As for MY natal chart I also have mars and Saturn conjunct in Scorpio. Lilith Aspects in Synastry: To Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars Juno aspecting the South Node simply means that the pair was married (in some way) in a past life, or had a longterm marriage-like relationship. Eros in Synastry seems appropriate to discuss for this time of year. Eros - Synni Signs Astrology I've never had a more natural and effortless sexual connection to someone in my life, and it blinded me to a lot of things. I think you are insightful, do not get me wrong, but being fatalistic is not the truth, and me saying that being fatalistic is wrong to do and is detrimental to people that dont know how complex astrology is, does not mean that I am not accepting the truth. Can it be dangerous amiann? 3. Conjunctions, oppositions, and trines are best. Priapus - Lilith's Male Counterpart - Mystic Medusa Astrology And posting my charf sounds like fun, I just might . I've found that the Eros person has a "crush" on the planet person. Ascendant opposite ascendant (1st house on the 7th house overlay). It makes me feel very crazy. It is a true soul mate aspect, to me. 2) I just looked for the child asteroid and it is on 28 Capricorn, conjuct with my venus 1 Aquarius. Btw he just got married to a girl whose moon is conjunct with his nessus+sun+true node AND also, her dejanira is conjunct with his moon !!! I do keep finding myself attracted to people who seem to have a strong primal power under the surface, and I dont really feel connected to Pluto myself (I dont know if thats on purpose or simply because its otherwise weakly aspected in my chart). I also found out that my Nessus is 1 degree conjunct my current boyfriends Sun(Cancer). would you please shed some light as you see fit? Thats not the truth. And my dejanira conjunct his Venus. (double-whammy..) I still talk to him to this day and I honestly will never forget how magnetic this relationship was. Maybe, maybe not. Venus mars aspects You say that you want a nuclear passionate relationship. They may cause each other significant pain and strife, but God help any outsider who dares to point it out. . Dejanira trines my Ascendant. For example, I am the moon person and my mars also falls in his 8th and much of what you described for moon/pluto conjunction sounds like us. Keep in mind that conjunctions are the most important, but other aspects can occasionally speak to marriage. Hi I write the truth not to placate people but because the truth is the only thing that heals. Good afternoon, thank you for this article I have my DEJA conjuncion JUNO in my house 6 We talk about it often (3rd house moon overlay) its just a bit overwhelming sometimes like a sweet dream one moment, then an absolute nightmare. I know how important moon moon aspects are to you, Venus pluto aspects under what theme of the forum? It is very, very powerful. That is why I, affectionately, call them too hot not to cool down. There are certain aspects I see in these dark,nuclear passion relationships. "In Greek art Eros was depicted as a winged youth, slight but beautiful, often with eyes covered to symbolize the blindness of love. Can this aspect be calmed down by a Mars conjunct Saturn contact? I am Sag with rising capricorn and he is Capricorn w/rising Sag. I read all these comments and yes they are interesting. Priapus is likewise called a "minor rustic God" or even "an oversexed gardening God." What about mars, Saturn and Jupiter in Virgo? Amazing emotional+sexual chemistry though there was some bumps in the way. It is disrespect to Astrology which I love and respect. Ceres in Synastry, Signs, Houses, Retrograde - Astrology Eros: Synastry Aspects . Thank you a bunch for being so sweet Free~ I do agree that Ami is quite insightful, however I would like to chime in and say that I do not make every aspect positive I make every aspect neutral because the stars and planets are not going to tell you something is bad or make something bad. Powered by Infopop 2000 Hi, anyone can tell me more about a double whammy Pluto-Venus? Synastry When a person's natal moon forms a conjunction with someone's Eros, or vice versa, this can be a very sexualbut very intenserelationship. It sounds really bad I guess, but this person has given me so much positivity and encouragement and I feel has set me on a positive path. Even with a trine this 8th house effect enhances both the good and the bad ? Welcome, Britt. Are they married, Lo. Love, Sun and Lilith aspects in the Synastry Chart: How do you - 12andus The chart shows the TRUTH. Pluto trine Venus, Venus quincunx Pluto It's been suggested that an understanding of someone's natal Eros gives you the keys to unlock their erotic desires. My jupiter conjunct his sun and venus. It was a relationship based on dates and romance instead of the realities of life. The Moon person feels comforted by the Sun person's energy and the Sun person feels like they can be vulnerable with the Moon person. Chiron conj the Sun is