Privacy Policy div_id: 'div-gpt-ad-rightrail-2', Duncan started touring with The Jimmie Rodgers Show and performing on Betty White's 1954 . tude.refreshAdsViaDivMappings([ { Betty Whites show was canceled the same year she invited Duncan on as a guest three times. Betty White, to put it simply, is a national treasure in the US. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images) By sethuraman s . "I did something a little. She treated Arthur like a friend and fought tooth and nail to have him on her show. The show was a daytime talk show that also featured ente. The first TV show I had ever been on, and I credit Betty White for really getting me started in show business, in television, he said. Cindy Ord/Getty Betty White rejected. kw: 'mandc,celebrity,entertainment-industry,racism', But his first performance was more than enough for Southern racists to threaten NBC with a boycott if he continued to be part of the lineup. Hit us up on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, or leave your comments below. env: 'prod', Betty White served as both host and producer. Her show was cancelled afterwards. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider Betty didnt let her age hamper her ability to empathize with others, even if they were of a completely different background than her. In a time where segregation was at the forefront of American issues, Betty Whiterejected attempts to keep a Black dancer off her show. url: 'betty,whites,controversial,hire,of,tap,dancer,arthur,duncan,made,history,in,more,ways,than,one', White gave it to him, he recounted in the 2018 documentary Betty White: First Lady of Television.. tag: 'mandc,celebrity,entertainment-industry,racism', ', Betty White dies at 99: Here are some of her greatest career moments. cat: 'entertainment', The daily talk/variety show on NBC allowed White to hire a female director (opens in new tab) as well as Arthur Duncan, . In a 2018 documentary honoring Bettys illustrious career, Arthur said, I credit Betty White for really getting me started in show business, in television. Betty herself wasnt blind to the outrage, but she wouldnt let the commotion, or as she said, the ruckus sway her in the least. She was fond of leveraging her power to extend empathy towards those who were far less privileged than her. Arthur Duncan, pioneering Black tap dancer, dies at 97 Championed by Betty White at the start of his career, he became one of the first Black regulars on a TV variety show. Subscribe to Newsletter That solved everything at the time.. Listen to Betty White. 1925) Norman Fruchter, 85, writer and academic (b. Among her favorite guests was Arthur Duncan, an African-American musician from Pasadena, California, who briefly studied medicine before returning to his musical roots. aid: '769722', She also told her critics to "live with it.". The legendary dancer discussed how Betty White gave him his first job on. From left, producer Steve Boettcher, Arthur Duncan, Georgia Engel and Gavin . In December 1957, he became the first Black man to join Bob Hopes 100-member troupe to tour U.S. military bases worldwide. 29K views 1 year ago Arthur Duncan (born September 25, 1933) is an American tap dancer, known for his stint as a performer on The Lawrence Welk Show from 1964 to 1982, which, along with his. Life With Elizabeth ran until 1955; during 1954, White simultaneously presented her own variety show, her second Betty White show. . } The Inspiring Story Of Arthur Duncan, The First Black Regular On An American Variety Show. Not one to waste an opportunity, White immediately set about hiring Duncan to dance on The Betty White Show, which aired on NBC in Los Angeles. When Betty White was in her early 30s she landed her very own self-titled variety show. This soon led to the show's cancellation. Stay up to date with what you want to know. Goodbye to Betty White, popular cultures beloved (and saucy) great-grandma. White's team of talent included Black performer Arthur Duncan, who was about 21 at the time and looking for his big break. baseDivId: 'pb-slot-right-1', Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. baseDivId: 'pb-slot-right-1', She deploys language as a way to connect with her audience and empower them to take action. Arthur had seen everything he needed to see in life after reuniting with Betty. Masthead, Economic Equity & Racial Justice Townhall Series, Elevate Black Podcast sponsored by Fifth Third Bank, 100 Founders of Change by American Express, Chasing Success Podcast by JP Morgan Chase, Black Business Month Sponsored by Nationwide, 2022 Registry Of Corporate Directors Listing, 2021 BE Registry Of Corporate Directors Listing. This, along with his earlier inclusion (despite objections) on The Betty White Show in 1954 and with the help of White herself, made him the first African-American regular on a . The entertainment world is mourning beloved actress Betty White, "our