GIRLtopia Virtual Journey (Series beginning on April 5, 2023) 8 GirlTopia take action project ideas | girl scout troop, inspire Driving is an exciting step toward independence, a chance to have fun going new places, and a big responsibility. The girls in your troop are eager to find ways to better their community, especially when it comes to paying it forward during the holidays. You will need one paper bag for each girl with supplies, such as: paper towel & toilet paper empty rolls, pipe cleaners, scotch tape, scissors, glue, eyes, magic markers, Popsicle sticks, colored paper, string/yarn, Q-tips, cotton, empty vegetable cans, egg carton, Styrofoam ball, etc. Whether a girlisa competitive athlete, new to exercise, or wants to improve herskills in surfing, hiking, or even throwing a Frisbee, this badge will help hercustomize a cross-training fitness program thats effective and fun! This journey is their chance to imagine a perfect worldfor girls. No matter what a girl'scareer dream is astronaut, CEO, neurobiologist, rock star, or authorbasic business manners will come in handy. All Rights Reserved. updates and hang out with everyone in 2016-2022 Girl Scouts of the United States of America. (. The take action project for this journey was by far the hardest, yet the greatest project I have ever helped put together. As usual, I'm having a very difficult time understanding exactly what sorts of things might make a good take action project. Performance is a powerful way to make an impact on an audience and a perfect way to put leadership into action. Both projects serve important needs, but at different levels. This badge is your girls'chance to build friendships and community networks by leading a series of fun, inventive and challenging games. To assist the Project Manager to formulate and document the crew and supervision plan for a project including ramp-up and ramp-down. Gold Award, Theycould go rock climbing, spelunking, ice caving, skiing, canoeing, kayaking, biking, raftingor a combination! In this badge, girls will share the Girl Scout Way and bring together generations of Girl Scouts. In my GirlTopia project, I drew inspirational quotes for girls. What were some of your challenges? Listed on 2023-03-01. Adventure camping requires minimal equipment and gear because you'll be active during the day and possibly moving campsites. GirlTopia Badge in a Bag - Instructions Only - MakingFriends For my take action project, I wanted to express what an Ideal world of GIRLtopia is through a video showing how important equality is for women. x}\Mmji Etr[#T(2(DeKR)#223R|HBeD)J6>Osy'O")x? Each Girl Scout grade level has its own set of requirements to help families guide their Girl Scout as she runs her own cookie business year after year. Voting is how to make yourvoice heard and make choices about how you think things should be done in government. Equality, PDF GIRLtopia - Girl Scouts Girltopia for Seniors - WORKSHOPS4GIRLS <>>> Suggestions for Seniors to develop and complete a Take Action project for GIRLtopia journey. I showed them my video, then had them talk about their thoughts on the topic. Discover Girl Scouts. 5 0 obj What are the specifics of the complex relationship between animals and humans? Wherever theyare, theynever know when they'llfind themselvesin the middle of an emergency. Find out how to buy Girl Scout Cookies, explore Girl Scout Cookie flavors, see how girls learn essential life skills, and more. Whether youtravel near or far in this badge, girls will get the travel savvy to make the most of theiradventures now and throughout their lives. They could: Participate in a brainstorming session to determine the behaviors and attitudes for the group and map out a team action plan Discuss how their new team action plan and attitudes Today I want to share with you what one of my Girl Scout Senior's did to earn the Girltopia Journey and share some great activities to do with a group of girls if you have more than one girl. Theymight end up getting to know themselvesa little better, too! They are all about lifting girls up and trying to inspire them. To earn, complete the following activity plan: When girls view the world with a web journalists eyes, theywillfind the story in everything. It graces us with living art, whether through a glorious sunset, shifting cloud formations, or the stunning display of night stars. Money helps us buy things we need, like food and clothes. After doing research on issues facing girls and interviewing experts, the troop members decided that "girls being mean to each other" and "girls bullying each other" were the issues they cared most about addressing. Senior Journey - GIRLtopia - Take Action Project. We hope you enjoy and are refreshed by our efforts to make a difference. In partnership with 6,500 committed volunteers and adult members, Girl Scouts River Valleys serves nearly 18,000 girls through a 49-county council that spans Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa. For example, they may discover that the The Project Manager will create, develop and implement account process improvement(s). Try to get it published. IT":|1l d1G03UzDd*Q @|a;>D6?