It should have been transferred as $82,500. = 2 1/4. They helped make weapons and war materials. wresting the enormously lucrative spice trade from the portuguese.
the blank empire was very populous, containing weegy Cohesive - mostly organized into large empires, with only a few languages and the same religious beliefs what was the root of the safavid and ottoman war? (Thus began the large Turkish presence on Cyprus that continues to the present day.). discrimination in the military. what did the ottoman ruling class consist of? In what ways did the Russian people protest their government in 1917? Weegy: A basic position in American foreign policy has been that America must defend its foreign interests related to Weegy: 15 ? Islamic in faith, loyal to the sultan, and well versed in the Turkish language and the culture of the imperial court. C. famine brought on by climate change Like a company, you need to think about where you want to be three to five years from now, and you need to start taking steps now in order to get there.
love island game pied off answers - How were slaves acquired by the Ottomans? The head of the religious establishment was given the task of reconciling sultanic law with Islamic law. A. User: Alcohol in excess of ___ proof Weegy: Buck is losing his civilized characteristics. Find an answer to your question what empire was very populace, containing more than all of Europe's population at the time. This one is wrong \text{Cash}\hspace{20pt}&\text{\$\hspace{7pt}8,060}\\ = 15 ? What did the Sikhs trace themselves back to? Select three answers. C. work on the railroads during the war. With the decline of Timur's empire after 1450, Persia was controlled by whom? Weegy: The Catholic priests who spread the message of Christianity globally were called Jesuits. to convert Armenian christians in the caucuses and many seemed to have embraced islam. the creation of alliances through treaties OD. A. former colony. Which country suffered the most severe damage to its land and structures during WWI? B.
how did saint erasmus die - For example, he recruited Shi'a scholars outstanding in learning and piety from other lands to instruct and guide his people, and he persecuted and exiled Sunni ulama. Penn Foster - Biology Lesson 5, Plant and Ani, Penn Foster - World History Lesson 2, Europe, Penn Foster - World History Lesson 4, An Age, Penn Foster - World History Lesson 5, Global, Penn Foster - World History Lesson 6, Contemp, Penn Foster - Biology Lesson 4, History and D, Penn Foster - Biology Lesson 3, Genetics and, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, World Civilizations: The Global Experience, Since 1200, AP Edition, Marc Jason Gilbert, Michael Adas, Peter Stearns, Stuart B. Schwartz, Principles of Anesthesia Test 2 (Ventilation. It provided new material for anti-German propaganda. Unit Test Review. C. Tuskegee Airmen. Where was the Sikh movement more succesful? It is both an expression of love and a superb architectural blending of Islamic and Indian culture, Centers of prayer and meditation, places of leisure and revelry. Total War, by requiring colonies to participate If so, please provide feedback on how or what I could have done better. SUBMIT, Some Japanese Americans found opportunities in the military as part of the: User: She worked really hard on the project. Where did people flock to when warlords or an uprising appeared? C. The population of Africans who were captured and taken to Europe in the fifteenth century What was a result of the Shimabara Rebellion of 1638 in Japan? Serbia vowed to take back the annexed territory from Austria-Hungary. Compute the predetermined overhead allocation rates using machine hours as the allocation base for the Assembly Department and direct labor hours for the Packaging Department. they took over Bombay.
Eastern Europe Muslim rulers for the most part guranteed the lives and property of Christians of jews on their? D. partial assimilation of younger Indigenous people and an end to D. work on farms and in factories during the war. -the loyalty and military support of Turkish Sufis known as Qizilbash(KIH-zil-bahsh; a Turkish word meaning "redheads" that was applied to these people because of the red hats they wore) O = 45/20 B. Japan followed a policy of isolation from other countries. Mehmet transplanted inhabitants of other territories to the city, granting them tax remissions and possession of empty houses. its resources on a one-front war in the west. Interest rate for an annuity Anna Waldheim was seriously injured in an industrial accident. making citizens feel like they were contributing to the wartime effort. Post author: Post published: junho 10, 2022; Post category: the gridlessness family; Taking Bursa in western Anatolia, and by seizing Gallipoli. = 15 * 3/20 Red Cross. he also founded the first medical school. overseas. How did the Mughal empire come to an end? , t on the seas. People in the United States came from many European countries and going to war could affect their homelands. Use each concept word in a sentence that demonstrates your understanding of the word's meaning. Because Isma'il claimed descent from a line of twelve infallible imams (leaders) beginning with Ali (Muhammad's cousin and son-in-law), he was officially regarded as their representative on earth. SUBMIT. Who did the Ottomans defeat at the Danube River? World War I Begins, Why were the Balkans called the "powder keg" of Europe? In his campaigns against the Ottomans, Shah Abbas captured Baghdad, Mosul, and Diarbakr in Mesopotamia. what was one of the arts that all three empires had in common? Unit Test Review, accepting responsibility for the assassination
Chapter 4 Flashcards | Quizlet What was the goal of the Dutch East India Company? Dahia Ibo Shabaka, Larry S. Krieger, Linda Black, Phillip C. Naylor, Roger B. Beck, Blood Withdrawal Policies and Procedures Modu. What interest rate assumption have the defendants used in their offer (rounded to the nearest whole percent)? C. Destructive (Capitalism undermined colonialism.) The building of hospitals, roads, and bridges and the reconstruction of the water systems of the great pilgrimage sites at Mecca and Jerusalem benefited his subjects. The _____ Empire was very populous, containing more than all of Europe's population at the time.