not sexy. we also have Eros (his) conjunct my Lilith and Pluto (mine) conjunct his Venus. I know this is not my website, so I cannot change how you write and it is not my business to dictate how you write. Partners switch roles? It is really rocking my world right now <3. We enter the month of February, with lust, love and passion. However, there is a flip side. YES. Do these asteroids have to be conjunct planets or square each other to be dangerous? Nessus conjuncts BML, and Dejanira conjuncts DSC and Pluto. Lol just noticed what you wrote at the end about Mars/Uranus, sorry! There are some other great planet aspects but I am very curious about the ones I listed. Things to look for in synastry: Here we focus on indications of sexual attraction using Astrology as our tool. The ex that abused me while I was pregnant had his Nessus conjunct my MC. The lilith person knows exactly how they effect the ic and can really play with them over time. Well, we have a Sun (me) trine Pluto and a Pluto (me) conjunct his sun, Thank you so much for the reply and sorry for the late reply, Ive just seen it xx My moon is in Sagittarius and his in cancer, so that always worries me , He has pluto at 27 Virgo with my sun at 11 Virgo. If an asteroid is conjunct an angle or a planet, placed in a prominent position, or stands out because of some other reason, it can provide an additional layer of insight in chart analysis. To me, it always is. Thanks for the push in this direction, my Friend. There is so few information on these aspects so I really appreciate reading more about it here and in the forum. In the rare instance where these two do meet, the results are truly awe inspiring, changing our lives in intense and lasting ways. There is no superficial way to get to know Lilith through the experience of the erotic. Lilith is looking for sacred sex. I guess I was just worried in general, just in case :P. how about deja conjuct saturn 1 degree. Positive aspects speak to a generally happy marriage, but there is still karma to be worked out now. I appreciate your thoughts on these aspects but I am concerned when any astrologer singles out specific aspects and makes sweeping judgements about charts and how the energies in that chart will be made manifest. Lilith on the ic is one of the more potent lilith synastry to have even in the composite. I was wondering how much weight can have the orbit in a synastry.. for example, I have with a guy a Venus trine Pluto, but 5.46 orbit.. does it counts? Composite: moon conjunct Neptune, Venus square Pluto, Black moon lilth conjunct Pluto square mars conjunct ceres..any explanations on this type of relationship would be very helpful!!?? In these dark, sexual relationships, you feel the raw passion and soul mate connection like no other. Lastly, with me having moon conjunct neptune in my natal and venus in my 12th house, does that make me similar to venus in pisces xxx I ask because I attract men with mars in pisces and men who have pisces as a descendant/7th house , Hi Ami, Many people say they have overcome things but I watch their actions and see they are lying. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop 2000 With asteroids, one must be an intrepid explorer because there is precious little PRACTICAL info out there. I know this came off a bit more forward, but only because I want to make it clear that one persons feelings are not fact. If you want to ask me a simpler question, I am game! Would the aspects to the venus offset the negativity that the Dejanira implies? xx, haha you are so cute, I like you and you write very simple and easy to understand. Her theme is power-alluring and irresistible. This really highlights this magnetic quality to this conjunction and creates a situation where each individual holds the . 3) Angles in the houses & aspects. I suppose I should add that. Welcome, Ariel and great questions. I have my nessus conjunct with my true node. Uranus/Mars in synastry can be kinky. It will not heal anyone to tell them that they are wrong when they say that their relationship is healthy and happy even though they have an aspect that you think is destined to be unhealthy. I know this is an article for synastry, but Im a little worried about my natal chart after reading about Nessus and Dejanira. When Lilith and Mars team up in synastry, there's nothing they can't do. I would say no, but I am not the last word in anything. the Moons will make for best friends. Yes, that is a good way to put it. Dejanira is the victim asteroid. 