This evidence, after careful processing, will be used in the courtroom in the hopes of achieving a successful prosecution of a crime. Horrifying new details have emerged in the killing of a 13-year-old California who was found dead after she had gone missing, say authorities. The unit strives to maintain a constant state of readiness as an airborne asset to assist all those in need regardless of the time, day or night, civilian or sworn. Trials. Be as thorough and correct as possible to increase your chances of advancing to the next step. He was hired by the Lafayette Police Department in 1990 and worked a variety of assignments including Patrol, FTO, SWAT, and was a detective in the Robbery/Homicide unit when he was hired by the Bakersfield Police Department in 1997. The men, both African-American, contend the search was racially motivated, and sued the BPD for damages exceeding $350,000.00. While most of the academies were run by the BPD with the goal of training solely BPD officers, there has been two occasions when the department, for fiscal reasons, joined with another agency to fund and run a joint academy to train multiple agency officers. Standard uniform equipment consists of Bianchi AccuMold Elite duty gear with a Safariland Model 6355 Belt Drop, Level III Retention holster, First Defense MK-4 Large Duty Size pepper spray, X-26P TASER electronic less lethal weapon, Diamondwood straight stick baton, and two sets of Peerless chain link handcuffs. [28], The Bakersfield Police Department provides an informational website that tracks the crime rates in the city. Facts. Even though they are no longer considered state-of- the art imagers, they are still used by the unit and are invaluable tools used in the apprehension of criminals and surveillance operations. In 1975, Little Hal crashed while patrolling the Kern River Canyon when it struck electric aerial wires inside the mouth of the canyon. The BPD Police Service Technicians operate Ford F-150 and Dodge Dakota pickups in all white configuration with department logos. We found that 44% of people seriously injured or killed in encounters with Bakersfield police officers displayed signs of a mental health condition, intoxication, or both. With staff remaining in the Technical Investigations section for decades if not careers, the experience and expertise has increased dramatically from earlier times. On July 8, 2003, the Bakersfield Police Department started a School Resource Officer program by assigning a small detail to local city elementary schools.[22]. The department, in the past, had on-line crime reporting, but this was optional. Enter a secure password. Current department policy mandates all patrol officers, senior officers, uniformed detectives, and sergeants have sewn on cloth department badge patches and embroidered names. Copyright 2023 KCSO. Each and every day we work to improve our departments responsiveness to community needs, which begins with the recruitment of individuals passionate about public service. Officer Beattie & K-9 Zeke. During Bill Snares tenure the City and County Bureau of Identification gained a reputation for being one of the most effective and progressive agencies in the country. Beginning in July, 1946 additional officers were added to the Sheriff's Office, primarily assigned to the Patrol . Sworn personnel will also be given a take-home vehicle upon completion of probation through our personal patrol vehicle program. The Bakersfield Police Department has authorized the establishment of a multimedia informational website other than their official city website. It is also equipped with a fast-rope system which allows for quick insertion of the Sheriffs Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team. E-cite citation devices are also carried aboard BPD cruisers. TFO - Bakersfield Police Officer Steven Brewster, Command Pilot/Flight Instructor - CJ Martin, Adam Valdez - Supervisor of Maintenance/A&P Mechanic The role of the T.I. as he/she has most often been called through time, has grown in responsibility and complexity. We are thrilled to provide you with the necessary tools and resources to help you succeed in your application process. "The Bakersfield Police Department partners with our community to protect the lives and property of the people we serve. duty shifts) 5-15 years of service: 7.02 (24-hr. In 2001, the department received a state grant from the Governors Office of Criminal Justice Planning to purchase a brand-new Cessna Turbo Stationair T-206H fixed wing aircraft. As the demand for Technical Investigations services increased, so did the number of personnel. Personnel in the I Bureau in the 1950s found themselves responding to more and more calls for service. 25 Jan 2023 0. Ready to start the process of becoming a part of our team? The Bakersfield Police Department (BPD) is the agency responsible for law enforcement within the city of Bakersfield, California, in the United States.It has over 590 officers and professional staff, covering an area of 151.2 square miles (392 km 2) serving an urban population of more than 400,000.The current chief of the department, since April 2020, is Greg Terry. Directed by Michaela Dowd, narrated by Andr Holland and executive produced by Kaepernick and Robe Imbriano, the series centers on the police force in Bakersfield, California, and the death of . The Bakersfield Police Activities League maintains a website dedicated to their efforts to prevent juvenile delinquency by providing skills through education, athletics and opportunities to at risk youth. If youre looking to have a rewarding career in law enforcement, the Bakersfield Police Department is the agency for you. Our goal is to provide for the safety and welfare of the citizens of Bakersfield utilizing effective law enforcement systems, including crime prevention, patrol and traffic enforcement, criminal investigation follow-up, crime analysis, vice and narcotics enforcement, gang suppression and community relations. It starred Chris Mulkey, Tony Plana, Ron Eldard and Brian Doyle-Murray. Police Officer Senior Police Officer Administrative / Training Officer I/II Detective Police Sergeants (Returned to Association effective . Facts. OAKLAND - California Attorney General Rob Bonta today announced that the California Department of Justice (DOJ) has entered into a stipulated judgment with the City of Bakersfield and the Bakersfield Police Department (BPD), regarding BPD's policies and practices. As chief of police, I am honored and deeply humbled to lead the dedicated men and women of the Bakersfield Police Department. Law Enforcement Bureau. Registrations, fingerprints, and photographs of convicted sex, arson, and gang offenders that live in the unincorporated areas of Kern County. Password. Megan's Law - Bakersfield Police Department, CA. Find out more about the police academy and the field training program. Testing events are timed individually. As this trend