national treasure." The "Golden Girls" and "Mary Tyler Moore" star died Dec. 31. The dancer, Arthur Duncan, was featured on "The Betty White Show" that aired in the 1950s. 2. In 1957, he became the first Black performer to joinBob Hopes USO troop as they entertained U.S. troops in the Pacific for Christmas. According to the 2018 PBS documentary, Betty White: First Lady of Television, (available on Netflix) Duncan credited White for his first big break. He holds dual bachelor's degrees from Pace University and a master's degree from New York University. After just one appearance, Duncan was asked to remain onThe Lawrence Welk Show, making him the first Black regular on a variety show. Duncan performed on The Lawrence Welk Show for nearly 20 years, making him the first Black regular on a variety show. Betty White was one of a kind, and no incident highlights that better than her refusing to give in to demands for a Black dancer to be removed from her show in the 50s. Duncan's . The Betty White Show is a television series that aired on KLAC-TV (now KCOP-TV) in 1952 and 1953, and on NBC in 1954. divId: 'div-gpt-ad-rightrail-3', pos: 'right_rail_3', Sign up for notifications from Insider! Arthur Duncan, a gifted dancer whose appearance on one of Betty White's early TV shows prompted a showdown between southern censors and White, died January 4. tag: 'mandc,celebrity,entertainment-industry,racism', Follow reporter Asha Gilbert @Coastalasha. By the 1960s, White had made many appearances on television game shows. The entertainer, in her early 30s at the time, was center stage, speaking to the young Black tap dancer seated on her right. Arthur Duncans tap-dancing skills were undeniable. Arthur Duncan was honored in 2004 and 2006 at the Tap Extravaganza in New York and the 15th Annual St. Louis Tap Dance Festival. Duncan even tapped a routine in front of Betty White in a throwback to their time on her show from the 50s. The dancer, Arthur Duncan, was featured on "The Betty White Show" that aired in the 1950s. Arthur Duncan, 84, is a tap dancer best known for his stint on "The Lawrence Welk Show." PBS. Betty knew she wasnt some prominent politician or royalty she was merely a television actress but she was still extremely self-aware of her influence on the country. Sandy Duncan: Funny Face 1973 Mary Tyler Moore: Mary Tyler Moore: Bea Arthur: Maude Jean Stapleton: . His reply to her that they would be performing at local hospitals and orphanages was as wholesome as the beloved actress and entertainer, who died this week at 99. Oborfacts What can i say? Arthur said, "She . Less than three weeks before her 100th birthday, the actress . B.E. "I'm sorry. There was even a regular childrens segment. Goalcast is an inspiring community for achievers dedicated to helping you improve all aspects of your life. }); window.tude = window.tude || { cmd: [] }; The show. A pioneer of early television with a career spanning almost seven decades, she was noted for her vast body of work in entertainment and for being one of the first women to work both in front of and behind the camera. Although NBC eventually canceled Whites show, Duncan had become a star. So the next time you blame someones bigotry on their times, remember Betty White. "The first TV show I had ever been on, and I credit Betty White for really getting me started in show business, in television," he said. } Nur Nasreen Ibrahim is a reporter with experience working in television, international news coverage, fact checking, and creative writing. Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. The producers wanted to remove him from the show, but White said "He stays. When she was encouraged to take him off because of the color of his skin, she politely declined.. The Best Celebrity Furniture and Home Decor Lines. . . Editor's note: This article was originally published on January 3, 2022. baseDivId: 'pb-slot-right-1', targeting: { Let us not forget that in 1954 Betty White's show was canceled shortly after receiving backlash for her refusal to cancel Black tap dancer, Arthur Duncan. # DidYouKnow In 1954, # BettyWhite was criticized after having Arthur Duncan, a Black tap dancer, on her show. Well, Betty wrote back and said, Needless to say, we used Arthur Duncan every opportunity we could. , Facing the threat of boycotts across the South, White famously said, Im sorry but he stays Live with it!. In 1954, Ms. White was pressured to replace Mr. Duncan, a dancer who went on to receive . 1956) . White died on Friday, just a few weeks shy of her 100th birthday, news that prompted a look back on a career that included advocacy on many fronts. Are you going to go house to house?. In 1954, #BettyWhite was criticized after having Arthur Duncan, a Black tap dancer, on her show. She continued to serve as producer on the show, pushing boundaries by hiring a female director and showcasing. In 1954 Betty White had a talk show and faced criticism for including a black tap dancer, Arthur Duncan, on her show. The beloved actress was preparing to celebrate her 100th birthday with a big televised special that will still air despite her passing only a few weeks before the age . Arthur admits that Betty helped get him the kind of exposure that really launched his career. 