"What he's doing is classic civil disobedience," Carey Linde told the Washington Examiner. Caroline Farrow said Surrey Police wants to "conduct a taped interview under caution" because of tweets posted in October. He says that hes kind of lost his child, so it's too late for him, but he wants parents of young girls to be aware of how easy it is for the state to take control. You can follow AlanaMastrangelo on Facebook and Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, on Parler @alana, and on Instagram. https://t.co/0eElV7iMji, Theyve now created a delusion, and theyre forcing parents, like myself, to live in this delusion, Hoogland said last year. All of this begs the question of why Justin Trudeau and Minster David Lametti continue to push Bill C16, knowing full well where it leads: destroying the health of vulnerable children for the sake of a delusion. | REUTERS/Chris Wattie Your first quote claims that hw was remanded into custody after being rebuked by the judge for violating the ban restricting what he can say - and that's the same ban that forbids him to call the child "she". This answer is not evaluating the personal situation and family dynamics of anyone involved in that case. The accused CD was found to have violated 'how to refer to/address his offspring, both directly' and indirectly. His son has identified as male since the age of 11, and changed his name at age 12 before pursuing hormone therapy with the support of his mother, a psychologist and an endocrinologist, according to Canadian law firm Torkin Manes. Meanwhile, Hoogland was looking for mental health solutions to help the child without drugs. If the unvaccinated should pay for their own healthcare, then why not smokers, addicts, and obese people? Canadian Man Jailed After 'Misgendering' His Daughter Please let us know if you're having issues with commenting. Hoogland even consulted with the school faculties in the hopes of improving some of her bad habits. We watch the this case develop with interest, and hope that his arrest and imprisonment may precipitate a watershed moment in drawing national attention to the atrocity of pediatric transitioning. by the childs preferred name and gender pronoun, and to not share his opinions of the case publicly. The issue started in 2019, when the parents of the unidentified teenager, who was born a biological girl, noticed a name change in the school yearbook. What is the correct way to screw wall and ceiling drywalls? The Social Order. Even reading the parts available without paying: A B.C. The rest of Canada is safe. Bell described the Tavistock as having "a complacent and dangerous culture" which caused her irreversible harm. The teenager was born as a female and reportedly identifies as transgender and prefers the use of male pronouns. In his defence, Hoogland claimed that he started noticing differences in the behaviour of his daughter when she was in the sixth grade and had increasingly begun to behave more like a tomboy. Canada has lost its damn mind [Archive] - PostCount.Net 59. Get personalized recommendations, and learn where to watch across hundreds of streaming providers. "What kind of father would I be if, in ten years time she's detransitioning, and she asks me 'why didn't you do anything to stop this? The father was found to be in contempt of court. Using Kolmogorov complexity to measure difficulty of problems? gave an interview to a YouTube channel, where hes alleged to have identified health-care providers, revealed information about A.B.s mental health, medical status or treatments, and gave out information that could reveal C.D., A.B. Image by Anrita1705 from Pixabay. However, the court did not consider Hooglands views and blamed the changes in his daughter on gender dysphoria. Also available on most smart TVs and streaming services. What will happen to immigrants admitted through Bidens illegal parole program? On March 4, a warrant was issued for the father's arrest, and it was then agreed his arrest would be held until his court date on March 15, provided he attend voluntarily. As the court predicted, the father failed to comply to these orders on multiple occasions. The father has repeatedly called this person his daughter, though the court has forbade it. To find out what personal data we collect and how we use it, please visit our Privacy Policy, http://thepostmillennial.com/rob-hoogland-canada-prisoner-of-conscience, Father jailed after referring to biological female child as his daughter, The next generation is ready to save American freedom from extinction, Facebook's Metaverse is a new way to lie to yourself. A Canadian father, Robert Hoogland was arrested for calling his biological female child "daughter,". "Fides Show with Jerry Cirino" Fides Podcast: Alana Mastrangelo of Breitbart; 'Canadian Man Jailed After 'Misgendering' His Daughter' (Podcast Episode 2021) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more. These procedures include puberty-blockers and opposite-sex hormones. "B.C. The school counsellor with whom he had met and raised his concerns about his daughter, had actually made the change in the yearbook and encouraged the girl to embrace a male identity. Hoogland was told that if he tried to dissuade his daughter or refer to her as a female, then he would be considered guilty of family violence.. The father's child may not have the same experience as Keira Bell, who, now in her early twenties, regrets that she may be unable to become a mother. The girl was spending most of her time with boys her age and was constantly landing herself in trouble. Here's the 4-minute video from the article: Rob Hoogland - Vancouver Father - Abused by Canada Coming to a school near you. A Canadian father has been arrested. A prison sentence is worth a few years in prison, Linde said, if that means a message is sent. 2022 | 0 | 0 Union Minister of minority affairs Smriti Irani donned the hat of a professor as she