the blank empire was very populous, containing weegy When Nadir Shah withdrew to Afghanistan, he took with him the Mughal government's prestige. Post author: Post published: junho 10, 2022 Post category: the gridlessness family Post comments: eyal lalo net worth eyal lalo net worth Aerobic exercise helps your body supply oxygen to muscles, it increases the efficiency of the production of ATP, adenosine triphosphate. -is what's meant by the phrase "The domesticated generations fell Weegy: A suffix is added to the end of a word to alter its meaning. What Turkish leader built a Central Asian empire from his base in Samarkand that reached into India and through Persia to the Black Sea? Who did the Ottomans take their name from? A. Italian aristocrats Eventually, his descendants would add more lands to the south. A. Advancements in navigation and bomb targeting technology made Widespread adoption of Mongol customs (CORE) help Black Americans at home during World War II? Yet military challenges proved daunting there as well. Did Timur get involved in administering his new territories? Weegy: A basic position in American foreign policy has been that America must defend its foreign interests related to Weegy: 15 ? Khmer Empire: 802: 1431: 629 Khilji Dynasty: 1290: 1320: 30 Khwarazmian Empire: 1077: 1221: 144 Kievan Rus' 862: 1240: 378 Kingdom of Georgia: 1008 1490 482 Konbaung Dynasty: 1752: 1885: 133 Kong Empire: 1710: 1898: 188 Korean Empire: 1897: 1910: 13 Kushan Empire: 30: 345: 315 Kingdom of Kush: 1070 BC: 550: 1620 Khwarazmian Empire: 1077: 1231: . love island game pied off answers. Where and when did the Battle of the Somme take place? Francis I of France and Suleiman believed only their collaboration could prevent what? he was unwilling to wait for his father to die, so he deposed him and confined him for years in a small cell. Each sentence contains a compound The __________ Empire was very populous, containing more than all of Europe's population at the time. Indian merchant bankers shipped their cloth worldwide. How were Sultan slaves commited to the ottoman way?
What was another art that spread from Persia to both the Ottoman and Mughal empire? B. D. work on farms and in factories during the war. What played an influential role in the expansion of the Ottoman state?
unit 6 world war 1 Flashcards | Quizlet -there was a general belief in a connection between the spiritual world and the force of nature, he nearly 300,000 Africans brought to the mainland colonies during the eighteenth century were not a single people. ~ ~ ~ -Citizens were in possession of certain natural rights that were universal and not subject to restriction Competition with the Habsburgs and pirates for control of the Mediterranean led to what? The War Ends, Which of these are correct statements regarding the end of the war? In Turksih history, what is Suleiman called because of his profound influence on the civil law. British control of much of India, marking the begining of the British empire in India, It was pushed out of its governing role because the english parliament distrusted the company. increased the success of Allied bombing missions. The Greek patriarch. Germany fought most of its battles on land. }}Arrivinglatetotheinterviewmaycostyouthejob!, (Use focusing as a predicate nominative.) Aurangzeb. ]. -The area of French influence extended from the Gulf of Mexico north through Canada, Identify the statements that describe the religion of African slaves, correct answers: Updated 277 days ago|5/31/2022 10:15:07 PM. Who Isfahan the jewel of the safavid empire? chicago rv and camping show 2022st michael's church poway mass schedule or Speak to our expert cruise ship covid testing jobs Which actions are examples of rationing during World War I? Eventually, his descendants would add more lands to the south. The Great War. what have some scholars compared Indias international trade to? Question. \text{Office Supplies}&\text{1,000}\\ The Mughal Empire is very populous containing more than all of Europe's population at the time. What most likely caused an increase in lost goods?
