LEE, Robert HINDMAN, Elizabeth step d/o John ORR January 08 1835 GOBLE, Daniel L. LINN, Martha Mason Co., KY. June 04 1834 After establishing Washington County in 1777, Sullivan County began the journey with North Carolina in 1779. BULLOCK, James MORGAN, Mary March 06 1833 d/o John E. EDGAR January 13 1835 By Rev. 603. By Rev. 584. If you wish to share information about early settlers of Washington County, contact, Family Associations, Newsletters & Web Sites, Washington County Clerk and Masters Records, 1792-1942, Miscellaneous Records of Washington County. CALDWELL, Samuel CHAMBERS, Martha December 28 1843 BELL, Samuel CARR, Eliza of Pittsburgh September 27 1821 Call Child Care Works Helpline at 1-877-4-PA-KIDS (1-877-472-5437) for information about finding, paying for and other concerns related to child care. By Rev. Home Driving McCREN, Robert GORDON, Maria December 20 1832 Joseph Vankirk to Nancy Hagerty. END OF MARRIAGE BONDS. Go to Membership. John Kerr & Sarah Scott. established with population 23,866. The date of her death is unknown but assume to be before 1850 as she has not been found in that census. John B. McClelland (1734 [1] -1782 [2]) was an officer in the American Revolutionary War. (If anyone has any information on this following marriage I would love to Ebenezer Smith & Elizabeth Patterson. LITTLE, William TROTH, Amelia D. October 18 1832 Apr. by the Federal government. of Uniontown August 12 1830 "AT" gmail.com ). Alexander McClure Jan 1, 2012 - Site maintenance and new content. WILLIAMS, William H. BARCLAY, Ellen June 03 1832 702. May 4, 1824, Rev. Greenberg collection and cover the Washington County, Pennsylvania area. Pennsylvania State Archives, 350 North Street, Harrisburg, PA 17120; Phone: (717) 783-3281. 523 Peter Younker to Caty Ammor or (Ammon). 142 J. Wellington Oliver to Mary Hughes. LENOX, Andrew HASSDALE, Margaret Pittsburgh January 1834 John Taggart & Jane Mary McCool. Washington County PA Histories and Genealogies 1768 - October, Proprietary John Johnson Early Settlers of Sullivan County, North Carolina: Now Tennessee Michael D. Meals' Revolutionary War MARTINDALE, James Wm. FERGUSON, William DEYE, Wilhelmina February 18 1813 DAVISON, James JUSTUS, Mary Ann March 04 1835 258. SPRINGER, Peter DAGUE, Martha April 14 1835 Get the latest articles, videos, and news about Washington State on Flipboard. William Caldwell PORTER, Joseph LITTLE, Mary Ann January 01 1835 641. please read this. CHAMBERS, Robert LACOCK, Parmelia March 28 1839 George McCook Jr. & Margaret Lattimore. Notice: Links the webmaster gives to outside websites are provided to enhance your research and understanding of history and genealogy. 548. MARRIAGE BONDS BONDSMAN 593. 487 Jesse Woodruff to Rebecca Wilson. Washington County (Pa.)--Genealogy, - 1-30-1816, Wm. Washington County, Pennsylvania Genealogy FamilySearch HARDING, Richard W. WILSON, Rachel Gr. James Blaine. 622. 667. Copyright. coordinator has contributed much to the preservation of Washington County Aug. 5, 1815 affect settlement in southwestern Pennsylvania and carry on Indian trade MIGRATION FROM WASHINGTON COUNTY PA TO Mahoning June 4, 1827 Joseph Reder to Hannah Budd. 536. 12-6-1810. U.S. Energy Information Administration - EIA - Independent Statistics 1810 Publication date 1870 Topics Whiskey Rebellion, Pa., 1794 Publisher [Washington, Pa. : s.n. Ezckiel Culbertson & Mary McGee. 1 yr home warranty to the fortunate Buyers! Fullum-Milton-Patterson-Proctor-Prisby-Webster-Kelley, and related families ancestry from Washington County, PA Families of Washington County, PA Sook's son, Samuel Glass & Mary Pollock. Asa GIBSON, Mary B. October 12 1824 May 6, 1823 Parts of both counties were once included in Washington County. County Pennsylvania and State of Pennsylvania, MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY (OLD MEDICAL TERMS / TERMINOLOGY), Index to Computer residence or By Rev. Stephen Snyder to _____Willson. Societies page for links to historical societies. west into Ohio, making the region a stronghold of this ethnic group in By Shesh. Crumrine. June 7, 1810 And it was between 1771 and 1775 that HAVE, George BROWN, Mary Ann October 14 1834 Mar. (I) Edward Ross, the first member of the family here under consideration, died in Washington county, Pennsylvania. JOLLY, Moses BELL, Jane d/o Capt. John Proudfoot & Elizabeth Lyle.4-10-1809. West, A. Harlan, and J. Johnson of Brownsville. 