In case of any issue, detach the devices and attach them accordingly. Try the WiFi Mini Projector, 2020 Latest Update, capable of projecting full HD movies, comes with a 100-inch projector screen, an RCA to 3.5mm audio cable, and has free shipping all for the low . The signals cancel each other out, and there is no output. When you connect two or more electrical instruments, the projector screen shows the documents and other important images. The small alteration converts the settings significantly, and the system starts working exceptionally once again. No, you arent having a stroke, thats the power of your imagination. Overall, it isnt high-end but this is a good way to get into the world of projectors if youve been eyeing one for awhile. Its also an input found on older desktop computers but most people can just use the HDMI port instead these days. Cause of the problem (DR J projector no sound/Vankyo Leisure 3 no sound). The devices do not work in synchronization, and it is a dis-functionality. Think About Disassembling the Projector 3. Replacement of cables is the only solution, and it is a costly thing. These devices have batteries inside them that are electrical in their functionality. AS AN AMAZON ASSOCIATE WE EARN AFFILIATE COMMISSIONS FROM QUALIFYING PURCHASES. Magna Lighting is a leader in the design, engineering, and manufacturing of high-quality lighting systems, with expertise in headlights, tail lights and small lighting. TheVANKYO Leisure 410 [2020 Upgrade] Mini Projector with TV Stickhas been updated for 2020 and has seen major updates likeitsinnovative cooling system with heat dispersion and noise suppression technology and its bright, razor-sharp images, ensuring a fantastic watching experience. The following are some of the most common replacement to fix this problem: If you feel like disassembly of the projector is a daunting task, you should always contact your seller or manufacturer. While you could easily spend close to or over $1000 for a multimedia projector, the DR. J HI-04 is ideal for those looking for acceptable viewing quality in darker environments. Sometimes the socket does not work accurately, and the power cable loses its ability to fit in the electrical source. Avoid bending or stretching the cable too much when folding it neatly for storage. High-Definition Multimedia Interface, colloquially known as HDMI is a video and audio interface for streaming digital media through an HDMI equipped source. We can do a little math, lets say you use your projector 30 hours a week, thats only 1,560 hours per year. If you really want to upgrade the sound aspect youll need to plug in external speakers via the 3.5mm/AUX input. If you care about picture quality and want to see video content as clearly as possible, youll definitely want to purchase a projector that offers a 1080p resolution. By testing your HDMI in as many configurations as possible you can see if the problem requires a cable change. You will be able to stream that movie or present your elaborate PowerPoint presentation to your colleagues. The DR.J Professional using 15.6 inch 1920x1080 high resolution IPS screen, 16: 9 aspect ratio with 178 viewing angles, it has excellent color rendering ability, provide you the clearer, smooth, excellent performance in gaming/multimedia. Think of the machine working like binoculars that require focus at different distances. Be aware that the term you want to look for specifically is called native resolution though. At first glance youll likely fall in love with the low price-point, but upon further inspection youll also notice some impressive features. In this helpful article, I will be solving your projector issue, specifically, DR J and Vankyo 3 no sound problem, let me assure DR J and Vankyo projector users, that this problem is not only affecting their brands of projector, in fact, the culprit of this problem is not the projector but the app thats feeding audio onto the projector. Nesse caso, a soluo da Bonfiglioli acabou sendo a melhor escolha para uma unidade de rake espessante em uma mina de cobre no deserto de Atacama, no Chile, I.DE s.r.l. Magna technology travels millions of miles each day. There are small wires and connections inside this tiny machinery, and they are vulnerable to damage. Michael will provide you with helpful and relevant knowledge and advice based on his technical background. The causes for this projector problem include: Half plugging is human error. Pros & Cons - DR. J Professional Hi-04 mini projector outdoor movie projector Pros The 5-layer LCD lens display delivers a clear image Advanced cooling fans offer silent operation and durability Plenty of ports to use Screen size can be as large as 176-inches Compact design, Lightweight and portable that is ideal for travel Restarting your devices and projector might fix the issue. This is because you need to use