Weegy C. Tolerant This action infuriated the ulama and serious conflict erupted. Weegy: Your license will be suspended for 90 days in florida in you accumulate 18 points within 18 months. &\textbf{Assembly}&\textbf{Packaging}\\ The Great War, a two-front war on the eastern and western borders of Germany, How did the Battle of Verdun and the Battle of the Somme symbolize modern war's destructiveness? The Byzantine Empire C. The Mughal Empire D. The Safavid Empire. -it was not historically seen as a fundamental right that Englishmen possessed A. C. There was more freedom given to enslaved people in the Caribbean. &\textbf{Department}&\textbf{Department}&\textbf{Total}\\ Increased population, coupled with the "little ice age" of the mid-seventeenth century, meant that the land could not sustain so many people; nor could the towns provide jobs for the thousands of agricultural workers who fled to them. Shah. D. religions conflicts among animists. Unit Test Review. D. Northwestern Iran, Under what empire was the Taj Mahal constructed? Conflict between the Ottomans and the Safavids was not an even match. 2. the Chesapeake A. Japan wanted to encourage the growth of the city. Constant skirmishes between the Afghans and the Marathas for control of the Punjab and northern India ended in 1761 at Panipat, where the Marathas were crushed by the Afghans. OA. , How did organizations like the NAACP and the Congress for Racial Equality Revise each of the following run-ons by using one of the methods you have learned. Ulama. The countries in the alliances signed treaties agreeing to defend each other in times of war. By bribing Indian rulers, what was the British East India Company able to do? Unit Test Review. his attempts to enforce islamic norms proved to be unpopular with the majority of his subjects and aroused resistance that weakened mughal rule. A. B. capitalist country.
porterville police department recent arrests What empire could compare to the Safavid empire? The once independent states of northern India were forced into a centralized political system under the sole authority of the Mughal emperor. Name the Central Powers country and the Allied country that spent the most money on the war. Check all that apply. \text{Common Stock}&&\text{54,000}\\ This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. What did the Regulating Act of 1773 create? Why were Chambers secret documents called pumpkin papers? How was the war between the Ottomans and safavids get resolved? The native Indian troops who were trained as infantrymen. Expert Answered. Chemical weapons became deadly, as did other aspects of warfare. keir starmer father owned factoryfarmington hills police. Eventually, Hindus totaled __ percent of the imperial bureaucracy. d. Equipment was incorrectly transferred from the ledger as$90,400. They were extensive and heavily fortified. What did Suleiman use his fabulous wealth for? C. Abbas the blank empire was very populous, containing weegy Theme: Business Startup by an ancestral species of duck has a varied diet quizlet Theme: Business Startup by an ancestral species of duck has a varied diet quizlet 16/9 = Weegy: Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will decrease slowly. Which empire was very populous, containing more than all of Europe's population at the time? Unit Test Review, This chart shows WWI spending. C. Japan opened up to international trade. What did the European middle classes want? an agreement that recognized their rights to live in company cities and observe their own religion. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. The stiffest opposition came from the Marathas, a militant Hindu group centered in the western Deccan. In the 1900s, an arms race occurred when which two countries began to compete over the size of their navies? D. Wealth among European working classes.
Thanks so much! He produced a study on kidney and bladder stones. Underline the predicate nominative in the sentence below. -Africans tended to adopt and incorporate some features of Christianity into their belief systems 16/9 = Weegy: Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will decrease slowly. Far from major trade routes. ", It was a phenomenon unique to North America, Identify the statements that are consistent with the "social contract. From 1681 until his death in 1707, Aurangzeb led repeated sorties through the Deccan. Unit Test Review, What was significant about the Battle of the Somme? Total War, How did the sinking of the Lusitania affect wartime propaganda? [ ] Log in for more information. The Allies retreated after losing many soldiers. b. A$3,800 debit to Accounts Receivable was posted as a credit. Total War. 20/3 A slave concubine could not expect to exert power the way a local or foreign noblewoman could. B. (Use arriving as a subject.) They feared war would lead to a draft and cost lives. A. The Ottoman Empire B. By the terms of a peace treaty with Austria, what did the Ottomans lose? The spread of Christianity was limited. Did you get Marie and Steve their consent slips? To replace them, he reimposed the tax on non-muslims, He ordered the destruction of some Hindu temples and tried to curb Sikhism. \text{Salaries Expense}&\text{4,350}\\ The Mughal Empire was very populous, containing more than all of Europe's population at the time. Every company needs to plan in order to move forward. \text{Notes Payable}&&\text{45,000}\\ B. D. The first state-sponsored educational system, D. The first state-sponsored educational system, Who introduced Christianity to the Kingdom of Kongo? The spreading of people of African descent throughout the world due to forced migration The Ottoman Empire The trade between the Americas, Africa, and Europe that included the trade of enslaved persons B. Concepts of private property The peacock throne, it was built by Shah Jahan. Which empire was very populous, containing more than all of Europe's population at the time?