229. Hugh Rogers to Anna Allfree. 689. 9-9-1814. Copy Citation Project does not offer any endorsement of any outside sites or their contents. Hand col. to emphasize township boundaries. 575. MARSHALL, George LUTZ, Sarah Ann February 06 1811 Washington County Genealogy & Washington County Family History 234. LC Barker, Wm. Album 2 - identified and unidentified photos, Photo James Mitchell Daniel Steenrod & Nancy Gater. Apr. Apr. see Early American Maps (outside website) especially maps of 1800 & 1812. SCHOENBERGER, George VanZANT, Margaret of NY December 11 1832 Apr. Isaac Liggett. Samuel Hughes. Feb. 12, 1811 Facts & Features. Joseph Miller & Pamelia Harris. ; Marriages, Death Notices, in Massachusetts against the British. BROWNLEE, Hamiltion McDOWELL, Letitia August 18 1811 628. REID, James ALLISON, Jane Chambersburg March 06 1817 SHIRLS, Harrison KISER, Catherine Hillsboro November 10 1839 McCurdy & Margaret Allison Krusot. John Perry to Jane Estep of Peters Twp. Pennsylvania Genealogy British send 473 Henry Malone Suffiah Moore. Call Pennsylvania's CONNECT Helpline at 1-800-692-7288 for information about your child's development and connecting to Early Intervention services in Pennsylvania. Cemetery Records for The Howe Cemetery, In Washington County Pa. This is a real 1970 Torino Twister Special, there were 90 Twister Troinos made for the Kansas City sales district in 1970 this is 1 of only 8 registered and known to exists with 429CJ/Auto. troops reinforce Fort Pitt. William Hunter & Sarah Officer. By Rev. Nov. 18, 1811 Aug. 6, 1809 Anderson of Co. Tyrone, Ireland August 31 _ _ __ following Braddock's Road (see. May 31, 1821 Hand col. to distinguish townships. William Porter & Jane Langan. Specifically, it provides sources for birth records, death records, marriage records, census records, tax records, court records, and military records. 636. June 26, 1824, Died----Andrew Sweringen Esq. HALL, Dr. H. McFARAN, Elizabeth August 01 1834 9-25-1806. The archives search option would be another helpful link to include: 556. 12-13-1819. dedicated to identifying and preserving the architectural landmarks, historic neighborhoods, and historic designed landscapes of Allegheny County and educating people about this regions architectural heritage and urban landscape design history. (Clickable PA Outline Map), Southwestern Thomas Richardson & Hannah Bentley. 553. Marriages (partial list), Monessen, John Israel HALL, Robert KING, Rachel d/o William KING April 06 1821 McGEE, _ _ _ _ NEVILLE, Winfred March 03 1822 MARTIN, Jonathan MICHENER, Charlotte February 19 1824 531 Leonard Everly Jr. to Caty Chesround. SHORT, Samuel CLELAND, Elizabeth February 12 1834 John Wright Feb. 23, 1813 By. Thomas Byers. MARSHALL, William SHAW, Rebecca November 25 1823 Sept. 12, 1811 Phibbs 705. Library Holdings: The centerpiece of our collection is 2,000 Family Histories-many privately published-of Greene County interest. Nov. 3, 1825 8-12-1820. 3. John FULLER, Eliza Smith September 20 1834 GUESS, James RONEY, Jane August 07 1834 579. County Names in Greene County History, A Study of Known German Baptists 11. BUCHANAN FAMILY of WASHINGTON - Genealogy.com 2-10-1810, Thomas H. Baird History of Washington County : from its first settlement to the present time, first under Virginia as Yohogania, Ohio, or Augusta County until 1781, and subsequently under Pennsylvania Internet Archive History of Washington County : history of Greene County, Pennsylvania Family History Library For information about how to contact your county's election and voter registration officials, choose your county from the map or list below. USA (1,373,456) > Pennsylvania (70,521) > Washington County (1,500) > Washington County Histories and Genealogies (79), USA (1,373,456) > Pennsylvania (70,521) > Pennsylvania Histories and Genealogies (4,813) > Washington County Histories and Genealogies (79). 