@4BL"T[ HBh& 0bm+pQ|-%3Qp?dg#`sD cAx7, A *8p{/@{@L2eV_&^cYQAN-i*rcp&Mi*r@>j-nw=~}k%!zhUAK+q @M6bG{G#?2% N1\$!Ww]|JQe1ToQNZx76j-pua,Ki'+$rj8nG5k6)!O&ZY*Fv`SB[;e.|iKrF$pu=n ZI3#!(J9F'5O"y8KuG9MIKL8C&v|[[qJb uq!_[k3"tNM/h`vCWPa}ksRHoMRf5c}$LNm@Py8w$6'H84D6v`'a[b=9P}V%ziF(rJ)24O? <> Once your Powtoon is ready to be downloaded well send you an email. perfect world for girls Girl Scout Journey. endobj 7. As Girl Scout Seniors, girlsmight feel like life is a balancing act. The drawing describes how Mother Teresa felt about her little jobs of helping and how just small actions can help the whole world. $h)! @ taK ,d~`X'ldkSTG\54;M+; J?ht|aVZ8fDl_1AXfIp?G :bK6F#n.L& TgP0 ka"GI1Y6a,# & Powtoon - GIRLtopia Take Action Project Activity Plan 3 (Take Action Project), GIRLtopia Activity Plan 3 (Take Action Project), Senior Cookie Entrepreneur Family Pin Requirements, Bridge to Girl Scout Ambassador Activity Plan, Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys, Service Unit Fall Product Managers (SUFPM), Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). Creating a Mask: This activity corresponded with the Create It! Every family has stories. 4 0 obj See our Ceremonies, Traditions, and Celebrations article for ideas! Girls sell nuts, chocolates, and magazines in the fall. They might think that repeating a service project several times will make it sustainable. Girltopia Take Action Project - YouTube Hi, my name is Emily, I am a senior in Girl Scouts, and this is my GirlTopia take action project about self-defense. Buy Girl Scout Cookies It is meant to encourage girls (and boys too) of all ages to love themselves just as they are, because they are special, and they shouldn't feel pressured to look a certain way or think certain. As part of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, girlsare in an exceptional position to take action and make the world a better place. Equality, Feminism, Girl Scouts, Gold Award, Take Action Project. For women, thereare unique health issues at every stage of theirlives. Become a Volunteer. It is meant to encourage girls (and boys too) of all ages to love themselves just as they are, because they are special, and they shouldn't feel pressured to look a certain way or think certain things about themselves just because others say they should. Ideas for the Senior Girltopia Journey - Scout Leader 411 Blog By the end of the year, girls have learned new skills, made new friends, and discovered their inner leaders. Take Action Project. By apurvakannu | Updated: Aug. 24, 2019, 1:12 a.m. Hi! . Completing a Senior (9th-10th grade) or Ambassador (11th-12th grade) Journey is a prerequisite for the Gold Award becausethey create a project following, aMUSE final presentation (Take Action Project) tips. A community service project could be asking for donations for a food bank, while a Take Action project would be setting up a program where you can get schools, people, or companies to regularly donate to the food bank and perhaps teach them about hunger., At the beginning, girls tend to think more in terms of service projects, because that is what they are used to being involved with, says Silvia. And money helps us buy things we want, like video games and movie tickets. There will be 1 builder, 1 runner, and 1 looker. Learn what Girl Scouts do; about our history, research and data; and about family involvement, or try Girl Scout activities! The Senior Journey Girltopia is all aboutgirls imagining a perfect world of girlsand being a visionary and a leader. On one hand, they'reholding tight to the comforts of home and whats familiar, and on the other, they'reexcited to open themselves up to the possibilities in the larger world. Session 6: What Do Leaders Sound Like Page 67. stream Advocate It: 1. And if your troop members want to pursue their Bronze, Silver, or Gold Award, theyll need to understand the kinds of projects that qualify. Why including your Girl Scout role helps set you apart from other candidates. From asking for a raise to presenting her persona online, this badge will help hercreate herbusiness image. The importance is not the meaning of or difference between the tasks but that the girls find the need and work towards filling it, says Kara Johnson, a Girl Scout Brownie troop leader in Western Ohio. DX|lZ#Q.q1dTd 8[k! On Journeys consist of two or three activity plans, and activities for Senior badges can be found in the Senior Girl's Guide to Scouting or Journey badge activity sets. \F0P& Y.