Defense Logistics Management System (DLMS. Agencies submit a requisition/order to GSA for a simple government-to-government transfer that is quick, safe, and compliant. Banner for the Defense Logistics Agency application PUB LOG. Includes semiconductor assemblies; semiconductor diodes; semiconductor rectifiers, semiconductor thyristors; transistors; unitized semiconductors; associated hardware except sockets. Includes liquid chemicals designed exclusively for use as propellant fuels and oxidizers; liquid propellants, bulk; liquid propellants, predetermined to specific quantity and quality, packaged in reusable containers. Rates are available between 10/1/2012 and 09/30/2023. Includes refueling machines; ion chamber seals; thermal barriers; control rods; steam generators, pressurized water; reactor vessel shells; handling carts; hoisting units, new and spent cartridge. Central Issue Facility - United States Army A lock ( The Official Home Page of the United States Army 1650 pelican case nsn-01-440-5587 Working nin-015409695 or 014651371 Infidel benchmade class 9E . The Line Item Number (LIN) is a six-character alphanumeric identification of the generic nomenclature assigned to identify nonexpendable and type classified expendable or durable items of equipment during their life cycle authorization and supply management. Presidential & Congressional Commissions, Boards or Small Agencies, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility. All items are available via simple requisitions through whatever ordering mechanism is best for you: View the flipbook edition of the catalog online. Includes instrument cases; music stands; tuning forks. NATO Stock Numbers; NIIN; NCAGE Code; Includes light burner fuels; diesel fuels; kerosine; military specification type residuals; special and heavy grade turbine vessel propulsion fuels; federal specification heavy burner fuels; bunker "c" commercial grade fuel; heavy fuel and other black (boiler type) fuels; illuminating oils. Includes automatic nonpowered valves; gate, globe, angle, check, and relief valves; cocks. Includes transfer transmission assemblies; clutch assemblies; universal joints; propeller shafts; automotive torque converters; power takeoffs. Also helps to type in nomenclature into google, let it auto complete with the. Radio Frequency Cable Assembly NSN: 5995-01-255-1935 Product Number: 5204767 Includes cellulose acetate and other plastics; bars, rods, sheets, and strips. Includes oil burners; stokers; gas burners. Includes counters; taps; shoe laces; lasts and last sole patterns; ornamental shoe buckles and bows. NSN Lookup - NSN Lookup with Pictures - Free NSN Search, WebFLIS NSN Lookup, FEDLOG NSN Lookup and Inventory Locator Service. FED LOG - Federal Logistics Data - Defense Logistics Agency The NSN is a 13-digit code, and it is depicted as: 6240-00-357-7976. Includes sighting and observation devices, target detectors and locators, remote viewing systems utilizing heat radiation emitted from objec (s) , associated radiation sources, image converters and image intensifiers, optical cells and other components designed for night vision equipment. Army ocie list with pictures and nsns CIF: You should go onto your AKO and print copies of your clothing record. Includes ingots; pigs; billets; blooms; muck bar; rods for wire; sheet bar; skelp; tube rounds. US Army South hosts inaugural Women, Peace, and Security Symposium February 24, 2023; VIEW ALL NEWS. Includes brushes for electrical rotating equipment; carbon stock for brushes; brush arm and holders; lighting electrodes. It contains more than 8,300 items including office supplies (with many toner choices), tools, furniture, and much more. If you already have an AMPS account, please proceed to step 3. Includes acidity (ph) meters; gas analyzers; alakalinity measuring instruments; colorimeters. Includes warheads containing military chemical agents; exercise heads, guided missile. Includes medicated cosmetics and toiletries that have been determined to be drugs in accordance with the federal food, drug, and cosmetic act. The shortcut to this page is Includes permanent magnets and magnetostriction elements; caps, clips, and contacts, electrical. Includes airfield specialized trucks and trailers designed primarily for transporting aircraft assemblies; trailers: afterburner, engine, propeller, fuselage, and wing; trucks, aircraft fuselage and aircraft wing; skids, engine transport; stands, engine transport; bomb trailers, airfield; trucks, crashed aircraft removing. Search. Update: found this online. Includes glue; mucilage; sizes; adhesive cements. Includes bathtubs; commodes; lavatories; shower cabinets; sinks; water closets; accessories and component parts, such as dispensers, faucets, holders, racks, shower heads, flush valves and stop valves. For more information contact cif accountable. Includes communication wire dispenser fabricating machinery; specialized logging equipment; petroleum refinery machinery; shoemaking machinery; production type impregnating equipment. Includes general purpose oil grease, air, liquid, gas, and chemical seals; oakum; prefabricated gaskets and seals designed for a single specific