I will be reviewing every email after sending this information. Check out seller item for sale It could be that the zip is not stitched completely straight, or the logo is not printed perfectly, or a hundred other tiny flaws in the manufacturing process which fail the scrutiny of the final quality inspector. So far, I have been happy with my purchases. And I did for fill out form. Do you know if Mercari authenticate is legitimate? As such, pictures are one of the few items buyers use to determine if they want to buy, so make sure your photos are on point. Pay special attention to your closet and that one drawer in every home that stores all the things you never even think about or remember you own. Please know, how much I really enjoyed your class! After 48 hrs, the system allowed me to send an email about the problem. If it was marked delivered that is because the company who shipped the item, delivered the item ( they dont lie ). It does not release payment to the seller until the buyer confirms that the item is delivered and it is as described. Ive reported it to Disney, Hulu and Netflix. The way Mercari operates is deceitful and evasive. Buyer beware. Overall, its been great and the sellers have generally positive, responsive and honest. The unfortunate part is there is no real way of contacting and talking to the compliance team. AFTER 2 DAYS THEY SAY THEY CANT FIND MY ACCOUNT. now returning it for no proper reason and they approved her request. It's honestly a dying company. Create a Mercari account Navigate to the Mercari website and click on the Sign-up button. Mercari sucks IMHO! I also luckily had some other Gucci products and I was able to send them side by sides of tags etc to prove it was a replica and the seller was in no way penalized. Thank you. made of materials that cannot be detected with a metal detector. I was going to start listing with them, but think Ill just stay with eBaySO SORRY you got screwedlets hope KARMA catches up with the seller, SOON. They take out the money before they rate the Seller and Mercari holds it. Really? imho. I am passionate about anything that touches entrepreneurship and on this website I share my experience with people about different online services and platforms. Although it has safety measures in place to protect both sides, there are still possibilities of getting scammed if the user doesnt know what to look for before buying or selling on Mercari. To be submitted within 24 hrs. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, The first and only subreddit for Mercari, a fast growing marketplace for buying and selling online. Reselling and rehoming unused items both help you declutter your own home, and reduce the amount of waste the planet is choked by. on Selling loose (unset) precious gemstones such as rubies, sapphires, However, there are possibilities of getting scammed by buyers/sellers if you fail to do your due diligence before dealing. So that's that. I went through paypal to get my money back. Mercari also provides $200 in shipping insurance as well. Customer service is horrible at best. Today Im going to show you exactly how to sell on Mercari, without skipping a step. Think again. I recently was given a bad rating because fedex was running behind like I control their business. NMLS ID: 1486447 PO Box 60178, Palo Alto, CA 94306, 1099-K Reporting and Disclosure Information. Testifying about the crisis, Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb told Congress to "stop saying the border is secure, because the border is . Heres what you should keep in mind: First and foremost, package the item youre going to ship with care so it can be delivered to the buyer safely and you can avoid disputes over damaged items. They have set it up so that the customer is not protected in any way, even when its clearly fraudulent. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Economics from UNC Chapel Hill, and works in data analytics and marketing. I notified them right away and even told them if I didnt get the item in the next day or so that I wanted my money back. When buying and selling on Mercari, its crucial for both parties to know these two policies to prevent issues later on: Mercari has different cancellation policies for both buyers and sellers. How could they have known it was/is a "knock off"???? On the first, I never heard from the seller so I cancelled the transaction (4 days). By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. You can view ourwebsiteor have a chat with us throughMessenger. Thanks for sharing your experience with Mercari . You cant write a review until you confirmed receipt. Congratulations! But first, let me clarify one question just in case youre asking: What are the proofs that Mercari is a legit platform? I went to customer service and essentially was shut down telling me there was nothing they could do. Thankless & they encourage you to literally give things away. Selling on Mercari Whether you're decluttering your home or looking to make some money, selling your stuff on Mercari is fast and easy. Note that you can use Crosslist to hide your face with an emoji using the built-in image editor while still showcasing yourself wearing the item. any medium. Mercari will tell you that enough canceled orders will make an account look bad, but thats impossible because all the person has to do to boost their ratings is make a heap of really small purchases. Until I proved I had stopped the dispute my account was frozen. My son does not have his item or the payment for it. And the seller, who has obviously broken all of Mercaris rules, is still being allowed to sell items on Mercari. After that they state that if you leave a bad review for the seller your refund will be voided amazing so no bad reviews can ever made for these sellers. You can easily learn as you go. Mercari actually won't even let you list a replica. Why Mercari has a Prohibited Item list Almost all online marketplaces like Poshmark, Amazon, and eBay list prohibited items that users can't sell or list. I have, in the last week, attempted to purchase three different listings. Shipping was slow. How do I sign up? Take note of items that you can't sell on Mercari. Bye the way, Thank you