. For instance, 22 LR's can go much further than 5-10K, while 223 types can burn out in less than 1K. Similarly, there are no big-name ammunition companies loading for the 22 CM, but there are several smaller companies offering ammunition so you dont have to reload at all. We had unlimited access, unlimited use, unlimited quantity of ammunition, fired rounds at night, morning, afternoon, black sky, full moon, rain, fog, cold, hot>>> yada yada yada..we had an awful lot of fun just chewing up ammunition and testing all that we could. With a 22 BRA (22 BR with 40deg shoulder) youll have plenty of velocity. We have shooters today who are highly specialized in their shooting niche. I can not speak to the virtures of Alpha brass, but I haven't heard any complaints about their other offerings. The Kimber K6 Deep Cover The Snubnose for Today. Leaning toward the more conservative number of 1300 ft-lbs, the same 22 CM bullets combinations are good out to 300- 400 yards. 22 Creedmoor Bartlein Barrel Build a 22 Creedmoor Bartlein to fit your needs! You need to know that it is a laser beam and varmint vaporizer! All Local Sales are FREE! Proudly powered by. A highly accurate, easy to shoot rifle with a flat trajectory will make for confident hunting. Both these rounds are considered fantastic for long-range shooting. Survival Gear . Thanks for the informative story! You can use a full length (no bushing) sizing die to go from 6mm all the way to 22cal in one step, so long as the die is of good quality. Both are 26. Especially when shooters experience the high speed and low drop these 22 Creedmoor rounds offer, and in a cartridge that can cycle in almost all standard short action magazines. . energy at a recoil velocity of 12 fps. I've got a barrel sitting at Beanlands now scheduled for fitting in April and I'm trying to get everything together. In our research though, it seems to have been made first either by George Gardner of GA Precision or by Tim McWhorter of McWhorter Custom Rifles. The 6 creedmoor forester ultra micrometer seating die should work for seating bullets in 22-250 Lapua brass to fire form into 22 creedmoor? I believe it will gain a true following like it's big brothers. And barrels cost less than new truck tires! How To Identify a Barrel Burner Rifle Ron Spomer Outdoors Features & Specifications Remington 700 Action, Cylindrically Ground (Converted to Side Bolt Release) Rail Screw Threads Opened Up to 8/40 (Action Re-Blued) Shilen Alternut Installed BDL, Accepts Standard AICS 3901 & 3902 Magazines 26" Shilen Match Barrel (4 Groove Rachet Rifling) Twist: 1:7.5 Chambered by Shilen in 22 Creedmoor You are using an out of date browser. This one has my attention. The Creedmoor in 22 Creedmoor denotes the fact that it comes from a 6.5mm Creedmoor which has been necked down to accept a .224 bullet, the Creedmoor in 6.5mm Creedmoor in turn comes from Creedmoor Sports, for whom the 6.5mm Creedmoor cartridge was developed by Hornady and Creedmoor Sports jointly. Thats some great information, i figure my barrel will be lucky to make it to 1000rds, 800-1000 seems to be a trend, Im running test with the 4831sc this weekend, and I think I low balled myself compared to those loads you posted, we will see, once again thanks for contributing, this really is one bad ass round. The seller is "hausofarms-tc4me" and is located in Elizabeth, Colorado. We frequently get questions about the application of this cartridge and what it's primarily used for. In reality, I think that number is way over whats needed with good shot placement. You are quite wrong about using 22s for medium sized game. I got an update from Bob at Alpha Munitions (alphamunitions.com). Accurate barrel life can defined as the point where precision will start to decline. #3123699 - 01/17/18 12:34 PM Re: 22 Creedmoor [Re: thoms715] CZ527 Die Hard Member III Registered: 12/25/14 Posts . I worked up a load with 22-250 brass that had been fired in the 22 Creed with 39 grains of R26 and a 77 TMK. Note: the following data does not necessarily demonstrate the most accurate load (or node), but rather demonstrates how barrel wear can be reduced by altering the propellant load. The last deer I shot I tucked right inside the shoulder blade as he was quartering towards me and it completely destroyed the opposite lung. 24" 1:7 5R. For reference, I shoot 155's at about 3030 fps in my .308's, and generally take them off at about 3500 rounds. Heavy bullets are. The 22 Creedmoor will come standard with a 1-in-7-inch fast-twist barrel, and combined with the increased volume inside its case, you can push those long pills over at 3,450 feet per second! Evidently they have a thin jacket. I will try again later using faster burning powders but for now back to the proven. They could be into competition shooting and need a cartridge that will give them a competitive advantage. 