Where railways had previously provided almost universal freight and passenger services, cars, trucks and airplanes started to take traffic away from railways. [109][110] The Holiday Train also provides publicity for CP and a few of its customers. Action Red, 5" nose/cab stripes, multi on cab (endcab switchers CP 7021 wears the sand colour that the Canadian and U.S. armies apply to fighting vehicles and equipment serving in arid climates. Only the Boston and Maine Railroad had more. *note: this is a non-serious reply. Stellantis, Truist, Aegis etc. Black running gear. Their trucks were painted Killarney (dark) green while regular express company vehicles were painted bright red. I do like the Canadian Pacific International suggestion. CP no longer provides any of these services. Action Red, 8" nose stripes, large multi. CP's ownership of that railroad traces back to the Soo Line's ownership, inherited from the Milwaukee Road. [84] On 26 January 2020, Canadian current affairs program The Fifth Estate broadcast an episode on the derailment, and the next day the Canadian Transportation Safety Board (TSB) called for the RCMP to investigate as lead investigator Don Crawford said, "There is enough to suspect there's negligence here and it needs to be investigated by the proper authority". Tugs and barges handled railway equipment including one operation that saw the entire train including the locomotive and caboose go along. But commission a new logo which incorporates the shape of the three countries rendered as one, with CAM inside of that. 2023 Traingeek - Trains and Photography, David & Pat Othen Canadian Train Photographs, The Kansas City Southern: Route of the Southern Belle. It has operated across much of the CPR system, including lines in the U.S. and been used for various charitable purposes; 100% of the money raised goes to the nationwide charity Breakfast for Learning the CPR bears all of the expenses associated with the operation of the train. Canadian Pacific must remain part of the name but respecting the purchase and additional territory covered, Mark Vinskis Canadian Pacific International has some merit. [97], Over half of CP's freight traffic is in grain (24% of 2016 freight revenue[98]), intermodal freight (22%), and coal (10%) and the vast majority of its profits are made in western Canada. What once took 24 changes of engines in 1886, all of them 4-4-0s except for two of 2-8-0s in the mountains, for 4,640 kilometres (2,883mi) between Montreal and Vancouver became 8 changes. [11], With Macdonald's return to power on 16 October 1878, a more aggressive construction policy was adopted. If you want to be descriptive of where the new railroad will operate, go with Arctic & Southern? "Royalty Rides the Rails: A railroading perspective of the 1939 Canada/USA Royal Tour". This is Byron MacGregor, CKLW, the Motor Cities. Public perception matters even if its off base. Candy Apple Red, "Canadian Pacific" lettering with Beaver Logo [135], In 1884, CPR began purchasing sailing ships as part of a railway supply service on the Great Lakes. Primarily a freight railway, the CPR was for decades the only practical means of long-distance passenger transport in most regions of Canada and was instrumental in the settlement and development of Western Canada. There are a whole bunch more countries in North America. Flag" logo. Bay of Fundy ferry service was operated for passengers and freight for many years linking Digby, Nova Scotia, and Saint John, New Brunswick. after many attempts to change with the times. Total lack of knowledge about RRs! CP Ships was the final operation, and in the end it too left CP ownership when it was spun off in 2001. Currently, cargo being transported from one rivals network to another may have to be swapped out to a new car to continue on its journey.. [68], On 12 October 2014 it was reported that Canadian Pacific had tried to enter into a merger with American railway CSX, but was unsuccessful. Canadian Pacific could be back in the lead as the potential merger partner of Kansas City Southern, following a Saturday decision by the KCS board. Units so painted had a red area above the height of the [45] During this time the railway land grants were formalized. TASD diesels wore either Alabama or Auburn colors, usually one of each. Their trains were elegantly decorated; some had amenities such as a post office and barber shop. CP and KCS have been the two best performing Class I railroads for the past three years on a revenue growth basis.. This paint scheme came out in 1966 and was an economy scheme designed to be cheap to apply. Mainly used for yard engines. Mark