for sharing your experience. do not sell on Mercari. I received synthetic hair today not worth more than $10. It has an easy-to-use interface and readily customizable tools. Mercari may not be used in connection with any product, service, transaction The correct course of action would be to destroy the bag and throw it in the trash. However, do the following if your order has arrived: Lastly, you should confirm your order within 3 days and make sure it is the same item as described in the listing and looks like what youve ordered. Mercari may not be used to sell any of the following products or services: Note: Any item may be removed at the discretion of the company. Both parties should keep some of these commonly prohibited conducts in mind: In the event that you engage in any of these prohibited conducts, your account may be suspended or terminated. Learn more here: http://pages.ebay.com/seller-center/listing/create-effective-listings/vero-program.html#m17-1-tb1. Its DEFINITELY NOT WORTH IT for any Decent Seller. Youre welcome, Deborah. In one instance, Mercari withdrew funds THREE times for the SAME transaction, and it took multiple contacts with customer service to rectify. 131 of 1948). However, it is still a great bag. I was selling laptops on Mercari, every item has actual photos and very detailed description exactly matches the item. Your submission has been automatically removed because your account is less than one day old. If Katherin Aucoin is selling anything especially a coach purse carefully look at it and my recommendation is never buy from her lying rude self. The login page will open in a new tab. You WILL NEVER, NEVER get actual help. John-Paul Cody has been an avid online seller for years, across platforms including eBay, Mercari, Craigslist, and more. However, if the seller didnt respond to your cancellation request within 24 hours then Mercari will automatically refund you. Butit is illegal to sell counterfeit goods (whether you disclose the fact or not). can you sell replicas on mercari. You can also throw in a photo of yourself wearing it, and list your own measurements too. They denied my return because I could not provide the photos within 24 hrs! Their 3 day window is also riddiculous if you complain on a Friday and they dont get back to you. No way! Its not like eBay or Amazon are any better, in fact they are worse, much worse. . There is also an identification verification process to further protect all users, as well as a review system that lets each participant in the shopping experience rate the other party. I brought a coach purse from Katherin Aucoin. Never send items directly from the manufacturer (avoid drop shipping). Text messages only. Not from me. do not buy on Mercari. ), Items that promote racism, hatred, violence, and discrimination, Sexually explicit items (ex., Sex toys, and fetish items), Products that contain a virus, malware, or spyware, Stolen goods - if the purchased item is reported as stolen, you may receive a demand for the return of the possession from the victim, and the item may also get confiscated according to the regulations of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Act no. If you provide the exact measurements of an item, buyers will feel much more comfortable making a purchase. confiscated according to the regulations of the Code of Criminal I feel bad for any buyers didnt notice difference between in replica and Authentic. All in all, Ive been pleased with the shipping experience on Mercari. I received the purse and immediately opened it up and expected it right away it was a little dirty and l notice on the back of the purse the handles at the bottom that connects the purse handle where cracked. Theyre out of compliance with the regulatory government agency that oversees businesses that handle peoples money. I did not reach 600. If they lied about receiving it then how did they send it back? Do not use this app if you are a serious seller. You can of course flip items too: buy something online you will later sell for a higher price. First scam was BAD ENOUGH, I received jeans containing human blood in the crotch area NOT A STAIN, ACTUAL BLOOD. OneShop also functions as your virtual assistant that works 24/7 to improve your reach by automating shares, follows, and more! Informative article, as always! This one time I want to return this item. Find a 9-step-by-step simple guide on how to sell on Mercari below. However, if you are found guilty, then you will need to say goodbye to the marketplace. The bad thing is this seller had over 50 completed transactions with fairly good feedback. In the event that your seller confirms shipment but does not provide a tracking number, please allow 7 days for your order to arrive. Did not see the email right away. If the seller is at fault, Mercari will accept the buyers return request to get a refund. ), Mercari will refund him or her. I was selling a GI Joe toy gunand they banned me. 1. For more details, visit Mercaris Prohibited items page. That computer could very easily be wrong but that doesnt matter. in violation or is otherwise inappropriate Mercari may, at its discretion, USPS scans packages at pickup which in turn creates the manifesto and updates tracking info until its delivered. Sign up now with a 3-day money-back guarantee! 