Texas Office of Court Administration Self Help. Scheduling defendant psychiatric evaluations on Court Orders for Competence Evaluations. For information on processing of the election results, visit the Election Results Process page. . Property Search. Others who can solemnize a marriage are judges, retired judges, magistrates, Indian tribe officials and clergy. Let us know how we are doing and what we can improve in ourCustomer Survey. Author: Francisco X. Dominguez Created Date: 2/23/2023 5:27:22 PM . In observance of Cesar Chavez Day, all Municipal Court locations will be closed Friday, March 31, 2023. Arraignment Court Judge Horkowitz Northeast Mon-Fri: 7:00 a.m.- 11:00 a.m. & 1:00 p.m.- 3:00 p.m.Bond Office Mon-Fri: 8:00 a.m.- 10:45 a.m. & 1:00 p.m.- 2:45 p.m. El Paso City Hall 300 N. Campbell El Paso, Texas 79901 (915) 212-0000 or 3-1-1. El Paso County Judicial Building 270 S Tejon St Colorado Springs, CO 80903 Directions/Map 719-452-5000 04SelfHelp@judicial.state.co.us. On February 27, 2023, Gcc Rio Grande, Inc. filed a Breach of Contract - (Commercial) case represented by Francisco J Ortega against Paso Del Norte Ready Mix, Inc. in the jurisdiction of El Paso County, TX. (Tex. view map, Disclaimer [ Public Records ] [ RDS ], Facebook Community Services (Rent Assistance, Pauper Burial, Senior Nutrition), Domestic Relations Office (Child Support, Family Court Services, Community Supervision), Statement To El Paso Bar Attorneys Court Response To Coronavirus, Associate Child Protective Services Court. The judges and staff of El Paso Municipal Court recognize that for most people their impression of the justice system is derived from their experience in municipal courts. In the back row, from left to right, are Judges Timothy J. Schutz, Ted C. Tow III, Lino S . El Paso, TX 79901 731 0 obj <>stream Forms of acceptable, valid identification include: Both parties must be at least 18 years of age. February 27, 2023. 18 and older May apply to obtain a marriage license. Marriage License Fee: $30.00. FCF554 Order Confirming Foreign Child Custody Determination and for Expedited Enforcement of a Child Custody Determination, Attorney Application to join the Civil Pro Bono Project Panel, Appointment Order pursuant to the Civil Pro Bono Project, Notice of Conditional Appointment pursuant to the Civil Pro Bono Project, Servicemembers Civil Relief Act 50 USC 3931, FCF 610 Petitioner's Affidavit regarding Military Service under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act50 USC 3931, FCF 611Acknowledgement of Rights under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act50 USC 3932 andRequest for or Wavier of Stay, FCF 612Order Appointing Attorney in Domestic Relations matter pursuant to the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act50 USC 3931, FCF 613Status Report filed by Court-Appointed Attorney in Domestic Relations matter regarding Servicemembers Civil Relief Act50 USC 3931, FCF 801 Advisement Concerning Placement, FCF 802 Relative Resource Affidavit 802, FCF 806 Stipulation and Order of Protection Pursuant to CRS 19-1-114(1), Dependency and Neglect Cases "District Plan", Presiding Juvenile Judge Order 2015-1, RE: Naming of Foster Parent Intervenors, Case Management and Trial Management Order, Amendment to Presiding Juvenile Judge Order 2015-2 - Confirmation of Positive Drug Urine Tests in D&N Cases, [2018-2] Standing Order Concerning Miscellaneous Privileged or Confidential Filings, Case Management Order Regarding Juvenile Petitions for Magistrate Review (Division 1), Memorandum of Understanding Between CASA and 4th Judicial District, Certification of Juvenile APR Orders into DR Case, JDF 1000 Domestic Relations Case Information Sheet, Instructions and Forms for Petition for Underage Marriage, FCF 410 Paternity Case Management Order (CMO), Adult GUARDIANSHIP and/or CONSERVATORSHIP, Minor GUARDIANSHIP and/or CONSERVATORSHIP, Thirty Day Demand for Compliance or Possession, FCF 8 Motion and Order to set aside Default Judgment (Infraction - R case), FCF 700 Motion for Extension of Time to Complete Terms of Probation/Deferred Sentence, CCF 101 Blank -Motion (criminal - CR, M, T case), CCF102 Blank - Order (criminal - CR, M, T case), FCF 458 Clerk's Office Certificate of Mailing, Formularios e instrucciones judiciales en espaol, Children and Families in Transition Seminar (CFIT). Judge David A. Gilbert: Yes. Citizens Service Center 1675 W. Garden of the Gods Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Ph: 719.520.6200 . Copyright El Paso County, Texas. The El Paso Council of Judges is composed of the judges of the district courts of El Paso County, the judges of the county courts at law of El Paso County, and the judge of the probate court of El Paso County. You can visit the offices from 8 am to 4 pm, Monday through to Friday. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to these requirements. [ Court Directory ] YouTube. For additional information, please review the Guidelines for Obtaining Marriage Licenses in Colorado below or contact the Recording Department. During my term, I plan to bring a fresh perspective to County government as we work to develop and promote initiatives that will improve the quality of life for our residents, as well as bring continued growth to the County of El Paso by creating a more competitive and progressive region. El Paso County. Instagram [ AD Self Service ] (719) 520-6202. In cooperation with the people we serve: our Courts; the different City, County, and State departments; local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies; social services agencies, law professionals, and elected officials at all levels of the Judiciary, the Council of Judges Administration provide a host of court support and administrative services including: (915) 546-2000 v.tena@epcounty.com ; from Mitchell County; 11th Court of Appeals District (11-18-00215-CV, 630 SW3d 234, 10-16-20) The Court affirms in part and reverses in part the court of appeals' judgment and renders judgment. YouTube. Judge Marcus S. Henson: No. [ Court Directory ] Jewish Family And Children's Service. The marriage must take place within 90 days from the date of issuance - no exceptions. If divorced, there is a 30-day waiting period after the divorce is final before remarriage - unless waived. El Paso County District Court No. *For a copy of the original divorce decree, contact the county district court that issued the document.. We provide verification of marriages, civil unions and divorces for the years 1900 to 1939 and 1975 to present, recorded with the Colorado Office of the State Registrar. About the Texas Courts 0 Tell Abbott he FU. May 2007 - May 201710 years 1 month. %PDF-1.6 % The person solemnizing the marriage shall complete the marriage certificate form and forward it to the Clerk & Recorders Office within sixty-three days (63) after solemnizing. The Office of the Clerk and Recorder is where many of the transactions between County Government and its citizens occur. If you have any COVID-19 symptoms please call (915) 212-0215 to speak with a court representative for options regarding your citation. A divorce decree is not required at the time of completing the marriage application. View hours and other information El Paso County Magistrate Division: CVL (Money, Eviction, and Replevin) D04_Courts_DivCVL@judicial.state.co.us View more. 2022 Primary and General Elections. Clerk of Court, El Paso County Copyright El Paso County, Texas. JUDICIAL OFFICER. County Judge Homepage. 500 E. San Antonio Suite 301 El Paso, Texas 79901 Phone (915) 546-2098 Fax (915) 543-3888 Experian is a respected voter registration and maintenance service provider assisting to create process efficiencies, reduce the number of undeliverable ballots . Commissioners are eligible for taxpayer funded health care. hb```B 000jT- K0r._#paL i @YbEP~fIZ/|/OX blLqx;9LE1o,im^n U # >e`]U%` , [ RDS ], Facebook Judge Clifton Newman, a South Carolina . Road Work Request. Developing and updating planning and procedures for the courts. Texas Judicial Branch. Please complete ashort surveyto help improve services, Questions - call 719-452-5000 or email04SelfHelp@judicial.state.co.us. The county judge represents all of El Paso County. An El Paso County jury will decide whether the University of Colorado fired an employee because he was rude, abusive and unprofessional, . Ricardo A. Samaniego Stay connected and sign up to receive regular updates! Charleston St. View property records for 66 addresses located on Charleston Street in El Paso, Texas, including property ownership, deeds, mortgages, titles & sales history, current & historic tax assessments, legal, parcel & structure description, land use, zoning & more. Colorado Springs, CO 80907, The Motor Vehicle Department provides innovative customer service in transacting vehicle registrations, drivers license, and other services, The Clerk and Recorders award-winning Elections Department conducts elections for El Paso County, The Recording Department provides services including marriage license applications, deeds, document recording, and access to plat maps, The Clerk to the Board oversees County Commissioner meeting agendas, liquor and medical marijuana licensing, and property tax appeals, February 28, 2023 The El Paso County Clerk and Recorders Office has contracted with Experian to provide an additional data management option for the nearly 460,000 voter files in the, January 9, 2023 The El Paso County Clerk and Recorders Office will have a delayed opening on Wednesday, January 11, 2023, due to an all-staff meeting. El Paso County Courthouse. hbbd```b``6+@$u>NHw XF ,~LM`K`2DH& h+,+3@$&4@{ X H1 l2w20120UeP Code 75.014(a). Marriage License. JUDICIAL OFFICERS WHO PERFORM WEDDINGS and CIVIL UNIONS. El Paso. FILE. The last four digits of the Social Security Numbers are required on marriage license applications. The license is valid upon issue and must be used, in Colorado, within 35 days. 205TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT On this 24th day of February, 2023, the Court issues the following list of attorneys . Witnesses are NOT required in Colorado. You are urged to review the applicable laws and to consult an attorney of your choice for further information or answers to specific legal questions. conducting all County elections. TX 7251 bexar County 309 terry ct el paso TX 79915 el paso County. The county judge is elected to a four-year term and is paid $131,481 a year. [ AD Self Service ] (915) 546-2000 Marriage Ceremonies. Court