application. Includes garden tractors, walking type; lawn mowers, powered and nonpowered; hedge trimers; lawn seeders; fertilizer spreaders; gardening rakes, forks, hoes, and other gardening tools. Includes: wheeled self-propelled weapons and combat vehicles with or without amphibian capabilities; armored wheeled vehicles; mine resistant ambush protected vehicles; self-propelled wheeled sleds; and self-propelled wheeled flame throwers. Includes externally threaded rings; keyed and serrated lock rings; dee rings; instrument retaining rings; shim sets and assortments; plate spacers; ring spacers; sleeve spacers; stepped spacers; spacer sets and assortments; sleeve bushings; machine threaded bushings; machine threaded plugs. For more information contact cif accountable. For more information contact cif accountable. Includes in vitro diagnostic aids, such as test tablets, test slides, test strips, test cards, test papers, test solutions, reagents; sets and kits designated for in vitro qualitative and quantitative tests on specimens, such as blood, urine, feces, and the like, for the purposes of aiding in the medical diagnosis of disease, determining body organ dysfunction, or other abnormal conditions. Includes multiple spindle drilling-tapping machines. Army NSN Lookup Includes hand grease guns; centralized lubrication systems; hydrostatic lubricators; oil and gasoline dispensing pumps; fuel oil dispensing pumps; hand oilers; grease dispensers; pressure gun attachments; sight feed lubricators. Includes glass rods, bars, and tubing; optical glass blanks; structural and building glass; glass blocks. Also helps to type in nomenclature into google, let it auto complete with the. Includes galvanizing, tinning, oiling, pickling; electroplating, and anodizing equipment. Aircraft, Military, Electronic NSN Parts, Electro-mechanical Components . Includes battery boxes, covers, liners, racks, retainers, and trays. NSN 8465-01-525-5531 1. Please try again later. I got everything packed, there's like 2-3 items where I have no clue what the item is. Includes link trainers; automatic pilot training devices; drift meter training devices; celestial navigation trainers; dead reckoning navigation trainers; instrument flying and landing trainers; terrain projection trainers; all operational training devices except communication and armament. Our proprietary parts database contains comprehensive data on over 120 Million unique military, aerospace, defense and commercial parts. Includes musette bags; duffel bags; ammunition belts; pistol belts; handcuffs; packboards; sleeping bags; knapsacks; hikers' packs; sunglasses; skis; snowshoes; swords with scabbards. GSA Global Supply is pleased to present its 2022/2023 Supply Catalog. Includes compactors; destructors; garbage disposals; incinerators; septic tanks. Product fulfillment, order status, billing support, and comprehensive customer service for agencies using the requisition method are provided by GSA. Includes parachute packs; inert mine cases; booster cans; clock delays; clock starters; search coils; extenders. Includes washing machines; extractors; wringers; drying tumblers; ironers; presses; starching machines; marking equipment; mobile laundry and dry cleaning units. Includes tool grinding spot coolers; machining spot coolers; electronic equipment spot coolers; and electronic cabinet spot coolers. NSN lookup with pictures??? : r/army - Includes light meters; tripods; filters; range-finders; photographic floodlight fixtures; lenses; specialized photographic test equipment. FSG 22 - Railway Equipment. Access to the training calendar can be found here Microsoft Teams Training Calendar(Non-DLA Web Site)(CAC or User I.D./Password Required). No results could be found for the location you've entered. Search our NSN Look up by National Stock Number (NSN) (for example: 2530-00-088-9531, or 00-088-9531). ISO Group has comprehensive parts databases, including an up-to-date National Stock Number NSN Database, that can be searched by NSN, NSN Part Number, NIIN and many other combinations of information such as NSN Part or NSN Part Number. ISO Group account gives you access to priority processing, request tracking, a dedicated account manager, and real-time communication. Note:All webinars are CAC enabled; ensure that the Email certificate is selected. Includes breech mechanisms; mounts; rammers. Includes portable fire escapes; safety nets, nonbuoyant. Includes attachments for tanks, self-propelled weapons, and high speed tractors; a-frames and winches specifically designed for truck mounting; cranes and crane booms for wrecker trucks. Includes rocket motors (solid propellant units) for guided missiles, explosive-loaded; all explosive components for guided missile and space vehicle solid fuel propulsion units; solid propellants encased in consumable containers, such as squibs and cartridges, intended for insertion into missile propulsion systems as integral parts. Includes cloth; papers; powders; abrasive polishing compounds; metal finishing abrasives; industrial diamonds; diamond dust; rouge. Includes power transmission towers; radar towers; searchlight towers; control towers; prefabricated tower components, such