All who read it and proceed have been rightfully warned. This became tradition, and now Elizant II wears a mask as well. Vi attacks from afar using her beemerang, and she targets any foe and flying enemies. Privacy Policy. Now with a branch in the Ant Kingdom, the Termacade expects to further spread its name to areas outside of Bugaria. This controversy is what discouraged some from buying the game even though they wanted to support Moonsprout. Shady item trades and expensive bets are common amongst the regulars. For several years now, Nintendo fans have been complaining with the direction of the Paper Mario franchise. r/VirtualYoutubers Hello everyone, I'm JPVtuber Tsuru-uiko. Afterwards, the offerings must be brought to the top of the Golden Hills, where the Goddess recieves them happily. While it is true that a big part of the game is the presentation, from a visual standpoint, the game is mainly brought to life byFrench composer Tristan Alric who has done a wonderful job, well, bringing life to the game. Its text was too faded to be read. However, the Sapling is withered, only growing a single shriveled seed. The moth, Leif, reveals himself to be able to use magic, an extraordinarily rare feat; but also admits to memory loss: he is unable to recall what happened to him in the cave to give him this ability. I'm reviewing Bug Fables on the Nintendo Switch. I played the original Paper Mario when it released in February of 2001 and dumb 17year-old me wasn't immediately sold on the game because I wrongly compared it to Square Enix's phenomenal Super Mario RPG. The PC release received a score of 86/100 on the reviews aggregation website Metacritic[2] and the Switch release a score of 85/100. According to Sinoc, other developers are aware, but hes been the only one vocal about it. Elizant II, broken and humiliated, admits that her true plan with the Sapling was to use it to revive and rejuvenate her mother (who, thought dead, is actually being kept alive in stasis through Roach technology), and to abdicate the throne to her, understanding that her mother was a much more beloved queen and that her own lack of diplomatic tact has led to several broken ties with other kingdoms. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. However, Elizant II's inexperience made the bad blood between Ants and Wasps resurface. It does a lot during its fifthteen hour runtime, and by the end itll leave a strong impression of what lighthearted adventure you went through. The current ruler of the Bee Kingdom, Queen Bianca. I was invested with the cast of characters and grew to love them as more background and history was dumped onto them. It borders the north, and most of Bugaria doesn't bother travelling past the Lost Sands gate. and our Unlike most RPGs, this game uses a team level-up system. Outside of combat you have a vast world to explore. As long as no one bothers him, he will make sure not to bother anyone. Today well be talking about why I extremally love Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling and why it deserves your attention. Fight Knight's developers signed with Dangen Entertainment shortly after the game's July 2017 Kickstarter, after Dangen provided a free Japanese translation of their Kickstarter demo. Load More. How to get rid of Cockroach goomba stuck on Mario? Astotheles leads the bandits on their numerous raids across the Lost Sands This new game was full of charm, edgy, and hilarious dialogue, and the same battle mechanics seen in Paper Mario; everything was there, and was getting my fair share of RPG greatness. The Version table provides details related to the release that this issue/RFE will be addressed. Bug Fables is a great game and everyone should buy it. But the Wasp King usurper set back their efforts by many moons. Software description provided by the publisher. It was released on November 21, 2019, for Microsoft Windows,[1] on May 28, 2020, for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One,[2] and on July 1, 2021, for Amazon Luna. How do I free the "Whack-a-Mole" Toad in Picnic Road? Don't take my word for it, but hopefully . Copyright 2020 Dangen Entertainment. The game combines colorful. This portrait holds the Honey Factory's most accomplished employee of the month. As the story progresses each party members skills expand and open up how much the world is on offer. While talking with Leif, she admits that while not fully satisfied that she was unable to bring her mother back, she is glad that she was able to fulfill her greatest wish. We'll be entering a. Although right now it's only for explorers, a civilian version may be opened in the future. The Sapling is hidden however, but it is known that a collection of artifacts can be used to find it. Copyright | There are some killer rifts during battles and there was a point where I was wondering if this was a Mega Man X soundtrack due to how energetic it was. Welcome to the Bug Fables community on Game Jolt! it's 2022 and this issue hasn't been fixed, is so sad :(. Even so, her efforts were going well before the Wasp King somehow seized power. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. This coupled with her strictness has caused many to dislike her, and some say an underground meeting point to discuss her has been created. Prerequisites Obtain the submarine Reward TP Plus Can't Sleep.! Overall, Bug Fables isn't as polished or charming as PM64 or TTYD, but it is a worthy spiritual successor you'll get a solid 40 hours or more out of. Not much is known about her past, besides the fact she came from a very far away to build her kingdom, and the feat of having convinced Wasps and Termites to have a truce was something no one had ever seen before. By not buying the game, the blame for screwing over the devs transfers onto the boycotters. Now, with Bugaria in danger, hopefully those differences can be put aside. I find a lot of this Paper Mario fanbase to be creepy and elitist enough as it is, so I take all these "play Bug Fables! However, while it remained consistent and snappy I was ready to be done with the adventure by the end. When the flowers bloom and the harvest begins, the Golden Festival is sure to be celebrated. among us voting screen generator; hidden valley transfer station hours. It has definitely done a good job of appealing to Paper Mario fans, but does it do a good job when it comes to accessibility? people with a grain of salt. 007 - The Ants. I also enrolled in a wizarding school. The player controls three characters: Vi the bee, who uses her boomerang for multi-hit attacks, Kabbu the beetle, who uses his horn for single-hit attacks, and Leif the moth, who uses ice magic to freeze enemies. Explorers love to search every nook and cranny, hoping valuable treasure will pop right up. Looking for more information? In the area immediately outside of the Anthill Palace, talk to the bug at the front end of the bridge. Vanessa has ruled with attempts to tame her kind so they may live peacefully with the other citizens of Bugaria, which made her the most controversial Wasp Queen to date. Explore and combine your team's abilities to solve puzzles, defeat powerful enemies and find ancient treasures! play buggy fables. One such legendary relic is the Everlasting Sapling, said to grant bugs eternal life. The current ruler of the Ant Kingdom, Queen Elizant II. 2007-2023 vickie guerrero husband name; green tea and apple cider vinegar results; why can't female figure skaters do quads [5] In addition, certain puzzles were cited as quite hard to accomplish due to the 'flat' artstyle, mostly with Vi's boomerang.[17]. A bugmade island resort for the wealthy and influential. Some actions will require more correctly performed button presses, and the more powerful attacks consume more TP. Three choices are given during the level up screen. Theres one set difficulty and even though theres a charm to make the game harder there is no way to make it easier. Insects from all over the world travel to it in search of the treasure scattered across it. Read full review God is a Geek Chris White 9 / 10.0 They are dubbed "Team Snakemouth" in recognition of the accomplishment, and are rewarded by the queen of the Ant Kingdom, Elizant II. The story and world aren't groundbreaking, but they do grow on you. These three must overcome overwhelming odds to find the artifacts and prevent a gift of immortality from falling into the wrong hands. These skills ranged from dealing more damage to an enemy, healing your team, or buffing a party member. The artifact Kabbu and Vi were sent to find turns out to be real and they bring it back to Queen Elizant II. Bug Fables Wiki 743 pages Explore Bug Fables Completion Community in: Quests Can't Sleep.! Bug Fables is an RPG in the style of Paper Mario. Doing these actions correctly will give you full power for an attack, but if you fail to perform the action correctly you get half the amount of damage that could have been done. The game combines colorful platforming with the heroes' unique abilities as they explore a wide variety of areas in the kingdom. She also banned ladybugs from living in the capital after a huge scandal. Not just because it seems unfair, but because I dont have experience with the older Paper Mario titles. Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling is an adventure RPG that combines colorful platforming with turn-b Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling 2019 Browse game Gaming Browse all gaming Fire. She often advises her when her opinion is asked. In the Anthill Palace library, Libren will reward Team Snakemouth after they find enough discoveries. No, Im being serious with this one. It's meaning has yet to be agreed upon by critics and scholars. Bug Fables: The Art of Bugaria $9.99 $9.99 Add all DLC to Cart Seven lush chapters of story following the heroes across Bugaria! DANGEN ENTERTAINMENT is a trademark of Dangen Entertainment. A recent establishment built by Elizant II during the shaky period of her transition to power. 