22 Creedmoor Load Data Since its' inception, in 2007 by Hornady, the 6.5 Creedmoor has seen some pretty meteoric growth in popularity. Your email address will not be published. On unknown distance targets, that flatter trajectory would result in more hits. This will assist in understanding why groupings may eventually open up, while also allowing for timeous submission of new license applications in certain countries around the world; take South Africa for example, where a barrel may take up to 1-year to license. 0.077 1300 100). I totally agree! hornady spire point. 6CM starts out at a neck diameter of approximately .271" and a loaded 22 creedmoor with hornady brass will end up at about .254-.255". But the stand was in the middle of a little woods. If I was going to build another one it would be on a 1-7 twist barrel just to try the 95gr smk. A 22 Creedmoor for deer will work as well as any 6mm or 6.5mm caliber, and sometimes even beter out at longer distances. The only real issue that remains on the 22 CM rifle is just how long the barrel is going to last. Shop; Reference Material; Ask A Question; Join Facebook Group; Shop; Reference Material; Ask A Question; Join Facebook Group When the rifle is fired, the explosive heat and pressure from the propellant gasses begin to erode the throat of the barrels interior surface. 28 Nosler vs 6.5 Creedmoor - Long Range Hunting Cartridge Comparison Thanks for your comment and for sharing your experience with us Mike. I'm about to replace the barrel in this rifle after approximately 800 rounds. Now that would be cool. BAck in the 70s we used to shoot 85gr Sierra hollow point boat tail bullets in our 6mm Rems. When you use the link above to shop for one of the products, we receive a small commission from the sale, at no extra cost to you. Im getting very good velocity with RL26. Gun Cases . 6.5 Creedmoor: A complete profile with pros and cons - Backfire For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Erosion from bullet friction alone is minimal as suggested by the longer barrel life of "mild" cartridges like 30-30 Winchester, 22 Hornet, and especially 22 rimfire. Rotate between two or three rifles, thus spreading out the number of rounds fired through each barrel. So how much bullet energy is needed for medium sized game? Using 1000 yards as a distance benchmark, the 6mm CM drops 8.1 mils, and the 6.5 CM with the Hornady 147 ELD-M drops 8.7 mils. Never Dock after all of this three and a half years of what was basically partying at the governments expense..so I left the Navy. I have also been shooting a .260 Rem out of a M700 for almost as long. There certainly was room for a "better mousetrap" and the 22 Creedmoor does an exceptional job of filling that void. .22 Creedmoor, anyone? | Long Range Hunting Forum Great idea. You guys all using 6 Creedmoor dies with different bushings? We were all enlistedour CO/Officer in charge was an Ensign straight out of the Naval Academyand he was in agreement with all of his men (us)that this was cake duty and that God is the benevolent supreme being by stationing us there temporarily on TAD. If you've neck turned, it will be closer to .252". The following chart displays accurate barrel life data for a number of popular rifle cartridges. Poor cleaning practices can reduce the life of a barrel by damaging rifling. Barrel Length for 22 Creed? | Shooters' Forum The industry standard 308 load of a 168 grn Sierra Match King bullet at 2650 fps is no match for the more modern high BC cartridges. The reason this cartridge stood out in the first round hit study, is because these heavy for caliber bullets have relatively high ballistic coefficients, and can be launched at fast speeds resulting in less wind and elevation corrections being required. I can tell you for an absolute fact that the 90 gr berger vld at 3400 fps is a death ray for white tails. Want to become an expert on reloading, or just gain the knowledge needed to get started, here is a list of the best reloading books available. I had a stand at the top of a rocky hill, surrounded by field. . 