06:58 AM. ago I saw a listing that said, inspired Kate Spade. So because I didnt meet their request for photos in time they denied my return request. They said basically, it was my fault I did not verify with the seller these were indeed mens boots, prior to purchasing these boot. They will hold your money until it gets to you. Its less important how the packaging looks, and more important how protected your item will be in transit. Let me know what items you wanna sell? And, when Mercari determines that a listing is violating their terms of services, they will give the seller penalties such as cancellation of listings, cancellation of any related transactions, removal of listing privileges, termination, or suspension of an account. Thanks for your article! Mercari does not want to give a return shipping label and refund my money despite doing all that they asked me to do. You can access your listings at any time by going to your profile then go to Selling and finally to Listings. If you have a high number of cancellations or return transactions on the platform, Mercari can restrict your account until it investigates the problem. Sellers get scammed constantly. And I have clean ratings, but some are sooooo thankless and wont rate you just to punish you LOL. I've learned my lesson on listing items before I get all the accurate information. I was scammed all the way around and am now out $500. DONT USE!!! What does that mean literally came from a replica site? Having your Mercari account suspended after establishing your seller profile and building your rapport with customers can be stressful. Just like a counterfeit $100 bill. Mercari is also offering a Smart Pricing option, where all you have to do is set your listings price and a floor price. I tried that, this happened. That I earned . Please, I wont even collect from some of them because they are so nasty its not worth it. you will get the wrong item or it wont come. It is important to keep in mind that Mercari has a high volume of inquiries, and it can take the reps a while to respond. I have taken in all aspects of Mercari. At this point, youve filled out the required info, but its a good idea to also add a profile picture and bio to increase your credibility (which leads to more sales). I attempted to work with the seller and received no response. Mercarii may try to find or fabricate a reason for them to keep your money such as you sold counterfeit airpods but they cant throw that on everyone whose money they keep / steal sometimes they have no TOS violations at all so they make up reasons usually around ID verification. No wonder eBay sellers hate people with PO BOX address. I think Ill look into E-bay. You should check the reviews on the sellers profile to see how he or she treated previous customers since reviews can only be submitted by buyers who made a purchase. If anyone sends payment to the seller or a seller sends items to the buyer outside of their platform, Mercari is not responsible if it turns out to be a scam. BUYER BEWARE! People are going to prison, but I had to do most of the work myself. There are times, however, when the seller forgets to update tracking details after confirming shipment, so it is best to message the seller and ask for the tracking number of your order. E-cigarettes, e-hookahs, or other vaporizing instruments that contain Then Mercari said it was over their 3 day allowance for returns. I am filing small claims in my state of Wisconsin. I have personal experience with buying something not as described. The seller failed to disclose damages to this item. I can't tell nor do I know - can't I list the purse as "not sure if authentic or not" or some such. Mercari provides labels for the shipping chosen by the buyer when your item sells. I would have sold it locally even for higher price. I have unsubscribed three times( documented). The easiest way to determine market price for your item, is to search your item on the platform and then review sold listings to gauge what people have recently paid for it. After this last step, youre ready to list it! No I replied I want my item. The bottom line is that electronics are a fast selling category on Mercari, so do some Spring cleaning and see if you have some old electronics to get rid of. There is a scam in process. If you want to use the Mercari app, youll have to download it from an App Store or Google Play, and of course, set up an account. They are laughing all the way to the bank! MERCARI refused to refund me because 3 days passed but I was away and on day 4 I got my package. When you are suspended indefinitely, you will still be able to complete your transaction and request your remaining balance. If youve received a fake, counterfeit, or not the same item then you have 3 days from the delivery date to request a return. 'In honor of imnotlegolas for starting this subreddit. So basically they're useless, powerless, to do anything about most situations. Mercari fucked me over I had proof I was sold fraud shit and they just laughed and walked away with my money. I was swindled and scammed. The seller loses both ways. of unlicensed game copies), Age restricted products or products that require a legal approval, There is no buyer protection on this site. Fool me once I guess! I have the legal right to do so, although Mercari tries to say different in their contract. This will be my first-time. If the shipping is late due to no fault of your own, people can then leave the review on your page when it does not reflect the seller but the carrier. The organization Where Can I Sell Replica Watches fake rolex submariner was restored for the first time on glass . I have no reason to mistrust the carrier, he is our regular carrier and has acknowledged he received the package. Feel free to double box your item, use newspapers for extra packing material, and make sure all seams on the box are taped up so no water/dust gets inside. And I do like as seller on Mercari that buyer have 3 days to rate after received item once rate transaction is complete, also Mercari items n shipping fee a lot cheaper compared eBay. Ive tried both Mercari Shipping and Ship on Your Own over the years. Try to use as much natural light as you can, and a neutral background. This thread is almost 4 years old, so if you have additional questions, please start a new thread. No real progress has been made of my situation and their compliance team said that they made their "final decision" by suspending my account, and holding my deposits for 90 days. In comparison to every other online selling site, Mercaris pictures are just awful. "epidemic"), Inflated prices where listings attempt to profit from tragedies and counter drugs, Products, tools, or services specifically offered or intended to be used Some shoppers might be looking to bargain, so be prepared to negotiate. To avoid having your account be at risk for suspension, be sure to learn more about the prohibited Mercari items, which we'll be discussing in this blog. You must be a registered user to add a comment. They expect you to take whatever they offer. Bought MY stolen property off of Etsy and they