013 - Aphids and Chochinaels. ps . This ancient mural must've been built by Roaches, given the structure dates back to before Bugaria was established. Given during the main story when the Golden Festival starts. is a quest in Bug Fables. Sadly, many fail to account for the scorpions and sandpits hiding in every corner. I already stated enough about the gameplay in the last paragraph, so Ill keep my thoughts on it here simple. Hidden within the foliage of nature lies a small but prosperous continent - Bugaria. Were they seeking it as well, or did they worship it? This place also houses a horrible, fearsome beast that caused Kabbu a great deal of anguish'. The game introduces us to Vi, Kabbu, and Leif as its main protagonists each with their unique personalities and complementary abilities who go on an adventure that will put all of them to the test; it's a simple premise that will soon have you on the edge of your seat. Ferries, explorers, and even monsters can't explain what draws them to this island. Bugs, bugs bugs bugs bugs. In fact, if you squint, you might mistake it for the old school Paper Mario games. I already bought the game, love it. It's definitely an interesting piece. Part 1 of Welcome To Bugaria Canon Language: English Words: 97,828 Chapters: 12 /? With all that said, it's only a nitpick that I felt should be mentioned; chances are that it will not affect your gameplay experience in the slightest. Yes, this is a turn based RPG. In search of this ancient artifact, a brave team of explorers - Vi, Kabbu, and Leif - will travel across many different environments. It has since been favorably compared to Paper Mario. Orthodox Trotskyism/orthodox one world democratic communism can defeat bullshit.<br><br>It's all bullshit.<br><br>A life of evil will treat you like Hamlet or the half Native Indian-white boy from that movie with Leonardo DiCaprio, The Revenant.<br><br>Hamlet was suffering because of his uncle. Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling Small Heroes. The first trailer for the game was released on May 28th, 2020. An isolationist but very technologically advanced Kingdom that despises the sun. This statue symbolizes the steering wheel, one of the many technologies that surfaced during this revolution. They seem to be trying to become an independent nation, but their methods don't help their reputation. Then came Paper Mario: Sticker Star;a game that I played,completed, and felt like nothing more than awaste of time. They then stumble upon a blue coated bug ensnared in webbing and manage to free him before the spider engulfs them all. Privacy Policy. Lets shrink down in size and travel to the whittle old land of Bugaria. u/Sinoc, a developer of Devil Engine, a game published by DANGEN, has been very vocal on Reddit, Twitter, and 4Chan about the silent treatment he has been receiving. Bug Fables, a small indie RPG developed by Moonsprout Games and published by Dangen Entertainment in late 2019. bug fables controversy. The Queen miraculously recovered, but no one saw the nomad nor the petal ever again. The game began development back in 2015 and was originally going to be called Paper Bugs for how the entire world was made of papercraft and the characters looked like they were drawn into thin sheets of paper. Like Mario RPGs? Bug Fables became loved by many and currently sits with an overwhelmingly positive score range on Steam. Aphids provide the region with nutritious eggs, enjoyed by many bugs. Team Snakemouth ventures into the northern grasslands to recover the artifact from the Wasp Kingdom, an isolated and militaristic people. Proudly created with Half the time your most basic attacks are more effective and you want to save TP for healing the party. It allows any type of audience to get into the game and quickly familiarize themselves with who is who. u/Sinoc, a developer of Devil Engine, a game published by DANGEN, has been very vocal on Reddit, Twitter, and 4Chan about the silent treatment he has been receiving. It even has an official copy of Queen Elizant's portrait! No partners, but it does shake things up with using three characters at once. Other role-playing games which influenced Bug Fables include Persona 5, Tales of Zestiria, Golden Sun, and Xenoblade. Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling is not the Paper Mario we deserved, but the one we needed. Use action commands with Vi's Beemerang, Leif's Ice Magic, or Kabbu's Horn to make attacks more effective or block enemy attacks! There's been a lot of people that had problems using their controllers (specifically switch pro) with Bug Fables and there was a lot that was uncovered on why. The game uses a turn-based combat system that actually feels more dynamic than most mechanics found in the genre, and this dynamism comes from the fact that in order to effectively land these attacks, players need to actively input commands that test their accuracy and timing. Because of her civil disposition, her and Elizant II stand on very friendly terms. The land also includes features such as a vast desert (contained in a sandbox) and a lake (a puddle formed from a leaky hose). Bug Fables, a small indie RPG developed by Moonsprout Games and published by Dangen Entertainment in late 2019. The game combines colorful platforming with the heroes' unique abilities as they explore a wide variety of areas in the kingdom. Expand Developer: Moonsprout Games According to creator Dambuster Studios and distributor Deep Silver, Something Wicked Games, new AAA studio formed by Bethesda Game Studios and Obsidian Entertainment veterans, announce their first RPG -, Check out the Gamescom announcement trailer and details for the spiritual successor of dark fantasy action-RPG. " Extra activity in certain parts of the brain when someone is lying (e., if asked how did you get to school today, it will take longer to provide a plan of a path that is made up) Severe-Hypnotics: Alcohol Methanol is toxic (e., gas station warning sign) and a precursor to ethanol " A 250 lb person can drink more than " Depends on your brain and . I loved the game though it had some indie developer jankiness that's just par for the course of a smaller dev team making such an awesome and ambitious game. Empower +N (X): X gain N attack. His name is Lief and unlike any other bug they have encountered it turns out he has the ability to wield magic. Advertise |, Funny Superhero Shirts, Hoodies, Mugs & More, BUG FABLES: THE EVERLASTING SAPLING Is Not The PAPER MARIO We Deserved, But The One We Needed. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Does Anybody have tips for ring scramble level 2 and 3? Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling is a game that isn't afraid to show that it was inspired by the Paper Mario series, but it isn't really trying to be a Paper Mario game and that just may actually be the best part of it; it feels like a breath of fresh air for the genre as a whole. Try my Super World now: 1VP-CQB-H3G. Once there, Vanessa II gives Team Snakemouth a personal heirloom that protected her from the Wasp King's magic. Seedlings bloom absurdly fast in this soil, and leave to explore the Bugarian Outskirts. Bugs from all over Bugaria congregate to enjoy the festivities, and they offer that joy to the Goddess Venus. The Termites are an isolationist society that values military strength above all else. Jade Bunbun is Streaming Bug Fables [Streaming] Now streaming some Bug Fables come join me, stuff is getting interesting today! Hidden within the foliage of nature lies a . Badges are back too. Team Snakemouth, other adventuring teams, Ant Soldiers, and Elizant II convene at the entrance. Moved by this, the Roaches allow them to proceed, and eventually they find the Wasp King just before he unlocks the Sapling. Nintendo of America Inc. Headquarters are in Redmond, Washington, USA. Observe the painting on the first floor of the. The party also shares Teamwork Points (TP), which are used for special attacks, as well as Medal Points (MP), which are used for equipable medals that can enhance certain attributes, grant resistance to status debuffs, or unlock special moves. 010 - The Wasps. A maze full of loops and turns, one must pay attention to their surroundings to not get lost. Raise the team's TP by 3. For more information, please see our The game doesn't recognize DInput which is what bluetooth'd Ps4 controllers, and presumably the same for ps5, use. Unresolved: Release in which this issue/RFE will be addressed. A lot of gamers dislike turn based combat due to the amount of waiting and lack of control. Besides that, Bug Fables: The Everlasting is great. Without his strongest weapon, the team defeats the King, but they are unable to stop him from unlocking the Sapling. The Wasp King, able to wield fire magic, proves too much for the adventurers, and he absconds with the final artifact. Did some horrible disaster strike them? This quest is important and the two make haste. The Lost Sands are filled with bandits, and gigantic monuments no one can find a use for. 70413 lego - Der TOP-Favorit unserer Produkttester. This ant's clumsiness led to the discovery of the land that would become the Ant Kingdom. Big Adventure. [6][7] A playable demo was also released. Kabbu and Vi struggle to find a way out of the cave, but then the blue coated bug speaks. The game combines colorful platforming with the heroes' unique abilities as they explore a wide variety of areas in the kingdom. Suddenly an outburst breaks in the room and Kabbu catches sight of a young bee arguing with another