1.150, 980, 875 GB, 850. As with any multi-purpose tool there tends to be compromises. The only thing I wish I had done is to get a brake put on it. Rather than gripe, i got out of my tree and left it to the combat hunters. The energy of the 250 grain 45 caliber bullet at that distance was only 630 ft-lbs. Estimated at roughly 1% the cost of a modern rifle setup The Ultimate Guide To Rifle Marksmanship will be one of the best purchases you could ever make as a rifle owner! I love that gun..I have NEVER shot it..but I love it anyway! Shooting heavier bullets at more reasonable velocities also calms some barrel-burning qualms. Laugh! The 22 Creedmoor finds itself in the perfect configuration for functionality with heavy bullets within short action magazine system limitations. Good news Petersons 22 Creedmoor brass is very good so you dont even have to neck down brass. The 22 CM has been making waves in the predator hunting circles since before 2014 and gaining popularity since. As soon as any new cartridge hits the mainstream market, hand loaders start tinkering with it making wildcat variations. A longer barrel generally costs more. The original 6XC chambering was designed based off the usage of 22-250 brass which typically has a web diameter in the range of .461-.463. The process for making that brass was easy enough, but still, somewhat time-consuming. Plus I hand load HOT for that round as well. 370. Nobody routinely uses a 45-70 or a 30-30 where they anticipate regular shots at over 100-150 yards; stupid comparison. Then along comes the new Creedmore offerings and the shooting world makes me feel like time has passed me by. I have plenty like that..including my original model 73 Winchester in .38-40! I think I over cooked the cream of wheat. Note, I shoot it like I stole it. I think so, the 22 Creedmoor is a great shooting cartridge and the Meredith rifle shoots amazing. . Mark I shoot a 22-6mm rem which is a touch faster but very similar in performance. Founded by Frank Galli in 2000, Snipers Hide has been offering informational videos, podcasts, and other support to its users in one location. Your observation sounds spot on. How Fast Does A Barrel Erode? - PrecisionRifleBlog.com I have rifles chambered in both 6.5 and 6mm Creedmoor (CM) but the 22 CM has captured my attention. I just wanted to see if I had enough H4350 on hand to burn out my barrel. The 22 Creedmoor is a wildcat caliber you get by necking down a 6.5mm Creedmoor to .22 cal. Increased barrel life compared to 6mm Creedmoor. The answer also relies heavily on your goals; a benchrest shooter will consider a barrel shot-out long before a hunter will. Edit May 2022: After researching for the origins of the 6mm Creedmoor, I stumbled upon an even earlier post, where member skeetlee started a thread first suggesting necking down a 6.5 Creedmoor to a 6mm, an then later joked about also just doing it in a .22cal version. After hundreds of comments, phone calls, and mess. What is my Rifles [Accurate] Barrel Life Expectancy? We have checked the reamer records accordingly. Getting to 22CM from 6CM is a straight forward pass through a FL die. After the initial hype of the 6.5mm Creedmoor cartridge, it seems to have kept growing commercially in popularity, with 6.5 Creedmoor chambered factory rifles available from most of the large manufacturers and loaded ammo in this caliber readily available on most shelves in the US. the SRMP is your baby!! You could achieve better barrel life going with a slower powder especially with the 80 and heavier bullet weights. Here's the relative bullet diameters for these three Creedmoors: 6mm: 0.243. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Im up to 3 pronghorn and a pig with my 223 shooting 70 grain tsx, at reasonable ranges. It will not be long and 22CM dies will be in stock at the usual sources. I first heard of it from a friend that said the 22 CM came in the top 3 in a first-round hit capability study he had read. While some think that energy is not the all-important factor and cite archery and sub-sonic hog hunting as an example; really cant argue that either. You can also neck 6mm Creedmoor down to 22cal easy enough. No doubt it could be run hotter, but I don't believe the 22 Creedmoor should be ran above 3500fps with an 80gr, even with this amazing brass from Alpha Munitions. Such as the 22-250 as mentioned before, (that I have loved for over 45 years now!) Barrel Life on a 6.5 Creedmoor. A new, stainless steel barrel finished and installed should run you from about $500 to $1,000 depending on length, contour, brand, and who's doing the installation. The typical American had just a few all-purpose guns a few decades ago. That's five shots. I had a rifle built by Meredith Rifles, using a Defiance action, Bartlein barrel, Manners stock andNightforcescope. Getting to 22CM from 6CM is a straight forward pass through a FL die. If you want to run light bullets fast, just build a 20 tactical and run the 32gn v-max at 4100. If you want just 1 rifle the 243 has the ability to be a MPBR/old school varmiter right slong with the 22/250, but a much better Deer?antelope rifle. Not so likely. Why would I switch. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should! I presume the Alpha brass is good too. This is my favorite rifle, too. The 6.5 Creedmoor is the most popular big game hunting rifle cartridge on the market today. Putting an additional 14 grains of powder behind the same bullet and bumping pressure up another 2,000 psi cuts barrel life in half. wildcat. This left the straight neck-down of the rather vanilla 22-243win the most appealing option for those wanting more 22calperformance than a straight 22-250 would offer. Ive used the same round on whitetail deer and inside of 100 yards it takes them off their feet and they never know what hit them. Everyone is in the .45 ACP vs the tiny 9mm for a couple of years..then they ALL switch to the side of the deeper hitting 9mm! All load data for reference only. Heres my issue or more correctly, just a question. The Best Wildcat Centerfire Cartridges | Outdoor Life In front of me was a dry wash I could see deer enter it on one end and pop out about 100 yards in front of me. The Creedmoor gets its longrange performance reputation from a combination of 140- to 143-grain, high B.C. But again, that just my opinion. My 22 Creedmoor is doing 3511 fps with 80 gr Nosler CC bullets. It's definitely a fun little barrel burner, but I think the brass is the biggest downfall for me. +2" rifle length. Not trying to start a war on the very interesting .22 thread. Is Cheap Thermal Worth It? I'll elaborate more on 25 Creedmoor in future stories! 6.5 Creedmoor vs 308: Ultimate Guide | Bear Creek Arsenal The above load results show us the following: Some other methods of increasing a barrels life and reducing throat erosion are as follows: Barrel life is monitored by keeping a record of all shots fired through each barrel. Thankfully though, there are many companies now including Hornady, Peterson, Alpha Munitions and a few more, making 22 Creedmoor brass cases. Both of them usually have a 22 Creedmoor for sale and in stock. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The barrel may still produce many years of happy shooting. MFG #: FCTR22CM24BF. With a wide selection of bullets and factory brass available, all thats needed is reloading dies to put it all together, and with reloading dies now available from major sources such as RCBS, Hornady, Redding, and Whidden, the 22 CMs seems on the rise. The 22-250 AI would make more sense to me. The throat is the part of the barrel where the bullet exits the cartridge and begins the rifling process, or in simpler terms, where the rifling begins. Everyone has a different take on what they consider acceptable accuracy which will increase or decrease the numbers. It flipped him over backwards and he never so much as twitched his tail. 243 Winchester Verse 22-250 Remington barrel life expectancy? This is by far my favorite gun to shoot now. A benchrest shooter will consider a barrel shot-out long before a hunter will. H4350 is kind of a "go-to" powder for the Creed case but I have had really good performance and barrel life out of H4831, H1000 and RE23. Handloading, I also shot