1) Planetary house overlays (1, 5, 7, 8, 9 = most important) 2) Planetary aspects. Most potent are Eros-Venus, Eros-Ascendant, Eros-Psyche, and Eros-Mars links. Well, maybe, but dont most abusers have a history of childhood abuse themselves? That is why it feels so life and death. My ex has Scorpio Pluto conjunct my scorpio moon, and I have Sagittarius pluto conjunct his sagittarius moon. Our mars are square (aquarius:leo) also. Eros - Vesta Lyn Astrology I wasnt abused as a child in any way. Thank you, Lo and Welcome You lose about 25% but still have about 75%. Ami is an insightful astrology. I am so thankful to have such a resource like this for guidance. When someone's planet touches our natal Eros in synastry, it is as if we have been stuck by Cupid's arrow. The chart is complex and one has to look at the entire chart to draw very global conclusions. Since Aries is ruled by Mars, there's a . Please, keep giving your opinion. I use the term female, but it would be the same for either sex. No worries. lol. Retro makes one thoughtful, so I do not see it as bad as many do. What about nessus exactly conjunct BML in synastry the man is nessus (9h), Wow Is there a super attraction that feels so strong that it will blow you off your feet? His Dejanira is in 25 Scorpio, conjunct my Part of Fortune in 27 Scorpio, opposite my Moon in 29 Taurus and Mars and Jupiter, in 0 Gemini. Thank you for your response, I appreciate it very much. In our synastry chart we have moon trine pluto and mars square pluto. What would that mean? Hi Amiann It is a pleasure to be here. Lilith Conjunct Venus Synastry - Transformative - Home - Access New Age Is there a positive aspect to this connection? Ive only been studying astrology casually for 5 years, so even though I know the basic interpretation of those planets in contact, Id still love to hear it from a pro love your blog! Because of where my Moon is at 2 56 Scorpio conjunct Pluto at 4 36 Scorpio in the 8th house the men around my age (Im 35);tend to have their Pluto conjunct my Moon/Pluto In my current relationship my boyfriend has Mars/Pluto conjunct my Moon/Pluto. Who would bring who abuse? That can be justified through basic psychology, I think. Also, It doesnt suit me. I feel like it helps me. There is the potential to take things to another realm when the aspects are favorable. How fortunate we are to have such a wonderful body of info to help us! Sun Conjunct Lilith Meaning | Ryan Hart The opposition would be the same but not as locked in or as intense. 4. Two celestial bodies are in conjunction when they are very close to each other, often in the same sign but never more than 8 degrees apart. I've never experienced it myself, but have read that Lilith/Pluto contacts are also intensely sexual and even violent (particularly the opposition). Lilith Synastry - A Complete Guide To Lilith Synastry 2023 - Cosmic Deity I dont really understand the aspect you are asking about. When she contacts Eros in another, the answer to that question is found in the heart of a powerfully erotic relationship. Lilith-Mars Aspects in Synastry (conjunction, sextile, trine, opposition, square) Lilith-Mars aspects are all about clash of desires. Do you think I need to worry about the Nessus/BML conjunction or about abusing the poor wounded birds I keep looking for? They have transcended Nessus conj Dejanira, which is a new situation for me to see. Maybe you felt this way sometimes given your Lilith-Eros contacts, but I was certainly the one more outwardly angry when the mess finally hit the fan. Required fields are marked *. As far as the form of abuse, one must look at the sign and the quadriplicity( cardinal, fixed or mutable) One must look at the chart to see how the abuse will play out but I think that abuse will occur in your situation with Nessus conjunct Dejanira. As long as we kept connecting the way we had been sexually, I was willing to "fight" for what I thought we had and felt I could withstand anything. Eros and Venus in a synastry chart! You are so welcome, Britt and thanks so much for telling me that you like it. I was sexually abused in my home by a family member. What if a man has Dejanira conjunct a womans Sun? With mercury and Uranus in Scorpio. Would you liken moon/pluto dynamics to an 8th house moon overlay? Thank you, amiann. thank you again for being so welcoming, Thank you so much, Sovietlana! BUT my dejanira is conjunct with his sun by one degree and my dejanira is also in the same degree as my AC What does that mean? We need to look at the whole chart to see the whole story. Is this a synastry, Ariel? You interpret things based off of your own view. Yes, astrology charts do show the truth of ones life, but the issue is that YOUR opinions do not equate the truth. Also, I discovered that my daughter has Dejanira conjunct her 2H Virgo Moon(3 deg. What would you say about moon conjunct pluto in a composite chart. And my pluto trine his sun and, Mars sq Pluto can be violence and/or violent/strong passions. As you know, or can find from my directory, Eros and Psyche are my favorite asteroids. Moon conjunct Pluto is the strongest of the Moon/Pluto aspects because the conjunction trumps any other aspect in strength. Just from reading this, I think it looks very good but I really need to see the wheel as it is easier. His abuse asteroid on her midheaven would be her reputation and career, right? Do you have any advice for me? Our composite moon is at 26 Virgo and pluto at 0 libra. I dont mean to, but I think I find