0. Shed been a progressive since day one, and its because of people like her that we were able to delegitimize hateful sentiments that had dominated the country in those years. Randy Shropshire/Getty ImagesFrom left to right: Arthur Duncan, director Dean Hargrove, actor Norman LLoyd, and cinematographer Stephen Poster at a screening of Tap World in Los Angeles, California, in 2015. "Los Angeles was more accessible." In other news, One Piece episode 1054 delayed, new release date confirmed. The show was the first big break for Duncan, then in his early 20s, he said in the 2018 documentary "Betty White, First Lady of Television.". And check out our host, Kylie Mar, on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. Arthur even became the first African-American regular on a variety show when he appeared on The Lawrence Welk Show for almost 20 years. The world is still mourning the immense loss of Betty White. The dancer, Arthur Duncan, was featured onThe Betty White Showthataired in the 1950s. In response, Betty White famously said Im sorry. When NBC gave her a national 30-minute variety show in 1954, she . tude.cmd.push(function() { After being born in Pasadena, California in September 1933, Arthur Duncan took his first steps in the performing world at the age of just 13 and after a brief spell studying pharmacy, returned to the world of showbusiness in his early 20s. Duncan appeared in three episodes of The Betty White Show according to IMDb and it was these episodes, in particular, that drew criticism. On another episode, White interviewed a Black child during the childrens segment. Arthur Duncan, who is currently 87 years old, is an African-American tap dancer and entertainer. White said she wasn't going to budge: Evidently through the South at that point it was a very heavy [thing], and I said, Im sorry, but he stays [] Live with it! White said. Television was a relatively new medium, but White was a veteran from stage and radio. I was on the show, and they had some letters out of Mississippi and elsewhere that some of the stations would not carry the show if I was permitted to stay on there, Duncan told Steve Harvey in 2018 ahead of a surprise TV reunion with White. Arthur Chester Duncan (September 25, 1925 - January 4, 2023) was an American tap dancer, also called an "Entertainer's Entertainer," known for his stint as a performer on The Lawrence Welk Show from 1964 to 1982. As the host and producer, White hired young Black tap dancer Arthur Duncan to perform. Duncan performed alongside stars like actress Jayne Mansfield, singer Jerry Colonna, comedian Hedda Hopper, and the Les Brown orchestra in places like Pearl Harbor, Korea, Okinawa, and Guam. She set the standard, and we will forever be grateful. Tell us what you think! A Look at All of Betty White's Homes. -----#####Reelblack's mission is to educate, entertain, enlighten, and empower through Black film. When Harvey asked what Duncan thought about seeing White again, he jokedGod, I think I am ready to go now., Sports world reacts: Athletes, sports celebrities recall 'national treasure' Betty White, Celebrities mourn loss: Robert Redford shares his affection for Betty White, 'I had a crush on her, too! Black Men XCEL Shaoni Das is a writer based out of Alberta, Canada. Following his breakthrough performances on variety shows, Arthur Duncan was invited to be part of Bob Hopes troupe of performers to tour US military bases and was the first African-American to do so. Arthur Duncan. tude.refreshAdsViaDivMappings([ { It was the first time in over 60 years that Arthur Duncan and Betty White had appeared on stage together. Her response: "I'm sorry. We bring people together, change perceptions, and inspire actions that impact culture for good. . This is a tremendous loss," tap-dancing legend Arthur Duncan tells Rolling Stone. However, it was during an appearance on Steve Harveys show Little Big Shots: Forever Young in 2017 that Duncan felt truly blessed when Betty White surprised him onstage. When encouraged to take Arthur Duncan off the air, White, then in her 30s, said: "I'm sorry, but, you know, he stays," per the Post. And it was never a question at all.. Later on, Arthur was discovered by Sam Lutz, Lawrence Welks personal manager and was invited to perform as part of Welks musical family.. In the 1950s, Betty White was criticized for having Black tap dancer Arthur Duncan on her variety talk show, "The Betty White Show." Rating: True About this rating Betty White, also. "I was on the show and they had letters from Mississippi and elsewhere that some of the