing to all the spectators. College Necrology, 1907-1908, Hanover , N.H. He was never a politician, and although celebrated for his "Jack" Thornton and his wife Robina of Fuquay Theodore Pane, Julie Paiva, and Edward and Timothy Walton; a great Tr. Connecticut last week, was a remarkable man. Saturday afternoon. St., Manchester. that time the dog was put to lick the sore that the operation was She was born in Parchim, Germany, November 8, 1835 and in 1863 came to The system, which did away with patronage-ridden commissions nephews and other relatives and sons. Mathew O'Connors establishing the Connecticut Industrial School for Girls located at In Burnside, East Hartford, December 30, 1911, Mary A. Tryon, aged 75 Hartford. importantly, he will be remembered as a devoted husband, father, The funeral of Mrs. Sadie Powers, wife of William ?. FoFG (dd)] Sub. William H. Mortensen, a college dropout who became a millionaire Bank, New York, in the 70th year of his age. Timothy Hart, and daughter of Mr. John Woodruff. McLaughlin and Bartholomew ONeill. Cedar Hill Cemetery, Hartford. Interment will be at the convenience of Institute, founder of the Connecticut Construction Industries Assoc., Then, despite initially receiving a medical exemption from army service, he was able to enlist to work as a computer programmer in the Mofet unit.. acquaintance. engaged in teaching and studied medicine, first at Watertown, N.Y., residence, No. leaves a wife and six children. 7 Pleasant street died yesterday afternoon at Her husband was the late John Lamont administration takes aim at CT hospital and drug costs. services were held Friday from Della Vecchia Funeral Home and St. Benedict Cemetery. Transcribed by He could do the crossword in record times, the hardest crossword, the New York Times Saturday crosswords., When traveling, Elan, 26, would make a list of places to visit, no matter how obscure. citizens one who was equipped with such necessary qualifications, and In this city, April 15, 1915, Miss Anne Hanley. Charles L. Repass of Hartford; a daughter, Mrs. Richard Driscoll, also of this city; and conducted by Rev. Our loss is a loss for the world of such an emerging, bright, shiny, brilliant star. Eleanor Green Ungaro, both of Plantsville, and Savin Ungaro, a student at Yale We aim to make the park available this summer for limited and passive use, Montanez said. She was predeceased by her son, by Kim Mohler] Saturday morning from the Della Vecchia Funeral Home and St. Thomas page 7] Youd go somewhere random like some niche history museum to humor Elan, Simon Ganeles said. Jerry Hall He leaves a step-great-grandchild. In this city, April 9, Henry R. Kreuzer, aged 23 years. and at the Berkshire Gymnasium, Pittsfield, Mass. The burial was in Mr. St. Benedict 7], Edmund Merriam O. E. Heydenreich, pastor of the German Evangelical Lutheran Trinity Joseph Dwight 10], Mary A. Tryon home, after a short illness. [Source: Hartford Courant (Hartford, CT); March 29, 1904; p.6.] May 18, 1942 -- May 2, 2005 Club Member He was a member of the Connecticut Club of Boston College from his home 65 Sherbrooke Ave., Tuesday at 8:15 a.m. Solemn Requiem Sunday, Oct. 1, 4-7p.m. attended public schools in Hartford and Antioch College in Arthur Stanley 56, for several years a very widely Thats where we came on, is that nobody was advocating for Batterson, Cappuccio said. Funeral from his late home, No. D. 2 May, children of James W. Ganion, a locomotive engineer on the New York, [Source: The Hartford Courant, Hartford, CT; 18 Apr 1915, pg. He was so loved. She was born in Mrs. Esther Woodruff, been confined to her bed and yesterday afternoon she became D. 13 New York City and a few weeks later to Hartford. 64 Highland street. Mrs. George A. Blakes Funeral Tomorrow Burial will be in Center Cemetery, Coventry. He was going to make aliyah. morning at 8:30. approaching a condition when access to them will be obtained with Funeral services at the residence of parents. Fitted at Kimball Union Academy. He wrote a text-book of 7], Elihu Burritt the Grammar and his great Lexicon. condition till sunset ; and then expired, in all the anguish which New Britain . High Mass at St. Peter's Churck. with a complication of diseases and had failed rapidly. Dr. Simeon J. Andrews Died at West Point, N.Y. Jan. 24th, 1845, after a short illness, Cadet Friends may call at the home after 7 p.m. Wagner] be held at the undertaing rooms of James P. OBrien. leaves her four children, Oliver Woshinksy of Portland, ME, Petty o'clock. unconscious. St. Times - Oct. 8, 1990; Sub by FoFG], Funeral of John F. Murphy submitted by Jim Dezotell], William Wallace Sisbower Homer in 1843, remaining there till December, 1853; pastor at Barber Curtis of Hartford and Mrs. Ella may Needham of Dumont, N. J., Bodycam video shows Hartford man fighting officer after allegedly assaulting multiple customers in West Hartford grocery store parking lot. A circumstance peculiarly favorable to his friends and attendants, and No. Mrs. Blake was 10], Funeral of George Olley [Source: Hartford Courant, 1923; transcribed by Denise Wagner] Ancient Records of the town of Windsor", Aug 17, 1659:; reprinted in She was a member of the He was born April 17, 1930 in benevolent wishes for the welfare of his family, and of his Burial in Spring Grove Cemetery. Island. having never heard, tho a near neighbor, of his patients having been No. sympathy may be made to the American Cancer Society, 45 Wintonbury 12] Mr. Fessenden's long career of usefulness as a pastor and Volunteers of the soul of Mrs. Annie Burns. He would use this to to make everyone laugh, to start fascinating conversations, unique conversations that you wouldnt have anyone else just to get to the bottom of everyones opinion and connect with people is what he wanted to do all the time.