The Glamorous Imperial Concubine (, Qng Sh Hung Fi, also called Introduction of the Princess and Princess Dumping World) is a 2011 Chinese series starring Ruby Lin, Yan Yi Kuan and Wallace Huo. For one, Liu Lian Cheng is a conflicted character that will seize and demand your attention and make you love and hate him and to Wallaces credit, he did not hold back. Too much hurt between them, too much disappointment, too much unspoken issues. Depends why youre torn. bestlla nytt krkort; lammskinn gotland grdsbutik; mta blodsocker utan att sticka sig; The Glamorous Imperial Concubine - Wikipedia You can love him for so many reasons and you can find very little reason to like him. Review: "The Glamorous Imperial Concubine" (By Funn) I love them all but most favourite has to be the transparent white one by Liancheng followed closely by Emperor of Shus fiery red one. Poor woman. Just imagine youre Liancheng; at last you think youre free from her but in actual fact, her spirit will follow you to eternity. Maybe in part it is Ruby Lins fault. This is Kara Hui as you have probably seen before but not given much thought. The battles between princes took place in the court, and the imperial concubine mothers of these princes messed around in the inner palace. It isnt, except when the main important characters die, logic went with them. Point is why she wont love his back is simply because she fell for another in the times (3 years? 2. In the end she alone alive and she didnt kill herself because as she says so many died for her, she must live her life for those who died for her. He has this beautiful looking face and his acting as Han Ming is ok. Basically he doesnt have much to do. The Companion Guide To The South Of Spain (companion Guides - Towards the end she suddenly becomes crazy and murderous (though she snapped out of it in 1 episode) that I find totally out of character and I was in disbelief; I thought she is just pretending. Episode 1 47m After her evil uncle Jing entraps her, Princess Fuya is deemed guilty of a felony and is sentenced to be beheaded. Funns assessment of both mens appearance was pretty accurate haha. Mesmerising eyes. If you dont love someone, you dont love someone. However the writer seems obsessed with Ma Fuya and since she is the least interesting character, the entire series went belly up after Du Fei Hong died. She succeeds. Why he hates his mother, and yet protects her and yet feels disgusted at having to do that and yet felt obligated? I didnt feel sorry for him at all. First, she is the producer, of course she would cast herself and she is sorta famous on TV. Also Fuya is supposed to be so damn nice that it all came across as unfeeling, unpretentious. The new drama will feature the same co-producer and scriptwriter from Light the Night. Qixing is stupid. I like to think at the end they married one another. Liancheng on the other hand became an emperor earlier, whilst he is officially advised by his mother, he never quite listen to her. Suits their personality and such careful attention given that for once I wasnt sorry for paying attention to nitty gritty details. If she says A, son will say B. Wallace Huo is to me the reason why HDTV is created. And so starts her bitterness. This was also the reason why Liancheng hated his own mother. Just remember, Wallace Huo cries beautifully. So the question is before. Male Enhancement Pills Hormone Therapy For Erectile Dysfunction - The My question to you is, Wallace Huo is perfect handsome and all that, and yes, I do admit his rough, intense manner with the female leads are swoon-worthy, but still Yuan Kuan is so much more swoon-worthy, how can you not like him???!!! The Glamorous Imperial Concubine (Chinese: ) is a 2011 Chinese television series based on a novel of the same title by Murong Yin'er ().Starring Ruby Lin with Kevin Yan and Wallace Huo, it was Lin's producing debut.. If it is the handsomeness of the guys, no worries, theyre all hot. His evil wife died from.. 5 year?) I assume Liansi didnt die and return to Northern Han since no news after that sick doll like scene. I know of Wallaces fans or other fans who skipped all parts except for Lianchengs scenes. The entire death scene made it out as if he was being pushed as a pawn in the struggle for power. The doors are opened, guards are outside, he is in chains and still they can manage to have sex without alerting anyone. Rubys performance in itself is a travesty for the most part. The Glamorous Imperial Concubine/ Qing Shi Huang Fei - Chinese drama- 2011 Plot Fu Ya was an exiled princess who married three ambitious kings. The drama is based on a novel by the same name by Murong Yinr and marks the production debut of Ruby Lin, who also stars in the series. I feel if Qiyou had been better written post Du Fei Hong, he would have been an enjoyable character to watch because he would be most tragic of all heroes. The Glamorous Imperial Concubine (2011) - The Movie Database She met him when she was at her happiest time and she isnt in a rush to marry. But for a potentially disgusting character, Wallace gave Liu Liancheng layers that he slowly peels and sometimes you see the worst of him and yet sometimes you see the best of him and most often than not, he gave such a layered performance that you will start wondering why Liu Liancheng is the way he is. Maybe she hated him? Why cant he give a chance to another who clearly loved him? No she is not. Look, I am no fan of Ruby Lins acting, but it is understandable she should cast herself as the leading actress since she is the producer. She doesnt go beyond that. He looks beautiful at any angle, and mostly at extreme closeups. In this time of warring kingdoms and political upheaval, Fuya's uncle usurps the throne, and brutally wipes out her family. But she still had Qiyou until her husband cruelly took him away from her, and her bitterness also spill over to Qiyou because