This will allow the hog rider to receive little damage and by the time the inferno tower resets, locks back onto the royal giant, and charges back up, the tower should be destroyed by your royal giant and the other supporting troops behind him. The zap can also stop the princes charges and make them start walking before they charge again . Out of your eight cards, six of them are at or under three elixir. Average Elixir Cost: 3.1 (Wrong?) 300 may not seem like a whole bunch, but do that 2 or three times in a match, and you got yourself 1000 free chip damage. Type: 'help' to see more. Also, the Barbarians can help defend against the dark prince if the situation is desperate, but is not recommended counter since the Dark Prince is a pretty good Barbarian destroyer. By Arena By Card Sort. If your opponent decides to spawn in spear goblins to counter the ice Valkyrie and musketeer push, those spear goblins will die before they even get one spear thrown because of how good the Valkyrie is good at splash damage. You can manage the game's tempo with one tank Bowler while keeping your Baby Dragon close enough to unleash attacks on air and ground units. The bomber is extremely weak against point damage troops like the prince and the mini pekka and is also weak against air troops like the baby dragon and minions. If you want to play the game for yourself, you can download Clash Royale on Google Play and the App Store. As the cannon isnt suited for air defense, its best to save your Musketeer for when the enemy deploys a Balloon or Lava Hound. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. All you have to do is place the barbarians where the miner will pop out and only one of your defending barbarians will get killed, Ifthe Barbarians are set on top of the much feared Sparky, they can easily destroy it, and you will gain a major Elixir advantage. Below is a listing of the best and most popular deck builds around, as well as some simple deck building tips to help get you started. The moves that till be gone over in this article is the Elixir pump rush and pig pushing. , 12-0 CLASSIC CHALLENGE with PEKKA BRIDGE SPAM! Arrows- The arrows is a great starting card to start learning about direct damage spells. Pocket Tactics Your go-to destination for all things mobile, Nintendo Switch, and Roblox. The basic concept of this is to nudge the Hog a little bit to the outside by spawning troopsright next to the hog. The Minions are preferred in this deck over the Minion Horde because you want to keep the cost of troops low. Much like the previous deck above, but only with some changes to lower the cost of Elixir and add new tools. In a desperate situation, you can destroy spear goblins, minions, or goblins or a minion horde very quickly. If you know the basics about saving elixir for bigger pushes, you should do fine. This lets you get some quick burst damage onto your enemy crown or arena tower if you surprised your opponent or if they do not have a counter in their hand. BASICS: AVERAGE ELIXIR AND HOW TO USE EACH TROOP EFFICIENTLY The average elixir cost for this deck is an even 2.8 and the following cards used are: TROOPS: USED FOR DEFENSE AND OFFENSE. The Spear Goblins can also kill a Princess that is on the bridge very quickly as long as the princess is distracted. This content is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved by Supercell and Supercell is not responsible for it. These goblins may not seem like much, but over a few seconds they can whittle a tower down to half health with the help of the musketeer. If you has an enemy prince coming by and you have no good troops to defend against the enemy prince, you can shoot your goblin barrel down right in front of the prince. The cannon is very cheap which makes it have synergy with the rest of your deck. The Minions also do well enough against air troops like the Balloon or Baby Dragon, although for the Baby Dragon needs to target your Crown Tower first. If your opponent doesnt have those troops or they just used it and you have the cannon in your hand, you can use the combination of the ice wizard and cannon to defend from hordes of small group troops. Did you know there are 363792233805 possible unique deck combinations? 300 may not seem like a whole bunch, but do that 2 or three times in a match, and you got yourself 1000 free chip damage. With the most recent update,. The flying electro dragon also provides a speedysource of damage. The spear goblins are also very vulnerable to any direct damage spells such as the fire ball, the arrows, and the lightning spell for this deck. Minions also can take out the Barbarians with the help of the Spear Goblins. Hey everyone! - Clash Royale. This is a fun deck to use because of a few reasons. Right click image to save to your computer, or tap and hold to save to your mobile device. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Remember, the longer your sparky and giant stays alive, the longer your high damage per second troops stay alive, and the more damage you can put onto enemy building, arena or crown towers, and on their troops. Battle Decks using the Skeleton Army Card. This leaves you with a major counter push at the ready. VALK LOGBAIT. This gentle-looking fella is perfect for rushing an enemy and dealing a big chunk of damage. Build your push with the Lava Hound in front, Baloon . Clash Royale Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Ads allow me to keep Deck Shop running. The only problem with this deck may be obtaining the goblin barrel. If the ice spirit does get its stuf off before it dies, it is well worth it and you have a four times effectiveness when compared to the zap spell. The mini pekka is considered a glass cannon, where it deals a lot of damage but have little health in comparison. they are right next to your tower. TOP 3 DECKS DE JANEIRO PARA SUBIR TROFUS NO CLASH ROYALE. You enemy can also just place a single musketeer and out range the cannon. This gives you a huge advantage in attacking, especially if youhave the fast-moving prince who pairs well with splash damage units due to his single-target attacksand if you use your giant to cover him. For more information see Supercells Fan Content Policy. Click on any of the links below to take you to a guide of the best decks for a specific Arena. If they send in a prince, the barbarians are a great hard counter to him and will kill the enemy prince with ease. The minions are also one of your only air targeting units so you should be careful and know when the right time to use them is. As the name suspects, this deck features the Hog Rider and the Royal Giant. BACKGROUND INFORMATION This deck features three musketeers as your main damage source. The fire spirits can make the barbarians health points go so low that your arena tower can finish them off with out taking any damage. If you see that their deck does not have any of those cards, you can use the spear goblins like you normally would.The spear goblins are extremely vulnerable to splash damage units like the bomber, the Valkyrie, the witch, the bowler, the fire spirits, and the baby dragon. A good combo in addition to the elixir collector and toweris thatif you hit other troops with that same fireball, you will come out ahead in terms of elixir. If you do this perfectly, the hog rider will get no damage onto your tower. The mini pekka works great against single targeting troops like the musketeer, the wizard, the Valkyrie, the prince, and the troops previously mentioned above. Network N Media earns commission from qualifying purchases via Amazon Associates and other programs. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. The ice spirit, unlike the zap spell, can easily be countered. IMPORTANT TO USE THE RIGHT COUNTER FOR EACH TROOP Fire Spirits- The fire spirits are your other splash damage card. Decks are not as important as skill and communication. It is required that you dont place the Graveyard on or near the King Tower, because if the Graveyard touches the King Tower, the King is awakened prepared to shoot down your push. Clash Royale NEEDS to DELETE this NOW . The SpearGoblins not only can defend against goblins, enemy Spear Goblins, and Minions in a on verse one with the help of your Tower, but it can also be used at the very beginning. For being one of the first cards to be unlocked in the game, it is surprising how well they perform. With massive damage, the 2.6 Hog Cycle deck calls for an even more offensive playstyle though be careful to not over-extend. by W3bster | May 12, 2018 | Decks, Guides, Strategies | 0 |. 49.58 %. Most of the time youll want to play defensive, and take some time to work out your opponents deck. Because of this, they should be good for a beginner level clash royale player as you are more likely to have by W3bster | Apr 30, 2018 | Decks, Guides, Strategies | 0 |. You can disable Ad Block only for certain sites. Reset. It also allows you to get some chip damage if you have no other by W3bster | Apr 20, 2018 | Decks, Guides, Strategies | 0 |. The spear goblins are also very vulnerable to any direct damage spells such as the fire ball, the arrows, and the lightning spell. The average elixir cost for this deck is an even 2.8and the following cards used are: Fire Spirits- The fire spirits are your other splash damage card. If you find that your opponents are countering your ice spirit more times than not, you make want to switch to the zap spell. If the Spear Goblins are used right at the start, you force your opponent to either react to them by placing a much more