Klichling, "Protests don't derail Olympic Spirit Train", Stephanie Levitz, "Winter Olympic supporters and opponents both claim success from Spirit Train", The Canadian Press, 19 October 2008. Hi! CP's 'Empress' ships became world-famous for their luxury and speed. DM&IR diesels also wore UMinn colors. The traditional winter export port was Saint John, New Brunswick, when ice closed the St. Lawrence River. TCP-202 Kansas City Southern (Some) 1950-60's Frt. Luckily CP and KC share some common colours. They were regularly used in passenger and freight service. Hopefully, Braden. ", "Update: CP Fires Up Steam Locomotive For First Time in Eight Years", "Canadian Pacific No. The usefulness of the prairies was questionable in the minds of many. of Minnesota whose "Golden Gophers" wore the same maroon and gold the railroad used. CSSHEGEWISCHCollege colors are not that uncommon. Canadian Pacific Railway Limited and Kansas City Southern have signed a merger agreement to form a single-line rail network linking the U.S., Mexico and Canada. James J. Hill in 1881 sent Alpheus Beede Stickney to be construction superintendent for the Canadian Pacific Railway. I thought it was quite coincidental that I saw a KCS unit in Winnipeg on the day that the merger news broke, March 21 2021. KCS doesnt even have the history/recognition that other lost RRs did just let it fade away. As the combined railroad is going to be called Canadian Pacific Kansas City, they may develop an entirely new paint scheme. 4,547 posts. On painting a Eduard P-400 WWII airplane: It displays information related to EIS sections on grade crossing safety and delay, air quality, noise and vibration and environmental justice for rail line segments, rail yards and intermodal . These services gradually declined and ended in 1975 except for a freight barge on Slocan Lake. They agreed to build the railway in exchange for $25 million (approximately $625million in modern Canadian dollars) in credit from the Canadian government and a grant of 25million acres (100,000km2) of land. It acquired the Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railway in 1982. CN 2978 was on the point, with 5009 and then demonstrator EMDX 7239 completing the trio. Monon, and Frisco speedily come to mind. When the Soo Line took over the railroad (c.1909 IIRC), they liked the look of the cars so much that they started painting their passenger cars a matching color. Lamb, W. Kaye. Princess Marguerite was acquired by the province's British Columbia Steamship (1975) Ltd.[138] and continued to operate for a number of years. Eventually, after 78 years, with the changing times the scheduled passenger services would all be ended as well as ocean cruises. Fifty-two CPR ships were pressed into service during World War I, carrying more than a million troops and passengers and four million tons of cargo. [96] On 14 December 2021, Kansas City Southern's sale to Canadian Pacific was officially complete, allowing the KCS shares to be placed into a voting trust while the deal is reviewed by federal regulators. After World War II, the trains and ships carried automobiles as well as passengers. NOTE: You may COPY this listing and use it as an ORDER FORM for your purchasing Tru-Color Paint directly from us. All donations collected in a community remain in that community for distribution. [29], Meanwhile, in Eastern Canada, the CPR had created a network of lines reaching from Quebec City to St. Thomas, Ontario, by 1885 mainly by buying the Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa & Occidental Railway from the Quebec government and by creating a new railway company, the Ontario and Quebec Railway (O&Q). This applied only to the semi-streamlined locomotives (28202864), not the "standard" Hudsons (28002819). This money went to buying a 40,000 necklace for Lady MacDonald and numerous other "bonifications" to government members. [60][61] PSCM began acquiring Canadian Pacific shares in 2011. On 4 October 2007, CPR announced that it had completed financial transactions required for the acquisition, placing the DM&E and IC&E in a voting trust with Richard Hamlin appointed as trustee. CPK&S for Canadian Pacific, Kansas, and Southern. Why Sign In? These sleek steamships were of the latest design and christened with "Empress" names (e. g., RMS Empress of Britain, Empress of Canada, Empress of Australia, and so forth). It will just be called Canadian Pacific once all is said and done. These trans-ocean routes made it possible to travel from Britain to Hong Kong using only the CPR's ships, trains and hotels. This locomotive was not successful and was not repeated. Only