as anchor rails, tie rods, braces, steps, guy assemblies; specialized tower hardware. Includes: complete operating units, such as an underwater mine reconnaissance device, as well as component parts, practice, training, blank, and dummies. Includes firing platforms; mounts; gun shields. Includes bars; leaf; ribbon; rods; tubing. (To do that, sign into your AKO-> Self Service-> My Clothing-> Scroll Down-> Click on 'PRINT UNSIGNED CLOTHING RECORD. Rates for Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. Includes decals; printed posters; printed labels. This catalog index includes all FSC categories has available in our database. Includes trailed cars; self-propelled cars. Click here to view our complete list of LINs. Includes door frames; window frames; window sashes; eave troughs (gutters); gratings; grilles; shutters; fixed fire escapes; mounted partitions. and search ocie in search bar for listings, pictures, nsn, etc. Includes electronic precipitators; dust collection equipment. Includes airborne rocket launchers adaptable to guided missile use. Includes optoelectronic devices and assemblies which display numeric, alpha-numeric, symbolic, or graphic information, emitters, and nondisplay optoelectronic devices, such as couplers, detectors, and switches which perform an active function in an electronic system%. I dont want to order childrens Benadryl again. See Also: Military nsn supply catalog Verify It Show details. Includes engine, turbine, wind, and hand driven generator sets and auxiliary aircraft generators. Therefore, requisitions, regardless of size, fulfill all FAR requirements. Please open and search in the FED LOG application. Pictures would be great. Includes only those items which cannot conceivably be classified in any existing classes. Includes armor plate; black plate; floor plate; leaf; perforated sheet and strip; shim stock. Also helps to type in nomenclature into google, let it auto complete with the. Includes diving and salvage apparatus, including pressurized divers' suits; rescue nets, buoyant; inflatable life vests; life rafts. If BOIP has been established, coordination action is taken with the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, as well as with AMC and the U.S. Army Force Management Support Agency . Includes alloying additives (aluminum, antimony, copper, and others). Includes soldering irons; welding electrodes and rods; brazing fluxes; soldering fluxes; solder. Includes access covers; bumpers; casters; cabinet and door hardware; clevises; hinges; latches; straps and strapping; turnbuckles; webbed straps. Includes complete functioning fuel cell power units; fuel cells; fuel cell assemblies or modules; fuel cell reactant chambers; fuel feed mechanisms; electrolyte heaters; heat exchangers; and other internal components peculiar to, and used exclusively on or with, fuel cell power units classified in this class. Aircraft, Military, Electronic NSN Parts, Electro-mechanical Components Includes wall type fans; pedestal type fans; household type and attic type exhaust fans; floor fans; forged draft exhaust and disposal kits; fans, air circulators, and blower equipment, whether designated as "industrial" or "nonindustrial" by application and/or use. Includes azimuths; sextants; octants; compasses; plotting boards; underwater log equipment; air position indicators; drift meters. Customers can place orders using a SmartPay purchase card or arrange direct billing using their Activity Address Code (AAC/DoDAAC) or the equivalent. Search ; HEALTHY +1-321-414-2175; Register ; . Includes chambers; wind tunnels; enclosures specifically designed to simulate an environmental condition; weatherometers; fadeometers; specially designed equipment and components exclusively related to environmental chambers. Audio is done via conference line. My main problem with is that when all else fails with simple google searches they "seem" to have the information i need, but i always need to unlock my account and it takes a day and a half for me to get around to it. Includes industrial production type power screwdriving machines; circuit card assembly machines. Includes concrete building block; cinder block; slag brick; cut stone; cut and polished stone; ceramic floor and wall tile; architectural terra cotta; concrete slabs and grilles. The DLA Customer Interaction Center (CIC) is your One Call Resolution point of contact for all logistics issues related to DLA 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including government holidays. Click Here for the Full Clayton Website Click Here to Download the NSN Catalog Includes automatic pilot regulators; directional, vertical, bank and turn, and hydraulic surface gyro controls; airborne and shipborne automatic pilot mechanisms; helicopter automatic stabilization equipment. Includes heat exchanger equipment; refrigerant strainers; refrigeration compressors; air conditioning and refrigeration servicing equipment, such as charging and testing manifolds, lines and units; operating components of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment, plants, and systems classified in classes 4110 and 4120. Includes unmanned aircraft systems (uass) and drones