knowingly facilitated this. I live in ID and that was the address on the order. Shipping insurance covers damage and non delivered items. Bob Taylor (Keep on Punching). tracking number incorrect, ordered a few weeks ago, still hasnt come. How did I know they were womens and not mens? However, many products on the market are indeed "copies", but it is wrong to describe every such product as a "knock-off" when it may be simply an imperfect "second". The customer service is TERRIBLE and they will allow people to scam you, stalk and now apparently you must RE-verify your device, DESPITE BEING a Highly trusted seller! Mercari failed to protect buyers despite what they claim. I am actually in the middle of a similar situation, sent an item with a value of $250, buyer received it and a day later requested a to return the item back to me due to insufficient packaging. Smart Pricing will adjust the price based on market demand, but it will never go lower than your floor. I only buy and sale luxury items I Appreciate your time and effort put into this article. The remedy is apparently to never leave even $10 in your Mercari account Deposit to your bank account every sale because. I had 500 in insurance, but the US postal inspectors are the best bet to take them down. The S&P index shows Mercari in a steep downward decline. If a seller lists a prohibited item, this is a violation of terms of service that can lead to suspension or termination of the account. Mercari Shipping - sell across the United States. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'ecomsay_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_6',133,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-ecomsay_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');So to conclude the question, is Mercari legit? Just a heads-up. Their customer service is HORRIBLE AND THEY ARE ASININE & GREEDY so know this going in. Heres the recommended shipping method based on package weight and size: If you ship locally, you can skip the meetup for a small fee, and an Uber driver will deliver your package for you at a time that works for your schedule. You can even find people selling DVDs and DVD players, VCRs, and older handheld gaming systems. Also, the good news is that by using Crosslist you can crosspost from Mercari to Poshmark and vice versa. Mercari itself is a legit e-commerce marketplace to buy and sell products. If you choose to ship on your own then youll have to get the tracking details from your courier and shipping service provider and give those tracking details to the buyer. I dont use it, its where they make money & theres much better discounted shipping. Let me further explain and maybe it would help you . What outrageous lie and l want something done. I've actually been contacting them everyday for the last week. Dont miss the extended list of best things to resell online to boost your sales further. Short story is Mercaris customer support, especially for a buyer, has got worse over time. To make a long story short, mercari cancel my item. Mercari has buyer protection in place to keep the buyers safe. They guarantee that with two important features: The brands policy prohibits in-person meetups, and all sellers are required to ship each item (either on their own or with one of the apps partners). However, if you choose Mercari prepaid labels then youll get the tracking details from them straight to your inbox with tracking on the app and web included and you can provide those details to the buyer. I have no idea if it's fake or not - I got mine from a thrift store. Apparently no Mercari considers it a proper reason you mean a valid reason right? I have several items I need to sell. Mercari are crooked Japanese sellersSuing & bringing criminal charges of fraud. For example, you didnt receive the item or it is not as described, etc.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'ecomsay_com-leader-4','ezslot_17',137,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-ecomsay_com-leader-4-0'); Once you paid for the item via PayPal and the seller shipped the item, you must: Always ask for a tracking number from the seller once you paid for the item. can you sell replicas on mercarichaska community center day pass. Heres the real Scam If they dont ship, and you get angry and want to write a bad review, you cant. Another purchase I made just today has been cancelled by the seller because she says she made a mistake, but the funds have ALREADY been withdrawn from my account and Mercari only says sorry, but it will take up to FIVE business days to return my money! places like Ebay are better, Hi all , I have been shopping and selling on Mercari for few years But the second time I never got the item, could not contact the seller (she did not reply) and there was NO customer service to help me out. Look at other listings to get an idea of how much a particular item sells in the market, but be careful not to sell your item too cheaply. 2023 Crosslist BV. Heres a reward in the form of a 10% discount code on your first month ofCrosslist (add during check-out). Terrible. How in the heck could they know if the purse I listed was a "fake" or not? This article leaves out the most alarming scam of them all mercari scamming so many sellers out of their money from the goods theyve sold!! Helping people live life on their terms by demystifying entrepreneurship and money. Be sure to explain in detail what the issue is and provide images and if applicable. The site charges a 10% commission on sales, plus a $2 processing fee for direct deposits under $10. None of the items that I buy or sell are fake, either straight from the online store, or I get the items legit checked before I buy/sell them. ConfidentCandidate96 6 mo. Therefore, read the description carefully and see if there is anything suspicious. Then, if no return confirmation, releasing the funds to the seller. There is basically no way to contact the compliance team and talk to them directly. One transaction was perfect. In the event that the seller confirms the shipment but you havent received the tracking details from the seller after 7 days of purchase, you are eligible to immediately cancel your order from your Order Status page.