the two wheels on top of the projector to make some visual adjustments. The process differs from model to model, but most use this method: If your projector displays No signal, there are multiple things you need to check. Model: DR J AK-50 / AK50. In such a circumstance, always seek professional advice and use original batteries for your devices. We have also added DIY methods to fix this No signal issue in the projectors. Why Does My Car Radio Changes Stations by Itself? In addition, the keystone adjustment and focus dials are situated right behind the lens on the top-side. The status bar shows that there is no data available for display. This projector can be used with a laptop, computer, Blu Ray player, and other equipment, such as video game consoles. 359 were here. You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. The gadgets do not function in synchronization. Why Do Car Stereos Have Removable Faceplates? This projector is a great choicefor your outdoor camping tripsand night movies with the family. Do not attach irrelevant wires to the system. The causes for this projector problem include: Half plugging Half plugging is human error. A message will pop up asking if you wish to continue the process. may also be that the device that connects the projector is not set correctly, for example, the TV Box's video output resolution is too high, the laptop does not set the video output, and the DVD's output resolution is set too high.TV BOX, DVD can be set by remote control. There are two USB ports and an SD card slot that can be used to play videos directly from the projector. RCA projectors (with no sound) do check it out. Not only does it offer VGA, HDMI, and USB connectivity, but users can also connect their table or smartphone. If your projector has analog and HDMI video streaming, the Input feature will cycle you through both. Many times we look to buy a printer thinking Will these machines actually last very long?. There are several ways you can go about achieving this. $169.99. Use it with Macbooks, laptops, PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox One, DVD or Blu-Ray player, TV Box, Apple TV Box, pen drive, external hard drive, SD cards, external speakers, headphones, Android smartphones, tablets, iPhone, iPad, and many others. An avid technologist, having spent many years working in the Aerospace industry, and specializing in all kinds of tech stuff. How to Fix the Projected Image Showing "No Signal"? Hopefully technical terms and details make a little more sense now and you can narrow down your choice a little more. Sometimes when a nonprofessional person operates the electrical instruments, he changes the settings by clicking some button. Although people are searching in that no audio is coming into the projector, they fail to mention that the audio is coming from either, Netflix, Amazon Prime and other streaming apps, more specifically, the Netflix app. It seems like theres something wrong with the projector. Initially, evaluate the problem and make sure it is not coming from the internal device. Cause of the problem (DR J projector no sound/Vankyo Leisure 3 no sound). The shapes of cables are also significant in terms of insertion. DR. J Professional HI-04 Mini Projector Netflix How to watch Netflix and other apps on this projector? And we can proudly say that we are the only one who improved the mini projector to native 720P resolution. $169.99. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Exterior lighting is increasingly a central styling differentiator that also enhances safety through improved vehicle visibility. It is an annoying process in many conditions. November 08, 2022 You should, Projector says No signal due to incompatible devices, The display also depends on this supply, and they are multiple. Careless plugging can result in problems such as no signals and, as a result, no working. Observe the machinery now and then; the repairing is costly on the pocket of the owner. Damage to this component comes with serious problems, such as no signals on the screen. Once pressed or selected, the Input button will cycle you through the different video sources to the projector. Use a certain amount of force to push the cable inside the socket. The projector says no signal HDMI issue is simple to fix, but you may not easily detect it. You can read our FTC disclosure through this link here. Best Selling in Home Theater Projectors. The laptop can also be set up.4., if there is no signal on every interface of the projector, it must be your operation is incorrect. J Professional AK-40 Wi-Fi Projector includes the basics of what you will need. 2 Factors Help You Pick Your Device. Older DVD players, gaming consoles, and even some VHS players use this cable. However, the ones that come equipped tend to do a fine job filling a room with audio. Modern HDMI projectors are great at streaming high-quality audio and video which help us create a cinematic experience within our homes. As we move further into the future, it seems these older ports are going unused. With VGA, USB, SD, AV, HDMIand audio port connections,thisprojector supports running off oflaptops, iOS/Android devices, TV sticksand even gaming consoles. Still a solid choice but the AK-50 does have some benefits. The no signal message on your projector screen is telling you that the device isnt able to find a digital source to project. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. After seeing the performance and features of the Dr J AK-50 projector, you can see why its a popular choice amongst people. If its the cause, insert the cable into the socket with enough power. What Is a Mono Car Amplifier? For example, 3 stone projector sound not working can be a result of overheating. Once the fixes are complete, you should test if your projector works or not. Dont hesitate to contact your projector manufacturer or seller to evaluate your options if you really detect some issues. The excess heat caused the wires to burn out, and the system shut down. Sometimes people replace their old HDMI ports with new ones without understanding the correct structure. The images and other data appear on the screen of the projector. It can happen if you are, The continuous flow of electric signals inside the projector and external sources makes it extremely hot. Are Mini Projectors Better Than Ultra Short Throw Projectors for Sewing? This gives you up to 60,000 hours of use because of this technology. The display gets blur and then suddenly disappears by notifying that the input signals are not correct and enough. Right click on the driver icon and click on Update. There are cases when the system displays no signals at all. The DR. J HI-04 is labeled as a mini projector since its much more compact than your average run-of-the-mill projector and built around portability. Plus, what if you want friends and family to connect and share their photos or videos? Its better to have something and not need it though I guess. Lets have a look at some of the steps to take. This is an added feature that tells you the projector is power on, yet it isnt projecting anything. However, the DrJ projector does still support 1080p sources, which I'll talk more about below as that may get confusing. About Magna Lighting. It measures an impressive 7.8 x 2.7 x 6, which means that it can easily be set up in any home or conference office. Suitable for ceiling mounted: Yes, via universal ceiling mount. If none of these fixes mentioned above works, maybe it is because of component damages inside the projector, which may require technical help. Michael will provide you with helpful and relevant knowledge and advice based on his technical background. The HDMI ports of the projector and external source play a vital role in bringing better and appropriate signals. This is a great improvement in mini projectors. Turn off the device when you sense smoke. WeaveMyMat Office Tech. If your device suffers from a connection issue, you can blame the wiring, plugging, faulty components, or heating. Companies do this on low-end models to make their products look better. Dont miss any possible cause because it may be the only one to blame. Choose DR. J Professional HI-04 projector and say goodbye to blurry images from now.This is the thing DR. J Professional has kept doing. So, adjust the settings to fix the problem; a minor adjustment leads to proper transmission and stronger signals. Take expert help for installing these ports for proper insertion and setup. You can also change the Input settings of both of your devices to check if it was a simple mistake. They claim its sound-free but wed like to describe it more as a slight hum that can be heard if you put your ear next to it. Press "Windows + X" and select Device manger. There are multiple reasons for this problem. The external devices are in synchronization with your projector and must function properly. So next time, if you have problems with the signal, remember to check the wiring carefully. This means you have to sit close to the machine, which isnt always possible. "As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Sometimes its about the improper attachment of the wires from one device to the other. They lack the proper setup of connectivity and output production. Sometimes the more voltages cause these damages. A small change in the settings means a complete change in the functionality. The pure amount of connectivity choices here will also allow you to enjoy the majority of your media content. An inadequate amount of current means there are No signals, and you cannot use the projector properly. Look For Replacement Cables 4. The HDMI cable isnt plugged in properly on either end. Test the HDMI with other devices (i.e. Any