one ferry boat was ever operated, Ashtabula, a large vessel which eventually sank in a harbour collision in Ashtabula on 18 September 1958, thus ending the service. Looking at it trying to be open minded and not offend anyone the name should be kept as Canadian Pacific. (Hey, why not? and our During the 1980s, the Soo Line Railroad, in which CP Rail still owned a controlling interest, underwent several changes. [75][76][77] However, this proposed merger would come under scrutiny by the U.S. Department of Justice over antitrust concerns created by the proposed merger. [92] With the decision by the STB, KCS re-engaged with CP on CP's original offer. Theres the Lincoln Continental, Continental tires, Continental-Trailways bus (remember them? It makes great business sense for CP, but the price tag, $25B, might diminish the potential upside. This naturally helped the CPR's air and trucking operations, and the railway's freight operations continued to thrive hauling resource traffic and bulk commodities. With the recent announcement that Canadian Pacific intends to buy the Kansas City Southern (KCS) railway, I thought it would be appropriate to review the few times that I have seen a KCS locomotive. The reconstituted board, having named Stephen Tobias (former vice president and chief operating officer of Norfolk Southern Railroad) as interim CEO, initiated a search for a new CEO, eventually settling on E. Hunter Harrison, former president of Canadian National Railway, on 29 June 2012. Pan Am was an overreach for Springfield Terminal, but a good fit for this system (and about to become available). December 19, 2022. [citation needed], The controversial Crowsnest Pass Agreement effectively locked the eastbound rate on grain products and westbound rates on certain "settlers' effects" at the 1897 level. You can keep up with news on the proposed Canadian . They should totally go with Kansas Canadian City Pacific Southern! This was necessary as the fledgling railway would need all the income it could get, and in addition, he saw some of these ancillary operations such as express and telegraph as being quite profitable. In my mind CP didn't do themselves any favors when they adopted Soo Line as their US identity. [132] A network of affiliates carried the CPR radio network's broadcasts in the first half of the 1930s, but the takeover of CNR's Radio service by the new Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission removed CPR's need to have a network for competitive reasons and CPR's radio service was discontinued in 1935. Yes, you read that right. I presume CPKC will be on the long hood like BNSF, but wondering if the Southern Belle scheme has been discussed? After several days of curing I did have some pull up of Model Master Acryl, but not Tru-Color. In 2006, the then-Prime Minister offered an apology for the treatment of Chinese workers, both during and following the construction of the CPR. [134], Steamships played an important part in the history of CP from the very earliest days. 142143, Webber, Bernard. [100] This service was initially heavily promoted by the company and many images of the train, especially as it traversed the Canadian Rockies, were captured by CPR's official photographer Nicholas Morant. It is simple - less costly to apply (though no locomotive paint job is cheap). about 1 year ago #engineering, #hobbies, #hobby, #railroad, #tracks, #trains. During construction of the line in British Columbia even before the private CPR took over from the government contractor, ships were used to bring supplies to the construction sites. It was renamed Canadian Express Company on 1 September 1926, and the headquarters moved from Winnipeg, to Toronto. Rail Resources. If CP has way more locos than KCS, keep the solid red. This train consisted of two baggage cars, a mail car, one second-class coach, two immigrant sleepers, two first-class coaches, two sleeping cars and a diner (several dining cars were used throughout the journey, as they were removed from the train during the night, with another one added the next morning). One was that the CPR would need to find a route through the Selkirk Mountains in British Columbia while, at the time, it was not known whether a route even existed. Canadian Pacific Kansas City name is an awkward mouthful. ContinentRail works in English and French [144], The CPR built hundreds of its own locomotives at its shops in Montreal, first at the "New Shops", as the DeLorimer shops were commonly referred to, and at the massive Angus Shops that replaced them in 1904. For example, IC Industries was the holding company that owned the Illinois