&\:{lsHgAB -F"@Xl&-b:"N?&6AFDNc {@P4S?Il|xB? You will need 4 different objects 2 of each. Listing for: Jacobs. Seniors will mentor younger girls in a camp setting as theybuild skills toward being a camp counselor. I also wanted to bring micro-plastics, something that isn't very well known, to light. endobj Start a community chore corps to do yard work and other maintenance chores for and with seniors. <> Women's Self Defense Class; Freecycle and picking up household items that would otherwise be thrown away, cleaning them up and donating them to the Homefront in . <> For a summary of the core Senior badges and their requirements, download our requirements overview from the Girls Guide to Girl Scouting. The Senior Journey Girltopia is all about girls imagining a perfect world of girls and being a visionary and a leader. Thank you and I hope you enjoy! This position performs work as required and deemed necessary to support the region. (i.e. Support Girl Scouts by donating nationally or to your local council, becoming a lifetime member, and advocating for girls. How will this continue to work after you have finished doing your part, as opposed to a service project that could be repeated several times but would end after the girls' involvement with it ends.. We should enforce equal pay, women in management, gender equality, accepted opinions and much more! Perform it for the residents and staff. Get ready to become an outdoor artist as you connect with nature and create something helpful to the environment. Girl Scout Troop 70239 has published a book for their GirlTopia Take Action project. Is it open to this page? When the runner cant remember anymore details or wants to confirm a detail, he goes back to the point where he can meet the looker. Project Manager. Hands-on activities will keep their interest. Then, the runner goes to builder. 1. The Girltopia Journey Take Action created by Megan Escobar, Madeline Klein, and Paityn Bowen, is geared to all people in Orange County. Blog. Depending on your girls ages, you might need to clarify the differences between the two projects. My name is Apurva Kannu and I am currently a Senior in high school. QB iS6(R~) jas-DbpA8BCv0=?1/XCxuGg!! In a democracy like ours, voting isnt just a right; its a responsibility. Have your girls join us this summer at camp, make new friends, and explore the community with other girls. In this badge, girls find out how to differentiate between minor and major injuries, provide emergency treatment in some life-threatening situations, and share important information about injuries and illness. Thank you for watching!Check out our website at: This journey is their chance to imagine a perfect worldfor girls. This is another corporation game. Does your troop have a lot to give? The looker tells the runner all of the details he can remember about the model. PDF Senior Journey - GIRLtopia - Take Action Project - Girl Scouts Join GSCNC council staff as we host GirlTopia in a five week virtual journey. Community service projects make the world a better place right now. Roadway/Highway Project Manager Job Tempe Arizona USA,Management To earn, follow requirements in the Girls Guide to Girl Scouting. They probably participated in food drives, book collections, and other service projects, and it might be hard, especially for younger girls, to think of other options. A locavore is someone committed to eating locally grown, seasonal foods. Girl Scouts GIRLTopia Take Action Project - YouTube Break the girls into pairs and tell girls theobjective is to Open partners fist as many times as possible. % Get your girls out there to show their stuff! Did someone take charge in the group? Girltopia - Girl Page - WORKSHOPS4GIRLS Suggestions for Seniors to develop and complete a Take Action project for GIRLtopia journey. It is the responsibility of each user to comply with Proudly created with . Nothing is more important than good health. GIRLtopia Girl Scout Seniors know the world is not ideal. <>stream I plan to have my video featured at my school's film festival. Activity Zone Snacks & Magazines, our fall product program, is a simple money-earning activity to earn funds for troop activities and trips. (You can give more than 12 minutes for creating the leader, if your schedule allows or if they are having lots of fun with it). The builder get a pile of the same objects in a space away from original display. endobj Here is a downloadable version of the Take Action Plan gt_plan_blank_detailed.docx Download File Guide to fill out the plan. Hi! Are they excited to get involved with people and causes they care about? I have already surpassed my like goal. Get ready to see the creative possibility in everyday objects. Plus, why its essential to a strong troop. 