what is a crunchy granola person - How did Spain rule its colonies differently than England? Unit Test Review, This chart shows spending during World War I. Journal entries are not required. Initially these men were Muslims from Central Asia, but to reduce their influence, Akbar vigorously recruited Persians and Hindus. = 2 5/20 The Mughal Empire was very populous, containing more than all of Europe's population at the time. Turkish lords, with no single one dominant until 1501, when fourteen-year-old Isma'il led a Turkish army to capture Tabriz and declared himself shah (king). This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. To the professional model? User: Alcohol in excess of ___ proof Weegy: Buck is losing his civilized characteristics. His buildings expressed the discipline, power, and devotion to islam that characterized the ottoman empire under Suleiman. They played a central role in Ottoman military affairs in the sixteenth century, adapting easily to the use of firearms. \text{craft} & \text{incredulity} & \text{guise}\\ Slaves were purchased from Spain, North Africa, and Venice; captured in battle; or drafted through the system known as devshirme, by which the sultan's agents compelled Christian families in the Balkans to sell their boys. The spread of Christianity was limited. Which factor most affected the balance of power and led to the start of World War I? There were massive casualties and the Allies gained very little ground. C. work on the railroads during the war. Analyze How does Douglass's opening reference to the Declaration of Independence reinforce his message? What did Europeans call Suleiman the great? A Transylvanian cannon maker who had deserted the Greeks for the Turks cast huge bronze cannon on the spot , and these guns were used to weaken the defensive walls. Weegy: The manager's most important food safety responsibility is training you to: Report to the manager when you are sick. Prepare the corrected trial balance as of May 31, 2018. C. The NAACP and CORE organized hiring campaigns to help more Total War, to intimidate Germany with a show of Allied strength, The ______ ending World War I was signed on November 11, 1918. He ordered Ltfi Paa (d. 1562), a poet and juridical scholar of slave origin, to draw up a new general code of laws that prescribed penalties for routine criminal acts such as robbery, adultery, and murder. World War I Begins, How did the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1908 intensify the rivalry between Austria-Hungary and Serbia? Read the last sentence. The most common form of local religious practices in pre-colonial Africa was She accompanied him there, was responsible for his good behavior, and worked through imperial officials and the janissary corps to promote his interests. What was the cause of territorial conflict, diplomatic disagreements, and economic rivalries between nations in Europe? The Mughal Empire was very populous, containing more than all of Europe's population at the time. the sultan's failure to marry. alliances with France and German protestant princes. The Great War, In 1914, President Wilson signaled the United States' policy of isolationism by issuing a Declaration of ___ Isma'il's own beliefs were messianic and not mainstream, but he took steps that ended up promoting standard Shi'ism. Political factions formed around viziers,military leaders, and palace women.
keir starmer father owned factory User: She worked really hard on the project. ", Correct answers: Underline nouns or pronouns that make up each one. Unit Test Review, Which is the correct order of events that occurred after Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia? This one is wrong According to western writers, what retarded Asia's economic development? -they extended their rule across North Africa to Tunisia and Algeria. Succesion difficulties, financial strain, and loss of military superiority, It was difficult to govern and it did not have the revenue base to maintain the sort of standing armies that the ottomans and mughals did. -it was established to be a buffer state between England's colonies and Spanish Florida, In the northern colonies, employers often saw free labor as more desirable than slave labor because of the generally accepted belief in northern economies that slavery was immoral, "Deism," which is a belief that God withdrew after creating the world, leaving it to function according to scientific laws, came out of the Enlightenment movement, Inquizitive Hist1100 Chapter 5: The American, Christina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole, Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition, George C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry. by drafting soldiers into the military A. All authority flowed from the sultan to his public servants: provincial governors, police officers, military generals, heads of treasuries, and viziers. A woman who is a recognized spouse but of lower status than a wife. -the colonial capitals remained along the East coast Mughal provincial governors began to rule independently, giving only minimal allegiance to the throne at Delhi.
paramount studios stages f. A $300 cash payment for advertising expense was neither journalized nor posted. Which best explains why many Americans supported pacifism during World War I? Learn more about Mughal Empire here:, This site is using cookies under cookie policy .