8. Case 3 is the AB-1244/TYQ antenna mast case, which serves as a spare mast kit. PSDR provided the equipment (listed above) to the S-1s, giving them stand alone capability during deployment anywhere in the world. PSDR embeds critical military personnel services functions in the BDE S-1 section and empowers commanders, in Garrison and in Theater, to provide HR support directly to their Soldiers. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________. Avoid all electrical cords and associated wiring. Media: Small Group Instruction, The first thing that we will discuss is Safety, Learning Step / Activity 3. Fort Belvoir, VA 22060
The BCT/AVN Bde has a VSAT Terminal and the requisite Air Time, as opposed to the Brigade package which does not, due to its requirements to operate remotely and have the ability to communicate independently and digitally. Learn More, Integrated Mission Planning & Airspace Control Tools, General Dynamics Receives Order for 2,000th MAPS GEN I Assured Positioning, Navigation and Timing System, Watch Our SATCOM On-The-Move Antennas Provide Satellite Communications For Military Vehicles, General Dynamics Introduces Badger Software-Defined Radio, General Dynamics Awarded Contract for Columbia and Dreadnought Class Submarine Fire Control Systems, Inside the Nerve Center of the U.S. Navy's F/A-18 Super Hornet, Bluefin-21 UUV Navigates Autonomously Under The Arctic Circle, Watch Our HOOK3 Combat Survival Radio Auto-Activate in Salt Water, General Dynamics to Provide SATCOM-On-the-Move Antennas for SkyGuardian and SeaGuardian UAVs, General Dynamics and Iridium Awarded Ground Control and Operations Contract by the Space Development Agency, Unlocking the Universe's Secrets: General Dynamics Provides Support for the James Webb Space Telescope, General Dynamics Technology Aboard NASAs Mars Perseverance Rover, General Dynamics New TACLANE-C175N CHVP Encryptor Receives NSA Certification, General Dynamics Receives NSA Contract for High Assurance Ethernet Encryptor, General Dynamics Receives Contract to Protect Classified Mission Data at Rest For U.S. Air Force, Connect With Our Innovation Sourcing Network Team, General Dynamics Earns Six Awards for Hiring & Supporting Veterans, ICEX 2020: U.S. Navy Deploys Autonomous Bluefin-21 UUV Under The Ice. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. In event of electrical storm, you will be instructed to power down equipment. ALARACT 094 2014 GLOBAL COMBAT SUPPORT SYSTEM-ARMY (GCSS-ARMY) REPLACING THE STANDARD ARMY RETAIL SUPPLY SYSTEM (SARSS) RELEASE THREE. This slide, shows only a few of the capabilities the system has to offer.
PDF PACKING LIST 2 . ORDER NO. - whs.mil So, a satellite in GEO always stays directly over the same spot on Earth. The CAISI and CSS VSAT are user owned and operated. Lock
CAISI Bridge Module Kit Item Description NSN PN 1 CAISI Bridge Module (CBM) processor group signal data (CAISI 2.0) OL-701A/TYQ is comprised of: One (1) CBM green transit case (see list of subcomponents below), and one (1) antenna mast case (see antenna mast table for list of subcomponents). At that distance, it takes the satellite a full 24 hours to circle the planet. The CBM supports local area communications up to 2 miles and point-to-point communications up to 32 miles.
List of equipment of the Portuguese Army - Wikipedia 4 0 obj
Remote CSS SATCOM Terminal
Personnel Services Delivery Redesign (PSDR) is the Army HR community's functional realignment to synchronize with Army transformation. stream
7N(VM, o]YpJ'cs:\C98x8Cm=mv:;T;r*{~]8mGE%kZ6^s5xshk:' byx1l{6 The majority of S-1 functions and transactions are done through some type of HR information system and platform and needs connectivity in order to do so. Case 2 contains the antenna mast, which is used for support. The solution provides both wireless network extensions between locations separated by distances of up to 32 miles, as well as Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) access points for local personnel.