took sessions on Human Resource Management for MBA students at IIM Udaipur. v. C.D. The father reportedly began litigation against the teens mother after learning of the transition, and the matter was settled by the provinces highest court earlier this year, according to Global News. CD's daughter was referred to the BC Children's hospital in Vancouver, whose Gender Clinic "provides treatment with puberty blockers and/or gender-affirming hormones for transgender and gender-questioning youth. . Canadian Father Jailed For Opposing Child's Gender Transition Therapy Chief Justice Robert Bauman and Justice Barbara Fisher said the dads refusal to accept his teenage daughters choices is troublesome, adding that his failure to fully endorse his kids desire for irreversible transgender treatments has caused the minor significant pain that has resulted in a rupture of what both parties refer to as an otherwise loving parent-child relationship., The rupture, the justices added, is not in the childs best interests.. Skeptics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for scientific skepticism. April 1, 2021. Despite that order, the father started a fundraising campaign and continued holding interviews about the case with Canadian media. Hoogland brought his side of the story by talking to several Canadian commentators. March 21, 2021. In response, Hoogland made aCharterchallenge engaging his right to freedom of speech. Hoogland was aghast when his daughter accosted him and told him that she would like to enrol in the seventh-grade under a male name rather than her own. Dr. Jordan Peterson rose to international prominence for opposing . After the hearing, the father gave an interview to The Federalist saying that people cannot change sex, and that mega-doses of exogenous testosterone would damage his vulnerable, biological female child's health. canadian man jailed after 'misgendering' his daughter But it takes a lot of hard work, time, and money to do what we do. Fides Podcast: Alana Mastrangelo of Breitbart; 'Canadian Man Jailed MAN JAILED FOR - Australian Jewish Association - Facebook Hoogland was indignant of the school officials for backing his daughters demand and what to him seemed like a falsehood. I visited all my family homes places where I grew up as a child. The broadcasts were suppressed by digital platforms, and he was threatened with contempt of court proceedings." The fathers rejection of his sons identity has caused the boy significant pain that has resulted in a rupture of what both parties refer to as an otherwise loving parent-child relationship, justices reportedly wrote. The Attorney General of British Columbia reportedly issued a warrant for his arrest for contempt. Canadian Father Jailed for Speaking Out about Trans-Identifying Child Trying to protect his little girl from medical harm. Family violence is defined in s.1 of the FLA, but that definition is inclusive and not exclusive. Theyre going to clearly see that my child is not the opposite sex.. Once you dig through the censorship issues and publication bans, the actual court order says this: (a) AB is exclusively entitled to consent to medical treatment for gender dysphoria and to take any necessary legal proceedings in relation to such medical treatment; (b) Pursuant to para. My client's specific concern is about how quickly this kind of thing spins out of control without the parents having any idea. "This case isnt just about whether kids should be transgendered, if both parents agree, or transgenderism as a whole, thats part of it, and a lot of people see it as only that. He will be there until at least April 12, when he's scheduled for a court date. The man was found in contempt of court on March 16, 2020, after . Opposing her daughters gender affirmative medical procedures, Hoogland said children are not prone to thinking about the future, they live in the present and take decision based on their current feelings. Outspoken BC father in transgender child case faces jail time for It is no different than lets say I were to take a broomstick and whack one of my kids over the head, the dad said. Court backs trans teen who feared being 'stranded' by father's bid to The school counsellor changed the child's name without telling her parents. A British woman was arrested after a transgender activist complained she had "misgendered" the individual on Twitter, and is now banned from linking to the person's former male . Here is what we know so far, Bihar government to send a four-member team to Tamil Nadu to probe reports of attacks on Bihari migrants, Australia: Shree Laxmi Narayan Temple in Brisbane vandalised, Khalistan supporters blame Indian National Congress for the attack. According to British Columbias Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) regulation, the childs parents were not informed of the changes. Robert Hoogland the father of a 14-year-old biological female who identifies as transgender and prefers male pronouns was found in contempt of court and jailed on Tuesday after repeatedly. The Canadian medical system, the legal system, and the childs mother, however, have gone forward with the social and medical transition of Hooglands daughter, the report adds. The father confirmed his legal woes on an online fundraising campaign soliciting donations. "What my client is fighting for is when a child presents to a school teacher or counselor as dysphoric, for whatever reason, and if theres a gender thing, what happens is these children, primarily girls, can be counseled, and they can do all this without telling the parents, which is the problem," Linde said. The study also found that medical experiments with puberty blockers did not improve the children's mental health. I stand with Robert Hoogland. With that in mind, Bauman and Fisher ordered the father to refer to his biological daughter only by male pronouns and barred him from speaking to members of the media.