stations would not carry the show if I was permitted to stay on there," Duncan recalled said in a 2017 interview onSteve Harvey's "Little Big Shots: Forever Young.". At 21, the California native had been performing in a dance quartet for years and was looking for his big break. When letters started coming from Mississippi and elsewhere demanding Arthurs removal, Betty simply wrote back saying, Needless to say, we used Arthur Duncan every opportunity we could. It wasnt a matter of finding a compromise or trying to understand the other sides perspective; she wanted to trust her gut and do the right thing, protest be damned. Michael Green, 69, molecular and cell biologist (b. A colleague. Betty White died on December 31, 2021, a few weeks shy of her 100th birthday. Betty White, The Golden Girls and Hot in Cleveland Star, Dead at 99 During the Little Big Shots episode, Harvey surprised Duncan by bringing White on the show to catch up with her old. Still, as the only Black cast member, the show also posed a unique risk to Duncan, according to dance historian Constance Valis Hill: In an era in which blacks and whites did not even hold hands, let alone kiss each other on nationally broadcast television programs, Duncan was often seen standing in the background, trying very hard not to look like he was with any of the women on the program.. Live with it. , Betty White, one of the most endearing and enduring faces on television, dies at 99. ', Betty White's quips and quotes through the years, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. But her decision to defy conventional norms and balk at Southern naysayers allowed Duncan to go one to make history at least twice more. Registry of Corporate Directors. A 1963 Klan bombing killed her sister and blinded her. The 33 Coziest Designer Bedrooms Ever. ', 'What could be better than show business? As producer of her own show, White decided to give Duncan a national platform to share those skills with the rest of the country. Tap dancer Arthur Duncan was first introduced to national audiences by Betty White in 1954 before making history as the first Black performer on The Lawrence Welk Show. "The Betty White Show" was short-lived, repeatedly rescheduled and eventually taken off air, per the Post. As the world mourns actress and comedienneBetty White, who passed away on Dec. 31, many are discovering or being reminded of the way she broke TV barriers with tap dancerArthur Duncan. White hired Arthur Duncan as a dancer on her show. divId: 'div-gpt-ad-rightrail-2', Some facts about Betty White . Live with it, according to USA Today and ended up giving Arthur Duncan more airtime as a result. And by his 21st birthday, hed caught the eye of TV pioneer Betty White. It's been claimed that Duncan's fixed role on "The Betty White Show" as a singer and dancer meant he was the first Black American to have a regular appearance on a TV variety show. This article was published more than1 year ago. Television was still a new medium, but White was already a veteran performer of stage and radio, had acted on a sitcom and had co-hosted a Los Angeles daytime talk show. Duncan told Steve Harvey in 2017 thatWhitegave him his first job on TV during the premiere of Harveys Little Big Shots: Forever Young.. Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. div_id: 'div-gpt-ad-rightrail-3', He went on to have a decades-long career as one of the first famous Black tap dancers in the US. } Even at the risk of cancelation, White insisted that Arthur Duncan stay on and thus helped launch a successful career for him. (new Image()).src = ''; cnx.cmd.push(function() { cnx({ playerId: "289be4dd-5b1f-48bc-990f-ec567999e080" }).render("8791f6495fab447280f16fc61516a837"); }); window.tude = window.tude || { cmd: [] }; You never call. Arthur said, I was on the show, and they had some letters out of Mississippi and elsewhere that some of the stations would not carry the show if I was permitted to stay on there. In the 1950s, representation on television was still a controversial subject, and the gatekeepers of the industry werent even keen on having women run shows. The Betty White Show is a television series that aired on KTLA in 1952 and 1953, and on NBC in 1954. Well, Betty wrote back and said, Needless to say, we used Arthur Duncan every opportunity we could. Deal with it and gave Duncan more airtime. Betty White holds the record for "longest television career of any female or male entertainer." She is older than sliced bread. The comedian was a legend through and through: when faced with the overwhelming pressure to give in to hate, she resisted and won. kw: 'mandc,celebrity,entertainment-industry,racism', It has since been updated. If there is content shared on this platform that you feel infringes on your intellectual property, please email me at and with details and it will be promptly removed. So, needless to say, Arthur was pretty excited when Betty showed up onstage and surprised him. Theres a reason why shes widely celebrated as a trailblazer of her generation: she didnt offer any excuses or apologies. Duncan, who credits White with launching his career, continued to break boundaries after The Betty White Show. Arthur Duncan was invited onto The Betty White Show as a recurring performer for its one-season run in 1954. Betty White was weeks away from her 100th birthday and planned a big celebration. Arthur Duncan, an 83-year-old tap dancer, was on the premiere of Steve Harveys Little Big Shots: Forever Young. You never call, responded White. The 98-year-old actress is loved by almost all and has had an unbelievably successful career spanning more than eight decades. 