issues/hurts of my friends and partners and end up trying to mother them if thats what you meant. Eros and Psyche were mythical lovers, and were brought together by fate. In fact, it is the opposite. I dont even have tattoos or my ears pierced. The first would be Nessus. I know there are astrologers who make every aspect positive but I dont think that is real and real is what heals and real is what gets people mad at you too lol. This pairing can form a deep emotional bond, especially through physical intimacy. Saturn draws the couple together due to karma, but Juno and South Node aspects offer more of a choice. Do you have their synastry you could post on my Forum? At the end of the day, that is all this god and goddess really ask for.". We have our arguments and I sometimes feel put down by him (and, to be fair, he feels the same way about me) and sometimes my self-esteem suffers. Thank you =). To me, this is always a fundamental place to start. He was considered irresistible. About Nessus/BML, I would watch it. His Nessus makes no major aspect to my planets, except a 3 orb trine to my Mercury and North Node, and Vertex..could this mean well step on each others toes when it comes to reaching our goals? I have looked at them unto themselves but everything matters so I will start to incorporate signs and houses. "I want to welcome you to my website. Isis Conjunct the Vertex. It wasn't until he began to withhold sex from me that I finally crumbled. DO they have Moon trine Moon or Moon conjunct Moon. vertex conjunct moon and ascendant in scorpio can make it dark too? In my opinion, it will play out. That is why it is so powerful. Your passions are overwhelming, spontaneous, and you develop your attractions without even thinking about it. I just found out my abusers Moon is 1 degree conjunct my Dejanira. It is opinion, not truth. Try to post the charts so see a visual! If you know, let me know! or is the bad guy Nessus only dangerous when in conjonction with Dejanira ? Hi Ami, Ive been quietly enjoying your site for years now and am finally reaching out as Im intrigued by your work on nessus/deja and recently entered into a relationship with someone (not romantic) who I discovered has nessus and mars conj my nn exact. If one does not see any abuse when this happens, my opinion would be that they dont know the person enough lol. Does nessus still be working as a tendency to abuse? I am prone to being attacked in this way. A later relationship was abusive (a psychopath) His Nessus square my Sun It makes my day , What conjuncts the DSC, we disown and find in the partner. Moon/Pluto in a trine is very powerful, too. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. So the theory doesnt check out. You can say you did it and you can help the next person who comes along. They have lots of soulmate connections in the charts and both make really strong NN conjunctions and squares in synastry. You don't need to BELIEVE in Jesus to come here and/or to contact me. Once awakened, no matter how untamed the experience becomes, we are given a rare opportunity to integrate, redeem and restore Eros and Lilith to a place of honor through shared, transcendental sexual activity. My eros was conjunct someone's mars and I did feel like whenever he was sexual, it was very erotic. This only works with a synastry chart, and (as always) is simply my own opinion! Eros/Pluto/Lilith together makes for one powerful combination. 8. Is this something that reliably and consistently is reflected in a variety of different charts? And when you really think about it this line of thought deserve to be abused is quite sociopathic in nature. Lilith is not dark, per se, Friend. This aspect can bring intense emotions, profound personal growth, and the potential for both positive and negative experiences. However, if the time is right, for sure, I would trust the chart over a personal account. We all have Liliths plutonic quality in us, the unconscious energy that brings up harsh boundaries between life and death, ecstasy and suffering, passion and revulsion, enslavement and freedom. You truly made my day! Thanks! I don't need anything from you, except to serve you. That is the nature of the DSC. What does Nessus and Dejanira mean when conjuncting each other? A Sun conjunct Lilith transit highlights the power traits like charisma, magnetism, emotional force and leadership qualities of the Sun. . Mars pluto aspects Please please do Nessus conjunct Lilith in synastry?? I'm not typically the "make him suffer" type, but holy wow did it all come rushing out with him. I have seen it in a few people, only. These parts of you would flow well i.e may not play out in actual asbuse but would still be issues you both would deal with i.e abuse/victimhood imo I have not seen the trine in actual charts, dean. Their chemistry is obvious even after all these years but she did recently reveal that some light BDSM play is involved. Deep soul love, incredibly painful at times. Where did you get these theories from?