Army Publishing Directorate - Details Page Trained and equipped Army units with a total of 21,661 CAISI and 3,220 CSS VSATs to date 4QFY10: CAISI 2.0 fieldings begin for . 7. 14 0 obj
PDF Components of End Item & BII - United States Army
No tools are required to assemble the kit, and the kit includes all of the components for turn-key operation. CAISI and CSS VSAT provide built-in level 2 security (as outlined Time of Instruction: 0 hr 10 mins
When an FSN is not applicable, the manufacturer's code (See and part number shall be used. endobj
Weapon Origin Number Image Notes Anti-aircraft artillery M48A2E1/A3 Chaparral United States 34 34 self-propelled surface-to-air missile systems received (23 in the A3 version and 11 in the A2 version) with 224 missiles. Administer the Enlisted Promotions Program Analyze HR Metrics Maintain a Record Using the Army Records Information Management System Prepare a Dropped from Rolls Packet Archives January 2023. An access point is a communication hub for users of a wireless device to connect to a wired distribution system, such as an Ethernet network. Or contact CECOM ILS manager John E. Slade, Jr. at: After entering a keyword, you must hit or click the, With the migration to Army365, emailsin older articles may still reflect an @mail.mil address. By continuing to visit this site, you agree to our use of cookies. To do this, click on the "New Topic" button and make your request. Copyright 2023 General Dynamics Mission Systems, Inc. We use cookies to enhance your website experience. 2 0 obj
Leaders will complete a DA Form 7566 COMPOSITE RISK MANAGEMENT WORKSHEET during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations, (METT-TC). CAISI does not require the use of long cable runs. 13 0 obj
ATTENTION: To obtain electronic files for AMC technical and equipment publications visit the USAMCLDAC website. endobj
The CAISI and CSS VSAT systems are found everywhere an Army sustainer works; they are used in support of combat training center rotations, field training exercises, garrison operations, and. External CSS VSAT support is just one phone call away. Combat Service Support Very Small Aperture Terminal (CSS VSAT) is a mobile satellite dish to support existing U.S. Army sustainment information systems and the evolving Global Combat Support System-Army (GCSS-A). Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:16
Library GCSS- Army Tobyhanna technicians are upgrading thousands of Combat Service Support Automated Information Systems Interface, or CAISI. No additional MOS is required in the using activity to maintain and deploy the systems. With constant use and training, both in garrison and in field environments, users quickly become self-sufficient in deploying the CAISI and CSS VSAT. CAISI incorporates two radios and is dual- band frequency capable. "CAISI can act as a bridge, an access point and a repeater all functioning at once, which makes the new CAISI 2.0 lighter, faster and more reliable," Smith said. (CAISI) WIRELESS 2.0 CONSISTING OF: OL-701A/TYQ (NSN: 5820-01-564-4845) (EIC: KC3) AND MK-2975A/TYQ (NSN: 5999-01-566-3094) (EIC: KC2) Unit Of Issue(s . However, there may be instances during sustainment where SSR kits will be issued with a CBM case (green) substituted for the SSR CBM (black). <>
3 0 obj
CSS VSAT allows Army sustainers to complete supply transactions and receive real-time status updates with critical logistics systems from any location. Communicate the Capabilities of the FMSWeb
CAISI employs a deployable wireless local area network infrastructure linking Army logistics information system computers in a seven square km area. (703) 614-3727, Office of the Chief Information Officer
CAISI allows deployed Soldiers to connect CSS automation devices to a secure wireless network and electronically exchange information via tactical or commercial communications.
Army Publishing Directorate - Supply Catalogs Learning Step/Activity 1.
CAISI and CSS VSAT are supported by unit sustainment automation support management office (SASMO) personnel. Land Command & Control GeoSuite He is a graduate of the Communications Security Custodians Course, Sustainment Automation Support Management Office Course, and the Warrant Officer Staff Course.