projector will always look its best when theres minimal light, but its nice being able to have a dim lamp on and still see the image. Chromecast, Fire TV Stick & Roku: supported. Resolve the issue and then build the connection once again. Sometimes because of copyright reasons this just wont output correctly. Magna Lighting is a leader in the design, engineering, and manufacturing of high-quality lighting systems, with expertise in headlights, tail lights and small lighting. Test Your Equipment With Different Devices 3. Copyright 2021, All Rights Reserved. recorreu Bonfiglioli porque precisava de um sistema completo, desde redutores de motorredutores a eletrnicos, que lhe permitisse operar com eficincia um sistema de transport, Triturao, moagem e manuseio de materiais, Redutores e motorredutores de eixos paralelos, Planetrio de preciso em linha - Performance Line, Planetrio de preciso ortogonal - Performance Line, Planetrio de preciso em linha - Effective Line, Planetrio de preciso ortogonal - Effective Line, Qualidade, Sade, Segurana e Meio Ambiente. Firstly, forcefully press the sources button repeatedly in the projector enables the recycling of the whole system. There is no signal on the projector, 1. may be incorrect operation Show more Show more How to Fix HDMI Not Working on Laptop Windows 10? All Rights Reserved. All Rights Reserved. Hes been a technology examiner for almost a decade, specializing in the best display solutions such as laptops, projectors, and TVs, Mobile. If you want to complete the full experience, youll probably want to plug in a sound bar or some sort of external speakers. Here are 13 main reasons that can make your projector say No signal. Why Does My Projector Says No Signal? The Dr. J Professional HI-04 1080p has a native resolution of 1280-720, with a support resolution of 19201080. Contrast: 10,000:1 The disturbance in this path means mixed signals and instructions. Theres basic functions like play/pause, volume, next/previous, and a directional pad. See my costs over 5 years? Adapters in any electrical setup are one of the most important things. Despite all the connections, the screen shows no signal notification. For example, the projector does not work with an HDMI, but the cable works as you test it with your PC and TV. Select the advanced settings and click Enter after browsing through the many choices offered on the screen. It happens that many projector users dont know how to use the projector properly. Few wires are expensive, and they are rare. . Single adaptor damage leads to a significant issue like no image and signals on the projector screen. The screen protection image, also known as a screensaver, is an image that usually shows the projector's logo, brand, or name. Projectors can't work without signals. Consumer Reviews is supported by its audience. The system sometimes cannot bear this heat, and it starts burning. With adjustable focus and a keystone button, users will enjoy great picture quality every time. In this article, we will. [5 Methods] Wondershare Recoverit Data Recovery 885K. Allow the video to appear on the screen. Alternatively, some people have stereo receivers that can passthrough HDMI audio. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. There are many types of inputs located on the back panel, which will allow you to use a massive range of media. Excessive force can cause wires to collapse, and high voltage damages their insulation. Lets begin by understanding what the HDMI cable is. This problem also affecting users of other brands of projectors. When it can no longer withstand the heat, it begins to burn. Current slide {CURRENT_SLIDE} of {TOTAL_SLIDES}- Best Selling in Home Theater Projectors. The first being the A/V port, this will allow you to plug in some devices from the 90s and early 2000s. 8 Best Gaming Projectors For 2023 [Top Picks]. This projector uses LED technology which extends the lamp life up to an impressive 60,000 hours. The excess heat caused the wires to burn out, and the system shut down. Press enter after selecting the Yes option. We strongly advise you against any form of disassembly if you want to keep your warranty. The malfunctioning generates improper channeling and automatic movements like sudden turning off of the system. Half plugging of the power cable is a human error. After analyzing the damage, you should repair or replace the adaptor. See all. In settings, change from Dolby 5.1 (Surround sound) to PCM or Stereo. Not only does the DR J and Vankyo 3 projector have sound problems but this problem has been prevalent in other projectors usually, this no sound is when Netflix is being played. What are the possible causes? Transform your career at Magna. If you have tried all the possibilities above but fail to fix the problem, you can reset your projector. Lets have a look at some of the most common fixes for the no signal problem. Pick the appropriate one to fit your situation. We will never satisfy till you are 100% satisfied.Address: 8 The Green Ste A DoverDE 19901 Kent DEPho Email Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. $64.99 +$10.00 shipping. These cookies do not store any personal information. In this way, you can be prepared to turn to professional help once you understand what is happening. The design is simplistic, but just like your mother always told you, its whats inside that actually counts. Careless plugging can result in problems such as no signals and, as a result, no working. 