(e) The fee for a Certificate of Use and Occupancy shall be . number and choose your payment option. US Virgin Islands. Sorry that the link is so long, but it should take you to the VI code https://advance.lexis.com/container/?pdmfid=1000516&crid=d0333ea6-1409-4d93-8f51-8106005da42f&func=LN.Advance.ContentView.getFullToc&nodeid=ABGAAF&typeofentry=Breadcrumb&config=024453JABiMWFjOTk0OS1hNTVlLTQ1MDctYmZkOS1mNGRkY2I0ZTg2YzQKAFBvZENhdGFsb2fNaUTUAugmXPqNctTcuqLy&action=publictoc&pddocfullpath=%2Fshared%2Fdocument%2Fstatutes-legislation%2Furn%3AcontentItem%3A56WP-9S91-6G1M-90PM-00008-00&pdtocfullpath=%2Fshared%2Ftableofcontents%2Furn%3AcontentItem%3A59TD-7WT1-DXC8-008C-00008-00&ecomp=x3_dkkk&prid=930fdccc-3557-4bd0-b9de-0dddbefbe44a. Period of Licensure: The primary responsibilities of the Division of Permits are to enforce and regulate the local and national building codes and regulations. State General EPA in the U.S. Virgin Islands | US EPA US Virgin Islands - ICC That last one should have been directed to east ender, not you. The islands host nearly 3 million tourists per year, mostly from visiting cruise ships. A collaborative effort between the Virgin Islands Energy Office and the Department of Planning and Natural Resources to promote the adoption and implementation process of the existing draft Model Buildings Energy Tropical Codes up to the 2009 national level. Learn More, To collaborate and coordinate with the Government, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administation, and the Nation Telephone: STT (340) 776-8515 / STX (340) 773-6449. Since 1999 the Virgin Islands Source the only online newspaper of general circulation in the U.S. Virgin Islands has been providing the community with reliable, accurate and balanced local journalism. To promote Pages 27-82 are filled with lists of the different zoning codes and the multiple types of use allowed for each of the 19 different codes. Building Permits - City of St. Thomas To obtain nine (9) watershed management plans for selected priority watersheds on St. Thomas & St. Read More. Private Check out the www.bongobongo.com website. | United States Virgin Islands Economic Development Authority - usvieda.org John 340-714-1700 8000 Nisky Shopping Center, . Believe it or not, i've gotten more info from you directly in a couple weeks than several years of googling. US Virgin Islands Code Title 29, 294 (2019) - Permits - Justia Law R1 Zoning restrictions? - General/Relocating - USVI Forum: Island Living Additionally, I am asking things under certain circumstances that I think should be posted here so anyone in my situation would be better informed. The fact is, info online is sketchy at best and gov't info is virtually nonexistent.I've found the board to be far more informative and as such, some posts are mental meanderings as much as real ideas. One (1) letter of favorable character testimony; Two (2) letters of professional reference of applicant's work in the construction field from a licensed . Best 15 New & Custom Home Builders in St Thomas, VI | Houzz In some overgrown/rainforest areas, there can be hidden features to the land buried by the vegetation so that you won't know just what you are buying until you clear the land. Fax: 340-774-5590. Environmental Health | USVI Department of Health Building specs can be obtained from Planning and Natural Resources (DPNR) at 340-774-3320. Building permit applications can be made through Planning & Building Services. Learn More, Terms of Use|Contact Us|Privacy Policy. Permits & Reservations - Virgin Islands National Park (U.S. National Contact Us Tools FAQ Site Index Espaol Terminal Building - 2nd Floor St. Thomas, VI 00802. Maybe we give a little background to the experience? I believe the cost can run from $300-$450 per sq. Explore home building sites on St. John. . In order to renew both a professional and or business license, visit the Department of Licensing and Consumer Agencies - Government of the United States Virgin Islands ), and what specifically is a medium slope or steep slope as it is listed in the mls description of properties? Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands - Small Business Administration Permits & Reservations Last updated: December 5, 2022 Was this page helpful? The Division will conduct public hearings, complete legislative process, conduct training, public service announcements, and printing/distribution of updated Tropical Code manuals. Subscribe to the Building Safety Journal Subscribe. Electrical Contractors, and Journeyman Electricians, Fiber Optics St. Thomas 8000 Nisky Shopping Center Suite 620 P.O. Read More, Athalie Mcfarlane Petersen Public Library Repairs, Frederiksted Town and Waterfront Lighting and Miscellaneous Repairs, St. Croix, USVI, To provide data analysis, laboratory, technical, and scientific diver training and administrative support to the Depa State officials: Mill building in Manchester torn down without proper The R-5 Residential zones will limit the density to one hundred sixty (160) persons per acre. We have sent an email to the address you provided. Categories Vacation Home Rental . Sign up to receive Virgin Islands articles, updates and offers. Steps for Obtaining License - VI has been reviewed by the municipality for compliance with the Ontario Building Code, the local zoning bylaw and any other applicable laws and regulations. Terminal Building, 2nd floor. Contact the Program. St. Thomas: 3241 Estate Contant Suite #7 St. Thomas, VI 00802 Tel: (340) 777-8804 x 2629. Please give us a call at 509-663-5161. As you probably discovered, you can't just pick up a phone and talk to someone in a government agency. My first visit was business, but it put me in many of the same situations I would have to deal with in moving there such as shipping and customs. everyone Initial Application Requirements: Completed and notarized application; Three (3) 2x2 photographs of the applicant; One (1) letter of favorable character testimony; TTY Device Number: 340-714-1704 (For individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired) St. Croix 116 King Street Frederiksted, VI 00840 (340) 773-6499 Applicants must pay $75 licensing fee, submit a signed application, be fingerprinted and photographed, and be of good moral character. U.S. Virgin Islands State Laws and Published Ordinances Issuing Authority: Commissioner. You will really want to be sure that this is the place for you before you get involved in buying and building. U.S. Virgin Islands: America's Business Paradise. To obtain nine (9) watershed management plans for selected priority watersheds on St. Thomas & St. Croix in the U.S Virgin Islands . Building on St. John - US Virgin Islands - Holiday Homes Active www.dlca.vi.gov), and follow the simple steps in order to obtain a reference Application Process: Applications must be completed entirely and legible. Forum contains unread posts VIEDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender, 2001 - 2023 United States Virgin Islands Economic Development Authority, Economic Development Commission Small Business Program, VIEDA EDC Schedule of Board Meetings 2018, U.S. Virgin Islands State Trade Expansion Program (STEP), Art, Music, & Film Incentives (S.T.A.R.S. About Us; Please change your password. The MLS descriptions of gentle, medium slope, steep slope, etc. My apologies Alexandra. The examination fee is Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) for both parts and Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for one . All persons interested in becoming a licensed General Construction Contractor are required to sit both the National and State General Construction examination. ), United Electronic Industries Services, LLC (UEIS), Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs, VI Bureau of Internal Revenue (tax clearance), Department of Planning and Natural Resources (zoning), Department of Health (food related businesses). Beauticians and Manicurists, Certified Closed. People going through the USVI permit process for the first time would generally be wise to find a local who knows the ropes to walk them through it. Virgin Islands Public Records Directory - OnlineSearches.com Christiansted, VI 00820-4311, Existing users sign in to modify or view application(s), New users create account to apply or renew a license, DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING AND CONSUMER AFFAIRS, About Department of Licensing & Consumer Affairs 41-61 Frydenhoj : 779-2827. Pearson Professional Centers-St. Thomas VI 8000 Nisky Shopping Center Suite 730, East Wing St. Thomas, Virgin Islands 00802 Pearson Professional Centers-Guaynabo PR Calle C 475 DASE Building - Suite 502 Los Frailes Industrial Guaynabo, PR 00969 Pearson Professional Centers-Miami 8615-8617 South Dixie Highway Miami, Florida 33143 WEBSITE: To start a business in the U.S. Virgin Islands you will need to obtain a business license from the Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs(DLCA). Contact Us | United States Virgin Islands Economic - USVIEDA Attention: H. Nathalie Hodge U.S. Virgin Islands Tourism U.S. Virgin Islands Hotels U.S. Virgin Islands Bed and Breakfast U.S. Virgin Islands Holiday Rentals U.S. Virgin Islands Packages Flights to U.S .