administration head. Bug Fables Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling is an indie turn-based combat video game developed by Moonsprout and published by DANGEN. Baruch Halpern speaks about the Exodus as a fable that was inspired by possible events of Israel's past, although he contends that its historical genesis will be as irretrievable to us as its narrator. The game started development in 2015 and was tentatively titled Paper Bugs until its final name was revealed in January 2018, alongside an IndieGoGo campaign. Along the way, they meet rival teams, past traumas, and other roadblocks hunting for the titular sapling. Well, that's what it is now. It sounds like an impossible task, but with her new unlikely bug family, she just might be able to. These ants were the very first staff of the Ant Kingdom inn. Examine the statue inside the Termite Kingdom Palace, Observe the colosseum from the roof of the bomb shop in the. 8 months Follow. Numb: One of your opponent's Attacker cards is numbed. A soft beat echoing through their mind Games are property of their respective owners. His only concerns are making powerful potions and reading his favorite books from within his tower. Before we go ahead, no details about the story will be shared in this review, since it is best for players to go in blind in order to enjoy the game to the fullest, but you will soon fall in love with these characters, and the game's charming world. Cool Ant Studios OFFICIAL @deltarunesusie29. . . Cookie Notice Safer hulls! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment More posts from r/TwitchSelfPromotions. It is the game that will give fans of the Paper Mario series everything they've been asking for since Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door released for the GameCube. Theres very little I have to complain about and if so its mainly just certain sections in the game being annoying, but these moments dont last too long and the game keeps a consistent pace. what an unintuitive work around, since i've been dealing with this for over a month or more i'm considering a refund instead. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Battles are turn-based and make use of action commands that . In unserem Vergleich haben wir die unterschiedlichsten 70413 lego am Markt unter die Lupe genommen und die wichtigsten Eigenschaften, die Kostenstruktur und die Bewertungen der Kunden abgewogen. I gave up on the PS5 controller eventually, tried everything, even the stuff you mentioned. Then theres the dung beetle who eats sh*t and turns into small clumps. Their Kingdom being encased in a giant, closed-off dome only adds to their secludedness. Im here to say turn based combat is actually great and Bug Fables manages to great fights. 5. Bugs are adorable. You also have items that can be consumed once to apply effects, and theres even chefs you can visit to concoct better consumables for battle. I dont understand how you can have such a good looking game but dont get controllers working correctly Ah I forgot I posted this. hallmark star wars storytellers millennium falcon winpot casino online no deposit bonus spp wow unicode consortium emoji proposal is maryland tap water safe to drink . ", "The Bug Fables demo took me 17 years to the past", "Paper Mario meets A Bug's Life in Moonsprout Games' Bug Fables", "Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling 2020", "Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling Review", "SwitchArcade Round-Up: Mini-Views Featuring 'The TakeOver', 'Bug Fables', and More, Plus the Latest New Releases and Sales", "Bug Fables Review: Paper Mario Is (Kind Of) Back! When Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door was released, I was first in line to purchase the game on launch day, and loved the game almost as much as the first one; if not more, actually. Bug Fables mostly shines in the characters and clever writing when they interact with each other. subscribers . The game took me around fifthteen hours to beat. A cavern found at the edges of the Ant Kingdom, and the source of the river that cuts through Bugaria's outskirts. Site Map | (Spoilers up to chapter 3). Supposedly, the now missing Roaches lived in Snakemouth Den's underground. You'll love it!" Bug Fables is an adventure RPG following three heroes, Vi, Kabbu, and Leif, as they embark on an epic quest in Bugaria in search of treasure and immortality! 