specifically designed for such uses as targets, training, surveillance, missile evaluation, photographic reconnaissance, weapons delivery, communications relay/network gateway, electronic warfare, search and rescue, re-supply or other military operateons. Includes slides; swings; amusement park and shooting gallery equipment; play yard and playground equipment; billiard and pool tables and equipment; gymnasium equipment. Includes filing cabinets; safes; post office furniture; school furniture; blackboards. Includes air duct, metallic, nonmetallic, and textile fiber hoses and their assemblies; flexible tubing and their assemblies. Includes tent pins; tent poles; multiple purpose covers of woven or unwoven fabrics, not for permanent installation. Includes eyelets; grommets; aircraft cowling fasteners; textile fasteners; retaining rings; threaded inserts. 100s in the nomenclature means 100 tablets per bottle. Previous LIN J15388. LIN J21883 (36 NSN's) - Jacket, Cold Weather - This catalog index includes all FSC categories has available in our database. Includes airflow deflectors; combustion chambers, compressors, turbines, accessory gear boxes and their components. Includes coin operated, household, industrial, postal, and laboratory scales and balances. Includes fire control transmitters, transmitter-receivers, receivers, receiver-regulators. Includes components for all engines except aircraft and guided missile prime moving. Includes wind and compressed air engines. FLIS is an EPC Standard Service. Includes helicopter dynamic components and specially designed parts that transmit power from the aircraft power plant to the rotary wing and rotary rudder. Search news, photos and videos on This thread is archived Military NSN Parts - Search. Find. Carry On. Includes antifogging compounds; wetting agents; etching and fountain solutions for lithographing; blanket repair solutions for lithographing; antifreeze. Navigating to the Transaction Navigate to the transaction using one of the following methods: From the ZUSMENU screen: Click the Reports button in the Select Process panel followed by the MM03(Display Material) button in the Select Action panel., For questions on GSA Global Supply's new business model: An NSN number, also known as National Stock Number or NATO Stock Number, is a 13 digit numeric code for identifying standardized material items. Includes rubber footwear; athletic footwear; safety footwear. Includes aerials; masts; tower equipment; attenuators; couplers; transmission lines. Enter a search term on the FedMall home page, or select the "GSA Global Supply" shopping corridor on the dropdown menu. Research Our Records; Veterans' Service Records; Educator Resources; Visit Us; . Includes insulated and noninsulated, wire and cable, such as, antenna wire, coaxial cable, fuse and resistance wire, and magnet wire. National Stock Number (NSN) is a 13-digit numeric code, identifying all the standardized material items of supply as they have been recognized by all NATO countries including United States Department of Defense (DOD). Includes addressing machines; check handling machines; coin counting machines; mailing machines, currency handling machines. Includes structural components; components and accessories specially designed for use on or with guided missiles, including complete gyro mechanisms, hydraulic pumps, automatic pilot mechanisms and specially designed assemblies, and electronic guidance equipment installed in missiles. Includes sonar equipment; underwater listening equipment; sonobuoys; sonobuoy launchers; fathometers; sofar equipment. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. When a military installation or Government - related facility(whether or not specifically named) is located partially within more than one city or county boundary, the applicable per diem rate for the entire installation or facility is the higher of the rates which apply to the cities and / or counties, even though part(s) of such activities may be located outside the defined per diem locality. Rates are available between 10/1/2012 and 09/30/2023. Includes anchors; grapnels; sea anchors; watertight doors; ship ventilators; hatches; manholes; scuttles; air ports; fenders; sea chests; scuppers; rudders; stern tubes; chain pipes; hawse pipes; boiler uptakes and stacks; chocks; mast and boom fittings; oars; paddles; oarlocks. Includes integrated circuit devices; integrated circuit modules, integrated electronic devices: hybrid, magnetic, molecular, opto-electronic, and thin film. Includes curtains; specialized hardware and fittings for curtains, draperies, venetian blinds, and window shades. Includes checkout equipment and test equipment specially designed for use with guided missiles and guided missile remote control systems. 