continued, the Technical Investigations section shifted its focus in the 1960s to specifically deal with the collection, preservation and processing of evidence and crime scenes. [citation needed]. While black powder latent print processing and film cameras may some day give way to better and improved technologies, the one element that has created and sustained TI from its earliest days still remains, its people. As one of the finest law enforcement agencies in the state, we believe in hiring people who possess the qualities and characteristics that make us unique. Forms & Documents. Learn about being on our team, salary, benefits, requirements, and more. Kern County Sheriff's Office. We strive for compassion, accountability, and professionalism in all we do. Thirteen evidence technicians currently staff the section. Powers was hired as a motorcycle patrolman in 1928. . Their address is 1601 Truxtun Ave in Bakersfield. A Bell 206B, commonly known as the Jet Ranger, was leased and used until 1987 at which time the department purchased two new MD 500E helicopters equipped with Spectrolab SX-16 searchlights. Bakersfield Police Department will receive a one-time longevity bonus in the amount of $15,000. Many critics of the department have made the charge of shooting first, asking questions later and firing too many rounds at suspects. 1-4 years of service: 4.68 (24-hr. This little helicopter is seen in the opening credits of the 1970s hit TV series MASH. The department shooting range is located on 3419 Truxtun Ave. with the K-9 training field next door to the range. This has been done by keeping up with the ever-increasing criminal sophistication with new knowledge and technology and good old fashioned perseverance. Members will help the BPD by "participating in a variety of capacities all designed to . Further information about this process, including cost, can be found by clicking on the above link. Air Support Unit. The Official Facebook Page of the Bakersfield Police Department. (NOTE: If you have already taken the POST Entry-Level Law Enforcement Test Battery (PELLET B) exam administered within twelve months of application submission by the City of Bakersfield or with another agency/academy and achieved a T-Score of 42 or higher you are not required to retake the PELLET B exam. He has worked in a variety of line-level and supervisory positions in the Bakersfield . Bakersfield, CA 93308-2231 E-Mail addresses. These conditions consist of a medical examination and a psychological evaluation by licensed professionals. Because of his family's commitment to telling their son's story, they uncovered a pattern of violence within the Bakersfield Police Department. What types of cases does the Crime Analyst work on? Our organization has two locations for public services; our headquarters at 1601 Truxtun Avenue in the heart of downtown Bakersfield and our west Substation at 1301 Buena Vista Road. This helicopter flew until 1978 when the Air Unit was deactivated due to the lack of funding. On July 5, 2008, it was announced that the BPD will begin using polygraphs as a part of the hiring process to become an officer with the department. The current issue weapon is the officer's choice through initial qualification of either the Glock model G17 Gen 4 9mm full size semi-automatic pistol, or the Glock model G19 Gen 4 9mm compact semi-automatic pistol. The process of joining the Bakersfield Police Department is a rigorous one! Law Enforcement and the public may call 661-868-5547 or 661-868-4853 to speak with someone in the Registration Unit when they are open. Officer Berumen & K-9 Rocco. Officer Ashby & K-9 Zudo. Around 1920 the county bureau combined its resources with the City Bureau of Identification (Bakersfield Police Department had established its own bureau in 1916.) Lerdo Detention Division BAKERSFIELD, Calif. The Bakersfield Police Department is introducing a new team to reduce their response time to non-emergency calls, the Burglary Response Team. Facts. May 29, 2011 Hayward, California Hayward Police Department. In 1990 the department purchased two FLIR (Forward Looking Infrared) thermal imagers for the helicopters. It is department standard for all duty weapons, excluding the Model 43, to have pistol mounted tactical lights of either Surefire or Streamlight manufacture. Phone: (661) 391-7500. Our organisation; Governance and accountability; [13] On July 3, 1941, the Bakersfield Police Department accepted its first female officer with the hiring of Mary Holman Dodge. The use of Crime Analyst continues to grow at the departmental level, including a new position created for a Crime Analysis Supervisor who will oversee the unit and implement schedules, budgets, and . They were obtained at no cost to the County of Kern. Electronic Monitoring Program Sheriff's Parole Work Release Registration Unit. For Immediate Release. In recent years, complaints regarding excessive use of force, racial profiling, harassment, and response delays have been registered by criminals, suspects, witnesses, and affected family members. Officer Ashby & K-9 Jax. Crime scenes are now photographed with Nikon D200 digital cameras. Bakersfield CA 93308. When a positive comparison has been accomplished, the Evidence Technician will then assume the role of expert witness giving testimony in court on the results of the fingerprint examination. The Bakersfield Police Department has had a variety of training academies throughout its existence. These include Penn Arms L8-40 fixed stock 40mm multi-launcher Riot gun firing rubber, wood, or riot-control agents, Precision Ordnance Products 'Stingball' grenades, Defense Technology 'Han-Ball' and 'Tripple Chaser' CS grenades, 12 gauge bean-bag, rubber and wood rounds fired from Remington 870 shotguns, X-26 tasers, and Monadnock polycarbonate riot batons, and 48" x 24" x 1/8" concave plastic riot shields. The agency provides: law enforcement within the county, maintain the jails used by both the county and municipalities, and provides search and rescue. As of August 2019, Bakersfield Police Department restarted a solo police academy in their own facility at 4646 California Avenue. In January 2008, the United States Department of Justice cleared the Bakersfield Police Department of any wrongdoing stemming from the complaints. The Bakersfield Police Department in California will revise its policies after a four-year state investigation found that the department violated the constitutional rights of residents by using . Once the application is accepted and minimum qualifications met, the applicant will be notified of the written exam date, time and location. Command Helicopter Pilot/TFO - Deputy Kevin Austin The Registration Unit is closed on all weekends and holidays. We are looking for applicants with the ability to unite and interact with a diverse population and are committed to serving all members of our community with sensitivity, empathy, and impartiality.