an impala with a headshot, it took almost half the head off. When did the 30-30 change from a brush gun to a 200 plus yard tack driver?? But also dont over-clean your rifle; only clean when necessary. View Details . This data may of course vary in reality (depending on a wide range of variables), but it will give you a good indication of which cartridges to stay away from if you plan on spending excessive amounts of time at the range, and are concerned over your barrels lifespan. There have been many new cartridge designs, that came, and just died again silently, the 22 Creedmoor however seems to be here to stay, and has only just started gaining momentum. Semper Fi. 6.5 Creedmoor barrels are made by the dwarven brothers Sindri and Brokkr. CLICK HERE to read full GunsAmerica 22 Creedmoor test report. For me, I just built a custom 22-250AI VERY close case capacity similarity to the 22 creedmoor. I can actually smell the heat. When I add to my collection very little leaves on the other side. ---Craddock Precision, Twist Options 1:7 and 1:12 (throated specific to twist), 3 Contours based on the most popular gas blocks:.750", .875", and .936", Threads: 1/2-28, 5/8x24, 3/4x24, or No Threads all with a 11 Target Crown, Polished or Bead Blasting included, Cerakote Available, Several Fluting Styles (Allow 1-2 more weeks for Fluting). The 22-250AI was always an option, but many folks weren't accepting of fire forming. Coated bullet benefits are hotly debated, so research this one thoroughly and proceed with caution if you decide to do so. 2,959. JavaScript is disabled. It I then send those pieces of fired brass off to Whidden Gunworks to have a custom full length sizer and micrometer seater die set made. These bullets have the higher energy levels, perform better in the wind, and should have a longer barrel life than the faster lighter bullets. Barrel life, according to most precision shooters is basically the number of rounds expected before the rifle shows inaccuracy of more than one MOA. Im not saying the 22 CM is anywhere close to becoming a big factory rifle/cartridge offering any time soon; but it is gaining industry support, with brass, dies, ammunition on the market. Rifle barrel life | Ruger Forum It makes for an excellent test platform when chambered in 6mm Creedmoor. Creedmoor, No doubt running a heavier bullet with both the aforementioned cartridges could have eased my troubles, but I was quite interested in the Creedmoor and wanted to try it out. Reduced recoil compared to 6.5 Creedmoor. I truly dont believe a senseable person would use ANY .22 caliber rifle for deer hunting. 22 Creedmoor :: Primal Rights, Inc Feature Articles, This is not true, but rather it is a calculation used to estimate the point at which accuracy will noticeably decline, which may be a steady and slow yet progressive declination if precautionary measures are taken. Your email address will not be published. I know several folks including myself have been playing with the 22 creedmoor for a while now. Tried some new powders, I was very cautious on this lot and will be bumping the charge up after this batch. Here []. Lets use the following .300 Winchester Magnum loads to demonstrate. This so far is the oldest actual documented mention of it, but with the image of the cartridge loaded and shot on range from McWorter Custom Rifles showing them as the oldest actual documented builder of a rifle able to shoot it. Leaning toward the more conservative number of 1300 ft-lbs, the same 22 CM bullets combinations are good out to 300- 400 yards. Regardless of who the actual pioneer was, the caliber was created, and with it, possibly the all-time best 22 caliber rifle cartridge ever. 6mm Creedmoor: Competition Born and Bred - The Armory Life We have mentioned it a few times throughout this article so far, but really to reiterate, Lemi Shine works wonders for cleaning brass, removing the ugly green hue sometimes left after tumbling brass in a wet tumbler, and leaving the brass looking shinier than when it was new. Interest is then sparked. In the recent few years, it feels like a new rifle cartridge is coming out almost monthly. The 22-243win and 22-243AI I was shooting have found themselves virtually untouched, while the 22CM has dominated coyotes in a way no other 22cal has before it.