Holly Robinson | Polka Dot Man | Later, Hades came into contact with Acrisius, the ex-king of Argos, who was turned into the monster Calibos as punishment for defying Zeus. If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Court of Owls | The Lord of the Rings: Gollum | Orcs | Saruman | Sauron | Trolls Crimes Nightwing Villains | Category:Characters | Clash of the Titans Wiki | Fandom Advertisement pages Explore Characters Greece Movies Comics in: Content Characters Category page View source A list of Characters from the Clash of the Titans franchise. Dark Archer | GenocideDestruction The story is very loosely based on the Greek myth of Perseus. Superman/Batman: Public Enemies: Lex Luthor | Major Force | Metallo | Amanda Waller | Toyman | Solomon Grundy | Gorilla Grodd | Killer Frost | Lady Shiva | Giganta | Mongul | Captain Cold Hades threatened the mortals that he will unleash the Kraken on Argos unless Andromeda is sacrificed to it. She decided to punish Medusa by metamorphosing her into a Gorgon and banish her in a temple of the Underworld. As Batman, Robin and Batgirl are flying the Batwing towards the Eye of Sauron, the Kraken chases after them, shoots a fireball from his mouth aiming at the heroes, inevitably missing due to the Batwing going downwards, causing the fire ball to hit Sauron's Eye and making him collapse. Finally, after ten years of war, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades finally defeated Kronos and banished their father and the Titans to Tartarus where they hoped they would remain imprisoned forever. Tweedledum and Tweedledee | ConspiracyKidnappingAttempted murder Master Frown | Poison Ivy | Gremlins | Powers / Skills Ubu | Doctor Double X | : Harley Quinn | Poison Ivy | Joker | Scarecrow | Queen of Fables | Darkseid | Parademons | Penguin | Mr. Phantasm | Clash of the Titans Live Action Sam Worthington Harry Hamelin (original) Voice Sam Worthington Perseus is the main protagonist of the 2010 film, Clash of the Titans and Wrath of the Titans . Joker: Clowns (Joker, Clown & Ambulance Clown) | Penny Fleck | Wall Street Three | The Unnamed Vandals | Penny Fleck's Boyfriend The Wizard of Oz: Flying Monkeys | Wicked Witch of the West Heartbroken, possessive, and indignant at this, Thetis declared that if Calibos could not marry Andromeda, then no man would - she helped Calibos put a curse on Andromeda, which ensured that she cannot marry unless her suitor successfully answers a riddle, and the failure in providing the accurate answer would result in the suitor being burned at the stake. Batman Unlimited: Monster Mayhem: Joker | Scarecrow | Clayface | Silver Banshee | Solomon Grundy The 1981 incarnation of the Kraken is one of the many villains that joined the Joker as part of his Uber Villains to take over all of Gotham City. Sauron | Eagleator | Wrath of the Titans is the sequel to the 2010 film, Clash of the Titans. Arnold John Flass | Holly Robinson | Harley Quinn | A sequel entitled Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: The Flash was released in 2018. Donna Troy | Vertigo | Lord Vampyre | Vandal Savage | The Merciless | However, due to his mother's spoiling and indulgence of him since his birth, he grew into a man who (in spite of his handsome and fascinating appearance) firmly believed that he could do whatever he wanted whenever he wanted with no consequences. Talon | Catwoman | It was released on June 21, 2016. Batman Unlimited: Mechs vs. Mutants: Penguin | Mr. Cluemaster | Score Creeper | Crash of the Titans is the fourteenth installment in the Crash Bandicoot video game series, and is the sixth mainline series game. Malochia | However, Thetis saw that Calibos' demand for justice was a plea for personal revenge in reality. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: Lex Luthor | Doomsday | Anatoli Knyazev | Mercy Graves | Cesar Santos | Amajagh | Joe Chill | Zod | Joker | Steppenwolf Flying Monkeys | Eagleator | Mary Keeny | Amygdala | Savage Skull | Red Death | Enigma | Devour Joppa or its princess. King Snake | Arnold John Flass | Robin Villains | Perseus uses Medusa's severed head to turn the Kraken to stone. It is the last of the remaining Titans and the monster controlled by Poseidon. Gearhead | Bane | Ubu | Condiment King | Joker | Lex Luthor | Harley Quinn | Riddler | Two-Face | Catwoman | Bane | Penguin | Poison Ivy | Scarecrow | Captain Boomerang | Clayface | Mad Hatter | Ra's al Ghul | Killer Croc | Bane | Killer Moth | Mr. Powers / Skills Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Foot Clan (Shredder & Baxter Stockman) | League of Assassins (Ra's al Ghul & Ubu) | Joker | Penguin | Harley Quinn | Mr. Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders: Joker | Penguin | Riddler | Catwoman | Archer | Black Widow | Bookworm | Clock King | Egghead | False Face | King Tut | Louie the Lilac | Mad Hatter | Minstrel | Mr. Ratcatcher | 1.1 Original Film; 1.2 2010 Remake; Freeze | Mr. Mxyzptlk | Parasite | Penguin | Poison Ivy | Polka Dot Man | Red Hood | Riddler | Toyman | The Trickster | Ultra-Humanite | Catwoman | Bizarro | Amanda Waller | Captain Boomerang | El Diablo | King Shark | Killer Frost | Plastique | Terra | Zod | Faora | Joker | Two-Face | Ra's al Ghul | Bane | Catwoman | Scarecrow | Blight | Joker | Mr. Films [ edit] The Flash is an upcoming American superhero film based on the DC Comics character The Flash and the event Flashpoint. The A-Team: Family Metis (mother) Zeus (father) Apollo (paternal half-brother) Hephaestus (stepbrother) Artemis (paternal half-sister) Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! Petrifying gazeSerpentine agility and dexterityInhuman aggression and strengthPrehensile bodyArcheryCorrosive blood (1981 version can spawn creatures) Prior to this moment, Hades somehow knew that Perseus was the demigod son of Zeus. Key | Birds of Prey Villains | Later on, Thetis came to have a perfect excuse to impose the very punishment that Calibos suggested to her: Andromeda's mother, Queen Cassiopeia, foolishly boasted that her daughter's beauty outshone that of Thetis' right in the sacred temple of said Goddess. Falcone Crime Family | The Kraken appears in the 2010 remake as an adversary of Perseus. Killer Moth | Freeze | Mr. Mxyzptlk | Parasite | Penguin | Poison Ivy | Polka Dot Man | Red Hood | Riddler | Toyman | The Trickster | Ultra-Humanite | Catwoman | Bizarro | Amanda Waller | Captain Boomerang | El Diablo | King Shark | Killer Frost | Plastique | Terra | Zod | Faora | Joker | Two-Face | Ra's al Ghul | Bane | Catwoman | Scarecrow | Blight | Joker | Mr. Amanda Waller | Court of Owls (Jacob Kane, Constance Cobblepot & Talons) | League of Shadows (Ra's al Ghul, Talia al Ghul & Man-Bat Commandos) | Gotham City Police Department (Catherine Kane) | Penguin | Harley Quinn | Mr. Steeljacket | Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans is a 2021 American computer-animated science fantasy film directed by Johane Matte, Francisco Ruiz Velasco, and Andrew Schmidt, and written by Guillermo del Toro, Marc Guggenheim and Dan and Kevin Hageman (who also produced the film). He was also very contemptuous of humans, despising them for believing Zeus' lies and wrongly avoiding Hades. Polka Dot Man | Director Louis Leterrier Writers Travis Beacham (screenplay) Phil Hay (screenplay) Matt Manfredi (screenplay) Stars Sam Worthington Liam Neeson Ralph Fiennes See production, box office & company info Abraham Langstrom | Clash of the Titans is a British-American fantasy action film franchise based on characters and myths of Ancient Greek mythology. Teen Titans: The Movie; Inspector Gadget (2023 Film) Regular Show: The Movie II; Peter Pan (2023 film) . Batman: Assault on Arkham: Suicide Squad (Amanda Waller, Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, Killer Frost, King Shark, Black Spider & KGBeast) | Joker | Riddler | Penguin | Scarecrow | Victor Zsasz | Bane | Two-Face | Poison Ivy Gotham Villains | Batman & Mr. Anarky | Greek mythology creature Spending the following years spreading hatred and plotting revenge, Hades has become arrogant, imposing, and very cynical. Genocidal Man-Eater, Large tentaclesRazor sharp claws and teethHighly skilled swimmerSuper-strength and durability. League of Assassins | Freeze | Riddler | Toyman | Poison Ivy, Video Games Killer Moth | An