Central (later Illinois Central Gulf), and a host of other companies that were not necessarily railroad-related. [143], In the CPR's early years, it made extensive use of American-type 4-4-0 steam locomotives, and such examples of this are the Countess of Dufferin or No. Or Canadian Kansas Pacifico.). In the 20th century, the company evolved into an intercontinental railway which operated two transoceanic services which connected Canada with Europe and with Asia. Influenced by the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement of 1989, which liberalized trade between the two nations, the CPR's expansion continued during the early 1990s: CP Rail gained full control of the Soo Line in 1990, and bought the Delaware and Hudson Railway in 1991. The CPR also had a line of Great Lakes ships integrated into its transcontinental service. LOL. [88][89][90] On May 21, Canadian National Railway surpassed CP's bid with Kansas City Southern engaging with CN. I think this name is just for the merger. The only thing that makes sense is CPK ! Join Our Talent Community. In addition, CP is a true transcontinental touching on both Pacific and Atlantic Ocean (Gulf being essentially a big bay of the Atlantic Ocean). The job of finding a pass was assigned to a surveyor named Major Albert Bowman Rogers. -Overall red colour and white text: Found on various CP and KCS liveries. In April 1908, the CPR started work to replace the Old Calgary-Edmonton Rail Bridge across the Red Deer River with a new standard steel bridge that was completed by March 1909. We shant be renaming the company that created Canada. [25] Many spent years in isolated and often poor conditions. WASHINGTON (Reuters) -U.S. lawmakers on Friday asked the Surface Transportation Board to defer a decision on a proposed Canadian Pacific merger with Kansas City Southern until the board completes a Chicago region impact assessment. I also hate to see another railroad merger result in a crummy name weve got to live with for the next 40 years. Business data for Canadian Pacific Railway: This page was last edited on 25 February 2023, at 20:59. In addition to inter-city passenger services, the CPR also provided commuter rail services in Montreal. In 1937, the CPR acquired its first diesel-electric locomotive, a custom-built one-of-a-kind switcher numbered 7000. No leaks that I'm aware of, but I hope they keep the new paint scheme as simple as possible. First units repainted were AC4400CW #9581 and GP38-2 #3069 in September 1997. The railroad realizes that the traditional Canadian Pacific name was more recognizable among shippers and investors. 109110, 213, 293, 374, 421. The UP has never added any takeover names to their name. only). The CNR will still have a much better system (except to Mexico). Some sections of track were incomplete or had not been used before, but the trip to Winnipeg was made in nine days and the rebellion quickly suppressed. Join Today! Sign-up for email today! For more information, please see our In 1909 the CPR completed two significant engineering accomplishments. Most of the remains were buried into the railway and the families of the Chinese who were killed received no compensation, or even notification of loss of life. However, the CPR quickly discarded this plan in favour of a more southerly route across the arid Palliser's Triangle in Saskatchewan and via Kicking Horse Pass and down the Field Hill to the Rocky Mountain Trench. 20-20476-1 Canadian National FM C-Liner A unit #6702 with ProtoSound 3.0, The Western Depot. Im Steve Boyko and I am a photographer who specializes in trains and grain elevators. On September 15, 2021, CP and KCS filed an . [48], After the Second World War, the transportation industry in Canada changed. ), SOO white with CP markings. When I was with Conrail in the late 80s they were still doing The Red team vs. Shaak, Larry. "Beaver" logo as CPR was attempting to keep the design secret. In both cases, two railways of great historical heritage that help build two nations. The company transports products ranging from bulk . [citation needed] The 2800s, as the Hudson type was known, ran from Toronto to Fort William, a distance of 1,305 kilometres (811mi), while another lengthy engine district was from Winnipeg to Calgary 1,339 kilometres (832mi). However, if past experience is our guide, both CP and KCS paint schemes will remain in play for many years. Cookie Notice 3.5+ Bath. [54], A new subsidiary company, the St. Lawrence and Hudson Railway, was created to operate its money-losing lines in eastern North America, covering Quebec, Southern and Eastern Ontario, trackage rights to