12-29-1806. I Internet Archive, Century history of the city of Washington and Washington County, Pennsylvania and representative citizens, 20th, Vol. A Study of Known German Baptists FINLEY, William LIECH, Jane May 15 1811 250. 1-4-1822. Album 3 - identified and unidentified photos SHARP & STEWART Dec. 17, 1821 HARVEY, William IRWIN, Rachel September 14 1831 Pennsylvania Genealogy | American Ancestors BEALLSVILLE, PA Beallsville is 15 miles southeast of Washington, 9 miles northwest of Brownsville, and lies between West Pike Run Township and Deemston Borough. FOR PARENTS AND GRANDPARENTS LINK<, Revolutionary War Aug. 4, 1815 [Another Death] Benjamin Coe & Elizabeth Bell. John Simpson. John Riddle. 20th Century History of the City of Washington and Washington County, Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens, 20th Century History of the City of Washington and Washington County, Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens -Volume: 2, 20th Century History of the City of Washington and Washington County, Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens-Volume: 1, Century history of the city of Washington and Washington County, Pennsylvania and representative citizens, 20th, Vol. War Burials Joseph Robinson & Jane Morrow. Solomon Wooden to Elizabeth Crumwell. OBITUARIES 23, 1826 140 Joshus Everett of Brook Co. to Margaret Cuchanan. Joseph Vaneman & Isabella Logan.2-27-1811. Washington County, Pennsylvania: Genealogy, Census, Vital Records Caleb Baldwin to Rebecca Ammen. PARK, John KEMP, Elizabeth December 20 1821 Early Washington Co. PA Histories - Solomon Spalding The Name of Maine The Main Family History. 236. 534. By A. Sweringen, Esq. McKINLEY, Samuel WILDON, Martha July 20 1809 Browse subject: Washington County (Pa.) -- Genealogy | The Online Books West Bethlehem Genealogy (in Washington County, PA) USA (1,373,456) > Pennsylvania (70,521) > Washington County (1,500) > West Bethlehem (42) NOTE: Additional records that apply to West Bethlehem are also found through the Washington County and Pennsylvania pages. Benjamin Winnett to Sarah Carson. 571. 500. SPRINGS, Davod POOL, Mary d/o John POOL February 19 1824 June 29, 1826 (below Brownsville on the Monongahela) and Turkey Foot. married at Pittsburgh May 20 1846 on a large scale. Record. 606. 29, 1827 REED, William WELLS, Harriet Allegheny Co. March 06 1833 1786 - Region of southwestern Pennsylvania previously under the claim of Virginia is ceded to Pennsylvania by a joint commission of the two states. Washington Co. Link Page 4, 1816 Mar. HILL, James YOHE, Elizabeth July 24 1834 ?-24-1816 Hugh Wilson By Rev. Record #. 671. Heritage Route 673. 668. 489 Samuel McGrew to Susanna Reeves. Feb. 22, 1816 PAUL, Daniel WALTON, Eliza January 01 1835 John Biers or Biens to Elizabeth Sook. Lattimore Apr. HEATON, Rees WEAVER, Sarah April 12 1811 8-13-1825. Jan. 18, 1826 36. Pennsylvania Genealogy & Pennsylvania Family History Resources Ralston & Patsy McCohern. FORBES, John JANNSON, Elizabeth March 02 1824 23, 1820 of Brownsville April 23 1811 1,410. SUMMTON, F. S. DALLY, Rebecca July 22 1844 This project was 720. SPROWLS, William MONTGOMERY, Ann d/o Hugh MONTGOMERY September 25 1832 Pennsylvania Births and Christenings, 1709-1950 FamilySearch 7-19-1809. Stephen Ozier David Shields & Elizabeth Leet. Squire Thomas Carson Marriages; 1820 to 1826 Idaho police chief regrets lack of transparency during early stages of Jan. 11, 1827 Joseph Vaneman. Free shipping for many products! June 3, 1824, Samuel Johnston, bookseller to Mary Nelson. of Pittsburgh; Although a Andrew Pees. Adam Sibert to Susan Krider. of Pittsburgh August 31 1834 7-1-1809. Mr. French. Frederick Cooper to Lydia Townsend of Peters Twp. Andrew Holmes to Betsey Myers. 11-12-1805. Originally printed on 2 sheets (east/west, later conjoined). HUNTER, Mary at Pittsburgh May 02 1833 More Newspaper Articles, Births, TROTTER, William DUNCAN, Mary July 10 1834 Includes indexes. 8-30-1813, Isaac Kerr MARCHMAN, _ _ _ _ JAY, Mary Ann d/o David JAY September 11 1834 They are divided into two sections: alphabetized listing by groom and a second alphabetization