expensive troop, leaving an option to have a hard counter ready, or make them just watch those Spear Goblins chip 300 damage off their tower. Community tips! BACKGROUND INFORMATION This deck features the ice wizard and princess as your most valuable cards. Since you have two very expensive cards in your deck, having the cheapest defense in the game will help you on defense when you are on low elixir. Usually though, the enemy hog rider will squeeze through and be able to get one shot off. Timings and placements are important, as the deck is costly in Elixir. You have cards like Valkyrie and . This deck was created to center around the theme of all commons. This deck involves a Balloon, and then plenty of fiery cards. I love sharing strategies, decks, and other useful information by writing blog posts for you guys. pavelfi. Deck Created by: KubilaiKhan3443 Minimum. The Spear Goblins can also kill a Princess that is on the bridge very quickly as long as the princess is distracted. The cannon is very cheap which makes it have synergy with the rest of your deck. This push makes it so that your goblins gets a few extra hits because your enemy tower is stunned for one second. It also shows the counter to the pig push in case you run into anyone also using this tactic. Based on 5,083 games. . This will be the troop that will do the most damage to the Tower and it will also be your main offensive unit. The barbariansare also very vulnerable to mostdirect damage spells such as the fire ball and the lightning spell. The Golem. Arrows can also do a little damage to the crown or arena towers but it is not recommended to hit their arena or crown towers alone. Category:Battle Decks | Clash Royale Wiki | Fandom Clash Royale Wiki Explore Cards Battle Gameplay Community Battle Decks Category page View source This category lists all of the Battle Deck guides created on this wiki. Your email address will not be published. The Current State of Clash Royale- Hard Talk. The first reason is how fast pace this deck is. It is also vulnerable to direct damage spells like the fire ball, the arrows, and the lightning spell. The minions are also weak to direct damage spells like the zap spell and the arrows. However, if youve got cash to burn, then this could be a lethal combination. Made with by pavelfi.. @deckshoppro Also, if you put her in front of your furnace, your opponent will have a very hard time pushing into your base. With only the mini pekka defending your tower, the royal giant may get around 500 damage off of your tower. Of course the mini pekka may only need one shot if you have some supporting troops defending with the mini pekka. Another good Clash Royale deck, the Ram Rider, focuses around a split-aggro unit where the rider targets enemies and the ram targets buildings. Because it is under a three elixir average for the cost of this deck, you can always be on the offense. Also, you should never pre place a cannon. This single musketeer card is a very good option to have in a new, beginner deck because of its high damage, long range, ability to hit air troops, and how versatile it is in many situations. You can then punish that over-commitment using cards likelog, fireball, and skeleton barrel. Because of this, if you see your opponent has one or two of these cards, you should save your minions or spear goblins just to counter the enemies air troops. Well, we decided to put together a list of the best Clash Royale Decks. The minions and spear goblins can act as the anti air troops if you so happen to run against a balloon deck. As a bonus when compared to the freeze spell, the zap spell only costs two elixir while the freeze spell costs four elixir. 0.71 crowns per game. Clash Royale. When your opponent counters this, they probably will use a fire ball and it will become a become a bad elixir trade for your opponent while arrows stop being a good elixir trade for your opponent and are now an even elixir trade. Additionally, it only targets defensive buildings which make it that much easier to control. The fireball can kill most of your whole deck. Failure to recognize which side is the one to do it on can result in an ineffective and useless push. So you're welcome! This will greatly increase the life timeof your sparky and giant and make this deck even stronger. Community. TOP 5 - ( ) . Another push you can do is a double wizard push. This deck is strong against hog rider decks but weak against hut spamming. The cannon, being only able to attack ground troops, is very weak against the three elixir minions, the minion horde, the baby dragon, the lava hound, and the balloon. Also, you cannon is out of your hand which makes it a lot harder to defend from the defense targeting troops like the giant, balloon, and hog rider. I recommend you