Qiyou unknowingly whilst trying to win her favours also grew close to Mei and she hated Mei. Her life is perfect until one coup by her dastardly uncle, father of Xiangyun ended her fathers life, supposedly her mothers life, separated her from her younger brother who was then rescued by a weird fellow who abused him for many years and she herself nearly lost her life. Most often asked question by meMa Fuya, why wont you love him back?. Commentsif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'jaynestars_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_15',641,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-jaynestars_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); Have you ever come across a series where you love the series for some reasons but looking at it wholly, you just hate it because it had the potential to become a beautiful thing but turned out to be an epic failure? But I feel by that time the series was about to end and whatever character development, it just didnt matter anymore. I hated this character and I didnt feel sad at all when she died. Her problem is her character was like an afterthought. In the end, having played his maieutic role in the union of Ferdinand and Miranda and having restored familial and political harmony, Prospero reconciles with his brother and returns to his dukedom. From inside room to outside garden, it seems his death took him around the palace and still he can carry on about 10 minutes monologue before dying. He is also probably the one man immuned to Fuyas charm and tried to kill her several times. This is one mother who should have killed herself rather than burden her daughter by her very existence. What more can I say? I am under no illusion that Wallace Huo is the greatest actor ever? The Glamorous Imperial Concubine _ Chinese Drama English Sub_ DVD PAL All Region. Poor Liancheng cuckolded. Based on if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'jaynestars_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',638,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-jaynestars_com-medrectangle-4-0'); The novel of the same title by Murong Yan Er which apparently does not have any resemblance with this series except for the core characters. First marriage protected her from being executed with her family. Her love is deadly. She is too old for her character and I find her performance as like her character, just pretty one dimensional. The more you know about Lian Cheng, the more perplexed youre with him. The Glamorous Imperial Concubine Explained He deluded himself into taking he could make her love him but yet he doesnt make her love him by forcing her. But the accent is again neutral. Besides, his mom and dad treated him so bady, over-looking and tormenting him for his brothers for the throne while he is clearly the most capable, how can you not want to stand on his side and comfort him and cheer him on???!!! I havent seen it yet and reading this make me want to watch it. . But I have to say Rubys rendition in itself is memorable for all the wrong reasons. Like I said, I heard grumblings why Ruby Lin is the leading lady. Liu Zi Jiao as Liansi is competent. He has all the right expression in every scene. How a young boy who showed so much character and the appearance of a wise ruler could grow up to be such a wimp in love? Fuyas mother is forgettable but the actress is elegant. I swear every time I see his arms around Ruby Lin, it just felt weird. However only in rare circumstances should dubbed voice be used and with Kara Hui, it magnified her excellent performance. However I did not like this character at first when he seems overly concerned over Fuya. I am sure she will sound shrilly in her real voice but you cant take away the effectiveness of the visuals you see. Wang Lin is normally a good actress but here as Han Chao Yi, she is one note. He must have loved her once because she keeps holding onto her love for him but when Concubine Mei her own maid appeared whatever love he had for her went to the maid. His character is flawed. the glamorous imperial concubine ending explained - Kunooz Marble Past his icy cold and calculative demeanor, he is gentle, warm and passionate . Can't finish The Glamorous Imperial Concubine : r/CDrama - Reddit You can say she did good things for him but the truth is if Liancheng understands love but doesnt know how to love properly, Xiangyun is someone who thinks she understands love but in the end her sort of love is those that you dont want. It boils down to one problem, to me at least; I find no sincerity in Rubys performance. the glamorous imperial concubine recap. PerformanceYan Kuan is a weaker actor than Wallace Huo, in the sense he is less big movements, less emotional on his face. Voice actorHis voice was dubbed, obviously. Even his moms death too longer. The old mother took the words that she had just heard to Concubine Su, as if she was telling a joke. If she showed him too much love, her husband knowing she is from powerful family, and Qiyou being very bright, will threaten him and he also want to put Qiyun as emperor. However whilst you can blame her for making a total mess out of the series towards the end, my gut feeling is the director and the person editing fell asleep on the job. Please confirm you want to block this member. So she did many things. Performance wise, I hated Hong Xiaoling. I was instantly captivated. He didnt ask for that marriage, he didnt ask for many things in his life, he is one could say left with little choice. But weaker doesnt mean bad. Unbelievable even in this context. It is the only time he ever talked to her, only time he ever touched her. But despite my criticisms on many critical points, I was entertained. Lending support to wife Ruby Lins production, it has been 2 years since the actor last appeared onscreen! The second chapel on the left contains E1 Greco's Oracin, or