Innocent Guy | Batman (1989): Joker | Joker Goons (Bob Hawkins) | Alicia Hunt | Carl Grissom | Max Eckhardt | Antoine Rotelli | Vinnie Ricorso | Joe Chill | Harvey Dent Batman: The Dark Knight Returns: Batman | Joker | Mutant Leader | Harvey Dent | Selina Kyle | Bruno Freeze | Catwoman | Penguin | Harley Quinn | Poison Ivy Then, Sheikh Sulieman blows up his body, which hurts her and disorients her for a while. Just as Andromeda was about to be sacrificed, Perseus used Medusa's head to turn the Kraken to stone. Freeze | Clayface | Riddler | Poison Ivy | Lex Luthor | Flower Children | Fun Haus |Harley Quinn | Morgaine Le Fey | Sweet Tooth | Queenie Goldstein | Bane | Kite Man | Black Manta | Gentleman Ghost | Major Force | Mirror Master | Metallo | Brainiac | Flamingo | Mxyzptlk | Toyman | Thinker | Doctor Sivana | Mister Mind | Black Adam, Beware the Batman Jason Todd | Harley Quinn | However, Hades sends the Harpies to steal it. Batman: Soul of the Dragon: Nga | Kobra (Jeffery Burr, Schlangenfaust, Lady Eve, King Snake & Rip Jagger) | Ben Turner | Shiva | Richard Dragon | Jade Sauron | Hence, she transported Perseus from Seriphos to an abandoned amphitheater in Joppa, having instinctively foreseen that her doing so would set him on a path of fears and hardships. Hugo Strange | Zeus is a major character in Clash of the Titans and the 2010 remake and the tritagonist of Wrath of the Titans. Instigator | Kang the Conqueror (Marvel Cinematic Universe). Despite his deformity and his exile, Calibos was still not without a powerful ally: his doting mother, Thetis, who was both heartbroken and indignant by how Zeus had punished him, and was determined to seek vengeance on his behalf. Freeze | Dr. Gregory Belson Simon Hurt | After their entry, she shoots one of the soldier in the back with an arrow, but Perseus and the other soldier split up and hide behind columns. Joker | Music Meister | Catwoman | Penguin | Mr. The Batman Who Laughs | He then grabs a torch and throws it near a statue, causing Medusa to shoots it. Mole | Zeus is a major character in Clash of the Titans and the 2010 remake and the tritagonist of Wrath of the Titans. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans (or simply Rise of the Titans) is a Netflix original film created by Guillermo Del Toro, produced by DreamWorks Animation and Double Dare You Productions. Ventriloquist II | This is Thesecret1070. Scarecrow | Baby Doll | Freeze | Ethan Bennett | Killer Croc | Man-Bat | Firefly | Riddler | Punch & Judy | Kabuki Twins | Hugo Strange | Cluemaster | Ragdoll | Temblor | Poison Ivy | Tony Zucco | Count Vertigo | Harley Quinn | Maxie Zeus | Clayface | Gearhead | Francis Grey | Killer Moth | D.A.V.E. Fun Haus | Batgirl Villains | Crimes Genocide Destruction Type of Villain Genocidal Man-Eater Batman and Superman: Battle of the Super Sons: Starro | Lex Luthor | Penguin, Television The LEGO Movie Villains, Super Secret Police Merrymaker | Killing mortals.Plotting against Zeus. Prometheus | Later, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades declared a ten-year war on the Titans called the Titanomachy. To punish Cassiopeia for her vain boast as well as for the injury Perseus inflicted on Calibos, an indignant Thetis demanded Andromeda's life as a sacrifice to the Kraken in 30 days on the eve of the longest day of the year, or the Kraken would destroy the entire Kingdom of Joppa. David Li | After the ten-year Titanomachy, Zeus . The Batman Who Laughs | Orca | Batman Begins: Ra's al Ghul | League of Shadows (Ra's Decoy) | Scarecrow | Falcone Crime Family (Carmine Falcone, Victor Zsasz & Arnold Flass) | Joe Chill Mr. Alias Joseph May (US, S25 -S26) Andrew Garfield (re-narrations, 25 - 26, narrator S27-present) Composer Chris Renshaw Robert Hartshone Peter Hartshone Country of origin United Kingdom No. The Batman vs. Dracula: Dracula | Penguin | Joker Suicide Squad: Eyes of the Adversary (Enchantress & Incubus) | Suicide Squad (Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, El Diablo, Killer Croc, Slipknot & Amanda Waller) | Joker's Gang (Joker, Jonny Frost, Panda Man & Monster T) | Griggs Batman and Superman: Battle of the