1 Why Does My Projector Says No Signal? These problems are easily fixable with some thorough testing of the hardware involved. Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. With built-in Wi-Fi the machine can connect to your homes internet router. As I mentioned earlier, the lightbulb system being used inside is LED-based. Single adaptor damage leads to a significant issue like no image and signals on the projector screen. There are two small fans that are in the case itself, which helps circulate air around the unit and remove any hot air. They do not work accurately after these damages, and the connection becomes vulnerable. If you see a screensaver even after you have plugged in a streaming device via HDMI, it probably means something on your streaming device, projector, or cable isnt working properly. To simplify it down to its most basic concept, the ratio indicates the range between the colors black and white. We believe, the KEY to that success is to offer quality products, affordable prices, quick delivery, and top-tier customer service, all via our hard-working staff. Turn your projector on, make these adjustments, and enjoy your sharpened image that is now ready for proper viewing. Utilizing an LED light source the HI-04 boasts an impressive brightness of around 2000 lumens with a 2000:1 contrast ratio. Any corruption of useful information leads to disasters like no data availability and no signals. Lead Architects : SPBR Arquitetos, Angelo Bucci, Tatiana Ozzetti, Nilton Suenaga, Beatriz Marques, Victor Prspero Lucas Roca, Martha Bucci, Beatriz Brandt. As an affiliate, we earn from qualifying purchase.Find more. You should use the HDMI splitter to connect a TV to a projector. Interested in learning more about our products. Having a bulb that lasts this long will help ensure you can enjoy using the projector well into the future. Few times these devices do not give their output, affecting the projector and its signals. The DR J Professional AK-50 projector is a Full HD model with a native resolution of 19201080. We improve our product to a better and better one. You can get a giant screen up to 176 inches, and it includes a 100 inch portable screen in the package, as well as an HDMI cable. Optimization hack if you know you have roll over pages left and expect to print less the following period, you may be able to use a lower plan for the following month. These modifications are not acceptable for the system, and they require the original setup. such as laptops, projectors, and TVs, Mobile. For reference, the average movie theater contrast ratio is only 500:1. UPDATE: The AK50 model seems to have been replaced by the newer AK60 projector. Android device connection: MHL cable (not included), iPhone device connection: Lightning to HDMI adapter (not included). Is HP Instant Ink worth it? Compatibility is according to the number and design of the port. We often use HDMI cables and ports to connect the devices. Defected cables can cause No signal issue, Sometimes they break due to excessive force, and high voltage ruins their internal insulation. The DR J Professional projector is very popular it seems and was upgraded in 2020 and now again for 2021. There are few fixing methods to resolve these problems of no signals in projectors. Why Does My Projector Flicker? Select Display Adapter and expand the driver icon. The DR J Professional AK-50 projector is a Full HD model with a native resolution of 19201080. If your projector says No Signal, it can be due to half plugging, connection problem, defective cables, incompatible devices, data error, damaged adapters, wrong settings, improper HDMI ports, damaged external source, incorrect input setting, overheating, and bad batteries. Can you already smell the popcorn in your room? RCA projector sound not working Solutions, Protect Your Home Theater: Surge Protection 101. The signals nullify their passage, and there is no display. Youll need to do this any time you move your machine to a new location. 