009 - The Termites. There's been a lot of people that had problems using their controllers (specifically switch pro) with Bug Fables and there was a lot that was uncovered on why. Kabbu does a considerable amount of physical damage to ground foes and can even break through heavy defenses. They call it "postmodern art?" Still, this does not stop the Ant Queen from sending explorers to try and find the so fabled riches deep within. Everything around it lay turned to dust or broken rock. Out of options, Elizant II requests that Team Snakemouth escort her to the Termite Kingdom, a powerful and technologically advanced, but isolationist kingdom located in the foggy and barren Forsaken Lands that had become estranged from the Ant Kingdom following Elizant I's alleged passing. They also find a moth trapped in its web. And I recommend it to all Paper Mario fans for what it's worth. ",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2022, Articles using Infobox video game using locally defined parameters, Articles using Wikidata infoboxes with locally defined images, Articles using Video game reviews template in single platform mode, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 7 February 2023, at 04:31. None of it would go to Moonsprout, which was extremely unfair seeing how they worked on the game for four years. An indie game I was looking forward to, Bug Fables (a TTYD spiritual successor), was just released on Steam today. | Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling has borrowed all of the best elements found in the Paper Mario series, and the developers have even squeezed in some new mechanics that makes each of these character essential, since some enemies can only be defeated by specific abilities that are unique to Vi, Kabbu, and Leif. The controversy of Dangen's business practices revolve around their handling of two games: Devil Engine by Protoculture Games and Fight Knight by Sorcerobe. honestly, i'm just annoyed my ps4 control seems to be auto detected as an xbox controler, and even when i manuelly switch the mapping to DS4 (what a ps4 uses) the controls are completely f***ed. oleego nutrition facts; powershell import ie favorites to chrome. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Puzzles are intricately designed and its easy to figure out what leads to where as there are always signs you can read to know where a path leads to. Bug Fables is an Adventure RPG following Vi, Kabbu, and Leif as they search Bugaria for The Everlasting Sapling, a treasure said to grant immortality. With that opening sequence out of the way lets move onto the main topic of this review. Discoveries are special locations that Team Snakemouth can interact with to obtain unique observations and learn more about Bugaria. It is probably the one aspect borrowed from the Paper Mario series that I considered the game could have improved upon. They pass through a dangerous swamp, during which Kabbu reveals that a monstrous centipede living in the area killed his travelling companions during his journey to Bugaria from his home to the north. The entirety of this area is under the control of the Wasp Kingdom, discouraging travelers from visiting. The two explorers travel to a nearby cave west of the Ant Kingdom and are told an artifact lies within it. This telescope overseeing Bugaria, nicknamed the Eliascope, was the answer to that question. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America),, Switch Pro Controller Issue (Yes I Read The Pinned Thread), Is there something im doing wrong??? Sinoc has been attempting to contact them for some time to no avail and has not been earning the money he rightfully deserves from sales of his game. While I do know that there is another Paper Mario for the Wii U, the series died for me after Sticker Star, and it wasn't until I first heard about this new developer that was working on a spiritual successor to the original Paper Mario games that I felt like I still needed that does of classic RPG games that I wasn't getting from Nintendo. Increase every party members maximum health bar by one point, increase the TP bar by three points, or the maximum medal bar by three points as well. Bug Fables takes place in the land of Bugaria, which is revealed to be entirely within the backyard of an abandoned house. Help Tarar get some sleep. The heads of the administration agree and send them off on their first big adventure. In the end I going to give Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling a 9.5/10 for excellence at best. Back in the Ant Kingdom, Team Snakemouth is rewarded with a grand celebration, and are officially knighted by Elizant II, who, thanks to reopening relations with the Wasps and Termites, is now seen as a much better queen. The second-gen Sonos Beam and other Sonos speakers are on sale at Best Buy. Bug Fables is also the least grindy RPG title I ever played as there werent any points where I had to stop moving forward in the story and beat up enemies in the environment to jack up my stats. Ferrying workers in and out, however, proved to be the real cost. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. It can be accepted from a quest board after obtaining the submarine. I made this post to bring attention to the fact that DANGEN is preying on unsuspecting indie developers by publishing their games and giving none of the money back.