Super Sons: Starro | Lex Luthor | Penguin, Television Mad Hatter | Calibos attacked Perseus, only to lose his hand to Perseus' sword. Reverse-Flash | Levi has short, straight black hair styled in an undercut, as well as narrow, intimidating steel blue eyes with dark circles under them and a deceptively youthful face. The Simpsons: Mr. Burns Emperor Penguin | Maxwell Lord | Batman vs. Two-Face: Two-Face | Hugo Strange | Catwoman | King Tut | Bookworm | Joker | Penguin | Riddler | Clock King | Egghead | Mr. Full Name Kang the Conqueror (Marvel Cinematic Universe). Thetis was first introduced as the beautiful Goddess of the Sea, as well as a prominent honored member of Mount Olympus. Ventriloquist | Type of Villain Hence, it could be said that she had considerable power in both the worlds of deities and mortals. Outsider | Crime Doctor | Tony Zucco | Lego DC Comics: Batman Be-Leaguered: Bat-Mite | Lex Luthor | Joker | Penguin | Man-Bat | Captain Cold | Black Manta Birds of Prey Villains | Great White Sharks | 1 Early life. The LEGO Movie Villains, Super Secret Police Zebra-Man | Martin "Mad Dog" Hawkins | Cornelius Stirk | Faceless | Hades survived and Perseus and Zeus both knew that Hades would eventually return to claim Olympus from his brother and exact revenge. Brain | Joker (Earth-22, 2008 Graphic Novel) | He is the Greek god of death, the ruler of the Underworld, and the evil brother of Zeus and Poseidon. Calender Man | Knight Rider: The Powerpuff Girls (2016): Mojo Jojo Great White Shark | Hi. Joker | Penguin | Catwoman | Riddler | Mr. Crimes The Wonderland Gang | Joker | Divine powersImmortalityUmbrakinesisPyrokinesisTyphokinesisTeleportationShapeshiftingLevitationTelekinesisFighting skills Maxie Zeus | Composite Superman | Lock-Up | This is Thesecret1070. Neron | Goals Zeus is one of the main characters on the Clash of of the Titans and the main deuteragonist of Wrath of the Titans. Superman | Wonder Woman | Yellow Lantern | The Flash | Aquaman | Nightwing | Cyborg | Raven | Solomon Grundy | Catwoman | Bane | Black Adam | Deadshot | Poison Ivy | Scarecrow | Joker | Deathstroke, Gotham Knights Joker | Penguin | Riddler | Harley Quinn | Catwoman | Two-Face | Bane | Clayface | Killer Croc | Killer Moth | Mad Hatter | Man-Bat | Mr. To punish the affront, Athena metamorphosed her into a Gorgon and banished her in a ruined temple of the Underworld where other women are forbidden from entering. Freeze | Arrow Deathstroke | Malcolm Merlyn | Darkseid, Injustice | Dracula | Rumor | Toyman | Mirror Master | Lex Luthor | Black Mask | Sinestro | Joker 2.0 | Prank | Killgore Steed | Team Penguin | Julie | Spellbinder | Blaze | The Joining | Cosmo Krank | Marty Slacker | Scorn | Wrath | Metallo | Shadow-Thief | Black Adam, Batman: The Brave and The Bold Son of Batman: Deathstroke | League of Assassins (Ra's al Ghul & Talia al Ghul) | Ubu | Killer Croc | Man-Bats Clownface | Timecode | Powers / Skills Batman: Assault on Arkham: Suicide Squad (Amanda Waller, Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, Killer Frost, King Shark, Black Spider & KGBeast) | Joker | Riddler | Penguin | Scarecrow | Victor Zsasz | Bane | Two-Face | Poison Ivy Doctor Randolph Porter | Lord Business | Penny Plunderer | interpretato da Alexander Skarsgrd, Millie Bobby Brown, Rebecca Hall, Brian Tyree Henry, Shun Oguri, Eiza Gonzlez . Crimes Mr. No information Co-produced between the United Kingdom and United States, it was . Legends of Chima: Cragger Score Creeper | An Innocent Guy | Sheriff Not-A-Robot, Phantom Zone Criminals Tiger Shark | Many years later, Hades sent his Harpies to an island where soldiers from Argos destroyed a statue of Zeus and obliterated them and a passing fisher boat, killing everyone on board except Perseus, who survived and washed up on the island where the soldiers took him to Argos. Rex Dangervest | Joker: Clowns (Joker, Clown & Ambulance Clown) | Penny Fleck | Wall Street Three | The Unnamed Vandals | Penny Fleck's Boyfriend Freeze | Flamingo | The LEGO Movie: Bad Cop | Lord Business | Super Secret Police The god Poseidon made sexual advances towards her, but she rejected him and tried to take refuge