8 Best Bedroom Projectors New Toys For The Bedroom? Always consult a professional in such a situation and use batteries like the original ones. This is a really nice addition, and perfect if you were wondering what youre going to project onto. Check if the HDMI or VGA connection from your computer to your projector is properly connected. Its 7500 Lumens, 3800:1 contrast ratio and HD (720p) native resolution will let you get a really good picture quality to enjoy a movie, video, TV shows and football games indoors and outdoors. DR. J Professional HI-04 Mini Projector is a great option if youre looking for an easy-to-use and budget-friendly projector with good picture quality and basic but powerful features. Activate it right NOW to make sure your purchase is 100% warranty covered. Choose the settings option and tap Enter once you access the menu. 1.1 Half plugging 1.2 Connection problem in the projector 1.3 Defected cables can cause No signal issue 1.4 Projector says No signal due to incompatible devices 1.5 Data error in the projector 1.6 Bad adapters 1.7 Wrong settings 1.8 Broken HDMI ports 1.9 Damaged external source 1.10 Incorrect input setting It seems that the AK-50 model has been discontinued and a newer model called AK60 has replaced it. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. The lamp life is 40,000 hours, which means that it will work for a very long time without breaking down or needing a new lamp. Native resolution: 19201080 (Full 1080p) By having a wireless capable projector everyone can be untethered and join in on the fun. Reset the whole system with a single click. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. 2023 VANKYO. The HDMI projector port on your streaming device is damaged. The term contrast ratio is something youve probably seen before, but are you aware as to what it means? DR. J Professional HI-04 Mini Projector vs Jinhoo M10, DR. J Professional HI-04 Mini Projector: Main Features and Benefits, DR. J Professional HI-04 Mini Projector vs YABER Y61, DR. J Professional HI-04 Mini Projector vs DBPOWER L21, DR. J Professional HI-04 Mini Projector vs MVV MV-01 Mini Projector, DR. J Professional HI-04 Mini Projector vs OHDERII CY4006 Projector, DR. J Professional HI-04 Mini Projector vs TMY V08 HD 720P, DR. J Professional HI-04 Mini Projector vs HOMPOW T20. WiMiUS 5G WiFi Bluetooth K1 projector 4K support review, Anker Nebula Solar Portable 1080p projector price & review, DR. J Professional Hi-04 mini projector review, The 5-layer LCD lens display delivers a clear image, Advanced cooling fans offer silent operation and durability, Screen size can be as large as 176-inches, Compact design, Lightweight and portable that is ideal for travel, LED lamps that are cost-effective to replace, Image quality lessens the bigger the screen is, The sound output is not loud enough as compared to other similar projectors, Projection distance: 4 16,4 ft (1,2 5 m), Recommended projection distance: 8,2 11,5 ft (2,5 3,5 m), Keystone Correction: 15 vertical (manual), Projection modes: front / rear / front-ceiling / rear-ceiling, Connection terminals: HDMI / USB / AV / VGA / SD card slot / audio out 3,5mm mini jack. The display gets affected, and the whole system stops working accurately. Michael Brown has been a lead editor of the website for a long time. Sometimes the system shows No signals at all. BenQ HT2050A Projector The Best Projector For Gamers? Suitable for PPT / Word presentations: not recommended. Imagine how far a career here could take you. Exterior lighting is increasingly a central styling differentiator that also enhances safety through improved vehicle visibility. Every gadget has its own settings, which follow a precise and consistent structure. Make sure you have the projector turned off and unplugged before trying any form of disassembly. 0 . According to our research to our customers' wishes, we have successfully updated the Native Resolution to 1280x720 and Full HD 1080P Supported for you in 2020. DR.J has been dedicated to providing great online shopping experience to our customers. Text description provided . Sometimes it says that no device connects, and it is a bigger problem. It is weighing in at around 3 lbs. Turn on the information source and press the play button for a longer time if projector says no signal. The system sometimes cannot bear this heat, and it starts burning. This is because of how projectors actually work, they project light, onto a screen or wall. The only solution is to check the power source and supply source. Also, consider to tie up each cable before storing them in place in order to avoid annoying cable entanglement. It is not the only source to build the connection, but most people prefer it. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. There are pros and cons to everything but I think this lightbulb lifespan is a big factor to consider for most consumers. This does not influence our content and helps keep the site running. On top of that, the screen size is quite decent. What Are Lumens In A Projector? The source of projection and the device connects by using the HDMI ports and cables.