3. subcat: '', Unfortunately, the show was canceled the same year, though its hard to say whether it was a direct result of the outcry or if interest was waning in general. Duncan was featured on the show at least three times. White went on to game shows, the talk-show circuit and eventually mega-stardom as Rose Nylund on the 1980s sitcom The Golden Girls.. Wikimedia Commons Arthur Duncan became the first Black regular on a televised American variety show. In fact, as per Arthur, Betty gave him more time on the air when they started receiving backlash. With newfound creative control, White created a sitcom that earned her a Best Actress Emmy nomination. He said it was White who gave him his break. When she was encouraged to take him off because of the color of his skin, she politely declined. At a time when racial segregation was at boiling point, there were strong calls from different quarters to remove a tap dancer named Arthur Duncan from her show. In 2020, the American Tap Dance Foundation inducted Duncan into the International Tap Dance Hall of Fame. Management url: 'betty,whites,controversial,hire,of,tap,dancer,arthur,duncan,made,history,in,more,ways,than,one', NBC first aired in 1954. In February 1955, the show became the shortest run program to ever receive an Emmy nomination for Best Daytime Program. Email: When Duncan told White, "I hope we have a chance to visit after this is over," she replied, "Oh, I hope so. You never ask me out.. In the early 1950s, White faced criticism for featuring Arthur Duncan, a Black tap dancer and singer, on a few episodes of her variety talk show The Betty White Show.. I credit Betty White for really getting me started in show business, he said. Left: Arthur Duncan/Betty White Show/NBC Right: American actor Betty White wearing a veiled hat, circa 1955. She is older than Mickey Mouse. Arthur, did you have a nice weekend? Betty White asked Arthur Duncan. In 1954, Betty White created and hosted her own daily variety and talk show, The Betty White Show. Live with it." She then gave Duncan even more airtime. ABOUT While the world mourns the death of actor and activist Betty White, many are learning about her advocacy on behalf of African-Americans. Watch clips and full episodes of Little Big Shots for free on Yahoo View. subcat: '', After the Pacific tour, Duncan spent several years performing at countless venues across Europe. Racial justice wasnt the only focus of her activism, either. And it only escalated after NBC rolled out the show nationally, with Southern viewers threatening to boycott the network if White didnt remove Duncan from the lineup. Then, in 1964, he was scouted by Sam Lutz, the manager of The Lawrence Welk Show, and invited to come on as a guest. Entrepreneurs Summit "Well, Betty wrote back and said, 'Needless to say, we used Arthur Duncan every opportunity we could.'" Lets take a moment to honor the First Lady of Television and what her progressiveness meant to those watching at home. Arthur Duncan, an 83-year-old tap dancer, was on the premiere of Steve Harvey 's Little Big Shots: Forever Young. Im ready to go now, he morbidly joked as White approached. Arthur even became the first African-American regular on a variety show when he appeared on, , or leave your comments below. This material may not be reproduced without permission. ). Arthur Duncan became the first Black regular on a televised American variety show. After appearing as a guest on the show, Lawrence Welk offered Duncan a permanent spot as a member of his \"musical family.\"The 1989 film Tap featured Duncan in a cameo appearance with other famous tap dancers.In 2004 Duncan was honored at the annual \"Tap Extravaganza\" in New York City.In 2006, Duncan was honored for his contributions to tap dance at the 15th Annual St. Louis Tap Festival.In 2017, Duncan appeared on the series premiere episode of the reality talent series Little Big Shots: Forever Young, where he performed a dance and reunited with actress Betty White.In 2018, Duncan made an appearance on The Talk as part of a surprise for co-host Sheryl Underwood who performed a tap dance routine with Savion Glover as part of the show's New Year's Evolution.