Christ in the Garden of Olives, showing Peter, James and John asleep in the sombre foreground with an unearthly light illuminating the angel and the . The Glamorous Imperial Concubine <>also known as Qing Shi Huang Fei or Introduction Of A Princess, if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'jaynestars_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_5',631,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-jaynestars_com-medrectangle-3-0');Mainland China Drama, 2011Genre: Historical FictionNumber of Episodes: 44Title Means. You know, I normally dont agree with Funns reviews (sorry about that) but I thought this review was quite accurate to how I felt about this series, the parts I read anyway. He hates her, but in the end she is his mother and so there is still that bond there. Exquisite Concubinemore info. Usually I do not like dubbing but in her case, it enhances her performance, to let us enjoy her every expression, her every emotion without being distracted by her original voice. Filming for the series started on 19 January 2011 in Hengdian and wrapped up on 6 April 2011. The Glamorous Imperial Concubine Release year: 2011 In the 10th century, a Chinese princess uses her wiles to gain power and exact vengeance after her uncle seizes the throne and kills her family. I realised afterwards, that you might have answered my question in your review, but I only skimmed it and avoided too many spoilers since I hadnt watched it yet. See details If it is the story, better not. Her husband makes it a point to ignore her. Watch The Glamorous Imperial Concubine | Netflix the glamorous imperial concubine ending explained. Liu Tao I believe is the actress who plays Qiyous courtesan/mistress. Of course you could say Lianxi was at fault for turning an innocent boy into a monster but you know, he has a choice.. and he chose to be the monster he is. So off was her key it would have been galaxies away before you can find the correct key. Servios. Yunzhu dies trying to shield Fuya. He is the eagle prince in Bu Bu Jing Xin. I weep at the thought how he made life so difficult for himself. He looks arrogant and is cold and calculating, but he is really soft-hearted and gentle underneath. Ruby Lin Next Target of Official Crackdown? Kara Hui is AWESOME in the series. I read in many forums that she should have been Fuya. When he reconciled with his mom, she dies. Dokumen - Pub The Tribe of Pyn Literary Generations in The Postmodern I actually thought no he is not dead. Sowhats that word.. so.. amateur! This series stirs up emotion that TVB cant. He is not ethereally beautiful like Wallace but he has this manly quality that I am sure fans will be divided into 2 camps; Liancheng the beautiful or Yan Kuan the handsome. thy r wasting great talent. Lianxi becomes the emperor of Northern Han as he promised Dugu to rule well and marries no one we know of. She could have sincerely treated those around her but she chose to manipulate, to cheat, to lie, to pretend. Ma Xiangyun is one character I never liked from the 1st time I see her. She screamed Why wont you love me like you love her? Such a coward. Starring Ruby Lin with Kevin Yan and Wallace Huo, it was Lin's producing debut. glamorous imperial concubine ending explained | Future Property Exhibiitons It is such a pity the writer just doesnt know what to do with Qiyou after a while. the glamorous imperial concubine ending explained Maybe because she knows she has Concubine Han and her brother Han Ming behind her back but for a maid she is really 100% fail. That is basically what Qing Shi Huang Fei is. . [1] For faster navigation, this Iframe is preloading the Wikiwand page for The Glamorous Imperial Concubine. She does display all the necessary traits of Liansi the character. And Kara Hui proves to me I shouldnt be biased to dubbed voices. She is not ugly but as Yun Zhu she is supposed to be plain and eats way too much. I shall say as a producer, Ruby was exemplary in her taste in costumes, her picks in the actors and the locations. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Oh it hurts! Maybe because he has done a lot to atone for his sins and also because Ma Fuyas father would have thrown away his kingdom sooner or later with his almost incestuous fixation over his only daughter which I find annoying to say the least. I read in forums a detailed explanation by the screenwriter on what makes Lian Cheng the Lian Cheng we see, plus the fact a few episodes were edited out. From that moment on, for me Wallace Huo is the THE actor of melancholic sadness. Not only do I hate her face, I hate her performance. Her characters almost always come off as pretentious or rather to be exact, meant well but destroys things in the end. I thought he gave an amazing performance as the cowardly Qixing. Heartfelt and sincere. She plays her as someone who loves her husband so much and yet is so disappointed in him. But the single best scene of his and THE ENTIRE SERIES has to be the scene where he is alone in his study, having drawn a picture of Concubine Mei and his mother saw what he did, rushes him and went on to scream at him, made him kneel down and vent her anger at him by repeatedly flogging him as he winced in pain. Her voice is dubbed, thank god, and her voice dubber gave her more emotion than she showed on screen. Because if not I cant explain how this series just nosedived. falling down lil peep sample Projetos; trucks for sale alberta Blog; nominating caucus definition ap gov Quem somos; lure fishing mudeford quay Contato; la parrilla taco loco calories. 1. Saying hi to other Yan Kuan fans here . All the murders she did, all the political marriage she arranged, her turning away Fuya, etc all for the sake of giving her son a stable kingdom. Never once, which is something Liancheng realises as well. glamorous imperial concubine ending explained - glamorous imperial concubine ending explained