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Know What to Post on Instagram & What Your Customers Want to See

February 10, 2021 | 1212 Views

Let’s start with a surprising fact – more than 3,000 people every month search on Google about what to post on Instagram.

Yes, the above Google search data is quite shocking!

Without any doubt, the immense growth of social media channels has made it convenient for businesses to quench the customers’ thirst. And the superseded digital methods has been quite effective so far.

Among all the social media platforms, Instagram has stood up tallest to pick the attention.

Here you will know the top 15 tips of what you should post on your Instagram profile as a responsible business owner.

  1. Quality Videos & Photos

Keep in mind that you need to engage your audience with a visually appealing Instagram post. And that is the main reason you need to post photos and videos of premium quality. Posting it frequently will not work because you need to be consistent.

Research says that users attract more to visual content instead of text-based content. If you can do that successfully then engaging the users with your brand will be a no-time job.

For photos – the aspect ratio should be between 1.91:1 & 4:5 and the width should be of minimum 1080 pixels.

For videos – the 1920 X 1080 is the most highly effective resolution.

  1. Showcase Your Business With Creativity

If you follow the hard sell path to your customers then you will lose them quickly. Instead of that, focus on engaging them in a creative way. Recent statistics say that brand engagement on Instagram is 10 times more on the platform than other social media channels.

You put your product or services and make sure it is a creative approach to the audience. Creativity on the Instagram post is more effective rather than the traditional marketing methods.

  1. Favorite Posts For Better Engagement

Always focus on what users prefer. Be it the favorite season, memory, time, or others – you can always use these things to catch the attention. If you can ensure your approach is surrounded by the favorites of the users then it will be an instant hit.

For this stage, you need to perform a little research about your audience. Spend time to know what they like, prefer and want to see.

  1. Behind The Scenes

If you are a B2B or B2C service provider then behind the scenes footages help a lot. You can show the audience how you take the instructions and then start working with them. Even the entire work process can be portrayed on behind the scenes footage.

Creating a short video with all the steps combined and posting it on Instagram is an effective way to earn the trust of the customers. Honesty and natural things are the most preferred ones by customers.

  1. Post Tutorials

People love to see “how-to” videos. It has three major benefits – enhanced user engagement, share valuable information and catch the audience’s attention. If you can post more “how-to” videos then it will be a great thing for your business.

Make sure the video doesn’t stay on the lengthier side because users will lose interest eventually. Provide a highly effective solution to popular issues via quality “how-to” videos.

  1. Beware Of Moods

As Instagram is the breeding ground of videography and photography so it creates a lot of creative energy. And as a responsible business owner, you need to make sure you follow it. Users will love to explore posts of different moods.

The different mood is an integral part of human behavior. When users will start relating themselves to your post then it will lead to a greater ROI for your business. Focus on the moods with up to date festivals and days.

  1. Connect With Audience Via DIY Projects

DIY projects are always considered as an innovative way to connect with the audience. People love to see how things can be done. And more, they love to show off things on social media to get attention on the post.

If you can arrange something where your popular tags will be given on the users’ posts then it will be a great option to engage the audience with your business.

  1. Create Trending Posts

Remember the time when PUBG was a huge hit across the world! You can always search for it and see what’s the most trending thing going on. After you can upload your posts on Instagram related to the trending ones.

It will have the potential to attract quite a large amount of attention. You can make your Instagram posts completely related to the trending topics but make sure it keeps intact the core business message to the audience.

  1. Customer-Focused Ads

The statistics are in front of you and the recent report says that – your Instagram post’s visual colors increase the willingness of the users more than 65%.

That thing can be perfectly used to develop perfect ad content on Instagram with a great call to action buttons. The more your Instagram ads will be customer-centric in each and every corner, the more audience will show interest in your business.

  1. Hashtags Are Secret Treasures

For any business, whenever you post something on Instagram, don’t forget to use the hashtags. Hashtags are considered a great source to pull the crowd on your post. Make sure you use all the related hashtags in the caption.

The power of hashtags is massive. It increases the visibility of your posts on the trending circles. For that, you need to spend quite some time researching the trendy hashtags of the related posts.

Don’t use out of the context hashtags as it will create a negative impact.

  1. Mention Others

It is apparent that you will need a compact social strategy at first. Every business is different and unique in its own way. You need to showcase it to the customers in a more fun way especially on Instagram.

For an instance, you can always collaborate with others and tag them on the posts. It will create a good reach of your Instagram post among the audience. Don’t try to do fake promises as it will harm your online reputation completely.

  1. Contests, Giveaways, Rewards

Want to engage your audience more? Then nothing can serve better if you conduct a mega contest with attractive giveaways and rewards. Make sure you request the audience cool pictures for the contest along with tagging your business.

Make your contest attractive and filled with quality. Users will participate more and word of mouth will play a vital role for a greater reach. Ultimately your brand will grow on Instagram.

  1. Use Live Videos As Announcements

The live video feature on the Instagram feed is quite an attractive way to announce all the upcoming business plans. You can use the live video feature to talk about your upcoming events, videos, or other latest announcements. Don’t make it too long but try to cover all the queries of the audience.

A 2019 research report –

  • Willingness to buy a concert ticket after watching a live video is 65%
  • More than 70% audience watch brand’s live video
  • Live videos are watched 8 times longer than the demand


  1. Marketing With Influencers

Most of your customers may not be great influencers on social media. But you can always do successful marketing with fellow influencers. It is not mandatory to go for Hollywood actors. Let Nike or other brands take them.

But you can use the opinion of micro-influencers like regular people. Micro-influencers who have quite a high social media following can be approached for a great partnership. Partnering with them will let the word out in the market for your business.

All of it will give you more audience exposure. It is a great marketing arsenal.

  1. Spread The Mood Of Holidays & Festivals

Be it Christmas, New Year, or any other festivals – people love the brand that celebrates the favorite festivals along with them.

As a business owner, you can always mark the dates, create some fantastic Instagram posts and reflect the flavors of the festival in it. The strategy is a very effective way to connect with your audience on a larger scale.

The Bottom Line

Make sure to wrap up all the things on your mind because the tactics are not really hard to follow. You can apply these methods on Instagram and see a great boost for your business. It will not happen overnight, it will take some time but never lose patience. The brand and Instagram content strategy will be a great help to achieve your ambitious business results.

Follow the tips and rock Instagram like a pro-business leader!