VSAT - SSI Learning Resource Center - United States Army
Since it takes Earth 24 hours to spin on in its axis, the satellite and Earth move together. Used for supply chain logistics, CAISI enables secure communications between soldiers on the front lines, warehouses, and command facilities located around the world. Technicians upgrade global communications system, Army announces Total Army COVID-19 vaccination statistics, U.S. Army STAND-TO! The centrally managed "call manager" provides sustainers with the ability to communicate worldwide with any other voice over Internet protocol phone that is connected to a CSS VSAT. CAISI + CSS SATCOM: A global network solution that extends the NIPRNET into the tactical battle space - connecting human resource (HR) professionals and their sensitive but unclassified (SBU) automated information systems. Time of Instruction: 5 mins
Combat-Service-Support Automated Information Systems (CAISI) - General Dynamics Mission Systems The U.S. Army's Combat Service Support Automated Information Systems Interface network is the largest tactical wireless network in the Department of Defense. They have a CAISI Client Module to tie to the BCT/Bde. ADMINISTRATIVE DATA
CONTENT HAS NOT BEEN ALTERED. CAISI and CSS VSAT provide built-in level 2 security (as outlined in Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 140-2, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules) and voice over Internet protocol. U.S Army Story: The 10 things you should know about CAISI and CSS VSAT. 6 0 obj
Home Page GCSS- Army Download. <>
The preparation process includes configuring routers, upgrading software and then configuring default settings for the radios, routers and modems. VSAT and CAISI (Very Small Aperture Terminal/
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IMPROVE USER EXPERIENCE AND OPERATIONAL. SAFETY REQUIREMENTS. Because not all CAISI 1.0 versions have been replaced, technicians are also testing those systems that come back to Tobyhanna to keep components in stock for extra parts. Time of Instruction: 10 mins. Then choose the ETM/IETM icon and search for the TMs. Tobyhanna's missions support all branches of the Armed Forces. An official website of the United States government. :e0' !=2GFZ:BxynF $y)$\ufz5wwPxS2
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CAISI is used to protect and transport data by Forward Repair Activities, Brigade Support Battalions, Sustainment Brigades, Combat Service Support Battalions, Theater Commands, Sustainment Commands, Brigade Combat Teams, and other support units from company up to theater areas of operation, says Steven Smith, electronic digital computer mechanic and CAISI lead technician. JFIF ` ` C Secure .mil websites use HTTPS
"And with the new configuration, it makes an almost unlimited number of connections whether it is using directional antennas or satellites. The 10 things you should know about CAISI and CSS VSAT, General Dynamics Mission SystemsAustralia. While users may call the SASMO, satellite communications field engineers, or Inmarsat (a communications contractor) directly for assistance, the SASMO should always be the first choice. !-\oL_K ! 1huErdz Lock
ny:XR%5nn&Y>y{8G@`#? TFamIx..)>Q-f eAH-s D4UvL; %UiixY+y5"RLpj The Portuguese army launched an acquisition contract for the purchase of new anti-aircraft defense systems which include eight weapon terminals for the Integrated Anti-Aircraft . :2cHceo8O21*O=N xaTFAN 'm8Dd$M5vIYwq5ZAxmVy>T:f@aW4L^gX][\FV:Oq2.D2/1c+bHjeg8g5laVF6^f_^2'5w28I | Army Organic Industrial Base Modernization Implementation Plan, Army to review discharges and status-upgrade procedures for behavioral health conditions. ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT. To update, change the domain to @army.mil, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil, OL-701A/TYQ CAISI Bridge Module (CBM), NSN 5820-01-564-4845, LIN P99881, MK-2975A/TYQ System Support Representative (SSR) accessory kit, NSN 5999-01-566-3094, LIN A40443. Drivers and pit crews constantly test and train with all the same equipment they use on race day to ensure that everything works and to afford the team the best chance of a win. Units should coordinate with their local Sustainment Automation Support Management Office (SASMO) for field-level maintenance support. A grid-to-omnidirectional combination extends the range six more miles, and an omnidirectional-to-omnidirectional combination extends the range up to four miles. Bradford M. Bethea II is a signal officer assigned to the Combined Arms Support Command Enterprise Systems Directorate. To order individual CAISI items, use the CAISI hardware component description tables in the attached PDF: Click on image above to view full PDF You can find more info on CAISI operation,. 3hrs/0 mins Large Group Instruction