zapping the inferno tower when the inferno towers beam is on the second stage. If you do shoot at their towers, make sure the arrows also hit other troops or that the arrows will destroy the tower. The average Elixir cost of the deck may be a bit high, but most players after the Training Camp will only have access to similar cards before battling in the first arena. Our favourite version of this deck follows up by crushing those stunned enemies with The Log. This is THE #1 BEST DECK for Royal Tournament , My MAIN Golem Deck just got a MASSIVE upgrade! Usually though, the enemy hog rider will squeeze through and be able to get one shot off. Because of this stun, your goblins are able to get a few hundred more hit points then they would without the zap spell. Instead of their usual barbarians, skeletons, spear goblins, or regular shank goblins, they have to think of some other way to push into your base. This deck is strong against hog rider decks but weak against hut spamming by W3bster | Apr 26, 2018 | Decks, Guides, Strategies | 0 |. This content is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved by Supercell and Supercell is not responsible for it. You can basically may an even trade elixir wise and do a medium amount of chip damage to the tower. The Minions could also kill a Sparky before it can take its aim at the Tower. The bomber and fire spirits are for a cheap and quick defense. The cannon, if provided with some sort of distraction, can be good against the prince, the the mini pekka, the barbarians, and the valkyrie. If the enemy spawns in a hog rider, send your barbarians just in front of the contested arena or crown tower. Barbarians The barbarianscosts five Elixir. The cannon is strong against weak ground troops like the skeletons, the archers, the spear goblins, and the regular shank goblins. Ice Spirits- The ice spirits can be a great card to use in conjunction with the hog. The SpearGoblins not only can defend against goblins, enemy Spear Goblins, and Minions in a on verse one with the help of your Tower, but it can also be used at the very beginning. If you dont have the Hog in your starting hand, make a small push maybe of just Spear Goblins and see how they react. The musketeer is very vulnerable to point damage troops like the mini pekka, the pekka, and the prince. The valkyrie is extremely durable against most troops because she has high damage and a good amount of health. THE 2 MOST UNDERRATED DECKS in CLASH ROYALE! As you might guess, this deck is all about the humble mortar, and using it toforce your opponent to respond and potentially over-commit trying to counter and defend against it. Now I will bring you through a card breakdown to show you the purposes and uses for each of the cards! The zap will be your best friend because since it resets the inferno towers damage, it is better than the freeze spell. Buildingdecks for yourselfto try out different combinations is super useful when it comes todeciding what to bring to battle. This deck, even being so cheap in elixir, can do well against splash damage focused decks. You should save your spear goblins just to counter any balloons or lava hounds they may have. the zap will now reset the inferno towers damage. Did you know there are 363792233805 possible unique deck combinations? Posted by W3bster | Jan 12, 2018 | Decks, Guides, Strategies | 0 |. BACKGROUND INFORMATION This deck features the ice spirit and princess as your main damage source. If you start your hand with a Furnace, place it as I described before, and place the Ice Golem at the bridge so your opponent will feel the need to counter it with something that costs more elixir while your Furnace gets chip damage. As a bonus when compared to the freeze spell, the zap spell only costs two elixir while the freeze spell costs four elixir. Pocket Tactics is the world's number one mobile games site. This deck centres around the Royal Ghost, an area of effect damage unit that hovers and remains invisible until he starts fighting the enemy. This one works pretty much like the Golem Beatdown but in the air. If you do pig push, make sure your are on the side where the defense is further away from your chosen spawn location. PEKKA CON ARIETE EL COMBO PERFECTO! 51.62 %. Sowhat are these magicalselections? Because of this, using the ice spirit is a risk reward type troop. If it starts in their starting hand, that is going to be played first 90% of the time. Be sure to pressure with an X-bow if they use something big like a Lava Hound, but avoid overstaying your welcome and losing defense. The barbariansare also very vulnerable to mostdirect damage spells such as the fire ball and the lightning spell. But here you go anyway. Did you know there are 363 792 233 805 possible unique deck combinations?