2 0 obj Resources for Girl Scout members. This journey is their chance to imagine a perfect world for girls. Par? 6h.y$=6GNTDC pjp%m5:=tY#&LuNLX'pJgaqfVQm6dSF GIRLTopia Take Action Project 2019 - YouTube section of the Journey. (DONT READ THIS TO GIRLS:This game willshow how you will get more done working together rather than competing with one another.). y()T8_m@7l"@",;(O2d`i)f$D I learned how toto strategically plan a project in an efficient way. Girltopia Journey Girl Scout Ambassadors is for them! Have the girlsclose theireyes and imagine what they'll experience traveling: different cultures, breathtaking vistas, exotic foods. Colocation Project Manager 20 percent travel required - must live in I've searched about the internet a bit, but I haven't found anything particularly helpful. <> Girltopia Take Action Project planning sheet & Guide As they look for meaningful ways to contribute to their community, you can help sharpen their problem-solving skills and expand their definition of philanthropy by discussing community service and Take Action projects. The Project Manager will manage all related quality and safety issues on customer work. GirlTopia Take Action Project: A Better World for Women 1,067 views May 29, 2014 8 Dislike Share Save haley Shaw 6 subscribers This project was done for a Girl Scout Take Action Project.. GIRL SCOUT SENIOR GIRLTOPIA TAKE ACTION PROJECT. Senior Journey - GIRLtopia - Take Action Project This scene depicts what we should "bury" or get rid of and what we should "build" or enforce in society in order to have a perfect world for women. Directions to create a leader: They each have 12 minutes to use as many things in their bag as they wish to build a leader. Think of the attributes that would make your leader a person that you would want to follow. Have the girlsgrab their sweatbands and create a plan thats perfect for their ownbody, mind, and goals. Mac OS X 10.10.5 Quartz PDFContext Become a Girl Scout, Become a Volunteer 23 0 obj The easy instructions will allow them to complete all the steps, and guide them through the planning of a Take Action project. As a Girl Scout Senior, theybegin exploring the wider world. Copyright 2023 Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys, Girl Scouts River Valleys Company Profile, additional resources for completing journeys and badges, Mission: Sisterhood Activity Plan 3 (Take Action Project), Sow What? To earn, follow the Senior Cookie Entrepreneur Family Pin Requirements. As Girl Scout Seniors, they're between home, school, clubs, and activities. This badge is an opportunity for girlsto make art as unique asthey are. Refer to the Volunteer Toolkit for the most up to date materials. :,$| @`0h4*EnH D{6AGBT3 -c(\p^`Ho B:]FU ?! <>stream The looker of each group gets to see the original model. Girl Scout Senior Journey "GIRLTopia" Take Action ProjectThank you for watching and supporting Girl Scouts Our world is a stage, and the sky performs with beauty, wonder, and mystery. Feminism, If we all stand up and not accept some of the behaviors, then we can help change the world. Project Control Engineer Job in Tempe, AZ at Kinetics Through this project, I was able to put together a well formulated video explaining a very serious problem in the modern world. It is true that were surrounded by data, but not all information is created equally. Member Of Making Friends Family Of Sites ]&AI@JbH S"4^ In this badge, girls will use the science of style to imagine and create their own products. Word I designed the concept for the video and then followed it up with the creation of the aforementioned video, which you have already seen. Writing a novel lets girlsdream the real world in their ownways. Job Duties: Under the general supervision of the Regional Program Manager, this position . For this journey I was supposed to put together and implement a take action project to better someone's lifestyle. Senior: GIRLtopia Visionary Journey Award. 2016-07-31T17:10:11.723-04:00 Girls. Girls can earn all 13 pins in the collectionone unique pin for every year they participate. Seniors and Ambassador level teens are invited to participate in 5 zoom sessions that will take them through the GirlTopia jouney as well as help scouts consider their take action projects to earn the Visionary award. To earn, complete two activity plans and one Take Action project: Have girls explore who theyare and theircore values, including the ways theycare for others. To earn,attend Counselor in Training summercamp session. 2016-05-17T11:29:36.000-04:00, Inc. is a private enterprise not affiliated with The Girl Scouts of the USA.