CAISIs can extend communications support up to 35 miles. Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. The equipping of units by type is based on their location in the COE and the population they support. As S-1s, you must establish and ensure satellite communications link, acquired by the NIPRNET, between the tactical battlefield and the sustainment domain, enabling access EDAS, TOPMIS, COPS, EMILPO, with a Voice Over the Internet Phone (VOIP). This is important because motor pools and supply support activities do not normally fit within a brigade, battalion, or company command post area. It eliminates support layers and minimizes support unit footprint in the COE. Perhaps most importantly, a CSS VSAT and CAISI pocket guide application for mobile devices is available in the Apple app store for Apple devices and the Google Play app store for Android devices. Global Combat Support System-Army (GCSS-Army) Other Major Interdependencies CAISI, CSS SATCOM PROGRAM STATUS 1QFY11: Received Authority to Operate for CAISI 1QFY11: Participated in GCSS-A test events 2QFY11: Completed CSS VSAT TM and distributed to users 2QFY11: Completed extended SATCOM COOP failover testing and 9. Army Publishing Directorate
It is certified in accordance with Federal Information Processing Standards 140-2 Level 2. Since 2004, four versions of the VSAT has been issued to the Army with the most recent being the 1.2M-Enhanced RTU. The STB Package is sized to the projected supported population. endobj
xj@z*R @l In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Download. Satellite access requests are not required in order to conduct sustainment operations over the CAISI and CSS VSAT network.
For more details visit, 4/15/2012 SUPERSEDED BY ED, 4/21/2015 ; 11/15/2012 SUPERSEDED BY ED, 5/21/2015, SUPERSEDED TM 11-5895-1897-13, 04/21/2015; SUPERSEDED TM 11-5895-1897-13, 04/21/2015, ADRP - Army Doctrine References Publications, ATTP - Army Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, FY Publication Status Report (CAC required for access), Publishing Resources (CAC required for access), PC/PCO/FMO/EPCO Directory (CAC required for access), usarmy.pentagon.hqda-apd.mbx.customer-service@army.mil, Search Army publications and forms by Number, Title, or Record Detail. The Combat Service Support Automated Information System Interface (CAISI) and the Combat Service Support Very Small Aperture Terminal (CSS VSAT) were developed to be user owned and operated to support existing sustainment information systems and the evolving GCSS-Army. %
. Time of Instruction: 0 hr 10 mins
Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion
Learning Step / Activity 1.
Technicians upgrade global communications system - United States Army At the heart of this solution is the General Dynamics Fortress Technologies ES520 Deployable Mesh Point. <>
Units should coordinate with their local Sustainment Automation Support Management Office (SASMO) for field-level maintenance support. The ISA is a proven solution for the Army, because it is the same portable terminal as the Transportable Tactical Command Communications (T2C2) Lite, a program of record that provides voice and. The 10 things you should know about CAISI and CSS VSAT, Army announces winners of 2022 Community Partnership Awards, Army announces upcoming unit deployment to support European allies and partners, Army Establishes two new Initiatives to Combat Harmful Behaviors, Army recognizes garrisons for outstanding community partnerships, Army Threat Integration Center receives security community award, U.S. Army STAND-TO! A bridge is a device that connects two networks that may use the same or a different Data Link Layer protocol. Access points also play a major role in providing better wireless security and control of users in the shared radio environment, Smith explained. The CAISI and CSS VSAT systems are easy to deploy and set up. Chief Warrant Officer 4 Luis G. Sanchez is a capabilities developer for Combat Service Support Automated Information System Interface and Combat Service Support Very Small Aperture Terminal at the Combined Arms Support Command Enterprise Systems Directorate. endobj
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