Chicago, Illinois, (on Norfolk Southern lines from Detroit) as well as the Delaware and Hudson Railway in the northeastern United States. Why not keep it simple and just call the newly formed railroad North American Railway since it joins the three North American nation?. Later that year, the Second World War began. SooLineRob wrote: Canadian Pacific has quite the variety in paint schemes . However, in the 1960s, the company started to pull out of passenger services, ending services on many of its branch lines. It shows geographicly what a large footprint CPKS will have. Here, a CP train with KCS locomotives is westbound at Orrs Lake, Ontario, on Feb. 3, 2021. Since 1970, coal has become a major commodity hauled by CPR. Starting in the 20th century, the CPR bought and built hundreds of Ten-Wheeler-type 4-6-0s for passenger and freight service and similar quantities of 2-8-0s and 2-10-2s for freight. If the merger goes through, it will really be more CP taking over KCS rather than a BN-style merger of equals. Except the part about my grandfather. 1971, p. 280. Paint scheme and Builder Number data provided by Michael Richmond. On 29 May 1914, the Empress (operated by the CPR's Canadian Pacific Steamship Company) went down in the St. Lawrence River with the loss of 1,024 lives, of which 840 were passengers. - Nose and rear stripes: Note that the black and white rear stripes date to before the Mulitmark aka Pacman logo fell out of use circa 1987. It was presumed that the railway would travel through the rich "Fertile Belt" of the North Saskatchewan River Valley and cross the Rocky Mountains via the Yellowhead Pass, a route suggested by Fleming based on a decade of work. By Greg Roumeliotis. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The new merged entity will be listed under . Rogers became obsessed with finding the pass that would immortalize his name. We used our first name and their last name. Western, Missouri, Southern. Both university's were on line. After masking and painting the boot topping on the hull, I painted with Model Master Acryl for the upper hull. ROBERT Looking at the map I see a problem: the lack of a direct route Chicago to KCMO. Leaders of the rival Canadian National and Canadian Pacific railroads on May 26 made their pitches about why their respective railroads should be approved to purchase Kansas City Southern Railroad. Again, its where the railroad thrives. Travel to and from the Orient and cargo, especially imported tea and silk, were an important source of revenue, aided by Royal Mail contracts. Each car had a blackboard and a few sets of chairs and desks. Railway spokesman Ed Greenberg stated "Canadian Pacific has reviewed the notice. ???? KANSAS CITY PACIFIC, Keep KCS paint scheme. In response, on 31 January 1884, the government passed the Railway Relief Bill, providing a further $22.5million in loans to the CPR. CPR officials insisted that this was a temporary expediency, but this state of affairs would last for 25 years until the completion of the Spiral Tunnels in the early 20th century.[23]. For this post I used an undecorated GMD SD40-2 drawing from trainiax.net (http://trainiax.net/drawings/18-emd/sd40-2/r18-gmd-sd40-2-cp-ph1b-5.GIF), http://trainiax.net/drawings/18-emd/sd40-2/r18-gmd-sd40-2-cp-ph1b-5.GIF. [57] The transaction was an "end-to-end" consolidation and gave CPR access to United States shippers of agricultural products, ethanol and coal. It was the coming of these newer technologies especially cellular telephones that eventually resulted in the demise of these services even after formation in 1967 of CN-CP Telecommunications in an effort to effect efficiencies through consolidation rather than competition. No worse than BNSF. It was operated as a separate company with the railway charging them to haul express cars on trains. Being allowed to sell this service meant the railway could offset the costs of constructing and maintaining a pole line along its tracks across vast distances for its own purposes which were largely for dispatching trains. [49], In 1968, as part of a corporate reorganization, each of the major operations, including its rail operations, were organized as separate subsidiaries. [81], On 18 January 2017 it was announced that Hunter Harrison was retiring from CP and that Keith Creel would become president and chief executive officer of the company effective 31 January 2017. The NS former Wabash is relatively lightly-used. Despite the large purchase price, the combined company, which would be called Canadian Pacific Kansas City, wouldn't climb the rankings of the largest of the top-tier railroads: It would remain No.