875 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<3EA0C286379F4C4180F183EC9EAEC1FA><29249372F06CB4428FC34031C9A7DEBF>]/Index[866 14]/Info 865 0 R/Length 61/Prev 806908/Root 867 0 R/Size 880/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream endstream endobj 867 0 obj <>/Metadata 78 0 R/Pages 864 0 R/StructTreeRoot 170 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 868 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 720 540]/Parent 864 0 R/Resources<>/Pattern<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 869 0 obj <>stream Just go to: From there, click on Analyst Codes, then type in the item manager/analyst code number in the Search block and click Go. Use it to make sure your getting the right one. Includes fare recording devices; parking meters; turnstiles; coin operated phonographs. Includes meteorological ballons; radiosonde sets; radarsonde sets. Includes insect repellents; fungicides; insecticides; rodenticides; weed killers. and search ocie in search bar for listings, pictures, nsn, etc. Includes colognes; cosmetics; deodorants; depilatories; toilet waters. Includes chisels; files; pipe cutters; rasps; saws; screw plates; axes; hatchets; machetes. Unless otherwise specified, the per diem locality is defined as "all locations within, or entirely surrounded by, the corporate limits of the key city, including independent entities located within those boundaries. 8 hours ago Find all of the National Stock Number (NSN) parts you need, all in the convenience of one place - NSN Equipment's NSN Catalog. Includes general purpose, dry bulk, ammunition grade, named cargo, thermal, open-top, platform, tank and air/surface containers. Online Parts Catalog Browse or search through our new Parts Catalog System; Includes gun yokes; rammers; reflectors. Includes medical x-ray film; medical x-ray film viewing equipment; medical x-ray film processing and finishing equipment and supplies; x-ray tubes; computerized tomography (ct) scanners and related equipment; magnetic resonance imaging machine and related equipment; positron emission tomography (pet) scanners and related equipment; computed and/or direct digital radiography machines and related equipment; ultrasound and echocardiogram scanners and related equipment; scintigraphy equipment; medical picture archiving and communication systems (pacs) equipment; medical thermal imaging equipment; optical coherence tomography (oct) spectroscopy machines and related equipment; and imaging supplies and contrast delivery systems that are not used by other medical disciplines. Includes grave markers; burial vaults; burial urns; caskets; burial boxes; morticians' supplies; monuments; gasket shipping cases. Includes machine guns; brushes, machine gun and pistol. Structure of the National Stock Number (NSN) The configuration of the NSN is a 13-digit number, as the examples above show. For PIEE Registration / Login issues, contact the PIEE Help Deskor call 1-866-618-5988, An official website of the United States government. Join. Includes camels; pontoon stanchions; pontoon ramps. Here is the TA-50 inventory handout with pictures for those that need it -> TA-50 Pictures, MOLLE GEAR, CIF pictures, OCIE inventory For more information on the roles and the AMPS request process please consult the AMPS WebFLIS Access Registration Guide. Includes facial tissues; paper toilet seat covers; toilet paper; paper napkins; doilies. Children's Benadryl will be 12.5 mg while adult Benadryl will be 25-50mg. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Includes floodlights; searchlights; extension lights. To achieve this designation, the program was evaluated against the following five major criteria outlined in the OMB's Category Management Guidance Document Version 1.0: Part of the review process involved demonstrating the potential savings to federal agencies, including direct cost comparisons as well as administrative saving that customers could realize by having GSA handle the administrative burden of procuring common commodities. For everything else, I agree. Includes specially designed components (not elsewhere classifiable) peculiar to special shipping and storage containers as delimited under this class. Includes audio amplifiers, complementary amplifiers, amplifiers, operational amplifiers, power amplifiers, radio frequency amplifiers, signal amplifiers, video amplifiers, and magnetic amplifiers. Users can request either the WebFLIS Prod Basic User FPDW-WF002 or WebFLIS Prod Standard FPDW-WF001 role in AMPS for access to WebFLIS. a pricing and availability quote please review and submit our Includes shoe boxes; beer cases; pill boxes; piano cases; engine boxes; bombsight boxes. Includes interference filter capacitors; capacitor mounting hardware. Includes asphalt; cinders; gravel; lime; sand; rough dimension stone, including rubble; cement; ballast. Search Search. Includes steam boilers, over 15 pounds wsp. FSG 12 - Fire Control Equipment. Includes crystal units, processed unmounted crystals, crystal controlled oscillators and noncrystal controlled oscillators. Presidential & Congressional Commissions, Boards or Small Agencies, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility. Includes household furnishings of textiles, plastics, paper, rubber, and other materials; sheets, pillows, blankets, and other bedding; insect bars; tablecloths; towels; steamer rugs; mattresses; bedsprings, box style (fabric covered); bedspring and mattress sets. Includes fluorescent lamps; incandescent lamps, large and miniature; light emitting diode lamps; mercury lamps; sodium lamps.