in the temple of Athena. Medusa is one of the secondary antagonists of Clash of the Titans and its 2010 remake. Batman Unlimited: Animal Instincts: Animalitia (Penguin, Killer Croc, Man-Bat, Cheetah & Silverback) History 1981 continuity 2010 continuity Background Red Death | It is assumed that Zeus forced Hades to lock up the Kraken so he wouldn't harm anyone. Two prequel comics "Shazam! Rupert Thorne | If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Zeus is based on the mythological character of the same name from Greek Mythology. Devil Nezha | Freeze | Clayface, See Also Mr. Bloom | Batman 60s show It is the 13th installment in the DC Extended Universe. Fury of the Gods Special: Shazamily Matters" and "Shazam! Merrymaker | Mr. Toad | Harley Quinn | Thetis Dr. Silversmith | Carmine Falcone | Arkhamverse Villains | Bad Cop | Wicked Witch of the West | Later, Hades traveled to Argos where Perseus was present with Kepheus, the king of Argos, and his daughter, Andromeda. Clash of the Titans Hi. Harley Quinn | Poison Ivy | Joker | Scarecrow | Queen of Fables | Darkseid | Parademons | Penguin | Mr. Years later, Hades was freed by Zeus when he gave Kronos a potion which made him vomit Hades and his siblings as well as the stone substituted for Zeus. A few moments later, she sees Perseus suddenly running and pursues him. Harley Quinn | Welcome to the Class of the Titans Wiki, The wiki about Class of the Titans that anyone can edit! We are currently editing 393 articles and 2,322 images since August 2010. Gigantic sizeLarge tentaclesRazor sharp claws and teethHighly skilled swimmerSuper-strength and durability Mutants | Mutants | The Batman vs. Dracula: Dracula | Penguin | Joker Freeze | Catwoman | Penguin | Harley Quinn | Poison Ivy The Eraser | Type of Villain Origin Telltale Batman Villains | The Drowned | After Calibos's death, Hades traveled to Olympus where he revealed his intentions to overthrow Zeus and take the throne from him. Superman/Batman: Public Enemies: Lex Luthor | Major Force | Metallo | Amanda Waller | Toyman | Solomon Grundy | Gorilla Grodd | Killer Frost | Lady Shiva | Giganta | Mongul | Captain Cold Condiment King | Batman: Under the Red Hood: Jason Todd | Joker | Black Mask | Ra's al Ghul | Riddler | Ms. Li She was portrayed by Natalia Vodianova in the 2010 film. Monk | None Scooby-Doo! Thetis is the main antagonist of the 1981 film version of Clash of the Titans. Joker | Talia al Ghul | Whisper | In fact, he went as far as to trap and kill a sacred herd of flying horses (all except Pegasus) that belonged to Zeus, the King of the Gods as well as the Ruler of Mount Olympus. Freeze | Bane | Lex Luthor | Killer Croc | Man-Bat | Riddler | Deadshot | Calendar Man | Condiment King | Solomon Grundy | Kite Man | Doctor Psycho | Clayface | King Shark | Nora Fries | Sy Borgman | Doctor Trap | Frank the Plant | Felix Faust | Toyman | Metallo | Livewire | Parasite | Black Adam | Captain Cold | Gorilla Grodd | Black Manta | Cheetah | Giganta | Sinestro | Maxie Zeus | Eris | KGBeast | Two-Face | Catwoman | Nick Quinzel | Sharon Quinzel | Suicide Squad (Amanda Waller) | Clock King | Firefly | Court of Owls, Batwheels Tweedledum and Tweedledee | Batwoman Villains | Anarky | Ra's al Ghul | Deathstroke | Harvey Dent | Killer Croc | Simon Stagg | Professor Pyg and Mr. Toad | Man-Bat | Cypher | Magpie | Lady Shiva | Tobias Whale | Phosphorus Rex | Lunkhead | Humpty Dumpty | Silver Monkey | Key | Bethany Ravencroft | Daedalus Boch | Junkyard Dog | Sapphire Stagg | Matatoa | Anatol Mykros, Harley Quinn Calibos is the secondary antagonist of the 1981 film version of Clash of the Titans. I am an admin of this site. ImmortalityTeleportationPremonitionShapeshiftingGeokinesisMagic Now mortal permanently, Hades decides to live as a mortal and leaves after Zeus passes away. Sewer King | As years passed, Hades began planning to kill Zeus and usurp control of the world from him. Zeus is a main character featured in Clash of the Titans and the sequel, Wrath of the Titans . Tiger Shark | Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker: Joker | The Jokerz (Chucko, Dee-Dee, Ghoul, Bonk & Woof) | Harley Quinn