Coordinators, Bailiffs, Professional Certified Court Reporters, and Professional Licensed & Certified Court Interpreters for Visiting Judges. The County Clerk's office cannot change the name or spelling of name on ID. Contact Information. endstream endobj startxref Judge Meredith . *For a copy of the original marriage license/certificate, contact the clerk and recorder that issued the document. Judge Jessica Curtis: No. [view map]. Online requests for verification of marriage and divorce records may be made at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. Fennick, Yolanda: 719-452-5207: Weekdays, Judicial Building Only, No Weekends Box 2980 Must have a valid, government-issued picture identification. February 28, 2023 - The El Paso County Clerk and Recorder's Office has contracted with Experian to provide an additional data management option for the nearly 460,000 voter files in the El Paso County voter registration database. Link & Privacy Policy, [ County Directory ] In particular, traffic offenses, generally, are punishable by a fine of not more than $200.00 and all costs of court. YouTube. The following are NOT acceptable forms of ID: El Paso County Recording Department Marriage, Family, Child & Individual Counselors Counseling Services Mental Health Services. Total of 4 Emails, 4 Addresses, 2 Numbers. Link & Privacy Policy, [ County Directory ] Services and Support. If you would like to get married in El Paso County, you will need to visit the County Clerk's office and complete an application for a marriage license. Together the staff implement the instructions of the Council of Judges to further the fair and effective administration of justice. River Falls journal. Twitter The Texas Republican Party will decide Saturday whether to censure U.S. Rep. Tony Gonzales of San Antonio over his votes to uphold same-sex marriage and tighten national firearm laws. Others who can solemnize a marriage are judges, retired judges, magistrates, and public officials authorized to perform marriages (civil ceremony). Clerk and Recorder: Steve Schleiker. To request a written transcript of a court hearing, complete theTranscript Request formand email it to04TranscriptRequest@judicial.state.co.us. Some records may be available in room S101. Both parties must complete and sign the marriage application form. State Bar of Texas Community Services (Rent Assistance, Pauper Burial, Senior Nutrition), Domestic Relations Office (Child Support, Family Court Services, Community Supervision). Marriage between the following is prohibited regardless of whether the relationship is by half or whole blood: Marriage between cousins IS permitted in Colorado. (C.R.S. (915) 546-2000 If either party has been divorced, he or she must recite the date the divorce was finalized, city and state divorce took place, and the type of court. Maintaining and tracking Criminal Law Attorney continuing education to assure compliance. Colorado Springs, CO 80907. State Commission on Judicial Conduct 2020 Records and Results; 2021 Records and Results As we move forward, my office is dedicated to working on initiatives related to mental health, veterans services, County infrastructure, economic development, border policy and most importantly community outreach. Municipal Courts. 35(e) Burney ran for re-election for judge of the El Paso County Court in Colorado. He is the presiding judge of El Paso County, Texas, a county with a population of approximately 1.3 million people. 719-452-5000. El Paso County Marriage License Requirements. Thereafter he made almost annual voyages to the West Indies, and by the time of the Anglo-Spanish peace settlement of 1604 he knew the Caribbean . conducting all County elections. ORDERS ON CAUSES. Judge Marla Prudek: Yes. El Paso County Sheriff and Jail. The original or certified court order must be presented at the time of applying for a marriage license. Main Office - 810 E. OverlandMonday - Friday: 7:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m.(915) 212-0215TDD (915) 212-0231Calls are accepted from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Northeast - 9600 DyerMonday - Friday: 7:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Pebble Hills - 10780-A Pebble Hills(inside Pebble Hills Regional Command Center)Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Mission Valley - 9011 Escobar(inside Mission Valley Regional Command Center)Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. West Side - 4801 Osborne(CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE)Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. defendants@elpasotexas.gov paymentplans@elpasotexas.gov defensivedriving@elpasotexas.gov, Presiding Judge: Daniel RobledoCourt Of Appeals: Judge Maria Ramirez. [ Public Records ] 2. 4508 Junction Ave. El Paso, TX 79924. Samorreyan V. Burney is a judge of the El Paso County Court in Colorado. Researching, analyzing and presenting court data and statistics to improve court performance. The Council of Judges Administration comprises a diverse group of court professionals: Bailiffs, Administrative Specialists, Performance Analysts, Certified Court Reporters, Licensed Court Interpreters, Jury Hall staff , and our Office Manager, under the coordination of the Council of Judges Executive Director.